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Soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems are intended to cause substantial volumes of air to flow through the subsurface with the purpose of removing volatile contaminants. The effectiveness of SVE can be influenced by any effect that changes the specific gas capacity (discharge as a function of vacuum) of a well. Skins of low permeability material enveloping a well bore are widely recognized to affect the performance of wells used to recover water, natural gas, or petroleum, and skin can also significantly diminish the performance of an SVE well. Skins a few mm thick consisting of material whose gas phase permeability is 0.01 of the formation can reduce the specific gas capacity of an SVE well by factors of 2 to 10 or more. Hydraulic fractures created in the vicinities of shallow wells commonly resemble sand-filled layers shaped like flat-lying disks or gently dipping saucers. The contrast between the gas-phase permeability of the sand in the fracture and that of the formation is particularly important, with significant effects requiring the ratio to be greater than approximately 50. Shallow hydraulic fractures filled with several tenths of m3 of sand in formations that are several orders of magnitude less permeable than that of the enveloping formation should increase specific gas capacity by factors of 10 or more. Field tests of the effects of hydraulic fractures on the performance of SVE were conducted by creating four wells intersecting fractures and a suite of control wells created using conventional methods in silty saprolite. Specific gas capacities ranged over more than an order of magnitude for 10 wells completed within a small area (2 m2) and at the same depth. Specific capacities correlate to the drilling method that was used to create the bore for the well: lowest values occurred in wells drilled with a machine auger, slightly better results were obtained using a Shelby tube, and the best results were obtained from conventional wells bored with a hand auger. Skin factors determined for wells created with a machine auger could be explained by a layer 1 cm thick that has 0.007 times the permeability of the enveloping material, which could readily have been created during the drilling procedure. Specific capacities of wells intersecting hydraulic fractures were 5 to 100 times more than those of conventional wells. The large difference in performance appears to be due in part to the beneficial effects of the fracture, and in part to the detrimental effects of well skin.  相似文献   
The time course of isocyanate emission from curing polyurethane (PUR) resins and adhesives was studied in two different emission test chambers. The measured emissions were strongly dependent on the type of experiment. The adhesives under investigation contained different types of diisocyanates and are used for different applications, e.g. for fixing of textile floor coverings. The influence of the curing mechanism on emission was studied by comparing the emission curves of one-component adhesives (OCA) and two-component adhesives (TCA). For TCA, the decrease in isocyanate emission was found to follow a two-step process during curing. In the