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玻璃钢安全帽因具有强度高、耐高温,耐水、酸、碱、油、化学腐蚀及良好的绝缘性等特点,被广泛应用于石油化工、矿山、电力、冶炼等多个行业。目前,玻璃钢安全帽的生产工艺仅有两种,一是手糊,二是模压。但这两种生产工艺不仅存在粉尘、噪声、有毒物质等多种职业危害因素,而且由于部分关键工序采用手工制作,因而造成玻璃钢安全帽的质量性能的不稳定。使用LFT-G(长纤维增强热塑性塑料颗粒)作为原材料,将注塑工艺引进玻璃钢安全帽的生产中,实现了玻璃钢安全帽的注塑生产。这种工艺,不仅职业危害因素大大减少,而且也因关键工序中不存在手工作业,从而大大增加了玻璃钢安全帽质量的稳定性,同时,由于LFT-G粒料的长度增加,经过加工后,安全帽成品中的纤维长度也会增加,使得安全帽的抗冲击性能等满足标准要求。为此,以LFT-G为基础的玻璃钢安全帽的注塑工艺具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
Centralized collection and disposal is an integral component of waste management strategies for many solid and liquid wastes, and carbon capture and storage is currently being considered for gaseous waste. In this paper we show how collective waste disposal systems introduce essential changes in the design of optimal environmental policy. Absent collective disposal, an optimal environmental policy imposes relatively stringent regulations on polluters in regions where local environmental damage functions are “high”; however, under collective waste disposal, the optimal environmental policy level increases monotonically over distance from the disposal site, and this is true irrespective of the degree of spatial heterogeneity in local environmental damage functions. We characterize the optimal spatial pattern of environmental policy levels under collective waste disposal and identify optimal membership size for waste disposal networks comprised of homogeneous producers.  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to determine the sedimentation rate and dispersion area of calcium carbonate residue dumped at sea and the impact to marine environment of dumping by a laboratory simulation experiment; chemical tracking in the field with the help of acoustic and optical tracking; and a comparative study of baseline conditions and marine environmental impact after dumping. Turbidity, pH and phosphate are selected as the chemical tracers to be monitored.

Results show that in the dumping area of 15 square miles with water depth of 50 m, if 217 t calcium carbonate residue is dumped (spot dumping) in the presence of a pycnocline with a current velocity of 60 cm/s (close to the maximum) the maximum dispersion distance of the calcium carbonate residue plume front is less than 2100 m; the dispersion area is less than 0.56 km2; and the maximum dispersion time is about 60 min when the turbidity and pH in the whole dispersion area return to background level. Therefore, the ocean disposal of calcium carbonate residue is feasible.  相似文献   
