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Decision tree, one of the data mining approaches, was used to model the relative abundance of five functional groups of plant species, namely high fertility response grasses (HFRG), low fertility tolerance grasses (LFTG), legume, moss and flatweeds in a New Zealand hill-pasture ecosystem using aboveground biomass. The model outputs were integrated with a geographic information system (GIS) to map and validate the predictions on a pasture. The decision tree models clearly revealed the interactions between the functional groups and environmental and management factors, and also indicated the relative importance of these factors in influencing the functional group abundance. Soil Olsen P was the most significant factor influencing the abundance of LFTG and moss, while soil bulk density, slope and annual P fertiliser input were the most significant factors influencing the abundance of legume, HFRG and flatweeds, respectively. Generally, slope and soil Olsen P were the two key factors underlying the patterns of abundance for these five functional groups. For the five functional groups studied, there was an overall predictive accuracy of 75%. Modelling functional group abundance simplified the investigation of the complex interrelationship between species and environment in a pasture ecosystem. The integration of the decision tree with GIS in this study provides a platform to investigate community structure and functional composition for a pasture over space, and thus can be applied as a tool in pasture management.  相似文献   
Research on benthic communities have been carried out in the Sevastopol Bay of the Black Sea for a hundred years. The anthropogenous influence began to have an effect already in the 20–30th. In this period, all oyster-banks were lost and the mussel-silt and mellina-silt communities have begun to degrade and were not found during almost seventy years in the Bay. The worst state of benthic communities was observed in the 60–90th, when species of bottom animals were not found over some parts of the sea. In this period, only 10 macrozoobenthic species were registered in the Bay. Mollusks: Nassarius reticulatus, Bittium reticulatum, Cerastoderma glaucum and polychaetes: Nephtys hombergii, Neanthes succinea have proved the most enduring at high anthropogenous loadings The faunistic complex of benthic species registered in 1913 had the greatest similarity to the benthic species complex of 2002. Return of mussel, Melinna palmata polychaete and Ascidiella aspersa sea squirt in benthic communities of the Sevastopol Bay are responsible for the similarity between these faunistic complexes. The restoration of local populations of these benthic species has followed the significant decrease of the anthropogenous loading on the sea ecosystems as a result of the significant reduction of the military naval base in the Bay during the last five to ten years.  相似文献   
新疆阿尔泰山森林生态系统碳密度与碳储量估算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为科学评估新疆森林碳汇功能提供更准确的基础数据,论文基于在阿尔泰山布设的35个样地实测数据,参考2011年新疆森林资源清查资料,研究了我国境内阿尔泰山森林生态系统碳储量、碳密度及其空间分布特征。结果表明:1)阿尔泰山森林生态系统平均生物量为126.67 t·hm-2,各组分生物量大小排序为:乔木层(120.84 t·hm-2)>草本层(4.22 t·hm-2)>凋落物层(1.61 t·hm-2),乔木各器官中,干、根、叶和枝分别占乔木生物量的50%、22%、16%和12%,干所占比例最大;林龄对植被生物量影响显著,生物量随林龄的增长而增加;2)生物量平均含碳率在0.40~0.53范围内,各组分、乔木各器官含碳率均不同,且林龄对含碳率影响显著;3)阿尔泰山森林生态系统碳密度为205.72 t·hm-2,碳储量为131.35 Tg,其中土壤层、乔木层、草本层和凋落物层碳储量分别为86.67、43.09、1.03、0.56 Tg,土壤层和乔木层碳储量分别占阿尔泰山森林生态系统总碳储量的66%和33%,构成阿尔泰山森林生态系统的主要碳储存库;不同龄级的碳储量表现为成熟林最大,过熟林次之,两者合计占生态系统总碳储量的61%;4)阿尔泰山森林生态系统碳密度整体呈南高北低分布,是由西北—东南不同的环境因子影响所致。  相似文献   
