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社会与科技的快速发展虽然为人们创造了更加良好的生存环境,但同时,也对实际的环境保护宣传教育提出了更多要求。在此情况之下,相关人员必须要对公众的环境意识进行全面的了解,结合当下的发展趋势和环境保护现状,有针对性的对环境保护宣传教育进行创新与改革。另外,还必须要考虑公众的生活习惯和工作习惯的变化,构建全新的环境保护宣传教育平台,科学利用现代化科技和多样化方式来引导公众进行环境保护知识学习。这样不仅能够全面提升公众的环境意识,同时也能够有效地实现环境友好型和资源节约型社会的全面构建。  相似文献   
邓波  荀咪  张玮玮  杨洪强 《环境科学》2021,42(10):4908-4915
为探究炭化苹果枝对苹果砧木镉积累和镉伤害的影响,以盆栽苹果砧木(平邑甜茶)实生苗为试材,在施有0.5%和1%(质量分数)的炭化苹果枝的盆土中灌入含镉(CdSO4)营养液,分析盆土中二乙烯三胺五乙酸(diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid,DTPA)所提取镉(DTPA-Cd)及根茎叶镉含量,检测根系和叶片抗氧化酶活性和根系细胞死亡情况以及叶片光合速率.结果表明,施用炭化苹果枝的盆土DTPA-Cd含量显著低于未施用炭化苹果枝的,其中施用0.5%和1%的炭化苹果枝使盆土DTPA-Cd含量在处理第12 d分别比未施的降低17.50%和25.55%;施入炭化苹果枝明显降低苹果砧木根茎叶镉积累量,提高根系和叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,降低根系和叶片·O2-生成速率、H2O2和MDA含量,还降低根系细胞死亡比率,提高叶片光合速率,其中施用(ω)0.5%和1%的炭化苹果枝使根系镉含量在处理第12 d分别比未施的降低29.49%和37.18%,使根细胞死亡比率分别比未施的降低22.73%和29.09%.这些说明施用炭化苹果枝可通过降低土壤DTPA-Cd含量,减少苹果砧木对镉的吸收和积累,减轻根系细胞以及叶片光合性能所受到的伤害,施用1%的比施用0.5%的效果更显著.  相似文献   
鉴于四川省重要的生态屏障功能和多样的地形气候条件,随机选择该地区10个自然村,通过问卷调查、采样测试等方法,对农村固体废物的处理现状、特性与农民环保意识进行调研,以期为农村典型污染物的管理与处理提供一定的理论支撑和技术指导。调研表明:四川省农村生活垃圾统一清运率相对较高,生活垃圾与塑料薄膜以焚烧为主;人畜粪便主要用作肥料,作物秸秆主要用于生活燃料,绝大部分灰渣均还田,大部分生活污水直接排放,这些处理方式导致了地表水、固体废物和大气的复合型污染。调查村生活垃圾产生量平均值为227g/(人·d),主要组分包括厨余、灰土、纸类、橡胶,生活垃圾平均容重、含水率、灰分、可燃物、低位热值分别为129kg/m3、43.42%、28.22%、28.36%和6 048kJ/kg。农村群众对生活垃圾特性的认知不高,参与环境管理的意愿和对典型污染物处理的支付意愿相对较弱;四川省农村生活垃圾和生活污水处理宜充分利用户用沼气池和中小型沼气工程,采取分散和自行处理为主、集中处理为辅的模式。  相似文献   
试论灾害教育在防灾减灾中的作用   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:13  
陈霞  朱晓华 《灾害学》2001,16(3):92-96
人类社会在迅速发展的同时,遭受着多种灾害现实的或潜在的威胁与破坏。在我国,在整个防灾减灾工作的链环中,有关灾害的教育环节还十分薄弱,缺口很大,由此也导致公众的灾害意识还相当薄弱。本文即是从“人为营造”的灾害入手,系统地阐述了灾害教育在我国减灾防灾中的重要作用。  相似文献   
The increasing levels of global warming, depleting sources of fossil fuels and increasing energy costs are all having a large detrimental effect on today's society. Many efforts are being made to try and increase energy efficiency all over the world. One of the major problems is unnecessary and excessive energy utilisation. This problem has been identified by Loughborough University and they are making efforts to try and reduce energy wastage. One of their strategies, used up until recently, involved increasing energy awareness within students in halls of residence by means of a reward system called the Residential Halls Energy Efficiency League (Imago Services, Loughborough Students Union, Estates Services 2006). This scheme managed to reduce energy consumption by up to 10%, saving an estimated £9000 in only 52 days. Can those results be improved by targeting students more specifically? How much energy can be saved by increasing energy awareness?  相似文献   
为充分发挥商场工作人员在火灾风险下的疏导作用,提高疏散效率。引入火灾安全意识、行为选择动机、火灾认知能力为中介变量,研究商场工作人员自我效能感与火灾时的有利行为、不利行为之间的关系,构建结构方程模型;对西安市某大型商场212名工作人员进行问卷调查,运用Amos24.0软件进行分析。研究结果表明:自我效能感主要通过火灾安全意识、行为选择动机、火灾认知能力对商场工作人员发生火灾时的行为产生影响,这3个中介变量对商场工作人员发生火灾时的有利行为呈显著正相关,对不利行为呈显著负相关;火灾认知能力对商场工作人员发生火灾时的有利行为影响最大,行为选择动机对商场工作人员发生火灾时的不利行为影响最大。研究结果可为商场火灾安全疏散管理提供有效依据,对商场火灾疏散具有重要意义。  相似文献   
