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Introduction: Cycling is one of the main forms of transportation in Denmark. However, while the number of traffic crash fatalities in the country has decreased over the past decade, the frequency of cyclists killed or seriously injured has increased. The high rate of serious injuries and fatalities associated with cycling emphasizes the increasing need for mitigating the severity of such crashes. Method: This study conducted an in-depth analysis of cyclist injury severity resulting from single and multiparty bicycle-involved crashes. Detailed information was collected using self-reporting data undertaken in Denmark for a 12-month period between 1 November 2012 and 31 October 2013. Separate multilevel logistic (MLL) regression models were applied to estimate cyclist injury severity for single and multiparty crashes. The goodness-of-fit measures favored the MLL models over the standard logistic models, capturing the intercorrelation among bicycle crashes that occurred in the same geographical area. Results: The results also showed that single bicycle-involved crashes resulted in more serious outcomes when compared to multiparty crashes. For both single and multiparty bicycle crash categories, non-urban areas were associated with more serious injury outcomes. For the single crashes, wet surface condition, autumn and summer seasons, evening and night periods, non-adverse weather conditions, cyclists aged between 45 and 64 years, male sex, riding for the purpose of work or educational activities, and bicycles with light turned-off were associated with severe injuries. For the multiparty crashes, intersections, bicycle paths, non-winter season, not being employed or retired, lower personal car ownership, and race bicycles were directly related to severe injury consequences. Practical Applications: The findings of this study demonstrated that the best way to promote cycling safety is the combination of improving the design and maintenance of cycling facilities, encouraging safe cycling behavior, and intensifying enforcement efforts.  相似文献   
基于模糊层次综合法的炼铁厂评价模型及应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用模糊层次综合评价法建立炼铁厂安全评价的模型,该模型能有机地将炼铁厂的安全管理、设备设施、人员和环境等因素结合起来,依据各因素对系统安全影响的大小,决策者可对其采取相应的改进措施以有效地控制事故的发生。通过对炼铁厂安全性的分析,其评价结果和现实情况基本相符,能较为全面反映整个系统的安全性和各因素对系统安全性的影响大小,为炼铁厂的安全评价提供了一种有效的综合评价方法。  相似文献   
为深入分析船舶搁浅概率,在随机性和模糊性的基础上,考虑了系统的灰色性,建立灰色模糊集,模部为正态模糊数,灰部以系统的灰度熵来表示。建立了船舶航行计划失效造成船舶搁浅的事件树,构造了船舶搁浅概率的灰色模糊隶属度函数,根据各基本事件的失效概率来分析因航行计划失效造成船舶搁浅事故的灰色模糊概率分布情况。结果表明,与经典概率论和模糊概率相比,采用灰色模糊概率更能全面地反映船舶搁浅概率的可能性与不确定性。并采用RRW法和RAW法对基本事件的重要度进行了分析,找出了事故主要诱因及对降低事故风险价值最大的基本事件。  相似文献   
重点阐述了基于贝叶斯网络的机械安全性评估模型的建立过程,应用贝叶斯网络建立了开式压力机安全性评估模型,对冲手事故模型中的共因失效节点进行了说明,并最终计算得出开式压力机冲手事故的发生概率.计算结果分析表明:对于系统基本事件之间有共因和相关关系的系统,BN计算结果使得事故后果概率明显增大,设计者和管理者不能忽略共因和相关关系对系统风险的影响.