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针对杭州西湖钱塘江引水低碳高氮的特点,提出以改性水草塘—复合垂直流人工湿地(IVCW)相耦合的生物—生态工艺进行引水处理,对该引水降氮示范工程的构建和运行效果进行了跟踪研究。结果表明,整个稳定运行期间(2012年7月19日至11月19日),耦合工艺对COD、TN、硝酸盐氮、TP的平均去除率分别为52.27%、52.49%、53.69%、52.79%,系统出水满足《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅳ标准;改性水草塘和IVCW单元作为耦合工艺的两个重要组成部分,在脱氮、除磷方面优势互补,从而共同保证出水水质的稳定;在改性水草塘单元,温度与COD的去除效果呈负相关关系,进水C/N与TN去除效果呈正相关关系;而在IVCW单元,温度与COD、TN的去除效果均呈线性正相关关系,进水C/N与两者的去除效果也呈正相关关系,且对COD的影响要大于对TN的影响。  相似文献   
Body size has often been related to reproductive success in bees and wasps. The objective of this 3-year study was to analyze the relationship between nesting female body size, provisioning rate and longevity and their effect on several traits related to parental investment and reproductive success in the solitary bee Osmia cornuta. Body size was not correlated to longevity, and it was only correlated to provisioning rate in the third year (with poor weather conditions during nesting). Variation in fecundity, offspring size and offspring mortality was not well explained by nesting female body size in any of the 3 years. However, in the third year, small females biased their investment toward males, the sex requiring smaller pollen–nectar provisions. Large females were more successful usurpers of other females' nests, but fecundity of usurpers was no higher than fecundity of nonusurpers. Large females were more likely to establish at the release site, probably in relation to size-dependent vigor at emergence. A review of the literature on parental investment in solitary aculeate Hymenoptera showed a stronger relationship between body size and reproductive success in wasps than in bees. In O. cornuta, fecundity was strongly related to longevity and provisioning rate in all 3 years. Offspring size was associated with provisioning rate in 1 year, when females with higher provisioning rates tended to produce larger sons and daughters. Both longevity and provisioning rate appeared to be strongly conditioned by stochastic events.  相似文献   
In men, the length ratio of the second to fourth finger (2D:4D) is smaller, while the length of the fourth finger relative to body height (4D:H) is larger than in women. Inter- and intrasexual variations in 2D:4D and 4D:H may depend on variation in fetal androgen and oestrogen environment. As maternal physiology varies with parity and is differentially affected by gestation of either sex, offspring 2D:4D and 4D:H may change according to sex and number of older siblings and may predict subsequent maternal performance. We analysed 2D:4D and 4D:H in Caucasian university students. 2D:4D was smaller and 4D:H was larger in males than in females, but no sexual dimorphism existed in 2D:H. In males, length ratios did not vary with birth order. 2D:4D became more masculine with increasing proportion of males among older siblings, and 2D:4D and 4D:H became more feminine as the number of older sisters increased. In females, length ratios did not vary with the number of older sisters or brothers. 2D:4D was also not related to birth order, but 4D:H became more masculine with birth order. In females, residual maternal fecundity (number of maternal offspring after the participant) decreased as 4D:H became more masculine. These findings are partly consistent with those from previous studies and suggest that maternal fecundity co-varies with length ratios and thus possibly fetal hormone environment of older offspring. 2D:4D and 4D:H may therefore represent powerful tools to investigate the relationships between fetal environment, offspring phenotype and maternal life history at mechanistic and evolutionary levels.  相似文献   
