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为研究高速公路三岔型互通右转匝道车辆事故的发生机制,以宜宾至叙永高速公路双桥枢纽互通为对象,运用Carsim/trucksim软件建立事故匝道的三维数字模型,模拟小客车和货柜车的运行过程,设置3种不同工况,对车辆在匝道上的动力学特性进行分析。结果表明:行驶速度升高会导致匝道路段的车辆横向偏离增大,发生侧滑或侧翻的几率增加;充分制动距离是保证车辆安全通过匝道受限路段的重要因素,货车需要更长的制动距离;道路视觉环境是影响驾驶人速度选择行为的重要因素,匝道路段与高速公路主线行驶环境的高度近似,导致驾驶人选择较高的速度进入匝道,部分车辆在小半径弯道之前无法将速度降低至安全速度,进而发生事故。本文运用行车动力学仿真和驾驶人视觉手段,在驾驶行为层面分析事故的形成机制,进而提出安全提升措施,可为匝道线形设计和交通运行管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
为系统研究越野马拉松产业快速发展背后的安全问题,以甘肃白银“5·22”越野马拉松事件为例,采用系统基模工具,构建“5·22”越野马拉松事件系统中企业方、政府方和个体方3方主体行为模式的因果循环回路,并进行系统致因分析。研究结果表明:“5·22”越野马拉松事件是运营企业、政府职能部门、参赛者和志愿者行为逻辑偏差造成共同回应机制失衡的结果,基于此提出同类事件中主体因素的长期杠杆解,为企业安全文化建设、制定相匹配的安全保障制度和完善的个体组织参与机制,指出要解决安全问题必须降低杠杆解的时滞效应,实现杠杆解之间的正反馈机制。  相似文献   
为研究影响综放开采覆岩“两带”高度预测模型,采用理论分析与经验公式方法系统分析影响覆岩“两带”高度的因素,包括覆岩岩性、覆岩组合结构、煤层赋存状态、顶板控制方法、开采厚度、工作面走向长度与倾向长度、工作面推进速度、覆岩破坏残余变形;并将上述因素划分为采矿地质因素、顶板控制方法、采煤工作面三维尺寸设计参数、时间因素4类;基于此建立综放开采“两带”高度预测模型,并通过工程实例对比、现场实测等方法进行合理性验证。结果表明:芦沟矿与盛泰矿2个工作面的“两带”高度预测值均在实测值范围之内,说明得出的回归式预测效果较好,验证综放开采“两带”高度预测模型的合理性。  相似文献   
“存储-原位氧化”循环净化气态污染物 (VOCs) 的方法是利用存储材料对VOCs的选择吸附,在室温先将VOCs富集并存储在催化剂上。当存储饱和后,通过升温使催化剂催化氧化活性提高,短时间内将存储的VOCs完全氧化为CO2和H2O,使得催化剂得以原位氧化再生。选择分子筛材料用于“存储-原位氧化”循环净化甲苯的关键问题是:大部分的甲苯以物理吸附的形式存储于分子筛催化剂的孔道中,脱附温度低,导致原位催化氧化过程中甲苯未被氧化前就脱附逃逸,造成二次污染。以不同银负载量的Agx/β-25催化剂作为研究对象,利用XRD和UV-vis对分子筛催化剂表面Ag物种的存在状态进行识别。将Ag物种状态与甲苯程序升温脱附结果定性关联,明确了甲苯在不同状态的Ag物种上的存储强弱。位于离子交换位上的Ag+与甲苯键合最强,其次为Agnδ+团簇,键合最弱的为金属银粒子。通过控制存储时间,可调控甲苯在Agx/β-25催化剂上的存储位点,使甲苯优先选择吸附在位于离子交换位上的Ag+或Agnδ+团簇上,当脱附温度高于氧化温度,即可实现低浓度甲苯的“存储-原位氧化”循环再生净化。通过该研究,可初步得出调控分子筛表面存储位点强弱的方法,并构建适宜的催化剂,为指导设计低浓度甲苯脱除的双功能催化材料提供参考。  相似文献   
“十四五”时期,我国“无废城市”建设进入全面推进阶段,构建一套科学规范、简便易行的成效评价体系尤为重要。全面分析我国不同层级固体废物领域成效评价经验,研究提出“确定评价重点内容—筛选评价指标—明确评分标准”三步法成效评价技术路径。根据我国“十四五”时期“无废城市”建设重要任务,提出评价重点内容:工作推进机制建设、重点领域建设成效、保障能力提升、经验模式及宣传教育及公众满意度5个部分;根据《“无废城市”建设指标体系 (2021年版) 》及国家各部门重点工作筛选评价指标;结合近几年环境统计数据及各部门已有评价体系明确评分标准。“无废城市”建设成效评价体系可为国家科学评价城市“无废城市”建设成效和固体废物综合治理水平提供重要参考。此外,本研究选取10个典型城市进行测算分析,由结果可知,该套“无废城市”建设成效评价体系可实现对城市“无废城市”建设成效的有效评价,协助城市识别工作短板问题,充分调动和发挥地方工作积极性、主动性和创造性;同时,还可协助国家从整体层面识别重点工作落实情况,及时做出反应和工作调整,加强顶层设计,进一步提升我国固体废物综合治理水平。  相似文献   
Concerns about the social consequences of conservation have spurred increased attention the monitoring and evaluation of the social impacts of conservation projects. This has resulted in a growing body of research that demonstrates how conservation can produce both positive and negative social, economic, cultural, health, and governance consequences for local communities. Yet, the results of social monitoring efforts are seldom applied to adaptively manage conservation projects. Greater attention is needed to incorporating the results of social impact assessments in long‐term conservation management to minimize negative social consequences and maximize social benefits. We bring together insights from social impact assessment, adaptive management, social learning, knowledge coproduction, cross‐scale governance, and environmental planning to propose a definition and framework for adaptive