IntroductionTheword“environment”nowbecomesacatchwordinChina,buttheterm“environmentalawareness(EA)”isstillnotinthesameposition.ThisisthereasonwhyItrytomakeabriefinquiryinthispaperabouttherelationshipbetweentheEAandChina○ssociety.EAisanunderstandingofv…  相似文献   
地质灾害生命损失灾情分析与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地质灾害每年造成最大可能死亡1500-2000人,除内蒙古,天津市,江苏省,上海市,香港,澳门以外,其余28个省(市,区)每年因地灾害均有不同程度的人员伤亡,据统计,全国实际发生地质灾害死亡人数:1995年死亡1230人,1996年死亡51人,1997年死亡108人,1998年死亡532人,2000年死亡142人(伤26975人)。各级政府必须加强地质灾害防治,保障人民群众生命财产的安全。(1)地质灾害防治,政府负总责,建立和完善领导责任制。(2)制定地质灾害防治规划,实施规划管理,分期分批治理。(3)将地质灾害防治资金列入预算,并建立多元化投资机制。(4)工程建设必须进行地质灾害危险性评估,发生地质灾害造成重大损失的,追究地方政府主要领导和有关部门负责人的责任。  相似文献   
An effective plan for global ecosystem management must be developed in the next 10 or 20 years. Awareness of the need has recently emerged, but still no integrated resource management system is universally accepted. A fragmented management approach has not been effective. Any successful course of action must be based on three assumptions: (1) that science can determine how ecosystems function, (2) once this is known, the social/political system will be able to protect ecosystems to the extent needed for the survival of human society, and (3) reality will take precedence over political expediency because Mother Nature cannot be fooled. This discussion focuses on the transition from awareness to taking effective action.  相似文献   
Nest defence behaviours, such as attacking predators and defending against predator attacks, expose birds to risk of injury and death. However, direct costs of such behaviours are poorly documented. To evaluate potential costs of nest defence behaviours in lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens), we (1) estimated the proportion of interactions between arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) and geese that resulted in physical contact and (2) examined how nest defence behaviours varied between male and female geese. We separated interactions into attacks initiated by foxes (attacks by foxes) and attacks initiated by geese (attacks by geese). Risks associated with attacks by geese were considerably lower than the risks associated with attacks by foxes; only 1 of 1,179 attacks by geese resulted in physical contact between foxes and geese, whereas 26 of 89 attacks by foxes involved such contact (two female geese were killed during these attacks). Attacks by geese were made almost exclusively by male geese (>97%), whereas female geese were involved in 75% of all attacks by foxes that resulted in physical contact with geese. There was, thus, a considerable difference in risks associated with male and female nest defence behaviours. We suggest that parental roles during nesting (i.e., females incubate and males guard) expose female geese to greater risk of injury and death. Male geese may, however, reduce the risk of injury or death to their mates with pre-emptive attacks on foraging foxes.  相似文献   
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