Forest ecosystems play a significant role in maintaining climate stability at the regional and global scales as an important carbon sink.Regional forest carbon storage and its dynamic changes in the Pearl River Delta have been estimated using the continuous biomass expansion factor(BEF)method based on field measurements of forests plots in different age classes and forest inventory data of three periods(1989–1993,1994–1998,1999–2003).The results show that regional carbon storage increased by 16.76%,from 48....  相似文献   
在环境污染治理领域,被誉为"生态型工程师"的蚯蚓在污水/污泥资源化处理与处置,以及土壤的生态修复中备受关注。蚯蚓通过掘洞、摄食、分泌黏液和排泄蚓粪等方式调控系统中微生物的数量、活性及群落结构,与微生物协同互作强化了生物系统中物质转化与能量流动关系。蚯蚓-微生物协同共生的相互依存关系是此类技术展现低耗高效和生态友好特点的关键。通过综述经人工强化的蚯蚓-微生物互作生态系统中,蚯蚓对微生物的量、活性、群落结构以及食物网的影响,探讨了该生态系统中物质转化和能量流动的特点,并展望了蚯蚓-微生物互作技术研究及应用的发展方向。  相似文献   
秦皇岛市生物能源产业发展的思路与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发利用可再生的生物质能源是未来能源产业发展的主流方向之一。秦皇岛市具有发展生物能源产业的良好基础和有利条件。根据秦皇岛市生物能源资源条件,生物能源产业发展的思路应该是:畜禽粪便沼气商业化开发;农林废弃物、餐饮垃圾和城乡居民生活垃圾能源化开发;能源林、能源作物种植与生物柴油冶炼产业化发展。并通过政府对生物能源产业的组织、规划与引导,建立生物质能源资源管理制度与流通机制和生物能源产业发展的市场化运营机制,制定扶持政策等措施,促进生物能源产业的快速、健康发展。  相似文献   
祁连山高山草甸土壤CO2通量的时空变化及其影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常宗强  冯起  司建华  苏永红  席海洋  郭瑞 《环境科学》2007,28(10):2389-2395
采用Li-6400便携式光合作用测量系统连接Li-6400-09土壤呼吸室,在2004年生长季节对祁连山高山草甸土壤CO2通量沿海拔梯度进行了野外定位试验,统计分析了水热因子及根系生物量对高山草甸土壤CO2通量特征的可能影响.结果表明,土壤CO2通量存在明显的空间变化规律, 沿海拔梯度土壤CO2通量随着海拔梯度的增加而逐渐减小,其变异系数逐渐增加;就日变化而言,土壤CO2通量晚间维持在较低水平,02:00~06:00最低,在07:00~08:30开始升高,11:00~16:00达到峰值,16:00~18:30开始下降,整个过程呈单峰曲线.土壤CO2通量的日平均值介于(0.56±0.32) ~ (2.53±0.76) μmol·(m2·s)-1.从季节变化来看,土壤CO2通量均以夏秋季较高,春冬季排放量较低,7~8月份达到最大值[4.736 μmol·(m2·s)-1],6月与9月份次之,5月与10月份基本一致,整个生长过程总的变化趋势呈单峰曲线形式.高山草甸土壤CO2通量在植物生长季与10 cm土壤温度、土壤含水量、根系生物量都存在不同程度的正相关关系,表明高山草甸土壤CO2通量的空间变异主要受温度、水分和植物根系的综合影响.  相似文献   
通过对科尔沁沙地和浑善达克沙地流动沙丘中0~10 cm和>10~20 cm层土壤中微生物数量和生物量碳的比较表明:土壤微生物三大类群(细菌、放线菌和真菌)数量和微生物生物量碳均表现为浑善达克沙地 > 科尔沁沙地,其中两大沙地真菌数量差异显著,细菌和放线菌数量差异不显著,微生物生物量碳差异显著;两大沙地土壤微生物数量和生物量碳在不同土壤层次均表现为>10~20 cm 层高于 0~10 cm层,其中微生物三大类群数量差异均不显著,微生物生物量碳差异显著. 土壤性质的差异导致两大沙地流动沙丘中微生物数量和生物量碳略有不同. 细菌和真菌数量与土壤有机碳和土壤全氮呈显著正相关,与土壤水分含量和pH呈显著负相关,微生物生物量碳与土壤有机碳和土壤全氮呈显著正相关. 两大沙地土壤微生物与土壤养分的层化比率均小于1,科尔沁沙地中微生物数量、生物量碳和土壤养分的层化比率均大于浑善达克沙地,可以推断两大沙地的流动沙丘处于退化状态,而且浑善达克沙地退化速度更快.   相似文献   
Population demography, seed production, biomassallocation, net photosynthesis and transpiration of two Leymus chinensis divergence populations and between two years in Songnenplain, northeast China were compared. Strong differences betweenthe dry 1997 and moist 1998 occurred in vegetative shoot and sexualshoot densities, sexual differentiation and tiller densities, aswell as in the lengths of inflorescence, seed numbers perinflorescence, seed weights and biomass allocation in eachpopulation respectively (P<0.01). While strong differences betweenthe two populations occurred in vegetative shoot densities, sexualshoot densities, sexual differentiation and seed weights in eachyear (P<0.01). The differences between the two populations intiller densities and in biomass allocation to sexual shoots were significant (P<0.05). But there were no significant differences between the two populations in the lengths of inflorescence, seed numbers per inflorescence and biomass allocation to rhizomes and vegetative shoots (P>0.05). Excepting the transpiration rate in the early June, the differences between the two populations in net photosynthesis and transpiration rate of vegetative shoots and sexual shoots were strongly significant in the early June and July respectively (P<0.01). Relative stable variations in population demography and physiological traits between the two populations indicated that they are divergently in the Songnen Plain.  相似文献   
热分析-质谱联用分析生物垃圾热解机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用热分析-质谱联用技术研究了城市生活垃圾中三种生物质成分的热解过程,并采用Freeman-Carroll法定量分析了三种生物质热重动力学参数。结果表明木屑、落叶和菜叶这类生物质热解过程分为三个阶段,先是水分析出的微小失重阶段,之后是因纤维素等大分子进行交联缩聚的快速热解阶段,表现为放热效应,逸出的气体主要有H2O、CO2、C2H6/C2H4和CH4,最后是吸热脱链解聚的缓慢热解过程,逸出的小分子气体主要有CO2。  相似文献   
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