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我国化学品的风险评价及风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对化学品进行风险评价与风险管理是合理处置和科学管理化学品的必然趋势.本文从健康风险评价、生态风险评价及区域风险评价这3个层次系统阐述了化学品风险评价方法,结合我国化学品分类与管理现状,提出了我国化学品风险管理的对策建议.即从风险管理的对象入手,将化学品本身、主要行业企业以及相关利益方三方面作为风险管理的对象,构建了我国化学品的风险管理框架,旨在为提高我国化学品风险评价与风险管理水平提供科技支撑.  相似文献   
1 Sustainableurbandevelopment—thepublichealthdimensionTownsandcitiesarecurrentlythefocusforeconomicplanninganddevelopmentinEuropeancountries.Formerly,politiciansandplannersprioritizedinternationalandnationallevels,withmacroeconomicdevelopmentseenast…  相似文献   
南方某水库水体中抗生素生态与健康风险研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境中大量残留的抗生素将对生态环境和人体健康造成潜在危害。本研究采用风险商值法(RQ)评价了林肯霉素、红霉素(脱水)、罗红霉素、磺胺甲噁唑、磺胺二甲嘧啶、头孢呋辛、头孢氨苄、甲硝唑、阿莫西林和氯霉素10种抗生素对南方某水库水体产生的生态风险,并对10种抗生素进行了化学非致癌物风险评价。结果表明,7个采样点中共检出8种抗生素,残留量在1.2~130.0 ng·L~(-1)之间。红霉素(脱水)、林肯霉素、磺胺甲噁唑这3种抗生素在丰水期、枯水期的所有采样点均有检出,磺胺二甲嘧啶和头孢呋辛在枯水期的检出率也为100%,而氯霉素和阿莫西林在7个样点均未检出。风险评价结果表明,除个别样点外,该水库抗生素残留的整体风险不高。丰水期和枯水期A河水体中磺胺甲噁唑的生态风险商大于1,A河(丰水期和枯水期)、B河(丰水期)和库中3号样点(枯水期)的联合毒性风险商大于1,表明这3个样点的抗生素残留对生态环境存在较严重的威胁,其余采样点抗生素的联合毒性风险商处于0.1到1之间,需长期观测其抗生素的环境动态,以避免高风险危害的发生。该水库10种抗生素残留引起的非致癌物风险数量级在10~(-1)5到10~(-1)2之间,说明该水库中10种抗生素通过饮水途径引起的非致癌风险很低,远低于可接受风险水平,甚至远低于可忽略风险水平。  相似文献   
利用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)技术分析了东莞市蔬菜基地蔬菜中4种喹诺酮类抗生素的污染特征,并对其健康风险进行评价.结果表明,东莞市蔬菜中普遍检出喹诺酮类抗生素,以诺氟沙星和环丙沙星为主,其次是恩诺沙星,检出率均在80%以上,最高含量均大于100μg/kg(干重),平均含量近20μg/kg;不同基地和不同类型的蔬菜中喹诺酮类抗生素的含量与组成特征差异较大,总含量为叶菜类(49.87μg/kg)>根茎类(44.81μg/kg)>瓜果类(11.21μg/kg);通过食用东莞市蔬菜摄入喹诺酮类抗生素的量低于日允许摄入量,健康风险较小.  相似文献   
Riparian buffer zone management is an area of increasing relevance as human modification of the landscape continues unabated. Land and water resource managers are continually challenged to maintain stream ecosystem integrity and water quality in the context of rapidly changing land use, which often offsets management gains. Approaches are needed not only to map vegetation cover in riparian zones, but also to monitor the changes taking place, target restoration activities, and assess the success of previous management actions. To date, these objectives have been difficult to meet using traditional techniques based on aerial photos and field visits, particularly over large areas. Recent advances in remote sensing have the potential to substantially aid buffer zone management. Very high resolution imagery is now available that allows detailed mapping and monitoring of buffer zone vegetation and provides a basis for consistent assessments using moderately high resolution remote sensing (e.g., Landsat). Laser‐based remote sensing is another advance that permits even more detailed information on buffer zone properties, such as refined topographic derivatives and multidimensional vegetation structure. These sources of image data and map information are reviewed in this paper, examples of their application to riparian buffer mapping and stream health assessment are provided, and future prospects for improved buffer monitoring are discussed.  相似文献   
利用气相色谱法对采集于2011年7月和2011年11月的千岛湖(新安江水库)库区及其主要入库河流表层水中10种有机氯农药(OCPs)残留进行了分析,初步明确千岛湖水体中HCHs与DDTs的组成特征及来源,并对其健康风险进行了评价.结果表明,千岛湖水体中检出8种微量的OCPs,检出频率最高的是p,p’-DDT、α-HCH和p,p’-DDE.12个采样点均有不同浓度检出,库区ΣOCPs的浓度范围在1.9~7.6 ng·L-1,属低污染水平,3条主要入库河流ΣOCPs的浓度范围则是1.2~212ng·L-1.千岛湖水体中OCPs污染空间分布各异,主干流新安江为千岛湖OCPs污染的主要输入源;时间上丰水期大于枯水期,显示为面源污染特征.通过特征组分比例可确认HCHs污染主要是长距离传输或工业HCHs的降解,而DDTs则有新源输入.利用EPA推荐方法对通过饮水和皮肤接触途径摄入千岛湖水体中OCPs的健康风险进行评价:致癌健康风险指数在0.06×10-7~23.2×10-7,均位于EPA推荐的可接受风险范围内;非致癌健康风险指数介于3.43×10-5~6.01×10-3,根据评价标准均未超标.结果表明千岛湖水体中OCPs对人体产生的致癌、非致癌健康危害可忽略.  相似文献   
