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Xuan Bien Do 《Disasters》2020,44(3):569-595
This paper explores two groups of factors, individual and institutional, that have influenced return migration since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in Japan on 11 March 2011. Based on an analysis of statistical data on evacuees, a questionnaire completed by 289 people who migrated, and 19 semi-structured interviews with disaster-affected people, the research found (apropos of institutional factors) that while the lifting of the government's evacuation order has had no immediate effect on return decisions, the termination of monetary compensation and housing subsidies has had a significant bearing on them. As for individual factors, a strong sense of attachment to home and the possession of property, job obligations, and having family members in the home location are key determinants of return decisions. Moreover, the paper suggests that there could be differing opinions among Japanese government officials and evacuees regarding radiation exposure risk and the degree to which infrastructure and social services have been rehabilitated.  相似文献   
一体化氧化沟固液分离和回流机理探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了一体化氧化沟中固液分离和污泥回流的基本原理,提出了固液分离器的表面负荷SOR与污泥层厚度、回流污泥浓度等有关,计算模型为SOR=11+R·HwT·CuC0.固液分离器与二沉池的功效显著不同,所需面积远低于二沉池,在固液分离器内不发生污泥压缩、回流及时,不易受污泥沉降性能影响,是值得推荐的一体化氧化沟固液分离方式.  相似文献   
透水混凝土路面对径流水量削减试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
透水混凝土路面作为低影响开发技术之一,对雨洪的管理与控制具有重要作用。对透水混凝土路面对径流的控制作用进行试验,结果表明:基于设计路面和北京降雨参数,降雨历时分别为30,60,120 min时,透水混凝土路面对径流总量的削减率分别达到60%、55%和40%以上,对洪峰流量的削减率分别达到65%、63%和40%以上;降雨重现期从1年增到100年,产流延迟时间从13 min降至5 min。试验表明,透水混凝土路面的雨量径流系数在0.18~0.54,远小于普通混凝土路面的雨量径流系数0.91。结果表明,透水混凝土路面对延迟产流时间、削减径流水量、削减洪峰流量以及降低径流系数具有很好的作用,可以为该低影响开发技术在国内的应用设计提供参考。  相似文献   
While previous studies have examined how forest management is influenced by the risk of fire, they rely on probabilistic estimates of the occurrence and impacts of fire. However, nonprobabilistic approaches are required for assessing the importance of fire risk when data are poor but risks are appreciable. We explore impacts of fire risk on forest management using as a case study a water catchment in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) (southeastern Australia). In this forested area, urban water supply and timber yields from exotic plantations are potential joint but also competing land uses. Our analyses were stimulated by extensive wildfires in early 2003 that burned much of the existing exotic pine plantation estate in the water catchment and the resulting need to explore the relative economic benefits of revegetating the catchment with exotic plantations or native vegetation. The current mean fire interval in the ACT is approximately 40 years, making the establishment of a pine plantation economically marginal at a 4% discount rate. However, the relative impact on water yield of revegetation with native species and pines is very uncertain, as is the risk of fire under climate change. We use info-gap decision theory to account for these nonprobabilistic sources of uncertainty, demonstrating that the decision that is most robust to uncertainty is highly sensitive to the cost of native revegetation. If costs of native revegetation are sufficiently small, this option is more robust to uncertainty than revegetation with a commercial pine plantation.  相似文献   
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/espr2006.01.007 Goal, Scope and Background Amu Darya river, one of the main water resources of Uzbekistan, shows a relevant longitudinal enrichment of soluble contents which strongly limits the human uses of its waters. Because of the low natural run-off processes, salts and pollutants are mainly driven to the river by the return waters used for washing and irrigating the surrounding lands. The influence of return waters on stream quality is dramatically relevant in the lower reaches of the river where almost all the flowing waters have been previously used for the agriculture practises. To provide analytical evidence on the potential effects of return waters on the quality of the Amu Darya river, the paper reports and comments data on salinity and metals contents of the waters flowing in the artificial channel network of Bukhara and in the Amu Darya river, from Bukhara up to the dam forming the Tuyamuyn Hydro Complex (THC). Methods A total of 15 sampling sites were selected for the analytical survey: Two sites were located