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本文对劳动防护服的号型设置进行了分析与研究。《劳动防护服号型》是各类劳动防护服制作中广泛使用的基础性国家标准,依据当前劳动者人体尺寸的统计分析和企业劳动防护服生产供应实际情况,科学合理设置服装号型,以符合国家标准的科学性、实用性以及增强劳动防护服的舒适性功能。  相似文献   
Objective: Derive lower leg injury risk functions using survival analysis and determine injury reference values (IRV) applicable to human mid-size male and small-size female anthropometries by conducting a meta-analysis of experimental data from different studies under axial impact loading to the foot–ankle–leg complex.

Methods: Specimen-specific dynamic peak force, age, total body mass, and injury data were obtained from tests conducted by applying the external load to the dorsal surface of the foot of postmortem human subject (PMHS) foot–ankle–leg preparations. Calcaneus and/or tibia injuries, alone or in combination and with/without involvement of adjacent articular complexes, were included in the injury group. Injury and noninjury tests were included. Maximum axial loads recorded by a load cell attached to the proximal end of the preparation were used. Data were analyzed by treating force as the primary variable. Age was considered as the covariate. Data were censored based on the number of tests conducted on each specimen and whether it remained intact or sustained injury; that is, right, left, and interval censoring. The best fits from different distributions were based on the Akaike information criterion; mean and plus and minus 95% confidence intervals were obtained; and normalized confidence interval sizes (quality indices) were determined at 5, 10, 25, and 50% risk levels. The normalization was based on the mean curve. Using human-equivalent age as 45 years, data were normalized and risk curves were developed for the 50th and 5th percentile human size of the dummies.

Results: Out of the available 114 tests (76 fracture and 38 no injury) from 5 groups of experiments, survival analysis was carried out using 3 groups consisting of 62 tests (35 fracture and 27 no injury). Peak forces associated with 4 specific risk levels at 25, 45, and 65 years of age are given along with probability curves (mean and plus and minus 95% confidence intervals) for PMHS and normalized data applicable to male and female dummies. Quality indices increased (less tightness-of-fit) with decreasing age and risk level for all age groups and these data are given for all chosen risk levels.

