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黄土高原生态环境的恶化及其对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
由于种种原因,黄土高原生态环境脆弱现象日益扩张,水土流失、沙漠化、干旱、沙尘暴等灾害频繁发生,生态环境的可持续性引起了科技工作者的关注。利用历史资料,从黄土高原2000a左右的自然灾害发生频率、森林植被的严重破坏、土壤侵蚀的不断加剧、人口的无限制增长以及近几十年来黄河的频繁断流等几个方面出发,说明了黄土高原生态环境在这些重要因素的影响下,表现出明显的不可持续性发展,并提出了相应的防治对策,包括加强人口控制、加快植被的恢复与重建、节约利用水资源以及提高利用效率等。该研究的目的并非消极悲观,而是正确认识黄土高原生态环境的演变历史,树立国民的环境忧患意识和可持续发展的思想,为实现黄土高原的生态安全和持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Analysis and Case Study of Duststorms in the Beijing Area   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dust weather conditions with strong wind often occur in Beijing during spring. The number of duststorms in Beijing has declined since 1954. In the last two years, however, the number of duststorms in Beijing has increased drastically due to frequent cold air movements and the deteriorated ecological environment. The heaviest duststorm in the last decade in Beijing occurred on 6 April 2000. It was caused by the development of a high-level small trough along with strong northwest wind behind a large trough that moved eastward and developed a strong cold air system. A non-hydrostatic meso-scale numerical model (MM5) gave a good forecast to the duststorm's major features and movement. Simulated results showed that there was a strong vertical ascending motion with a strong positive vorticity center in mid and low level. The mesoscale structure's formation and development and movement were consistent with the passage and moving direction of the duststorm. At the same time, the trajectories of air particles during this duststorm event and another case (on 27 March 2000) were estimated and analyzed, which had the comparable results with the real situation and the trajectory monitored by meteorological satellite. The trajectories analysis could help us study the transport track and sand source to some extent.  相似文献   
This Korea-China study monitored the phenomena of sandstorms and significant dustfall (SD) from 1997 to 2000. The analysis of our data included ground measurements of dust concentration, visibility, satellite imagery, aircraft and lidar observations. In addition, an estimation of atmospheric loadings and a studyon the relationship between dust concentrations and visibilitywere carried out. The movement and invasion of dust clouds toKorea were clearly identified with meteorological and satellitedata. The increasing concentrations of TSP and PM10 concurredwell with the satellite information. From case studies, weestimated that atmospheric loadings of a dust cloud were over 1million ton and that the deposition over the Korean Peninsulawas in the range from 46 000 to 86 000 tons. For SD withvisibility of 3 km, we predict TSP 659 g m-3 and PM10 493 g m-3. We recommend the issuance of an SD Watch(advisory) and an SD Warning for the general public.  相似文献   
Meteorological characteristics and morphology of duststorms and other dust weather phenomena in the arid regions of East Asia were described in order to investigate a possible role of mesoscale cloud disturbances that develop in synoptic-scale mid-latitude cyclones in intensifying dust weather. This study is a statistical examination of conventional surface observational data as well as satellite data obtained during April 2000–2003. In the deserts of Mongolia and northern China (e.g., the Gobi Desert) duststorms and other weaker dust weather (i.e., dust whirls, blowing dust) frequently occur under a strong influence of synoptic-scale cyclones; on the other hand in the Taklamakan Desert (northwestern China), dust weather phenomena occur in a less organized fashion and may be driven mainly by local meteorological and geographical effects. A significant signal was identified, revealing of the intensification of dust weather by the presence of convective cloud disturbances. Meteorological changes such as pressure rise and temperature drop, typically found during the passage of cold fronts, were frequently observed in the cases of duststorms occurring in the analysis region. However, no definite tendency was found for moisture change and wind speed in relation to cloud activity, probably because rainfall amount is generally too low to moisten the boundary-layer air.  相似文献   
我国沙尘暴灾害述评及减灾对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合了有关沙尘暴研究的主要成果 ,对沙尘暴的危害方式与影响 ,沙尘暴的空间分布与发展趋势 ,沙尘暴的成因和沙尘物质来源及人为因素影响 ,沙尘暴的运移路径等分别进行评述 ,在此基础上综合提出了沙尘暴减灾的 6大宏观对策。  相似文献   
Effects of Duststorms on the Air Pollution in Beijing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to investigate the air pollutionin Beijing before, during, and after duststorms occur. There aretwo different phenomena of air pollution in Beijing during a duststorm; one being related to the concentration of particulatematter and the second related to gaseous chemical pollutant concentrations. In this study, the concentrations of the chemicalpollutants, such as SO2, NOx and CO, were high prior to the occurrence of the duststorms. At the beginning of the two duststorms studied, the air quality related to these chemicalconstituents was improved due to a strong wind blowing away the chemical pollutants, which caused a decrease in the concentrations of SO2, CO and NOx. During the duststorm, the concentration of particulate matter, quantified by PM10, wasobserved to increase and the atmospheric visibility decreased.  相似文献   
我国沙尘暴灾害及其研究进展与展望   总被引:60,自引:12,他引:60  
我国强沙尘暴灾害的逐年加剧是气候干暖化背景下,沙化土地扩展的结果,沙土暴的频发已经成为我国北方生态环境恶化的重要标志,加强对我国沙尘暴的研究已成为当务之急。本文阐述了我国沙尘暴灾害的现状及动态演变,综合分析了沙尘暴发生发展的成因,评述了我国沙尘暴的研究历史、进展及存在的问题。  相似文献   
沙尘暴源地的确定技术,一直是沙尘暴空气浮尘浓度场长距离输送数值模拟的最困难的科学问题之一。传统方法通常是使用降尘区的采集样本进行化学成分分析来确定。然而,采样误差和化学成分在大气长距离输送过程中的不确定性,也使得这种方法的可操作性不强。本文使用拉格朗日后向追踪数值模拟的新方法,依据中国气象局(CMA)的气象观测数据及其预报资料对一次沙尘暴事件进行了数值模拟,结果表明∶2003年4月9日的沙尘暴的主要源地来源于吉尔班通古特沙漠。  相似文献   
杭州市西湖风景区微粒的变化特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了2001年6月至2002年5月的微粒资料(包括粗微粒和细微粒资料),结果表明,西湖风景区环境空气中存在一定的微粒污染,与机动车尾气大量排放有关,细微粒在微粒中所占的比例变化较大,且具有比较明显的季节变化。在冬季由于局地条件、沙尘暴影响,空气质量较差。春节期间烟花爆竹大量燃放对空气质量的影响很大。  相似文献   
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