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结合近年来对江苏泗阳县城区内河(沟)水质监测和调查,分析六塘河泗阳段水环境污染现状和成因,并对控制淮河流域重点控制断面——六塘河石渡段面(泗阳县)水质达标,结合泗阳实际情况,提出相关对策。  相似文献   
峨眉河乐山市中区段水环境污染及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确保峨眉河乐山市中区段水环境质量满足社会经济的发展,在全面调查峨眉河流域污染现状的基础上,对该流域水环境进行系统的分析和评价,得出乐山市中区段水环境质量达到国家《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838—2002)中Ⅱ类水质标准,流域的主要污染为城镇生活污染源。同时,计算出峨眉河的水环境容量,提出对污染源施行总量控制方案。并根据峨眉河流域污染源的实际情况,针对城镇生活污染源、工业污染源和面源的不同特点提出具体的防治对策。  相似文献   
混凝法深度处理印染废水中试研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用高效混凝沉淀-过滤深度处理工艺处理印染废水二级生化出水,并将混凝沉淀污泥回流.实验结果表明,混凝剂聚合氯化铝加入量为160 mg/L时,COD去除率平均可达34.6%,TP去除率平均达到87.9%,平均出水TP为0.3 mg/L.气相色谱-质谱分析和元素分析结果表明混凝沉淀工艺对有机物和TP的去除效果良好.  相似文献   
以典型常减压装置中工艺管线无组织逸散VOCs为切入点,选取不同地域的多套常减压装置,参照美国EPA包袋法采样标准,并按照HJ 644-2013标准将气态样品转移到组合三吸附管内,利用气相色谱-质谱仪进行分析检测.结果表明,常减压装置无组织排放的VOCs共含116种物质,以烷烃类、烯烃类和醛酮类物质占主导,其中烷烃类物质占总排放的65%以上.在此基础上,对检出物质占比量进行量化分析,明确了常减压装置VOCs无组织排放因子以2-甲基丁烷、丁烯和苯等物质为主,并检出了微量的萘.相关结论可为炼化企业构建VOCs排放清单提供有力支撑,对于后续精细化管理炼化行业的VOCs排放具有指导意义.  相似文献   
PM_(2.5)and PM_(10)samples were collected at four major cities in the Pearl River Delta(PRD),South China,during winter and summer in 2002.Six water-soluble ions,Na~ ,NH_4~ ,K~ ,Cl~-,NO_3~- and SO_4~(2-)were measured using ion chromatography.On average,ionic species accounted for 53.3% and 40.5% for PM_(2.5)and PM_(10),respectively in winter and 39.4% and 35.2%,respectively in summer. Secondary ions such as sulfate,nitrate and ammonium accounted for the major part of the total ionic species.Sulfate was the most abundant species followed by nitrate.Overall,a regional pollution tendency was shown that there were higher concentrations of sulfate, nitrate and ammonium in Guangzhou City than those in the other PRD cities.Significant seasonal variations were also observed with higher levels of species in winter but lower in summer.The Asian monsoon system was favorable for removal and diffusion of air pollutants in PRD in summer while highly loading of local industrial emissions tended to deteriorate the air quality as well.NO_3~-/SO_4~(2-) ratio indicated that mobile sources have considerably contribution to the urban aerosol,and stationary sources should not be neglected. Besides the primary emissions,complex atmospheric reactions under favorable weather conditions should be paid more attention for the control of primary emission in the PRD region.  相似文献   
典型高原山地城市环境空气质量预报预警平台设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
邓聪  王健  向峰  邱飞 《中国环境监测》2017,33(5):95-100
空气质量预报系统作为一种重要的工具用于为公众提供空气质量预报信息、评估城市空气质量,为污染控制战略、动态环境管理以及决策制定提供支持。研究对国内外环境空气质量预报现状进行了回顾,以云南省为例提出了高原山地城市环境空气质量预报预警体系建设的整体思路,针对系统建设现状,提出了环境空气质量预报预警系统建设所面临的问题以及对未来发展方向的建议。  相似文献   