Conclusions: These PMHS-based probability distributions at different ages using information from different groups of researchers constituting the largest body of data can be used as human tolerances to lower leg injury from axial loading. Decreasing quality indices (increasing index value) at lower probabilities suggest the need for additional tests. The anthropometry-specific mid-size male and small-size female mean human risk curves along with plus and minus 95% confidence intervals from survival analysis and associated IRV data can be used as a first step in studies aimed at advancing occupant safety in automotive and other environments.  相似文献   
利用1961年-2012年阿勒泰地区气象观测资料,对雾的时空分布特征和变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:阿勒泰地区雾日数在时间分布上,初春的3月出现最多;冬季(12月-翌年2月)雾出现的比例最高,占37.6%。20世纪80年代年雾出现日数最多,2000年至今最少。阿勒泰地区雾日数在空间分布上也不是很均匀,区域性为西部的吉木乃、哈巴河县最多,东部的富蕴、青河县最少。阿勒泰地区雾出现日数年变化率与各县站的变化趋势一致,均呈明显的下降趋势,在1966年出现了减少的突变现象。R/S方法分析表明,各县站未来的年雾出现日数仍会呈减少趋势,雾天对人体有一定的影响。  相似文献   
本文对浙江省台州市路桥和温岭两个电子垃圾循环区域母乳中多氯联苯(PCBs)污染现状进行了研究.路桥本地人群(n=16)、温岭本地人群(n=27)及在台州居住不足5年的外地人群(n=9)母乳中PCBs的中值浓度分别为195 ng·g-1脂重(lw)、138 ng·g-1lw和59.1 ng·g-1lw.路桥和温岭人群母乳中PCBs浓度显著高于在台州居住不足5年的外地人群(P<0.001),也远高于浙江省及中国背景区域水平.CB-118、CB-153和CB-138是台州母乳中最主要的3种同类物,与台州膳食样本中PCBs的指纹特征类似.路桥本地人群婴儿通过饮用母乳日摄入的PCBs量(EDI)(1024 ng·kg-1bw·d-1)略高于加拿大卫生部建议的成人对PCBs日耐受量(1000 ng·kg-1bw·d-1),温岭本地人群乳儿的EDI值(491 ng·kg-1bw·d-1)远高于我国12个省市EDI的均值(54.6 ng·kg-1bw·d-1),表明台州本地人群母乳喂养的婴儿处于较高的PCBs暴露风险中.母乳中PCBs浓度与母亲年龄、孕前体重指数、产次和婴儿的体重及性别无显著相关性.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The Mesa Central of Mexico is of special conservation interest due to its high richness of freshwater fish species, of which the goodeines are one of the most representative groups. Through an integrated approach, we determined conservation priorities for goodeine populations. We based our recommendations on the genetic diversity (variation in five microsatellite DNA loci) in 10 populations of Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis and on an analysis of ecological (e.g., presence of exotic species), social (e.g., political situation), and environmental (e.g., pollution) information for 52 historical occurrence points for species in the genus Zoogoneticus . Patterns of genetic erosion and genetic diversity indices were closely associated with human impact. Recent bottleneck events were most evident in the populations from remnants of the lakes drained at the beginning of the twentieth century. We identified seven operational conservation units (OCUs), all of which should be conserved because they contain unique portions of the total variation of the species. Special attention needs to be given to increase genetic variability, recover population sizes, and reestablish contact among populations within OCUs. It is imperative to create an integrative and effective approach for the recovery and conservation of the freshwater fish diversity of Central Mexico that is based on social and natural sciences.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The traditional environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis postulates that environmental degradation follows an inverted U-shaped relationship with gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. We tested the EKC hypothesis with bird populations in 5 different habitats as environmental quality indicators. Because birds are considered environmental goods, for them the EKC hypothesis would instead be associated with a U-shaped relationship between bird populations and GDP per capita. In keeping with the literature, we included other variables in the analysis—namely, human population density and time index variables (the latter variable captured the impact of persistent and exogenous climate and/or policy changes on bird populations over time). Using data from 9 Canadian provinces gathered over 37 years, we used a generalized least-squares regression for each bird habitat type, which accounted for the panel structure of the data, the cross-sectional dependence across provinces in the residuals, heteroskedasticity, and fixed- or random-effect specifications of the models. We found evidence that supports the EKC hypothesis for 3 of the 5 bird population habitat types. In addition, the relationship between human population density and the different bird populations varied, which emphasizes the complex nature of the impact that human populations have on the environment. The relationship between the time-index variable and the different bird populations also varied, which indicates there are other persistent and significant influences on bird populations over time. Overall our EKC results were consistent with those found for threatened bird species, indicating that economic prosperity does indeed act to benefit some bird populations.  相似文献   
根据维修人为因素分析和分类扩展系统的框架选取影响因素,在航空维修领域应用贝叶斯网络进行人因可靠性分析,建立飞机维修效能模型,直观地表示影响因素与维修效能之间的关系。同时以目视检测为例,结合专家意见确定随机影响因素,通过专家访谈、事故报告、调查问卷、操作记录等渠道获取数据,得出条件概率表,进而建立目视检测表现模型,展示贝叶斯网络的建模流程。案例研究结果表明,组织文化、视觉信息、设备、疲劳、检测距离等因素对目视检测表现的影响非常显著,欲改善目视检测表现,必须对多影响因素进行综合管理。  相似文献   
京津冀地区面向人居环境之水安全格局初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献法对近年京津冀水资源、水环境、水污染、水灾害、水管理等水安全情势进行相关数据分析,从总体上显示出水危机问题和京津冀地区快速城市化发展的关联性.结果表明:1)京津冀城市群必须向节水型社会模式转型;2)建立区域及城市间的协调机制,才能有效克服流域与区域等级的水问题;3)实现京津冀地区水安全格局的治理行动计划网络,提出保护恢复体系、净化循环体系、限制节约体系、调度再造体系、蓄滞防洪减灾体系五大体系.  相似文献   
为了更好地服务于矿山安全管理,同时解决矿山人为因素调查、分析和评价方面存在的缺失,对部分矿山事故进行了统计分析,研究了诱发事故发生的人因因素,并分析了各因素发生的原因。在此基础上,结合对部分矿山安全管理现状的研究,建立了矿山HFACS分析模型。该模型包括5类事故致因、24个人因因素。应用该模型,结合集对分析方法,可实现矿山人因因素定量与定性分析。以陕西省某矿山为例,建立了该矿山的HFACS模型。采用专家评分法、层次分析法确定各因素的权重,计算出系统的联系度表达式。利用该表达式对该矿山的集对势、联系度、不确定性和悲观势进行了分析。结果表明,该矿山人因安全状况良好,个别人因因素指标需要改善和提高。矿山HFACS模型可以很好地涵盖矿山事故中的人因因素,通过对矿山人因现状的集对分析,可以有效提高矿山安全性。  相似文献   
Introduction: A simplified and computationally efficient human body finite element model is presented. The model complements the Global Human Body Models Consortium (GHBMC) detailed 50th percentile occupant (M50-O) by providing kinematic and kinetic data with a significantly reduced run time using the same body habitus.