通过A-O工艺对印染废水的降解处理,研究了不同污泥活性下微生物疏水比率和COD去除率的变化规律.结果表明,污泥活性指标ATP浓度与微生物疏水性之间存在一定关系,并对COD去除率产生一定的影响.缺氧污泥的活性指标ATP浓度在0.38~0.77 mg/L范围时,污泥微生物的疏水性最好且疏水比率最高值为84%,COD的去除率最高,为70.01%;好氧污泥的活性指标ATP浓度在0.86~2.17 mg/L范围时,污泥微生物的疏水性最好,疏水比率最高值为75%,COD的去除率最高为96.2%.  相似文献   
针对曝气沉砂池小试装置模型,通过配砂实验对沉砂池除砂率进行统计分析,研究曝气强度与HRT对沉砂池除砂率的影响。实验结果表明,不同曝气强度下,随着HRT变化,除砂率逐渐上升,并最终趋于平衡状态;不同HRT下,曝气强度与除砂率近似呈现一定的线性关系,且随着曝气强度的增大,除砂率降低;在HRT小于1min时,砂粒的运行路径和沉降时间缩短,不利于砂粒的去除;在HRT大于1min时,其中1、3和4min,随着气水比的增加除砂率降低幅度相对较小,曝气所引起的横向环流在一定程度上有利于砂粒的沉降,而HRT为2min时,除砂率降幅却很大,这与砂粒在曝气沉砂池池体断面分布有关,即断面处旋转流速和水平流速的大小变化将影响砂粒的运动;相比曝气强度,HRT对除砂率的影响较大。  相似文献   

Recycling of organic residues by composting is becoming an acceptable practice in our society. Co-composting dewatered paper mill sludge (PMS) and hardwood sawdust, two readily available materials in Canada, was investigated using uncontrolled and controlled in-vessel processes. The composted materials were characterized for total C and N, water-soluble, acid-hydrolyzable, and non-hydrolyzable N, extractable lipids, and by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectrophotometry. In the controlled scale process, the loss of organic matter was approximately 65% higher than in the uncontrolled process. After undergoing initial fluctuations in N fractions during the first two days of composting, by the end of the process, concentrations of water-soluble N decreased while those of acid-hydrolyzable and nonhydrolyzable N increased in the controlled process, whereas in the uncontrolled process, water-soluble N increased, but N in the other two fractions decreased continuously, indicating that the biochemical transformations of organic matter were not completed. Data on extractable lipids and FT-IR spectra suggest that the compost produced from the controlled process was bio-stable after 14 days, while the uncontrolled process was not stabilized after 18 days. In addition, FT-IR data suggest the biological activity during composting centered mainly on the degradation of aliphatic structures while aromatic structures were preserved. The co-composting of the PMS and hardwood sawdust can be successfully achieved if aeration, moisture, and bio-available C/N ratios are optimized to reduce losses of N.  相似文献   
碱解预处理污泥和原污泥按一定比例进行混合后,投入厌氧反应器中进行消化,研究其对污泥减量化的影响。结果表明,该处理既可以提高污泥减量率,又能改善污泥厌氧消化性能,提高污泥产气量。当碱处理污泥和原污泥混合比为1∶3时,在混合初期由于稀释作用和水解中和作用,溶液的pH能迅速恢复到中性。SS减少48%,较对照组提高了10%;SCOD减少约80%,较对照组提高20%,而空白对照组因未发生溶胞作用,各参数值均处于较低水平,降解率也维持在较低水平。  相似文献   
脱硫石膏粒径分布与脱水性能实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
脱硫石膏粒径分布是影响脱硫石膏浆液脱水性能的重要因素之一,以干法、湿法筛分和研磨破碎获得不同粒径分布的脱硫石膏,在相同的过滤条件下,对不同粒径分布脱硫石膏浆液脱水性能进行了研究,实验结果表明,当脱硫石膏粒径d50大于50μm且(d90-d10)小于100μm,真空过滤最大真空度不低于0.098MPa,过滤时间不少于2.5min,滤饼厚度不超过20mm时,石膏滤饼含水率可以降低到12%以下(最低可达10%);d50在17μm为脱硫石膏在相同的过滤条件下能够实现真空脱水干燥的转折点;d50和(d90-d10)共同影响石膏脱水性能,d50小于20μm时,仅表现为d50的影响。  相似文献   
依据1998—2006年18个航次13个站的调查资料,简要描述和分析了大鹏湾表层沉积物中包括碳、氮、磷的多项生物地球化学要素多年的平均空间分布和年际变化,并依据TOC/TN原子比探讨沉积物中有机质的来源.结果表明,大鹏湾的水动力条件对沉积物中各生物地球化学要素的分布变化影响不大,TOC、TN和TP含量分别为(17600±4600) mg·kg-1、(1738±446) mg·kg-1和(562±89) mg·kg-1,比珠江口和大亚湾高.9年调查期间,TOC、TC、TN和TP含量的年际变化趋势都是上升的,表明随着周边地区经济的迅速发展和人口的不断增加,产生的大量有机质通过小河流和地表径流排放入海,使大鹏湾中沉积物的环境逐渐恶化.TOC/TN原子比为12.4±2.5,介于海洋浮游生物源和陆生高等植物源之间,反映了大鹏湾表层沉积物中有机质是陆源和水生2种来源的混合输入.TOC/TN原子比呈逐年上升趋势,表明大鹏湾接受陆源有机质与水生有机质的比例逐渐增加.  相似文献   
韩相奎  周春生  董春兰 《环境科学》1991,12(6):37-39,47
本文探讨了稀释倍数影响BOD测定结果的生化机理.研究结果表明,稀释倍数不同所引起的BOD测定值不同的原因在于培养体系内食料微生物比F/M值的不同.在相同接种条件下,稀释倍数愈大,BOD测定值和耗氧速率常数K值也愈大,而其BOD_u值基本不变.对标准葡萄糖-谷氨酸溶液来说,不同F/M值的两个培养体系的活菌总数峰值均在两日内出现,且F/M值大的其峰值相对滞后出现;细菌种群在内源呼吸期之前的耗氧速率较大,内源呼吸期的耗氧速率较小.  相似文献   
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