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介绍了国内溶解乙炔的生产工艺流程,对溶解乙炔站可能引起的火灾、爆炸原因进行了分析,估算生产过程中乙炔的爆炸半径.根据爆炸半径,提出防火、防爆措施,为溶解乙炔站的选址及设计提供技术支持.  相似文献   
矸石山的危害及自燃原因关联分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从不同角度论述了矸石山具有的危害性,尤其是自燃矸石山对空气环境、水质和土壤的污染,通过实验分析矸石山自燃的主要影响因素,指出由于自燃矸石山的管理、治理不当所引发的矸石山坍塌和爆炸等地质灾害事故,给当今煤炭企业发展带来的不可忽视的负面影响,促使企业意识到消除矸石山危害的紧迫性和任务的艰巨性,同时为防止矸石山自燃提供了理论指导和依据。  相似文献   
为研究燃料氢气泄漏、爆炸的特性和规律,预防高压储氢系统中氢气泄漏爆炸事故发生,以加氢站为背景,数值仿真45 MPa高压储罐氢气泄漏并引发爆炸事故,分析泄漏爆炸动力学性质以及爆炸波在非均匀氢气浓度中的传播机制。同时,基于泄漏爆炸事故演化的力学机理,开展氢气泄漏爆炸动态风险分析,针对氢气不同泄漏量,建立泄漏扩散形成的气云体积、气云爆炸产生的冲击波与空间x,z方向上危害距离之间关系。研究结果表明:氢气泄漏过程中,气云氢气浓度变化与流场雷诺数具有较好一致性;氢气扩散受到高压储氢罐周围装置影响,流场中氢气浓度分布不均匀;当发生燃烧爆炸事故时,冲击波参数和湍动能变化梯度大;得到复杂布局区域冲击波超压峰值与比例距离之间关系式,其相比于理论方法更精细、计算结果更准确。研究结果可为降低高压储氢系统泄漏爆炸事故后果、采取有效防护措施提供一定依据。  相似文献   
为了揭示含磷酸盐(KH2PO4,NH4H2PO4,Ca(H2PO4)2)对聚乙烯粉尘爆炸的抑制作用,通过哈特曼管实验装置和20 L球形爆炸罐,研究含磷酸盐对聚乙烯粉尘爆炸火焰和压力传播特性的抑制效果。采用高速摄影方法记录含磷酸盐对聚乙烯粉尘爆炸火焰传播的影响;采用20 L球形爆炸罐,收集压力传感器数据,分析含磷酸盐对聚乙烯粉尘爆炸压力的影响;采用同步热分析仪研究聚乙烯粉尘和含磷酸盐的热解行为。研究结果表明:含磷酸盐对聚乙烯粉尘爆炸火焰传播特性参数和爆炸压力特性参数均有显著的影响,通过对比得到NH4H2PO4抑制效果相对最好。研究结果可为含磷酸盐在抑爆剂工程应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   
某水电站是澜沧江中、下游梯级开发的关键工程,其进水口高边坡地质条件复杂。通过对该电站进水口边坡的物质组成、结构特征、以及边坡开挖等因素的综合分析研究,阐述了其变形机理,说明此高边坡存在如下变形破坏形式:①楔形体滑动破坏;②扩展式的平面型塌滑和滑移型崩塌破坏;③卸荷松弛变形破坏。采用三维块体分析和有限元数值模拟,分析了这类边坡在开挖过程中的应力变形特征及其变化规律。  相似文献   
When aluminum magnesium alloy dust floats in the air, a certain ignition energy can easily cause an accidental explosion. To prevent and control the occurrence of accidental explosions and reduce the severity of accidents, it is necessary to carry out research on the explosion suppression of aluminum magnesium alloy dust. This paper uses a vertical glass tube experimental device and a 20 L spherical explosive experimental device to carry out experimental studies on the suppression of the flame propagation and explosion overpressure of aluminum magnesium alloy dust with melamine polyphosphate (MPP) and Al(OH)3. With increasing MPP and Al(OH)3 concentrations, the flame brightness darkened, the flame velocity and propagation distance gradually decreased, and Pmax and (dp/dt)max decreased significantly. When the amount of MPP added reached 60%, the flame propagation distance decreased to 188 mm, which is a decrease of 68%, and the explosion overpressure decreased to 0.014 MPa, effectively suppressing the explosion of aluminum magnesium alloy dust. The experimental results showed that MPP was more effective than Al(OH)3 in inhibiting the flame propagation and explosion overpressure of the aluminum magnesium alloy dust. Finally, the inhibitory mechanisms of the MPP and Al(OH)3 were further investigated. The MPP and Al(OH)3 endothermic decomposition produced an inert gas, diluted the oxygen concentration and trapped active radicals to terminate the combustion chain reaction.  相似文献   
Fire and explosion accidents are frequently caused by combustible dust, which has led to increased interest in this area of research. Although scholars have performed some research in this field, they often ignored interesting phenomena in their experiments. In this paper, we established a 2D numerical method to thoroughly investigate the particle motion and distribution before ignition. The optimal time for the corn starch dust cloud to ignite was determined in a semi-closed tube, and the characteristics of the flame propagation and temperature field were investigated after ignition inside and outside the tube. From the simulation, certain unexpected phenomena that occurred in the experiment were explained, and some suggestions were proposed for future experiments. The results from the simulation showed that 60–70 ms was the best time for the dust cloud to ignite. The local high-temperature flame clusters were caused by the agglomeration of high-temperature particles, and there were no flames near the wall of the tube due to particles gathering and attaching to the wall. Vortices formed around the nozzle, where the particle concentration was low and the flame spread slowly. During the explosion venting, particles flew out of the tube before the flame. The venting flame exhibited a “mushroom cloud” shape due to interactions with the vortex, and the flame maintained this shape as it was driven upward by the vortex.  相似文献   