social impact management (ASIM). We define ASIM as the cyclical process of monitoring and adaptively managing social impacts over the life‐span of an initiative through the 4 stages of profiling, learning, planning, and implementing. We outline 14 steps associated with the 4 stages of the ASIM cycle and provide guidance and potential methods for social‐indicator development, predictive assessments of social impacts, monitoring and evaluation, communication of results, and identification and prioritization of management responses. Successful ASIM will be aided by engaging with best practices – including local engagement and collaboration in the process, transparent communication of results to stakeholders, collective deliberation on and choice of interventions, documentation of shared learning at the site level, and the scaling up of insights to inform higher‐level conservation policies‐to increase accountability, trust, and perceived legitimacy among stakeholders. The ASIM process is broadly applicable to conservation, environmental management, and development initiatives at various scales and in different contexts.  相似文献   
在现场束管监测实验的基础上,分析总结了综放采空区特性.根据计算流体力学原理,采用FLUENT数值模拟计算软件,针对综放采空区的不同特性,分别对采空区氧化带和窒息带的关键划分指标"氧浓度"进行数值模拟.将模拟结果与实测结果进行比较,讨论了在考虑综放采空区不同特性情况下的数值模拟结果对采空区自燃"三带",即"散热带"、"氧...  相似文献   
This paper presents a multi-criteria selection of the best forest road network with the aim of achieving effective preventive and timely repressive protection against forest fires. The research was carried out in national park (NP) “Tara” at a site which is under constant threat of fire. Four variants of the forest road network were designed and analyzed against seven criteria, and the best variant was selected using entropy weight coefficients (EWC) method. The importance of these seven criteria was studied by the management of the NP “Tara.” The greatest importance was given to the criteria relating to the cost of construction and maintenance of permanent and temporary roads (47% of the total value of all criteria). The EWC method did not select the variant based on the lowest costs of construction and maintenance as the best option, but the variant whose location was the most suitable for effective defense against forest fires.  相似文献   
Examples from previously published work by the lead author on the role of employee health indicators on individual and organizational outcomes provide an intriguing backdrop through the use of illustration for suggesting some of the many benefits obtained by the incorporation of replication, extension, and mixed‐methods study designs in organizational research. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为了推进环境治理体系建设和实现治理能力现代化,加大全国水环境保护工作开展的力度,国务院颁布了水污染防治纲领性文件《水污染防治行动计划》,其中第六条"严格环境执法监管"第十八款"加大执法力度"以十八届四中全会提出的"依法治国"及新《环保法》为基础,针对环境监管、加强执法等提出排污企业的"红黄牌"管理制度、逐级环境监督执法机制建设及严厉打击环境违法行为等具体措施,以铁腕治污,推进环境执法力度,全面打响水污染防治"攻坚战"。  相似文献   
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