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LY12CZ铝合金腐蚀损伤的概率分布及其变化规律   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
采用铜加速乙酸盐雾试验方法对LY12CZ铝合金腐蚀行为进行了研究。结果表明:腐蚀深度服从Gumbel分布、正态分布、威布尔分布和对数正态4种分布。选用正态分布描述了LY12CZ铝合金在盐雾环境下的腐蚀损伤的分布特性,并得出了不同置信度和可靠度下腐蚀深度随时间变化的规律。  相似文献   
通过测定2种不同施锌和施铜水平下苗木和离体菌丝中铜锌含量研究了接种外生菌根(Suillusbovinus)对欧洲赤松(Pi-nussylvestris)苗生长和微量元素积累和分配的影响. 结果表明菌丝的侵染增加了苗木生长同时也增加了植物体内重金属的含量.然而菌根植物中的重金属大部分分布在根部在铜处理中菌根植物地下部分的铜含量是无菌根植物的2.6倍在锌处理中锌是无菌根植物的1.3 倍. 说明菌丝侵染使植物将过量的重金属滞留在根部从而增加了植物对过量重金属的抗性.通过进一步测定培养在过量重金属中的离体菌丝的重金属含量结果显示随着外界重金属浓度的增加菌丝分泌物内重金属含量比菌丝内重金属含量增加快说明滞留在根部的重金属可能并没有进入根系而是以某种形态滞留在菌丝分泌物和菌丝内.  相似文献   
The distribution of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd and As) in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary was investigated. The spatial distribution of heavy metals displayed a decreasing pattern from the turbidity maxima to both upstream and downstream of the estuary, which suggested that suspended sediments played an important role in the trace metal distribution in the Pearl River Estuary. In addition, metal concentrations were higher in the west part of the estuary which received most of the pollutants from the Pearl River. In the sediment cores, fluxes of heavy metals were consistent with a predominant anthropogenic input in the period 1970-1990. From the mid-1990s to the 2000s, there was a significant decline in heavy metal pollution. The observed decline has shown the result of pollution control in the Pearl River Delta. However, it is noteworthy that the metal concentrations in the most recent sediment still remained considerably high. Taken together, the enrichment of heavy metals in sediments was largely controlled by anthropogenic pollution.  相似文献   
李玲玲  李云梅  吕恒  徐杰  杨子谦  毕顺  许佳峰 《环境科学》2020,41(11):5060-5072
水体黑臭程度遥感监测是了解城市水质现状和综合评价城市水环境治理效果的重要手段.以南京、常州、无锡和扬州为研究区,共采集171个样点,同步测量水质参数和光学参数,分析黑臭水体与一般水体的水色和光学特征,构建决策树模型进行重度黑臭水体、轻度黑臭水体和非黑臭水体(记为一般水体)识别.结果表明:①根据色度可将水体分为1~6类水体,其中,类型1~4为黑臭水体,分别为灰黑色、深灰色、灰色和浅灰色水体,类型5和类型6水体为一般水体,分别为绿色系和黄色系水体;②类型1水体的非色素颗粒物和有色可溶性有机物含量高,但色素颗粒物的吸收并不占主导,类型2和5水体的吸收以色素颗粒物吸收占主导,类型3、4和6水体的吸收以非色素颗粒物吸收占主导;③根据六类水体的反射光谱差异用黑臭水体差值指数(difference of black-odorous water index,DBWI)、三波段面积水体指数(green-red-nir area water index,G-R-NIR AWI)、绿光波段反射率和归一化黑臭水体指数(normalized difference black-odorous water index,NDBWI)构建的水体分类识别决策树,能够有效识别出重、轻度黑臭水体和一般水体;④将决策树模型应用于2019年4月9日扬州的PlanetScope影像上,并利用10个同步过境点进行验证,整体识别精度达到80.00%,K值达到0.67.通过水色分类后的城市水体分级模型方法,可推广应用于类似的水体,为黑臭水体监管提供技术方法.  相似文献   
The spatial variability in the concentrations of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(p-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) in surface soils was studied on the basis of the analysis of 131 soil samples collected from the surface layer (0-20 cm depth) of the alluvial region of Beijing, China. The concentrations of total HCHs (including α-, β-, γ-, and δ-isomers) and total DDTs (i ncluding p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDE, and o,p'-DDT) in the surface soils tested were in the range from nondetectable to 31.72 μg/kg dry soil, with a mean value of 0.91, and from nondetectable to 5910.83 μg/kg dry soil, with a mean value of 32.13,respectively. It was observed that concentrations of HCHs in all soil samples and concentrations of DDTs in 112 soil samples were much lower than the first grade (50 μg/kg) permitted in "Environment quality standard for soils in China (GB15618-1995)". This suggests that the pollution due to organochlorine pesticides was generally not significant in the farmland soils in the Beijing alluvial region. In this study, the spatial distribution and trend of HCHs and DDTs were analyzed using Geostatistical Analyst and GS (513).Spatial distribution indicated how these pesticides had been applied in the past. Trend analysis showed that the concentrations of HCHs,DDTs, and their related metabolites followed an obvious distribution trend in the surface soils from the alluvial region of Beijing.  相似文献   
