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Evaluating non-equilibrium solute transport in small soil columns   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Displacement studies on leaching of bromide and two pesticides (atrazine and isoproturon) were conducted under unsaturated steady state flow conditions in 24 small undisturbed soil columns (5.7 cm in diameter and 10 cm long) each collected from two sites differing in soil structure and organic carbon content in North Germany. There were large and irregular variabilities in the characteristics of both soils, as well as in the shapes of breakthrough curves (BTCs) of different columns, including some with early breakthrough and increased tailing, qualitatively indicating the presence of preferential flow. It was estimated that one preferential flow column (PFC) at site A, and four at site B, contributed, respectively to 11% and 58% of the accumulated leached fraction and to more than 80% of the maximum observed standard deviation (SD) in the field-scale concentration and mass flux of pesticides at two sites. The bromide BTCs of two sites were analyzed with the equilibrium convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and a non-equilibrium two-region/mobile-immobile model. Transport parameters of these models for individual BTCs were determined using a curve fitting program, CXTFIT, and by the time moment method. For the CDE based equilibrium model, the mean values of retardation factor, R, considered separately for all columns, PFCs or non-preferential flow columns (NPFCs) were comparable for the two methods; significant differences were observed in the values of dispersion coefficients of two sites using the two estimation methods. It was inferred from the estimated parameters of non-equilibrium model that 5-12% of water at site A, and 12% at site B, was immobile during displacement in NPFCs. The corresponding values for PFCs of two sites were much larger, ranging from 25% to 51% by CXTFIT and from 24% to 72% by the moment method, suggesting the role of certain mechanisms other than immobile water in higher degrees of non-equilibrium in these columns. Peclet numbers in PFCs of both sites were consistently smaller than five, indicating the inadequacy of the non-equilibrium model to incorporate the effect of all forms of non-equilibrium in PFCs. Overall, the BTCs of individual NPFCs, PFCs and of field average concentration at the two sites were better reproduced with parameters obtained from CXTFIT than by the moment method. The moment method failed to capture the peak concentrations in PFCs, but tended to describe the desorption and tail branches of BTCs better than the curve fitting approach.  相似文献   
改良型厌氧折流板反应器(modified anaerobic baffled reactor,mABR)的处理效率受水力特性的影响很大,而反应器升流室的升流速度又是影响反应器内水力特性的重要参数。使用CFD-fluent软件平台进行二维多相流数值模拟,在难降解废水水解酸化(固-液两相流)与高浓度有机废水发酵产气(气-液-固三相流)条件下,针对水流速度与固含率的变化,探究不同升流速度对反应器内流场特性的影响。结果表明:升流速度的增加及反应器厌氧产气有利于抬升泥水界面,促进泥水混合,提高传质效率;但过高的升流速度将导致污泥流失,使生物量的保持能力下降。通过分析可知,当两相流和三相流升流速度分别为2.0~2.5 m·h−1和1.5~2.0 m·h−1时,水力搅动及固含率分布较为显著,有利于泥水混合,使得反应器去除污染物效率最佳。  相似文献   
针对存在补给关系的河流或河段,提出更切合实际设计条件的水量平衡模型和水量水质平衡模型,进而确定了源与目标之间的响应关系参数和河流或河段的输移作用,在水量水质平衡模型基础上,给出推求自净环境容量的方法。该模型和方法已得到实际应用和检验,具有广泛的应用前景。   相似文献   
此文采用三次多项式表示的流线速度场和基元圆环技术相结合的混合流动模型对国杯—多边形截面杆型复合挤压进行了上限分析,得到挤压力的上限解,分析了杆部截面形状对复合挤压分流点位置及变形力的影响规律并对理论计算进行了实验验证.  相似文献   
Three natural nonaggregated soil samples, with similar grain-size distributions, have been used to determine the dispersive behavior of porous media under steady, saturated and unsaturated flow conditions. Tritium was used as a tracer and was found to have no sorption on the solid matrix. Generated breakthrough curves (BTCs) for the unsaturated experiments were symmetrical with no evidence of tailing. The unsaturated experiments for two of the soils were adequately described by considering all the water in the pore volume as mobile. However, about 10% of the pore water, independent of the degree of saturation, was found to be immobile in the case of the third soil during unsaturated flow. For this soil, there was no mass transfer between the two water regions, indicating that the immobile water is essentially isolated from the flowing water fraction. For all three soils, dispersivity under unsaturated conditions was found to be higher, independent of the degree of water saturation, than the value determined for the saturated experiments. This is inconsistent with what would be expected from the simple bundle-of-capillary-tubes model and does not agree well with a more sophisticated conceptualization of the porous medium. The data, however, clearly indicate a wider range in pore-water velocities when these soils are desaturated.  相似文献   
往复隔板絮凝池流场数值模拟及混凝效果分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对往复隔板絮凝池内的流场进行了数值模拟 ,并根据絮凝池的工作特征分析了水流状态对混凝效果的影响。结果表明絮凝池转弯处过水断面面积A_1 与廊道过水断面面积A_2 的比值A =A_1 / A_2 ,这一影响流场紊流动能的设计参数的最佳范围是 1 2~ 1 5。按此设计参数设计的往复隔板絮凝池模型的混凝反应效率是比较理想的。  相似文献   
利用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法研究电收尘器斜向气流分布   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
党小庆  杨衡  赵昕慰  马广大 《环境工程》2005,23(5):45-46,50
在讨论了电收尘器电场内气流分布对除尘效率影响的基础上,介绍有效降低粉尘返流损失,提高电收尘效率的斜向气流技术,进而利用CFD方法对电场内的气流分布进行数值模拟,给出了在电场内实现斜向气流分布时气流分布板结构调整方法和参数。  相似文献   
煤矿风井轴流风机气流速度大,扩散口噪声辐射强度高达113dB(A),降噪难度较大的低频成份突出。正确合理的低频噪声控制设计计算是噪声控制成功的关键。  相似文献   
Although rainfall-flow processes have received much attention in the hydrological literature, the nature of the non-linear processes involved in the relationship between rainfall and river flow still remains rather unclear. This paper outlines the first author's data-based mechanistic (DBM) approach to model structure identification and parameter estimation for linear and non-linear dynamic systems and uses it to explore afresh the non-linear relationship between measured rainfall and flow in two typical catchments. Exploiting the power of recursive estimation, state dependent non-linearities are identified objectively from the time series data and used as the basis for the estimation of non-linear transfer function models of the rainfall—flow dynamics. These objectively identified models not only explain the data in a parametrically efficient manner but also reveal the possible parallel nature of the underlying physical processes within the catchments. The DBM modelling approach provides a useful tool for the further investigation of rainfall-flow processes, as well as other linear and non-linear environmental systems. Moreover, because DBM modelling uses recursive estimation, it provides a powerful vehicle for the design of real-time, self-adaptive environmental management systems. Finally, the paper points out how DBM models can often be interpreted directly in terms of dynamic conservation equations (mass, energy or momentum) associated with environmental flow processes and stresses the importance of parallel processes in this connection.  相似文献   
本文对山地和丘陵地区中烟羽浓度扩散分布的计算提出一种方法,该方法引用浓度方程的分析解,通过对山地绕流数值计算速度势和流函数,可较简易地求得烟羽浓度分布。作为算例,文中对中条山某工厂烟囟排放的SO2,预测了它在各种风速时被输运扩敢的浓度分布。   相似文献   
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