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根据上海市郊新城区发展规模以及绿地规划,从构建湿地处理污水的效果、投资和运行费用以及与市郊新城区绿地景观系统规划相容性方面进行了经济技术分析。分析结果表明:上海市郊新城区利用构建湿地建设生活污水处理系统,基本可以满足污水综合排放标准的要求,不但技术上可行,经济上更节省,而且能够与新城区绿地系统、亲水景观的规划建设有机结合。  相似文献   
植物对潜流人工湿地净化微污染水效果的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
以4种湿地植物为实验对象,在野外构建中试潜流人工湿地,研究了不同植物及植物连根收割对湿地运行效果的影响。结果显示,植物明显提升了湿地的去污效果;其中美人蕉湿地的TP和NH4+-N去除率最高,达到55.6%和78%;空心菜湿地的TN去除率最高,达到80.5%;芦竹湿地的COD去除率最高,为26.6%;植物连根收割后,湿地运行效果下降;其中TN去除率降至空白水平之下,而其他污染指标下降至略高于空白的水平。  相似文献   
毛细屏障作为核废物处置库顶盖的工程屏障之一,已经在国内外得到了广泛应用.采用箱体实验方法,研究了非饱和稳定流条件下粗石英砂层厚度和倾角对毛细屏障效应的影响.结果表明,随着粗石英砂层厚度的增大,水分的相对绕流量增大,毛细屏障效应增强;随着粗石英砂层倾角的增大,其表面积水减少,水的横向流动能力增强,毛细屏障效应增强.  相似文献   
Diffusion is one of the main mechanisms of solute transport in pore water of geologic media. The effective diffusion coefficient of a solute in a rock is usually measured by the through-diffusion experiment. However, in this experiment, the effect of advection, induced by density difference between dense aqueous solution and pure water, has not been considered. To evaluate the effect of density-driven flow, a through-diffusion experiment using Fontainebleau sandstone was conducted for KCl and KI aqueous solutions with various densities. The measured effective diffusion coefficients were positively correlated with the density difference; the effective diffusion coefficient of a 1 M KI solution (density difference, 0.119 g/cm3) was one order of magnitude larger than that of a 0.1 M KCl solution (density difference, 0.005 g/cm3). The result is explained by a theoretical model using a diffusion–advection equation including Darcy's law. Based on the theory, a diagram to evaluate the condition at which the measured effective diffusion coefficient does not include the effect of advection is presented.  相似文献   
基于超临界水氧化过程的能源环境系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了超临界水氧化过程的工艺路线,介绍了超临界水氧化过程的特点,提出了基于超临界水氧化过程的能源环境系统,设计了几种热量与能量回收系统程的耦合工艺,为提高超临界水氧化过程的经济性奠定了基础。  相似文献   
从2009年7月~2010年3月每月采集西太湖表层水样,分析叶绿素含量﹑蓝藻细胞裂解速率﹑磷酸盐浓度的变化,并通过切向流超滤系统分离得到的高分子量(1kDa~0.5μm)溶解性有机物的碳氮比值和高分子量溶解性有机碳浓度的变化.结果表明,西太湖蓝藻细胞裂解速率在11月达到最大值(0.43d-1),而磷酸盐和高分子量溶解性有机碳浓度分别在12月与9月达到最大值.细胞裂解速率与磷酸盐﹑高分子量溶解性有机碳浓度之间没有相关性,说明水华过后影响磷酸盐浓度﹑高分子量溶解性有机碳的因素很多,蓝藻细胞裂解只是其中重要因素之一.藻类水华的出现可能导致水体中其它磷形态(如有机磷)与磷酸盐之间的迁移转化,而大型浅水湖泊扰动导致的沉积物再悬浮和水华过后频繁的细菌活动都可能是影响高分子量溶解性有机碳的因素.秋季水华过后蓝藻细胞裂解释放的有机碳进入微食物网循环,引起细菌活动频繁,而溶解性有机物中含碳化合物比含氮化合物容易降解,所以碳氮比值逐渐减少.此外细菌通过硝酸盐合成溶解性有机氮也可能是碳氮比值减少的一个重要原因.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Simulation of ground-water flow and fate of contaminants in the subsurface environment constitutes a major phase of most environmental assessment and site remediation studies. These simulation studies yield information on spatial and temporal distributions of contaminants in the subsurface media. An important use of this information is to conduct exposure assessment studies. Spatial and temporal distributions of both chemical concentrations and exposed populations render this integrated exposure analysis task rather difficult. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), on the other hand, provide a platform in which layered, spatially distributed databases can be manipulated with ease, thereby simplifying exposure analysis tasks significantly. In this paper, we describe procedures that combine the simulation models and demographic databases under a GIS platform to automate the exposure assessment phase of a typical health assessment study. Procedures developed herein significantly simplify the post-processing phase of the analysis, and render the overall task more ‘user friendly.’ A site-specific application is included as a demonstration of the proposed process.  相似文献   
Substantial conflict exists over water management and allocation in the Platte River Basin of Nebraska. An interdisciplinary computer simulation model, representing the water quantity, water quality, environmental, and economic dimensions of the conflict, was developed in order to analyze the tradeoffs among allocation scenarios. Most importantly, decisionmakers and interest groups were involved in model development. Simulation results for a base case and two scenarios are presented. One scenario favors protection of instream flow for wildlife; the other favors water diversions for agriculture. Impacts of the instream flow scenario, as measured by the amount of land irrigated, groundwater levels, the amount of wildlife habitat for cranes and catfish, and net agricultural benefits did not differ greatly from those of the base case. However, impacts of the diversion scenario were substantial. On the negative side, instream flows and wildlife habitat declined an average of 39 percent; while, on the positive side, groundwater levels and net agricultural benefits each increased 6 percent. The modeling process was successful insofar as it promoted an understanding among the highly diverse interest groups of the systems nature of the Basin. One agreement on a water diversion schedule among three of the parties has been reached, partly as a result of this process. More comprehensive compromises have not yet been forged. Our experience, however, indicates that modeling success at the policymaking level depends more on the extent to which the policymakers understand the model than it does on model sophistication.  相似文献   
A graphical inverse method for determining the regional transmissivity distribution was applied to three field problems. The study areas were the Hanford Site, Washington; the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado; and the Nevada Test Site, Nevada. This method can aid in flow system conceptualization by revealing the location of bedrock controls for groundwater flow. It is a valuable tool for aiding the hydrogeologist in asking questions about the nature of trends in the pattern of transmissivity values. Quantitative estimates of regional transmissivities can be used as starting points for further parameter refinement. Sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulation shows that quantitative estimates of transmissivity can be obtained when measurement error in the hydraulic head does not cause a large error in the hydraulic gradient.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A method is presented for determining low discharge periods of rivers based on threshold values defined in terms of MEAN OF MINIMUM SUMMER (WINTER) DISCHARGES. The method is used to determine summer low flow periods in the Vistula River basin in Poland. Analysis is based on daily discharge data for 84 basins of the Upper Vistula River which was collected by the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Economy.  相似文献   
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