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We empirically reveal how environmental experts interpret the objectivity norm while navigating the authority paradox. The paradox here is that while there is a need for objective scientific advice, such advice is only to be acquired from experts and expert agencies whose objectivity and, hence, authority are contested. Viewed through the lens of practice, we identify what practitioners at the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency understand by objectivity. Using this paradigmatic case, we show how practitioners renegotiate the meaning of objectivity while seeking to engage with new policy actors and extended peers in an independent, rigorous and legitimate manner. Successfully navigating the authority paradox is related to skilfully representing and adapting to various meanings of objectivity. Experts and experts agencies accordingly need reflexive skills to recognise which meanings of objectivity they ascribe to and which ones are invoked in public debates. Environmental experts who are able to loosely connect diverse objectivity conceptions are more likely considered as trustworthy and authoritative partners in environmental science-policy interfaces.  相似文献   
The reaction mechanism of ozone (O3) addition to the double bonds of gas phase keto-limonene was investigated using ab initio methods. Two different possibilities for O3 addition to the double bond were considered and two corresponding van derWaals complexes (Complex 1 and Complex 2) were found for 1-endo and 2-endo. The rate constants were calculated using the transition state theory at the CCSD(T)/6-31G(d) + CF//B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level. The high-pressure limit of the total rate constant at 298 K was 3.51 × 10-16 cm3/(molecule sec), which was in a good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   
为探究香溪河在受倒灌影响较弱的河段水华暴发征兆及机理,于水华高发期5~8月对香溪河进行监测,分析电导率、水温、叶绿素a(Chl-a)以及流速.结果表明,在6~8月,香溪河倒灌现象于XX05点(峡口镇)处基本结束,XX06~XX09受倒灌来水影响较弱;香溪河于7月暴发水华,各个监测点位上Chl-a含量均值达到100μg/L以上,XX05~XX06与XX07-XX09点位上暴发不同种水华;在水华暴发前后,水体温度无显著变化,且并无明显分层现象,说明水温分层是水华暴发的主要原因这一理论并不能很好的适用于非回水区;通过对电导率数值的研究发现,数值在垂向上出现显著拐点,而拐点出现在临界层与光补偿层之间,同时与叶绿素a含量分布呈现显著负相关性.香溪河总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)平均值为1.849mg/L和0.157mg/L,均超过富营养化的阈值,水体氮磷含量与Chl-a浓度无显著相关性,水体中除N、P营养盐外的其它离子对香溪河水华的暴发起着重要作用.在水华消退后,电导率数值又逐渐恢复表层高底层低的垂向线性分布特性,与水华的暴发、消退有着明显的响应.  相似文献   
宅基地退出是有效缓解城乡建设用地之间的矛盾、促进乡村振兴的重要手段。在梳理宅基地有偿退出路径的基础上构建宅基地价值补偿体系,按照政府能承受、农户能接受、工作可持续的原则,基于成本收益理论科学测定在不同模式下宅基地自愿有偿退出的有效阈值。结果表明:(1)宅基地退出补偿阈值是农户能接受的最小值和政府能承受的最大值所组成的补偿范围。(2)农户退出宅基地损失的机会成本和退出总成本之和小于最小阈值时农户愿意有偿退出,最大阈值低于宅基地、地上附属设施权利价值和退出总成本之和。(3)“异地改造”模式下,政府处于主导地位,资金来源较少,实际补偿金额接近最小阈值。“一户多宅”模式下,政府和农户诉求相当,补偿金额偏向中位数。“整体搬迁”和“社区化”模式下,农户处于主导地位,政府补偿资金来源较多,实际补偿金额趋向最大阈值。  相似文献   
通过Mie散射理论公式构建目标函数,利用免疫进化算法对气溶胶等效复折射率的实部和虚部进行协同优化,据此创新性地提出了气溶胶等效复折射率反演的新途径.基于成都市2017年9~12月逐时的气溶胶散射系数和吸收系数观测数据以及该时段同时次GRIMM180大气颗粒物监测仪的连续监测资料,研究结果表明,气溶胶等效复折射率反演的免疫进化算法不仅是普适的,而且还具有收敛速度快、计算稳定和求解精度高等特点.通过与其它气溶胶等效复折射率反演方法的对比分析,进一步论证了新方法的优势,这为气溶胶等效复折射率演变机理以及气溶胶吸湿性增长模型的后续研究提供了算法保障.  相似文献   




矿产资源规划理论的形成和发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
矿产资源规划是区域发展规划的重要组成部分,是政府对矿业经济进行宏观调控的一种手段。本文从理论更新和完善的角度重新确立了区域矿产资源规划的理论体系,提出矿产资源规划理论经历形成、发展与创新三个阶段,并就矿产资源配置与价格规律、矿产资源经济区划理论和可持续发展理论在其中的深远影响进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
在烟花爆竹生产经营企业的安全评价中,存在着很大的不确定性。证据理论作为一种处理不确定性问题的有效工具,已经被广泛应用到很多领域中。本文建立了烟花爆竹生产经营企业的安全系统风险评价指标体系,并应用证据理论处理烟花爆竹生产经营企业安全评价中的不确定性问题,通过实例验证结果表明基于证据理论对烟花爆竹生产经营企业进行风险评价具有可行性、有效性与实用性。  相似文献   
Indicators are used to draw conclusions about ecological endpoints when these endpoints cannot be measured directly. In many cases, inferences about an endpoint are only possible because assumptions have been made about the relationship between indicator and endpoint; we refer to such indicators as judgement indicators. The validity of inferences made using a judgement indicator can be gauged by examining the known or assumed form of the general relationship between indicator and endpoint. The rules for this kind of inference are a consequence of scale invariance, which originates from measurement theory. For simple indicators comprised of a single indicator measurement, the inferences allowed – equivalence, rank, equality of intervals, and equality of ratios – depend on whether the data are nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio scaled. For composite indicators containing two or more simple indicators, inferences are also affected by the mathematical form of combination; e.g., whether the terms are summed or multiplied. Standardizing simple or composite indicators can allow inferences about the relative importance of observations, based on the natural range of occurrence. Scale invariance is a particularly important consideration in landscape assessments, since these often make use of judgement indicators.  相似文献   
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