为了研究南京市区与郊区气溶胶中多环芳烃(PAHs)污染状况和分布特征,利用气-质联用仪(GC-MS)分析了2010年1月1~10日日间和夜间分别在南京大学和南京信息工程大学采集的气溶胶样品,得到南京市区与郊区17种PAHs浓度,总浓度分别为41.36~220.35 ng.m-3和45.10~200.86 ng.m-3,其中约66%~67%分布于细粒子(Dp≤2.1μm)中.研究发现,南京市区和郊区气溶胶中PAH总浓度均处于较高的水平;但两者昼夜变化趋势不同,即市区PAH总浓度日间高于夜间,郊区PAH总浓度日间低于夜间.主导风向的改变和高压天气系统对PAH浓度变化影响较大;在市区其影响主要表现在细粒子部分,而郊区主要表现在粗粒子部分.市区和郊区不同环数的PAHs粒径分布不同;2~3环PAHs,郊区含量高于市区;而4~6环PAHs,市区含量高于郊区.高环数(4~6环)PAHs在粗模态出现较大浓度峰可能是由于南京地区粗模态气溶胶中碳含量较高.市区和郊区相似的特征比值说明两者的PAHs具有相同污染来源,主要为生物质及煤的燃烧和汽车尾气,表明南京市区PAHs受到郊区工业源排放影响较大.  相似文献   
为了解沿海地区城市停车场内径流携带沉积物的粒径分布及污染特征,于2011年4—6月在韩国西海岸12个不同停车场采集了沉积物样品,分别分析了其粒径分布和各粒径中污染物质的含量.结果表明,不同采样点的废弃物形态差异较大,主要表现在较大的植物茎叶、烟蒂及动物粪便等废弃物和含水率等方面.不同采样点的颗粒物粒径大小不同,其颗粒物的均一性也有所差异.总体来讲,106~500μm之间的颗粒物是径流携带沉积物的主要组成部分,其平均质量分数占总体(<2360μm)颗粒物的59.9%.对不同粒径中污染物质的含量分析得出,颗粒物中污染物质的含量随粒径增大而减小.其中,<106μm的颗粒物中总氮、总磷、COD和挥发性物质的质量分别占各污染物总量的18.9%、17.8%、20.41%和18.9%,而该部分颗粒物本身的平均质量分数只有3.9%.可见<106μm的颗粒物处于高度污染状态.因此,在城市停车场面源污染管理中,应该对该部分高度污染的颗粒物给以足够的重视.对于不同污染特征的颗粒物应该采用不同的去除方法.  相似文献   
The influence of different driving cycles on their exhaust emissions and fuel consumption rate of gasoline passenger car was investigated in Bangkok based on the actual measurements obtained from a test vehicle driving on a standard chassis dynamometer. A newly established Bangkok driving cycle (BDC) and the European driving cycle (EDC) which is presently adopted as the legislative cycle for testing automobiles registered in Thailand were used. The newly developed BDC is constructed using the driving characteristic data obtained from the real on-road driving tests along selected traffic routes. A method for selecting appropriate road routes for real driving tests is also introduced. Variations of keyed driving parameters of BDC with different driving cycles were discussed. The results showed that the HC and CO emission factors of BDC are almost two and four times greater than those of EDC, respectively. Although the difference in the NOx emission factor is small, the value from BDC is still greater than that of EDC by 10%. Under BDC, the test vehicle consumes fuel about 25% more than it does under EDC. All these differences are mainly attributed to the greater proportion of idle periods and higher fluctuations of vehicle speed in the BDC cycle. This result indicated that the exhausted emissions and fuel consumption of vehicles obtained from tests under the legislative modal-type driving cycle (EDC) are significantly different from those actually produced under real traffic conditions especially during peak periods.  相似文献   
发动机性能退化将会影响污染物排放,以往污染物排放估算模型未充分考虑性能退化对排放量的影响.因此本文对原有污染物估算模型进行修正,将民机实际运行中表征发动机健康状态的主要参数EGT作为特征量融入到污染物排放估算模型中,提出改进的形成氧化法以及P3-T3方法,定量估算性能退化对污染物排放的影响.使用GE90-115B发动机历史QAR数据,计算航空发动机处于不同健康水平下的巡航阶段污染物排放特性.研究结果表明:航空发动机性能退化将会显著影响巡航阶段污染物排放特性.其中,性能退化严重时航空发动机CO、UHC以及黑碳的巡航阶段平均排放指数较健康状态时分别升高87.52%、247.76%以及19.68%,而NOx的平均排放指数则下降55.33%.因此在对性能退化的发动机进行污染物评估时必须考虑性能退化的影响.  相似文献   
通过测定长江口滨岸9个典型采样点上覆水与表层沉积物样品中的多环芳烃(PAHs)污染水平,分析其组成、时空分布特征及其影响因素,并进行了生态风险评价.结果显示,枯季上覆水中PAHs浓度高于洪季,平均浓度分别为1 988 ng/L和1 727ng/L;表层沉积物中的PAHs也为枯季高于洪季,平均浓度分别为1 154 ng/g和605 ng/g;Phe是水和沉积物中PAH的主要成分.温度是控制上覆水中PAHs季节性差异的主要因素,而有机碳(OC)与碳黑(SC)则控制着沉积物中PAHs的富集;长江口滨岸复杂的水动力条件与各种人类活动产生的污染物输入影响了PAHs的空间分布,在一定程度上也导致了河口滨岸PAHs来源的复杂性.生态风险评价结果显示,长江口滨岸水-沉积物间的PAHs在一定程度上可能对该区生物造成潜在不利影响.其中,上覆水中个别PAH化合物的浓度水平已达到欧美等国生态毒理评价标准或超过了美国EPA水质标准,BaP浓度超过了我国地表水环境质量标准的规定浓度;表层沉积物中部分PAH化合物的含量超过了ER-L值和ISQV-L值.  相似文献   
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