on the Amu Darya river downstream from the inflow of the return waters from Bukhara, two in the river entering in the THC, and three downstream from the dam forming the reservoir complex. The waters entering and leaving the Bukhara agricultural area were sampled in two main collectors, while the waters flowing in the channel system were sampled in six distinct collectors. The following parameters were considered in the survey: pH, Oxygen, Hardness, Salinity, Conductivity, P-PO4 3–, P tot, N tot, N-NO3 2–, N-NO2 –, COD, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Cd, Pb. Results and Discussion Salt concentrations below 1000 mg/l were measured in the Amu Darya waters upstream to Bukhara. In the drainage system, salinity exceeds the palatability limit and reaches the maximum peak of 3200 mg/l in the outflow collector. Due to dilution effects, salinity returns to lower values (400–700 mg/l) along the Amu Darya river downstream from Bukhara; calcium and magnesium resulted the major constituents of the overall salinity. No serious metal contaminations were detected in the waters entering and leaving the examined channel system. Differently, the Amu Darya waters upstream to the THC showed a relevant metal contamination, with Cr, Ni, Fe concentrations exceeding the limits for human consumption. In the downstream sites, located in the Tuyamuyn Hydro Complex and in the Amu Darya river flowing out from this reservoir, excluding Fe, all the examined metals showed lover concentrations and values below the normative limits. Conclusion The direct human consumption of the lower Amu Darya waters is strongly limited by salinity and by metal contamination. Although the salinity of the return waters from the Bukhara drainage system results in above normal limits, no corresponding increases were measured in the Amu Darya river downstream from the return water inflow at the time of the survey. As for the metal contamination of the Amu Darya river, the survey revealed the presence of relevant sources of metal contamination downstream from Bukhara external to the agricultural drainage system. This contamination resulted in reduced sedimentation processes taking place in the limnetic zones of the Amu Darya river upstream to the dam forming the Tuyamuyn Hydro Complex. Recommendation and Outlook To fully understand the longitudinal increase of Amu Darya salinity, an evaluation of the cumulative effects of the loads from the main agricultural areas is required, also by using mass-balance models. As for the metals, an investigation should be addressed to identify the anthropogenic sources of contaminations present in the lower Amu Darya region and the metal loads should be diverted.  相似文献   
基于淮河蚌埠闸以上地区60个站点1961—2015年气象数据,计算作物水分亏缺指数(Crop Water Deficit Index,CWDI)与相对湿润度指数(Relative Moisture Index,M),以冬小麦干旱作为农业干旱的代表,分析生育期内冬小麦干旱与气象干旱时空特征,并通过游程理论识别30场主要干旱事件的历时、烈度及重现期频率,展开农业干旱与气象干旱关联性研究,结果表明:(1)时间上,冬小麦生育期内农业干旱旱情年占比均高于气象干旱,年际差最多年份均发生在冬前生长期;(2)空间上,全生育期和各个生育期内的冬小麦干旱和气象干旱呈纬向分布,由南至北旱情逐渐加重,冬小麦干旱75%以上中旱占比发生在越冬期至灌浆成熟期,气象干旱仅在越冬期出现;(3)冬小麦干旱相较气象干旱存在延时,且烈度大于气象干旱,平均历时分别为18.8旬和17.3旬,平均烈度分别为12.2和9.9;(4)气象干旱历时达到1.28旬或干旱烈度达到3.35时,便会引发冬小麦干旱,且冬小麦干旱历时、烈度重现期频率大于气象干旱,农业干旱较气象干旱持续周期更长、频率及强度更大,气象干旱加剧农业干旱旱情。  相似文献   
张林  李存林  李丹 《中国环境科学》2018,38(7):2794-2800
为了防止政府与污水处理企业在委托代理关系中的“道德风险”,在引入惩罚机制背景下,构建了不确定期望收益模型,以解决城市污水处理问题.基于不确定理论,将模型转化为非线性约束规划,进一步证明了模型可行解的存在性.结合数值算例,对模型进行验证.用控制变量方法,通过对不确定指数、惩罚率、无风险处理量的分析,得出企业签约量与收益、风险成正比,惩罚率与企业签约量、收益成反比,企业无风险处理量与企业签约量、收益成正比.可见,引入惩罚机制能够有效防止企业投机行为,并对降低企业“道德风险”具有显著作用.  相似文献   
贫营养条件下生物除铁除锰滤池生态稳定性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用将反冲洗排水回流至生物除铁除锰滤池的方式补给滤层细菌数量、回流可利用营养物质.试验从滤池整体除铁除锰效果、微生态特性及优势细菌数量分布3方面考察滤池的生态稳定性.结果表明,在高滤速(10~13.9 m/h)、高锰浓度(3.5~4.5 mg/L)条件下生物滤池对铁锰的去除率达98.9%以上,滤池具有较强的抗负荷冲击能力.铁、锰氧化细菌为滤层的优势菌群,数量达106数量级,它们既附着在滤料表面上(4.3×106个/mL)形成致密的生物膜,又存在于滤料间(6.5×106个/mL)形成以细菌为主体的悬浮絮体,此絮体对铁锰的彻底去除至关重要.经过近5年的连续运行,在不投加营养盐的前提下生物滤池实现了稳定运行,保持了高除铁除锰效率.  相似文献   
万超 《工业安全与环保》2021,47(1):27-29,71
核电厂大修期间,反应堆排水到压力容器法兰面水位后,蒸汽发生器U型管中吸附的水会大量返回到一回路,造成一回路水位控制困难并引发一系列安全风险,对大修人员、设备和反应堆堆芯安全都构成威胁.结合秦山第二核电厂换料大修中蒸汽发生器U型管返水的数据,对蒸汽发生器U型管返水的机理以及带来的安全风险进行了分析,并结合大修工作安排提出...  相似文献   
以生活污水培养驯化污泥的小试规模氧化沟工艺为研究对象,进行了混合液回流比为100%、200%和300%时对反硝化除磷的影响研究。结果表明:在试验条件下,混合液回流比对TP去除效果影响不大,但去除途径不同,当混合液回流比为200%和300%时,TP主要是在缺氧区通过反硝化除磷去除的,而混合液回流比为100%时,TP主要是在好氧区去除的;随着混合液回流比增加,NH+4-N和TN去除率也有所增加。在混合液回流比为200%时,系统脱氮除磷效果最好,出水TP和TN去除率分别达到93.9%和82.6%,且NO-3-N可以在缺氧区作为电子受体提供给反硝化除磷。从控制运行能耗和反硝化除磷的角度综合考虑,混合液回流比控制在200%是较适宜的。  相似文献   
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