Phytoremediation has long been recognized as a cost-effective method for the removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from soil. A study was conducted to investigate the uptake and accumulation of PAHs in root and shoot of Lolium perenne L. Pot experiments were conducted with series of concentrations of 3.31-378.37 mg/kg for phenanthrene and those of 4.22-365.38 mg/kg for pyrene in a greenhouse. The results showed that both ryegrass roots and shoots did take up PAHs from spiked soils, and generally increased with increasing concentrations of PAH in soil. Bioconcentration factors(BCFs) of phenanthrene by shoots and roots were 0.24- 4.25 and 0.17-2.12 for the same treatment. BCFs of pyrene by shoots were 0.20-1.5, except for 4.06 in 4.32 mg/kg treatment, much lower than BCFs of pyrene by roots (0.58-2.28). BCFs of phenanthrene and pyrene tended to decrease with increasing concentrations of phenanthrene and pyrene in soil. Direct uptake and accumulation of these compounds by Lolium perenne L. was very low compared with the other loss pathways, which meant that plant-promoted microbial biodegradation might be the main contribution to plant-enhanced removal of phenanthrene and pyrene in soil. However, the presence of Lolium perenne L. significantly enhanced the removal of phenanthrene and pyrene in spiked soil. At the end of 60 d experiment, the extractable concentrations of phenanthrene and pyrene were lower in planted soil than in non-planted soil, about 83.24%-91.98% of phenanthrene and 68.53%-84.10% of pyrene were removed from soils, respectively. The results indicated that the removal of PAHs in contaminated soils was a feasible approach by using Lolium perenne L.  相似文献   
为揭示民用救灾帐篷热环境适应性变化规律,通过大尺度环境气候舱构建高温与低温环境,采用Ansys Fluent商用软件代码进行仿真验证,并对帐篷蓬围结构和内部热环境分布变化规律进行实验与数值模拟。研究结果表明:使用大尺度环境舱直接进行模拟帐篷内外热环境变化可行,其内部热环境变化规律与实验基本一致;帐篷特殊的篷围结构导致高温环境下帐篷内部温度高于外界,帐内人员头部和脚部温差可达5 ℃,低温环境下帐篷同一高度横向区域温度对称分布,在中心区域温度较低,边缘和中心温差近8 ℃。  相似文献   
 以鲤鱼为实验生物,应用流动式摄取及释放装置,进行了2,6-二硝基甲苯(2,6-DNT)的生物浓缩与释放研究。取得了2,6-DNT在鲤鱼(全鱼)、肝及肠部的生物浓缩曲线。全鱼的浓缩曲线可以稳态(平台式)曲线描述,但是肝、肠部浓缩曲线均呈峰形。肝部峰快速下降后渐趋稳态,肠部峰下降未得稳态。峰形,肝在先,肠在后。对比2,6-DNT在全鱼及肝、肠的生物浓缩曲线,并参照报道(1,2)指出,全鱼摄取曲线上各点所表现的浓度值为各时刻鱼体内各组织摄取化学品总重对全鱼重量的比值。肝、肠部峰形曲线预示了在肝、肠内生物浓缩过程发生了生物转化作用。对全鱼的生物浓缩过程应用单区一级动力学模型,求得BCF值与消除速率常数K1与K2,由K1/K2计算得到的BCF值与实测值相符。释放较慢,释放曲线呈双曲线形,半减期为4.8h。  相似文献   
污水污泥低温热解处理技术研究   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
污水污泥低温热解是一种发展中的能量回收型污泥热化学处理技术。本研究对此过程进行了间歇实验研究,取得了最高能量回收率时的反应条件。以此为基础并结合文献数据,讨论了过程的能量平衡影响因素和经济估算问题。结果表明,最优反应条件为:反应温度270℃,停留时间30min;全过程能量平衡主要受脱水泥饼含水率影响,临界含水率78%;过程处理成本低于焚烧法。  相似文献   
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