Thirty diet samples from three different social groups were collected both in summer and in winter seasons using duplicate portion technique with three collection days. Toxic element concentrations, including Pb, Cd, as well as some essential elements were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The average dietary intakes of Taiwanese were estimated as follows (means ± S.D., n = 30): Mg, 175 ± 77 mg/day; Zn, 9.5 ± 11.4 mg/day; Mn, 2.8 ± 1.3 mg/day; Cu, 1.6±1.7mg/day; Ni, 0.13 ± 0.14 mg/day; Cd, 58 ± 62 μg/day, and Pb, 31 ±26 μg/day. The obtained elemental concentrations were scattered due to different dietary habits and cooking methods. In addition, a strong correlation arose between the trace element concentrations in agricultural products and in the diet of regional areas of Taiwan. Analysis results indicated that average intakes are consistently below current US Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for Mg and Zn, within the recommended safe and adequate RDA for Mn, and below the FAO/WHO Provisional Tolerable Daily Intakes (PTDIs) for Pb. The average daily intakes of Cd by regional area of Taiwan markedly exceeded those of other countries and the PTI value during the summer.  相似文献   
吴海珍  韦朝海  周盛 《生态环境》2012,21(1):166-171
生物吸附与降解是解决持久性有机污染物(POPs)最有潜力的方法之一,有必要介绍利用微生物把目标污染物转化为易降解的物质甚至矿化的POPs修复原理及其技术。对此,概述了近年来国内外基于微生物通过膜融合、胞质融合和核融合形成能够降解POPs的杂种细胞的细胞融合技术;基于降解性质粒的相容性,把能够降解不同污染物的质粒组合到一个菌种中,形成多质粒的新菌种,使微生物由于代谢途径的改变能够矿化POPs的基因工程菌构建技术;基于通过某些载体把酶固定于其中实现活性稳定、可以回收及可重复利用的酶固定化技术,以及基于降解菌活性酶分子亚基置换、降解菌活性酶的定点突变、降解酶的体外定向进化这几方面的酶构建技术;进一步分析基于分子生物学提高POPs生物修复能力的原理,指出经生物技术改造的工程菌和固定化酶未能进入实际应用的障碍所在。以多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)的微生物细胞吸收和降解机理作为典型POPs生物修复的案例,强调生物降解的过程强化需要建立多尺度上功能方面的适合;提出了分子生物学与基因工程学的结合在解决POPs环境污染方面未来的基础科学问题与研究思路。综合上述,典型POPs的生物修复技术的构建需要考虑宏观污染物协同降解的工艺理论,在基因水平、分子水平、反应器水平及工程水平上追求更高功能方面的适合。  相似文献   
对某纺织企业污水站进行改造,由于用地紧张,将污水站生物接触氧化工艺改造成深井曝气工艺,大大节约了土地资源,并且有较好的处理效果。深井曝气具有抗冲击能力强、氧利用率高、管理方便、运行稳定、低能耗、占地省等优点,因此越来越多的被应用到印染纺织废水的处理中。但也存在着缺点:污泥龄比较短,硝化效果比较差,导致脱氮能力不强,污泥的稳定程度比低负荷工艺低,钻井技术要求也相对较高等。总之,深井曝气工艺是一种先进的处理工业废水的新工艺,若能扬长避短,将会得到广泛应用。  相似文献   
基于模糊集和改进TOPSIS方法的跑道侵入风险评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为预防民航机场跑道侵入事件的发生,减轻塔台管制员面临的跑道运行安全的压力,根据国际民航组织(ICAO)颁布的《防止跑道侵入手册》描述的空中交通管制(ATC)因素,建立影响跑道侵入的ATC指标评价体系。首先运用模糊集理论建立评价模型,并计算子指标的模糊可能性值,其值反映所论子指标风险概率。其次,采用改进的TOPSIS方法进行验证,并计算子指标的信度效度值。结果表明,得出的子指标风险值与模糊可能性值的排序一致。最后,根据子指标风险值的大小提出防止跑道侵入事件发生的建议。  相似文献   
对遇险消防员迅速实施二次救援是目前减少消防员火场伤亡的重要措施。当遭遇迷失、受伤、被困等意外而依靠自身的力量无法脱险、或空气呼吸器低压报警装置起鸣时,消防员如果能延长空气呼吸器的使用时间,就能够为外部救援力量的二次救援提供宝贵的时间,为成功获救创造条件。测试采用自由呼吸和R式呼吸法两种呼吸方式下、在跑步机上以6km/h的速度快步行走和俯卧状伏于地面两种运动状态下55MPa空气的使用时间。结果证明,采用R式呼吸法较之自由呼吸时空气的使用时间更长,采用R式呼吸法俯卧状伏于地面能更有效地延长空气的使用时间。为了提高火场遇险消防员的生存机率,应将R式呼吸法作为消防员基本生存技能纳入灭火救援业务训练大纲,规范消防员火场避险行动程序,并系统化地开展实战化专项训练。  相似文献   
烟气微细粒子高效控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着环保标准的严格化,烟气微细粒子的控制日益受到重视。袋式除尘器和电除尘器是未来控制烟气微细粒子的主要除尘设备;空气动力和静电力结合的多机理复合除尘器也将成为一个发展方向;凝并技术的应用,能有效地控制亚微粒子;磁力除尘技术的开发,将使细微粒子的收集更为节能高效。  相似文献   
高浓度ABS树脂生产污水治理技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ABS树脂生产装置中的污水处理一直是影响化工装置环保的一大难题。一方面,其废水水质差,悬浮物含量高,且多为细微颗粒,难以从水中分离,进入生化系统也难以去除;另一方面,污水中溶解性胶乳较多、粘性大,且为间歇式排放,对污水处理系统冲击较大。大庆石化总厂采取完善生产工艺操作过程、采用高效净水剂、对处理设备进行改进及对生产全过程进行污染控制等措施,并分阶段、分单元、分步骤地对污染源进行处理。采取这些措施后使ABS树脂生产中的废水得到了有效治理,处理后的ABS污水中CODcr含量在1000mg/L以下,悬浮物含量在500mg/L以下,石油类物质含量在30mg/L以下。处理装置的能耗、物耗也大幅度降低。  相似文献   
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