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安全工程专业人才培养模式与专业知识结构优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了构建高校安全工程专业人才培养新模式应遵循的原则,从安全工程专业人才市场所需的知识结构出发,以安全专业学科科学理论作指导,对高校安全工程专业的知识结构进行优化,提出了其课程体系设置方案,并应用于安全工程专业人才培养的实践教学.  相似文献   
系统动力学方法在城市生活垃圾产生系统的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
准确预测城市生活垃圾产生量是构建与运行生活垃圾管理系统的首要条件. 我国大部分城市生活垃圾的历史统计数据稀缺,传统预测方法往往难以得到要求精度的预测结果. 在系统地分析生活垃圾产生量影响因素及因素间互动关系的基础上,建立了基于VENSIM软件的系统动力学模型,并将该模型应用于深圳市城市生活垃圾产生系统. 结果表明:运用系统动力学方法可以较好地进行城市生活垃圾产生量预测,解决了数据稀缺条件下城市生活垃圾产生量的精确预测问题,为处理处置工艺的选择和规模的确定提供了数据支撑,同时可以在垃圾产生量预测的基础上进行不同政策下系统的行为模拟.   相似文献   
提出基于过程安全的"三标"班组建设基本内容,分析了过程安全管理各要素在班组层面的薄弱环节,探索推进基层"三标"班组建设的做法,即:严控风险、考核激励,深化内部管理标准化;规范硬件、优化软件,强化作业环境标准化;强化培训、演练提升,推进岗位操作标准化。  相似文献   
稻壳热解发电含酚废水是稻壳热解发电过程中产生的各种废水的集合,它是一种有毒、有害废水,会对环境产生污染。本文在微波条件下进行了正交实验研究和单因素实验研究,发现pH值、反应时间、H2O2浓度、FeSO4浓度等因素对反应有影响,而且其影响程度从大到小为:pH值、FeSO4浓度、H2O2浓度、反应时间。实验得出了最佳条件:pH值为3,反应时间为7min,H2O2浓度为1500mg/L,FeSO4浓度为120mg/L,微波功率为400W。处理后水样的COD去除率超过81%,挥发酚去除率超过99%。  相似文献   
原子荧光法测定医疗废弃物焚烧废气中的汞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用王水消解-氢化物-原子荧光光谱法,对医疗垃圾焚烧炉所产生的废气进行采集所得到的滤筒进行消解分析,讨论并确定了实验的最佳条件,结果表明,汞的检出限为0.009μg/L,回收率为90.8%和94.3%,结果表明,该方法操作简便,灵敏度高,准确性好。  相似文献   
中国地热资源特点与发展对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
地热能是一种绿色低碳、可循环利用的可再生能源。中国地热资源丰富,以中低温资源为主,高温地热资源主要受中国地质构造特点及其在全球构造中所处部位的控制,主要集中在藏南-川西-滇西和台湾两个地区。但是,中国地热产业处在起步阶段,资源开发利用程度低,地热资源的利用绝大部分以直接利用为主,地热发电明显落后。针对中国地热资源开发利用存在的问题,提出了5 条促进地热产业发展的对策建议:建立国家级地热产业核心技术研发平台;尽快启动干热岩勘查开发利用示范工程建设;制订优惠扶持政策,推动地热产业步入快速发展轨道;积极推广地热尾水回灌技术,切实保护环境;尽快出台全国性的地热资源管理法规,以推动中国地热资源开发利用的法制化管理。  相似文献   
Despite increasing interest in learning from Indigenous communities, efforts to involve Indigenous knowledge in environmental policy-making are often fraught with contestations over knowledge, values, and interests. Using the co-production of knowledge and social order (Jasanoff, 2004), this case study seeks to understand how some Indigenous communities are engaging in science-policy negotiations by linking traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), western science, and other knowledge systems. The analysis follows twenty years of Indigenous forest management negotiations between the Xáxli’p community and the Ministry of Forests in British Columbia (B.C.), Canada, which resulted in the Xáxli’p Community Forest (XCF). The XCF is an eco-cultural restoration initiative that established an exclusive forest tenure for Xáxli’p over the majority of their aboriginal territory—a political shift that was co-produced with new articulations of Xáxli’p knowledge. This research seeks to understand knowledge co-production with Indigenous communities, and suggests that existing knowledge integration concepts are insufficient to address ongoing challenges with power asymmetries and Indigenous knowledge. Rather, this work proposes interpreting XCF knowledge production strategies through the framework of “Indigenous articulations,” where Indigenous peoples self-determine representations of their identities and interests in a contemporary socio-political context. This work has broader implications for considering how Indigenous knowledge is shaping science-policy negotiations, and vice versa.  相似文献   
风力发电具有公认的环保优势,但由此产生的风力发电工程对局部生态环境及噪声等影响日益受到人们的关注,主要体现在风轮机的视觉污染、噪音、鸟类安全及电磁干扰等方面。探索风电场污染途径,消除或减缓风电场给环境带来的不良影响,对风电行业可持续发展将具有十分重要意义。目前,鉴于有关风电场运营期声环境影响文献较少,本文基于望江屯风电场二期(49.5MW)工程建设,探析风力发电工程声环境影响,为风电场建设控制噪声污染提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Keratinous wastes could be degraded by some microorganisms in nature. Native human foot skin (NHFS) was used as sole nitrogen source to screen microorganisms with keratin-degrading capability. From approximately 200 strains, a strain of Streptomyces sp. strain No. 16 was found to possess the strongest keratinolytic activity, and the total activity in the culture was 110 KU/ml with specific activity of 2870 KU/mg protein (KU: keratinase unit). Substrate specificity test indicated that the crude keratinase could degrade keratin azure, human hair, cock feathers and collagen. The optimal pH of the crude keratinase ranged from 7.5 to 10 and the temperature ranged from 40℃ to 55℃. Metal chelating agent ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid obviously stimulated the keratinolytic activity but suppressed the proteolytic activity. To our knowledge, this is the first report on specific induction of keratinases by NHFS from an actinomycete. Moreover, excellent characteristics of its crude keratinase may lead to the potential application in waste treatment and recovery, poultry and leather industry, medicine, and cosmetic development.  相似文献   
文章研究了用SK-2002 AFS analyser氢化物发生原子荧光法测定地表水和饮用水中的砷、汞、硒的测定。在5%的酸度条件下加入5%硫脲+5%抗坏血酸,20g/L的硼氢化钾为还原剂,调整仪器的空气和辅气流量及分析条件为文中条件,取水样中分别添加砷,汞,硒,使它们的浓度分别为2μg/L,0.4μg/L,4μg/L,连续测定12次,以砷,汞,硒的相对标准偏差分别为0.4%,1.1%,1.2%。取水样加入As,Hg,Se标准分别为2.0ng,0.6ng,4.0ng,测定的添加标准回收率分别为99.5%,97.5%,95.8%。研究结果表明,该方法操作简便,快速,灵敏,干扰少,检出限低等特点,适合于测定地表水和饮用水中砷,汞,硒的测定。  相似文献   
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