This study analyses the impact of the Prestige oil spill on the mental health and the perception of physical health and functional capacity in the affected population. The sample comprised 926 residents from the section of the Spanish coast affected by the oil spill. The data was collected slightly more than one year after the accident. Scales referring to clinical symptoms (SCL‐36) and health‐related quality of life (SF‐36) were administered. The results suggest that individuals with higher degrees of exposure or residing in areas closest to the spill show lower levels of mental health in comparison to those with lower levels of exposure or living in areas farther away from the spill. This study also finds that women and fishermen tend to suffer more from the consequences of these types of disaster.  相似文献   
车凯  陈崇明  郑庆宇  范辉  魏明磊  罗蓬  郁金星 《环境科学》2022,43(10):4578-4589
为揭示燃煤电厂烟气中重金属排放对周边土壤环境的影响.以石家庄地区6座燃煤电厂为研究对象,测定了燃煤电厂烟囱入口烟气中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb、Hg和Ni这7种重金属元素,同时对电厂周边土壤中重金属含量进行了测试分析,并对其进行了源解析和健康风险评价.结果表明,各燃煤电厂烟气经过一系列烟气污染物控制措施净化后,烟气中不同重金属元素的排放量范围为0.11~6.32 mg ·(MW ·h)-1,Cu、Cr和Ni是主要排放污染物.各电厂向大气环境中排放的7种重金属元素总量在33.56~275.71 kg ·a-1之间.燃煤电厂周边表层土壤中Cr、Cu、Pb、Hg和Ni这5种重金属元素含量平均值均高于河北土壤背景值,且超出背景值1.16~2.32倍.电厂周边土壤中重金属含量与烟气中重金属排放量具有一定相关性.不同风向上土壤中重金属含量随距电厂距离的增大,呈现出先增大后逐渐减小趋势.源解析表明煤炭燃烧排放对电厂周边土壤重金属的贡献率最大,达到41.4%,其次为工业排放,占比为23.6%,交通运输排放占比为19.6%.总而言之,人为活动对土壤重金属富集起主导作用,约占84.6%.健康风险评估显示电厂周边土壤中重金属元素的健康风险整体处于可接受范围内.  相似文献   
为了在水资源与水环境双重制约下制订人水和谐发展的政策提供决策支持,以我国中原经济区这一重点开发区域为例,基于层次分析法构建了以水系统自然条件、水系统服务功能及人类活动影响三要素(共计20项指标)为基础的流域水系统健康评价体系,并以2011年作为评价年,将中原经济区的水资源二级区作为基本流域单元对水系统健康状况进行评价. 结果表明:中原经济区9个水资源二级区中,除了淮河上游水资源二级区(3.20分,完全健康状态为5.00分)为基本健康状态、汉江水资源二级区(2.77分)和三门峡至花园口水资源二级区(2.18分)为亚健康状态以外,其余水资源二级区(0.55~1.77分)均为不健康及极不健康状态. 分析显示,人类活动影响是影响中原经济区内各流域水系统健康状况的主要原因,人口众多、工农业开发活动强度大使得其对水资源需求巨大. 部分水资源二级区对地下水资源依赖程度较高,造成不同程度的地下水超采现象. 伴随着高强度水资源利用的是水污染物的高强度排放,部分河流水污染状况严重,甚至在局部地区造成了地下水污染. 这种不健康的状态在中原经济区内由南向北随着水系统自然条件和水系统服务功能的降低呈加重趋势.   相似文献   
The numerous formulated products which are introduced to the market consist of chemical ingredients that may cause various safety and health hazards to the consumers. Therefore, it is extremely important to practice a systematic methodology to formulate products with acceptable safety and health performances. This work presents an index-based methodology to assess the safety and health hazards of the ingredients during the early formulation stage of product design. Hence, new inherent safety and health sub-indexes are introduced to improve the current safety and health hazards that are needed in formulated product design. The inherent safety and health sub-indexes are assigned with scores based on the degree of potential hazards. A higher score indicates a higher safety risk or severe health effect, and vice versa. The proposed methodology will greatly assist the users to identify the adverse safety and health effects caused by the ingredients. Hence, it is pivotal to eliminate or reduce the safety and health impacts from product usage. A case study on common ingredients used in the formulation of paint is presented on this study to describe the proposed method.  相似文献   
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