first step, the emission is dominated by surface evaporation, and the decay of emission is mainly caused by the decrease in monomer content due to reaction. In the second step, the release is limited by internal diffusion. The influence of monomer reactivity on the emission profile could be demonstrated for 2,4′- and 4,4′-MDI. The less-reactive 2,4′-MDI caused prolonged emission. A strong dependence of emission rates on temperature and adhesive viscosity was also obvious. The evaluation of emission rates of different commercially available PUR adhesives showed the highest emission from systems that are applied at high temperatures. The high reactivity of diisocyanates requires special techniques for sampling and analysis. Therefore, an analytical method using HPLC–MS/MS was developed that enables limits of quantitation of <5 ng/m3 with a sampling volume of 100 l.  相似文献   
本文报道了新疆核试验场周围地区9个调查区17种主要食品中90Sr、137Cs含量分别为1.1~72.3,0.3~40.7×10-2Bq·Kg-1;3个对照区分别为1.6~68.4,0.6~27.4×10-2Bq·Kg-1。两地区同类食品中90Sr、137Cs平均含量基本一致。调查区90Sr、137Cs所致成年居民有效剂量当量值分别为2μSV(集体剂量当量为30.0人· SV);0.3μSV(4.5人· SV)。对照区分别为2.2μSV(集体剂量当量为20.9人·SV);0.4μSV(3.0人·SV)。可见我国核试验产生的90Sr、137Cs对核试验场周围地区食品没有造成明显的局部污染,所致居民剂量当量负担仅为我国天然外照射所致年有效剂量当量(952μSV)的0.2%和0.03%。对该地区的广大居民健康不会产生有害的影响。  相似文献   
活性污泥1号数学模型(ASMI)中的组分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
活性污泥数学模型组分的鉴定对活性污泥1号数学模型的应用具有重要的意义。ASMI中的组分包括含碳组分、含氮组分、溶解氧和碱度。传统的组分可以直接用经典的测试方法获得。其余组分目前还没有统一的测定方法,试验测定方法分为生物方法和物理化学方法。  相似文献   
王伟  刘帅  白杰 《火灾科学》2016,25(4):179-182
使用反应路径分析法对Jet-A型航空煤油燃烧的气相燃烧机理进行简化。选用POSF-4658机理作为Jet-A燃烧的详细反应机理,该机理包含1607种燃烧组分、6633个基元反应机理。将飞机防火试验条件作为简化过程的初始条件,得到78种组分,196个反应机理的Jet-A燃烧机理。通过对Jet-A的简化反应机理、详细反应机理和JetA实验数据的比较可以发现,简化反应机理可以较准确地反映Jet-A型航空煤油在防火试验条件下的燃烧特性。利用常用的Jet-A型航空煤油简化机理计算的绝热火焰温度、点火延迟时间及层流火焰速度与本文提出的简化的计算值进行比较。结果表明,提出的简化机理在防火试验条件下具有较高的精确度。得到的Jet-A简化反应机理可为飞机防火试验的仿真研究提供燃烧场的化学反应动力学模型。  相似文献   
测土配方施肥对湖北省N2O减排的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为弄清测土配方施肥项目实施后对氧化亚氮(N_2O)排放产生的影响及其带来的经济效益.本研究通过比较传统施肥和测土配方推荐施肥的农田氮(N)投入量,依据《2006年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》方法,分别估算了农田N_2O的直接排放和间接排放.结果表明,测土配方施肥项目从2004年开始实施至2013年的10年时间里,共减少氮肥的施用量74.39×104t(折纯N),作物产量增加1898.05×104t;10年里共减少N_2O排放总量为2.24×104t,其中由氮肥施用量减少带来的N_2O减排量为1.57×104t,作物产量提高带来的N_2O减排量为0.67×104t;湖北省不同区域的N_2O减排量与该地区项目实施面积密切相关,项目实施10年来襄阳市N_2O减排总量最大,为0.31×104t,其次是荆州市,减排量为0.26×104t,神龙架林区N_2O减排总量最小,仅为0.0034×104t;不同作物对N_2O减排的贡献以玉米减排总量最大,为0.54×104t,占减排总量的24.17%,其次为水稻,减排量为0.49×104t,芝麻减排总量最小,仅0.018×104t.按照湖北省碳交易市场最新交易价格25元·t-1C来计算,湖北省实施测土配方施肥项目10年来仅N_2O减排所带来效益可达1.74亿元.测土配方施肥项目不仅在湖北省粮食增产上有重要贡献,对减少N_2O排放也有重要贡献,并带来一定的经济效益.  相似文献   
本文针对电磁防护服装的性能要求,对电磁防护服装的特点及其防护性能的测试指标进行了分析。在此基础上,根据GB/T23463-2009标准和相关文献确定了服装屏蔽效能测试的试验方法和具体实验条件,并且搭建实验对不同面料的两件无袖电磁防护女上衣进行了屏蔽效能的测试。并分析比较了服装与其所使用织物的电磁屏蔽效能值,说明织物屏蔽效能的测试数据不能代替服装的屏蔽效能。关于服装电磁防护性能的测试分析既满足了电磁防护服装的发展要求,也为进一步制定电磁防护服装的测试及相关标准提供了依据。  相似文献   
杨永红  纪春阳 《环境技术》2006,24(3):6-9,20
目前,筛选试验中振动应力量值选取大多采用GJB推荐值,而不同产品有其不同动力学特性,从而很难保证各类产品都达到强筛选效果.针对这种不足,本文提出一种根据产品实测响应而确定振动量级的新方法,并以电子组件为例,给出具体的实施方法及操作过程中诸多问题的解决办法.实践证明本方法具有推广价值.  相似文献   
赖文光 《环境技术》2006,24(4):8-13
不同的温度参数数据处理方法有不同的计算结果,本文针对检测与评定气候环境试验设备的技术性能中存在的问题,分析了三个标准(GB 11158-89、GB/T 5170.1-1995、JTM K 05-1991)的温度参数数据处理方法,比对了二组实际检测数据的计算结果,说明"绝对极值法"科学准确、简捷实用.  相似文献   
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