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Farmers can generate environmental benefits (improved water quality and fisheries and wildlife habitat), but they may not be able to quantify them. Furthermore, farmers may reduce their incomes from managing lands to produce these positive externalities but receive little monetary compensation in return. This study simulated the relationship between agricultural practices, water quality, fish responses to suspended sediment and farm income within two small watersheds, one of a cool water stream and one of a warm water stream. Using the Agricultural Drainage and Pesticide Transport (ADAPT) model, this study related best management practices (BMPs) to calculated instream suspended sediment concentrations by estimating sediment delivery, runoff, base flow, and streambank erosion to quantify the effects of suspended sediment exposure on fish communities. By implementing selected BMPs in each watershed, annual net farm income declined $18,000 to $28,000 (1 to 3 percent) from previous levels. “Lethal” fish events from suspended sediments in the cool water watershed decreased by 60 percent as conservation tillage and riparian buffers increased. Despite reducing suspended sediments by 25 percent, BMPs in the warm water watershed did not reduce the negative response of the fisheries. Differences in responses (physical and biological) between watersheds highlight potential gains in economic efficiency by targeting BMPs or by offering performance based “green payments.”  相似文献   
庞阔  李敏  刘璐  杨珺斓  赵洪军 《环境科学》2022,43(8):4008-4017
沉积物是河流的重要组成部分,而沉积物中重金属的富集严重威胁着水环境安全.黄河流域沿程分布着众多工业城市,且流域水土流失量大,泥沙携带重金属进入河流导致沉积物重金属污染问题日趋严重,研究黄河流域沉积物中重金属污染状况对流域生态安全具有重要意义.收集2000~2020年发表的关于黄河流域沉积物中重金属(铅、镉、铬、砷、锌、铜、镍和汞)含量的数据,首先基于描述性统计及地统计法分析重金属的空间分布特征,进一步采用蒙特卡洛法进行地累积指数(Igeo)、潜在生态风险及毒性单位概率的评价,最后结合正定矩阵因子分解模型(PMF)与Pearson相关性分析确定污染源个数及贡献率.结果发现,黄河流域沉积物中ω(Pb)、ω(As)、ω(Zn)、ω(Ni)、ω(Cu)、ω(Hg)、ω(Cr)和ω(Cd)的均值分别为26.92、11.78、87.17、31.13、24.96、0.07、73.36和0.58 mg·kg-1,分别超过黄河流域各省土壤背景值均值1.27、1.08、1.26、1.05、1.09、2.32、1.14和5.95倍,其中Cd超标倍数最大,应当引起重视;Igeo:Cd>Hg>Cr>Cu>Pb>Zn>As>Ni,Cd和Hg存在中度-严重污染;数据表明黄河流域上、中和下游沉积物重度生态风险占比分别为18.6%、15.7%和7.1%,呈递减趋势;黄河流域沉积物中重金属处于低毒性状态;溯源分析表明黄河流域沉积物重金属的4个来源分别是矿业源(42.2%)、自然活动(38.3%)、农业活动(11.6%)和电镀废水(7.9%).研究结果可为黄河流域制定相关污染防控措施提供依据.  相似文献   
随着科学技术的进步,各类电子产品已经成为人们生活中不可缺少的组成部分,而其发展和普及的背后,我们将面临越来越多淘汰的废旧电子产品对环境带来的压力。与此同时,各类资源的短缺也需要从这些富含众多金属元素的废旧电子材料中找出解决办法。从废旧电子材料回收的紧迫性和必要性出发,分别介绍了目前国内外回收技术的现状及发展方向,并介绍了模型在回收技术发展和实际应用中可以起到的辅助作用。  相似文献   
澳门是我国人口密度最大的城市.选择澳门特别行政区不同功能区绿地土壤为研究对象,首先,通过野外布点采样,调查分析了表层土壤中9种重金属元素(Cr、Ni、Cu、Cd、Pb、Cr、Zn、As、Hg)和16种优先控制多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布特征;其次,利用累积频率分布曲线法估算了土壤重金属和PAHs的土壤污染背景;最后,基于...  相似文献   
湖库富营养化和有害藻华是全球性生态环境问题,藻华预测与早期预警是保障湖库水源地供水安全的关键技术.如何基于高频水生态在线监测数据进行藻华的实时动态预测成为水生态管理领域的重大需求.本研究以福建省九龙江江东库区(水源地)为例,利用3年连续观测的逐时平均总叶绿素a浓度数据,对比研究了SARIMA、Prophet和LSTM(长短期记忆神经网络)3种时间序列模型在藻华(日平均叶绿素a大于15μg·L-1)预测方面的效果.结果表明:(1)时间序列模型要求参数少,灵活性强,能清晰反映水质特征和未来变化趋势,可弥补传统藻类监测预警方法的局限性;(2)基于深度学习框架的LSTM模型,具有独特的迭代优化算法,对藻类非线性变化特征的识别和预测能力较强,其总叶绿素a逐日预测和7日预测效果均显著优于SARIMA模型和Prophet模型;(3)输入数据长度会在一定程度上影响模型预测效果,最优的输入数据时间长度为7 d;输入数据频率对预测效果也有影响,在预测非藻华日时,小时数据的预测效果优于日频率数据;在预测藻华日时,两种频率数据无显著差异,但日频率数据能更准确识别藻华日特征.总结起来,基于...  相似文献   
了解陇中地区干湿状况,对进一步研究植被与气候变化和农业水资源管理有重要意义。基于陇中地区1961—2015年的地面气候资料日值数据集,应用彭曼蒙特斯模型(P-M模型)、滑动t检验、Morlet小波、主成分分析和薄盘样条插值等方法,对陇中地区近55 a潜在蒸散量(ET_0)和干旱指数(AI,aridity index)的变化趋势进行了研究。结果表明:年际分布上ET_0以上升趋势为主,AI整体上升趋势不显著,表明陇中地区近55 a气候趋于干旱;年内分布上ET_0呈单峰型分布,AI则呈谷状分布;空间分布上陇中地区ET_0和AI都呈有规律的从南向北依次增加的趋势,越往北气候越干;ET_0在1975年、1983年和1997年发生了突变,AI则在1983年、1986年和2012年发生突变,ET_0和AI的序列周期不尽相同。近55 a陇中地区气候趋于干旱。  相似文献   
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