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There is a clear difference between exiting data on the measured flammability limits of hydrogen-air mixture. The non-uniformity of concentration distribution of hydrogen in air is a contributor to deviations of the upper flammability limit (UFL) and the lower flammability limit (LFL) measured in different experiments. This paper presents a numerical model to simulate the gas mixing process from start to stability, to predict the concentration distribution, and to research the influence of concentration distribution of hydrogen in air on measured UFLs and LFLs. The commercial software package Fluent was used to carry out the numerical simulation for the concentration distribution of hydrogen in air in the vessels with length-to-diameter ratios (L: D) of 1:1, 3:1, 5:1 and 7:1 respectively. Based on the numerical simulation and analysis, the influence of concentration distribution on measured flammability limits was demonstrated for hydrogen in air in the vessel. It is found that the deviations of measured flammability limits of hydrogen in air are the minimum in the vessel with length-to-diameter ratio of 1:1, and augment with the augmentation of vessel length-to-diameter ratio. Moreover, it is presented that the deviations of measured flammability limits of hydrogen in the center of the vessel are lower than that in the top and the bottom.  相似文献   
权重赋值准确性是地下水污染风险评估结论可靠性的重要基础,分析并量化指标权重敏感性是验证权重赋值准确性的难点。以我国37个危险废物填埋场为研究对象,基于构建的填埋场地下水污染风险排序指标体系,利用多准则决策分析模型(MCDA)中的层次分析(AHP)模块对各指标进行权重赋值;利用计算所得的权重最小变化量,基于OAT(one-factor-at-a-time)方法,应用MCDA的权重敏感性分析模块对14项指标权重进行依次改变,得出14项指标的权重敏感性大小;分析指标权重赋值过程中的不确定性,并基于地理信息系统(GIS)平台,开展可视化的空间数据统计与分析。结果表明:我国37个危险废物填埋场地下水污染风险评估的14项指标中,使用年限、渗滤液量和地形坡度3项指标权重改变后,填埋场地下水污染风险排序变化最大,即这3项指标权重敏感性最高;而包气带渗透性系数指标权重改变导致的风险排序变化最小,说明其权重敏感性最低。该方法可以有效地分析、验证指标权重赋值的准确性,识别权重赋值的不确定性,帮助相关决策者有针对性地进行风险管理。  相似文献   
In this article we apply and test a methodology to estimate cumulative frequency distribution for air pollutant concentration from wind-speed data. We use the inverse relationship after Simpson et al. (Atmospheric Environment, 19, 75–82, 1985) between the opposing percentile values in the statistical distributions for air pollutant concentrations and wind-speed data. This relationship is valid, irrespective of the statistical distributions of both variables, if an inverse relationship between them is also applicable. The available data are five years of 8-h average carbon monoxide concentration and 8-h mean wind-speed, observed in Buenos Aires (Argentina). The performance of the obtained empirical expressions in estimating cumulative frequency distributions for 8-h CO is statistically evaluated. The results show that it is possible to obtain an acceptable cumulative frequency distribution for 8-h CO concentration at the site if the cumulative frequency distribution for wind-speed is known. Q–Q plots show a good agreement between estimated and observed values. From our data, the mean relative error of the estimations was found to be as much as 8.0%.  相似文献   
Past tree colonization dynamics of a powerline-right-of-way (ROW) corridor in the Haut-Saint-Laurent region of Quebec was studied based on the present age distribution of its tree populations. This colonization study spans 20 years, from 1977 (ROW clearance) to 1996. The sampled quadrats were classified into six vegetation types. Tree colonization dynamics were interpreted in each type, and three distinct patterns were identified. (1) Communities adapted to acidic conditions were heavily colonized by Acer rubrum, at least for the last 12 years. (2) Communities adapted to mesic or to hydric conditions were more intensely colonized in the period 1985-1987 than in the following 9 