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ABSTRACT: This paper describes the formulation of an Index of Water Quality to evaluate the level of pollution in fresh water. A Four-Round Delphi equation, using a panel of seven nationally recognized water scientists, was performed to ascertain the pollutants to be included in the index, the relationship between the quantity of these pollutants in the water and the resulting quality of the water, and the importance of each pollution variable to each water use as well as to overall pollution. A multiplicative index was used to bring the pollutants together into one system.  相似文献   
Two wellfields have been developed to provide water for a coal fired electric generating station in Arizona. Wellfield No. 1 penetrates the unconfined Coconino Sandstone aquifer, and wellfield No. 2 penetrates the composite Kaibab Limestone-Coconino Sandstone aquifer where ground water occurs under confined conditions. A well in each wellfield was pumped and water level drawdown data were collected before and after acidizing. The drawdown data at the various pumping rates were analyzed to determine the potential benefits of acidizing production water wells in both wellfields. After acidizing, the specific capacity of the well in wellfield No. 1 was improved about 50 percent at water production rates ranging from about 200 to 500 gallons per minute (gpm) (13 to 32 liters per second (lps)). After acidizing, the specific capacity of the well completed in wellfield No. 2 was improved about 100 percent at pumping rates ranging from about 1,250 to 2,200 gpm (79 to 139 lps). An annual saving of approximately 11 percent in pumping costs can be realized in wellfield No. 2, and savings are approximately four percent in wellfield No. 1. Acidization is beneficial for wells that can produce more than 500 gpm (32 lps), and is of marginal value for those that produce less than that amount.  相似文献   
Large area soil moisture estimations are required to describe input to cloud prediction models, rainfall distribution models, and global crop yield models. Satellite mounted microwave sensor systems that as yet can only detect moisture at the surface have been suggested as a means of acquiring large area estimates. Relations previously discovered between microwave emission at the 1.55 cm wavelength and surface moisture as represented by an antecedent precipitation index were used to provide a pseudo infiltration estimation. Infiltration estimates based on surface wetness on a daily basis were then used to calculate the soil moisture in the surface 0–23 cm of the soil by use of a modified antecedent precipitation index. Reasonably good results were obtained (R2= 0.7162) when predicted soil moisture for the surface 23 cm was compared to measured moisture. Where the technique was modified to use only an estimate of surface moisture each three days an R2 value of 0.7116 resulted for the same data set. Correlations between predicted and actual soil moisture fall off rapidly for repeat observations more than three days apart. The algorithms developed in this study may be used over relatively flat agricultural lands to provide improved estimates of soil moisture to a depth greater than the depth of penetration for the sensor.  相似文献   
传统的模糊综合评价法用于地表水水质评价,当指标数较多时需要设计很多隶属函数,设计和计算工作量皆很大,实际使用不便。在设定指标参照值和规范变换式基础上,将指标按各级标准规范值相近程度进行适当分类,只需分类设计隶属函数即可,大幅减少了计算工作量,使模糊综合评价法应用于地表水水质评价变得简化。  相似文献   
资源环境承载力研究的缘起与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国学习实践科学发展观的不断深入,理论和实践界越来越重视在资源环境承载力的允许范围内推进经济的可持续发展.回顾资源环境承载力相关研究的缘起与理论演变,从理论层面上对资源环境承载力相关问题进行系统梳理,理清脉络,这是正确制定和实施可持续发展战略的理论前提.  相似文献   
本文根据矿区资源环境承载力的内涵,构建了"目标层-准则层-因子层-指标层"资源环境承载力评价体系,并在此基础上通过专家咨询打分的方式,采用层次分析法(AHP法)计算得出甘孜州矿产资源总体规划实施现状年、近景年、远景年3个时间段资源-环境承载力综合指数,为四川省甘孜州矿产资源总体规划环评影响影响评价提供了技术支撑和科学根...  相似文献   
高炉煤气干法除尘技术的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是采用高炉煤气干法袋式除尘最早的国家之一,至今已有40多年的历史。本文介绍了高炉煤气干法除尘技术发展的三个阶段,即起步、发展,以及炉容1000m3以上级的提高阶段,认为采用干法除尘,才能节能减排,实现综合利用。  相似文献   
Sensitivity indices, which rank factors pertinent to surface and subsurface runoff pathways, were used to identify phosphorus source areas in riparian zones of 15 northern Minnesota lakes. Watershed models were first developed using a geographic information system (GIS). Empirical models were then developed correlating water quality with land use, lake morphometry, and riparian sensitivity. Base models of forested, cultivated, pasture/open, wetland and residential land use within 100, 200, 400, and 2000 m of the study lakes were regressed on total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a. Area-weighted groundwater and surface runoff sensitivity indices were then incorporated into each model and tested for significance. Within the 200-m buffer, the total phosphorus base model was improved by including the groundwater index alone. The chlorophyll-a base model at 200 m was improved by including: (1) the groundwater index alone, and (2) both the groundwater and surface runoff sensitivity indices. Results suggest that surface and subsurface runoff analysis of potential source areas can improve decision making for lake riparian management.  相似文献   
In this article a GIS method is presented for riparian environmental buffer generation. It integrates a scientifically tested buffer width delineation model into a GIS framework. Using the generally available data sets, it determines buffer widths in terms of local physical conditions and expected effectiveness. Technical burdens of data management, computation, and result presentation are handled by the GIS. The case study in which the method was used to evaluate the stream buffer regulations in a North Carolina county demonstrates its capability as a decision support tool to facilitate environmental policy formulation and evaluation, and environmental dispute resolution.  相似文献   
An experimental study was conducted in Tillamook, Oregon, USA, to quantify the effectiveness of edge-of-field vegetated buffers for reducing transport of fecal coliform bacteria (FCB) from agricultural fields amended with dairy cow manure. Installation of vegetated buffers on loamy soils dramatically reduced the bacterial contamination of runoff water from manure-treated pasturelands, but the size of the vegetated buffer was not an important determinant of bacterial removal efficiency. Only 10% of the runoff samples collected from treatment cells having vegetated buffers exhibited FCB concentrations >200 colony forming units (cfu)/100 mL (a common water quality standard value), and the median concentration for all cells containing vegetated buffers was only 6 cfu/100 mL. The presence of a vegetated buffer of any size, from 1 to 25 m, generally reduced the median FCB concentration in runoff by more than 99%. Results for FCB load calculations were similar. Our results suggest that where substantial FCB contamination of runoff occurs from manure-treated pasturelands, it might be disproportionately associated with specific field or management conditions, such as the presence of soils that exhibit low water infiltration and generate larger volumes of runoff or the absence of a vegetated buffer. Buffer size regulations that do not consider such differences might not be efficient or effective in reducing bacterial contamination of runoff.  相似文献   
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