为了分析化肥厂爆炸事故背后的不安全动作。本文选取了2009-2018年间国内外发生的52起典型化肥厂爆炸事故。从发生时间的角度分析事故特性,发现白昼期间的事故发生概率相对较高。同时文章分析了运输卸料、车间操作、特种作业和管理人员4种作业类型的不安全动作,从发生频率和风险等级两个方面评估了不安全动作的综合危险度。结果表明13项不安全动作的综合危险度较高,需要重点预控。  相似文献   
为研究抛光铝粉的爆炸危险和ABC粉体的抑爆特性,在对实验粉体粒径分布进行分析的基础上,采用20 L粉尘爆炸特性实验装置,分别对不同铝粉尘浓度、不同抑爆剂浓度条件下的爆炸特性参数进行测试。研究结果表明:在实验条件下,铝粉的爆炸下限为45 g/m3<C<60 g/m3;随铝粉浓度增加,爆炸烈度呈现出先增强后减弱的变化趋势,在浓度为400 g/m3时爆炸烈度最大。ABC抑爆剂能够有效抑制铝粉爆炸超压和爆炸反应进程,随着惰性粉体浓度的增加,抑制效果愈加明显,爆炸逐渐减弱。当ABC惰性粉体的质量占比增加到50%时,相较单一铝粉爆炸,反应过程时间由72 ms增加至785 ms,爆炸最大压力、最大压力上升速率分别下降了61.7%,89.5%;当ABC粉体质量占比为53%时,铝粉被完全惰化,未发生爆炸。  相似文献   
The effect of pyrolysis and oxidation characteristics on the explosion sensitivity and severity parameters, including the minimum ignition energy MIE, minimum ignition temperature MIT, minimum explosion concentration MEC, maximum explosion pressure Pmax, maximum rate of pressure rise (dP/dt)max and deflagration index Kst, of lauric acid and stearic acid dust clouds was experimentally investigated. A synchronous thermal analyser was used to test the particle thermal characteristics. The functional test apparatuses including the 1.2 L Hartmann-tube apparatus, modified Godbert-Greenwald furnace, and 20 L explosion apparatus were used to test the explosion parameters. The results indicated that the rapid and slow weight loss processes of lauric acid dust followed a one-dimensional diffusion model (D1 model) and a 1.5 order chemical reaction model (F1.5 model), respectively. In addition, the rapid and slow weight loss processes of stearic acid followed a 1.5 order chemical reaction model (F1.5 model) and a three-dimensional diffusion model (D3 model), respectively, and the corresponding average apparent activation energy E and pre-exponential factor A were larger than those of lauric acid. The stearic acid dust explosion had higher values of MIE and MIT, which were mainly dependent on the higher pyrolysis and oxidation temperatures and the larger apparent activation energy E determining the slower rate of chemical bond breakage during pyrolysis and oxidation. In contrast, the lauric acid dust explosion had a higher MEC related to a smaller pre-exponential factor A with a lower amount of released reaction heat and a lower heat release rate during pyrolysis and oxidation. Additionally, due to the competition regime of the higher oxidation reaction heat release and greater consumption of oxygen during explosion, the explosion pressure Pm of the stearic acid dust was larger in low concentration ranges and decayed to an even smaller pressure than with lauric acid when the concentration exceeded 500 g/m3. The rate of explosion pressure rise (dP/dt)m of the stearic acid dust was always larger in the experimental concentration range. The stearic acid dust explosion possessed a higher Pmax, (dP/dt)max and Kst mainly because of a larger pre-exponential factor A related to more active sites participating in the pyrolysis and oxidation reaction. Consequently, the active chemical reaction occurred more violently, and the temperature and overpressure rose faster, indicating a higher explosion hazard class for stearic acid dust.  相似文献   
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