years; this past success in tree colonization may have been caused by herbicide treatments, which could have facilitated tree establishment by damaging the herbaceous and shrub vegetation. (3) Cattail, vine-raspberry, and reed-dominated communities contained few tree individuals, with almost all trees establishing between 1979 and 1990; those three vegetation types appear as the most resistant to tree invasion in the ROW studied. This study supports the need for an integrated approach in ROW vegetation management, in which the selection of vegetation treatment methods would depend on the tree colonization dynamics in each vegetation type. Minimizing disturbances inflicted on ROW herbaceous and shrub covers should be the central strategy because disturbances jeopardize natural resistance to future tree invasion, except in communities adapted to acidic conditions where the existing vegetation does not prevent invasion by A. rubrum. Many trees are surviving the successive cutting operations by producing new sprouts each time, particularly in communities adapted to mesic and hydric conditions. In these cases, mechanical cutting should be replaced by a one-time stump-killing operation, to avoid repeated and unsuccessful treatments of the same individuals over time.  相似文献   
一个研究街道峡谷流场及浓度场特征的三维数值模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,研究街道峡谷内流场及机动车排放污染物的扩散行为特征所采用的主要方法为:采用野外测试法和物理模拟法,而采用三维数值模拟方法研究此问题的工作很少。本文创建了一个研究微尺度街道峡谷内流场及机动车排放污染物扩散特征的三维数值模式,即首次采用伪不定常方法,利用K——E闭合方案,建立了一个模拟城市街道峡谷内流场及污染物扩散特征与街道峡谷风场、街道几何结构及两侧建筑物高度对称性之间的复杂关系的三维数值模式。经过与实际监测资料及风洞实验对比,结果表明此三维模式具有较好的模拟精度,能够很好模拟峡谷内的风场及街谷几何结构对街道峡谷内流场及浓度场特征的影响,有很强的实用性。  相似文献   
基于DFA法的江苏省极端降水时空分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步掌握江苏省极端降水的时空分布特征,基于该省1961-2010年均一性较好的逐日降水数据,利用去趋势波动分析法确定了全省13个站点的极端降水阈值,并通过Morlet小波及Mann-Kendall法分析了江苏省极端降水频数的振荡周期及其突变。结果表明,江苏省极端降水年频数和夏季极端降水均呈现8~10 a的变化周期,且1998年和2006年分别为其突变增加年,而秋季极端降水主要呈2~3 a与5~7 a的变化周期;极端降水与降水总量的空间分布具有较好的一致性,均呈南部大、北部小的特征。  相似文献   
家庭农场土地征收补偿问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着未来家庭农场数量的逐渐增加与经营土地面积的不断扩大,与快速城镇化相伴随的土地征收区域不可避免会与家庭农场经营的土地范围相交叉或重叠。家庭农场主通过整合作为集体经济组织成员分得的承包地和市场化交易获得的承包地实现土地适度规模经营,因此,在家庭农场土地被征收时,应确保家庭农场主获得科学合理的补偿标准,并妥善处理家庭农场主与拥有不同类型农地权利的众多相关主体之间的利益分配关系。本文采用文献资料法和理论分析法,区分点状征地、线状征地和面状征地三种不同情况,分析了家庭农场土地征收的后期生产经营影响,在土地承包关系"长久不变"的政策框架下,深入剖析了家庭农场土地征收涉及的农地权利类型。然后,构建起家庭农场土地征收补偿标准理论模型,以及家庭农场主、政府、集体经济组织、农民等权利主体之间的收益分配理论模型。具体而言,家庭农场主根据自有土地、通过土地流转获得的土地、通过土地退出获得的土地所占的比重以及不同类型土地权利所对应的价值标准分得相应的征地补偿收益;政府通过税收参与征地补偿收益分配;集体经济组织凭借土地所有者身份依法分得相应比例的补偿收益;农民获得的征地补偿收益为承包经营权价值扣除其让渡给家庭农场主的农地权利价值后的剩余部分。最后,本文从四个方面提出了相应的对策和建议:1做好家庭农场发展规划;2提高征地补偿标准并将间接损失纳入补偿范围;3建立家庭农场规模化经营土地的征收补偿收益分配机制;4保障抵押权人(金融机构)对征地补偿享有优先受偿权。  相似文献   
汶川地震滑坡的分布特点及最大震中距分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"5·12"汶川大地震诱发了大规模以滑坡、崩塌为主的地质灾害,这些震害地区改变了原有的地貌形态,形成多处堰塞湖,毁坏民房和道路,使之成为严重的次生滑坡灾害危险区域.以成都市的都江堰市、彭州市、崇州市、邛崃市、大邑县地震区为研究区,分析了滑坡分布与震区地质地貌条件和宏观烈度的统计关系.在确定宏观震中位置的基础上,采用最大地震滑坡震中距方法研究了不同规模滑坡的分布特点,并得到了线性分布的规律.  相似文献   
洪涝灾害评价的威布尔模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首次将威布尔分布用于淮河流域水灾成灾面积研究,揭示了淮河流域洪涝灾害成灾面积形成的 内在规律,进而利用河南、安徽、江苏和山东4省的各自灾度对淮河流域的灾害风险建立了线性回归模型.实证分析表明,本方法切实可行,特别适用于大样本计算.  相似文献   
基于核密度估计的清代中国自然灾害时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萧凌波 《灾害学》2019,(4):92-99
基于《清史·灾赈志》中的历史灾害信息,提取清代(1644-1911年)自然灾害共24 537县次,重建逐年灾害频次序列,以核密度估计法对5类主要灾害(水灾、旱灾、蝗灾、疫灾、冷害)的空间分布特征进行分析。结果表明:清代自然灾害频次序列没有明显的趋势性特征,而体现为阶段性波动,基于灾害频次30年滑动平均值可提取出4个峰值时段(1644-1673、1721-1750、1812-1841和1872-1901年);相比于现代,清代灾害类型更加集中在农业灾害,最为多发的是水灾和旱灾,合计占总数的近80%,其次是蝗灾、疫灾和冷害;灾害最为多发的高风险区分布在黄淮海平原和长江三角洲,前者集中了水灾、旱灾、蝗灾的极端多发区,后者除了水旱多发,还是疫灾和冷害的极端多发区; 4个峰值时段的灾种类型组合和灾害多发区均有明显差异,时空变化受到致灾因子、暴露度和脆弱性因素的共同作用。上述工作有助于更好地认识历史灾害发生规律,对于当前及未来的防灾减灾工作具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
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