Methods: The simplified occupant model (M50-OS) was developed using the same source geometry as the M50-O. Though some meshed components were preserved, the total element count was reduced by remeshing, homogenizing, or in some cases omitting structures that are explicitly contained in the M50-O. Bones are included as rigid bodies, with the exception of the ribs, which are deformable but were remeshed to a coarser element density than the M50-O. Material models for all deformable components were drawn from the biomechanics literature. Kinematic joints were implemented at major articulations (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle) with moment vs. angle relationships from the literature included for the knee and ankle. The brain of the detailed model was inserted within the skull of the simplified model, and kinematics and strain patterns are compared.

Results: The M50-OS model has 11 contacts and 354,000 elements; in contrast, the M50-O model has 447 contacts and 2.2 million elements. The model can be repositioned without requiring simulation. Thirteen validation and robustness simulations were completed. This included denuded rib compression at 7 discrete sites, 5 rigid body impacts, and one sled simulation. Denuded tests showed a good match to the experimental data of force vs. deflection slopes. The frontal rigid chest impact simulation produced a peak force and deflection within the corridor of 4.63 kN and 31.2%, respectively. Similar results vs. experimental data (peak forces of 5.19 and 8.71 kN) were found for an abdominal bar impact and lateral sled test, respectively. A lateral plate impact at 12 m/s exhibited a peak of roughly 20 kN (due to stiff foam used around the shoulder) but a more biofidelic response immediately afterward, plateauing at 9 kN at 12 ms. Results from a frontal sled simulation showed that reaction forces and kinematic trends matched experimental results well. The robustness test demonstrated that peak femur loads were nearly identical to the M50-O model. Use of the detailed model brain within the simplified model demonstrated a paradigm for using the M50-OS to leverage aspects of the M50-O. Strain patterns for the 2 models showed consistent patterns but greater strains in the detailed model, with deviations thought to be the result of slightly different kinematics between models. The M50-OS with the deformable skull and brain exhibited a run time 4.75 faster than the M50-O on the same hardware.

Conclusions: The simplified GHBMC model is intended to complement rather than replace the detailed M50-O model. It exhibited, on average, a 35-fold reduction in run time for a set of rigid impacts. The model can be used in a modular fashion with the M50-O and more broadly can be used as a platform for parametric studies or studies focused on specific body regions.  相似文献   
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