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为了探究堆置法处理油污土壤的作用效果,采用单因素实验确定石油初始浓度、温度、土壤含水量、有机质含量、土壤C/N、菌剂浓度相关因素的水平取值范围。以石油烃降解率为评价指标,再通过正交实验进一步优化相关参数,确定最佳条件。结果表明:以石油初始浓度2%、温度35℃、土壤C/N 10∶1为控制变量;以菌剂浓度(X)、有机质含量(Y)、土壤含水量(Z)为变化因素设计正交实验组合L9(34)。可以得出,堆置法处理油污土壤的最佳水平组合为X2Y2Z3,即菌剂浓度5×109 cfu·kg-1,有机质含量为5%,土壤含水量为60%。  相似文献   
Impediments to refractory recycling decision-making   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on organizational impediments to the successful implementation of industrial recycling programs. Even if a technologically viable and mutually beneficial solution were to exist, there are a number of organizational impediments that make it unlikely to succeed unless the benefits are very large and apparent. These impediments stem from the difficulty in identifying potential partners and involving the appropriate individuals within the firms that understand the technical requirements, value the strategic benefits and are receptive towards establishing the industrial recycling relationship. This dilemma applies to many industrial recycling opportunities, but solutions do exist. One way to avoid some of these obstacles is to use a middleman, or broker, who can play several crucial roles to establish the relationship. This paper describes the impediments and key broker roles, and provides a case study dealing with refractory recycling. It provides a case study that documents a recycling relationship between an aluminum-manufacturing firm that produces a large volume of spent refractories and a regional portland cement producer that is using the spent refractories as an alternative raw material source. This paper also provides a thorough literature search in the area of refractory recycling. Finally, the case study provides an opportunity for analysis and reflection on the implications of these findings to industrial firms, industrial societies and governmental agencies that seek to encourage successful recycling operations.  相似文献   
针对传统堆肥器存在堆肥时间长、环境污染严重等问题,开发快速、无臭、环保型堆肥器对促进粪污肥料化具有重要意义.研发的新型高温好氧堆肥器主要包括4个部分:控制面板、发酵罐(50 L有效容积)、空压机通风系统(0.15 m3·s-1排气量和40 L气容量)、氨气吸收系统(188 L容积及内部成阶梯环形吸收模式).利用新型高温...  相似文献   
Maximum credible accident analysis is one of the most widely used concepts in risk assessment of chemical process industries. Central to this concept is the aspect of ‘credibility’ of envisaged accident scenarios. However, thus far the term credibility is mostly treated qualitatively, based on the subjective judgement of the concerned analysts. This causes wide variation in the results of the studies conducted on the same industrial unit by different analysts.

This paper presents an attempt to develop a criterion using which credible accident scenarios may be identified from among a large number of possibilities. The credible scenarios thus identified may then be processed for detailed consequence analysis. This would help in reducing the cost of the analysis and prevent undue emphasis on less credible scenarios at the expense of more credible ones.  相似文献   

As an employee of Union Carbide India at the Bhopal plant, I know how the disaster happened. The merciless cost-cutting severely affecting materials of construction, maintenance, training, manpower and morale resulted in the disaster that was waiting to happen. Significant differences between the West Virginia, USA plant and the Bhopal, India plant show the callous disregard of the corporation for the people of the developing countries. The narrative below, if given a proper thought by the management and governments, should help in significantly reducing industrial accidents.  相似文献   
本文通过全复合材料气瓶性能试验、用工业CT方法以及充气时瓶内温度场动态监测,讨论气瓶的内胆、接嘴部位质量以及复合材料强度层质量对气瓶安全性能的影响,并且用统计及实验方法对气瓶的使用环节进行评估,使用1O年以上的气瓶仍具有良好的整体安全性能。  相似文献   
基于能值理论.以龙盛科技工业园为例,对其能量流动和物质循环进行分析,通过能值分析的方法,将能量漉、物质流等转化为统一的能值单位,对工业生态系统的效率和稳定性进行了评价。结果表明,龙盛科技工业固由于注重物质循环利用和能量梯级利用,已经形成比较完善的产业链,生态效率和系统稳定性都相对较高。  相似文献   
论城市环境与经济协调发展和产业配置问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨永泰 《重庆环境科学》1994,16(6):24-27,31
论述了环境因素作为生产力的构成之一,在产业配置这一人类社会经济活动中,与产业发展存在一种均衡关系。这种关系可由供求曲线表征。在城市良性生态经济系统中,它要求环境与经济协调发展,社会和能实现最佳规模产业和最佳环境效益,并根据沿海开放城市佛山的实际情况,对产业配置问题进行讨论。  相似文献   
Tree bark has been shown to be a useful biomonitor of past air quality because it accumulates atmospheric particulate matter (PM) in its outermost structure. Trace element concentrations of tree bark of more than 73 trees allow to elucidate the impact of past atmospheric pollution on the urban environment of the cities of Strasbourg and Kehl in the Rhine Valley. Compared to the upper continental crust (UCC) tree barks are strongly enriched in Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb. To assess the degree of pollution of the different sites in the cities, a geoaccumulation index Igeo was applied. Global pollution by V, Ni, Cr, Sb, Sn and Pb was observed in barks sampled close to traffic axes. Cr, Mo, Cd pollution principally occurred in the industrial area. A total geoaccumulation index IGEO-tot was defined; it is based on the total of the investigated elements and allows to evaluate the global pollution of the studied environment by assembling the Igeo indices on a pollution map.  相似文献   
调理剂对堆肥产品重金属生物有效性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市污泥中重金属含量及其生物有效性是限制污泥农用的主要因素,因此,研究污泥堆肥化处理过程中重金属生物有效性,对污泥的农用具有重要意义。实验以城市污泥为原料,以菌菇渣和秸秆为调理剂,设置4个处理:A(污泥∶菌菇渣∶秸秆=1∶0.4∶0.025)、B(污泥∶菌菇渣∶秸秆=1∶0.3∶0.025)、C(污泥∶秸秆=1∶0.12)和D(污泥∶秸秆=1∶0.09),进行好氧堆肥实验,采用BCR顺序提取法测定各种形态的重金属,研究堆肥前后重金属形态的变化规律。结果表明,城市污泥中Cu、Ni、Pb和Cr主要以可氧化态及残渣态存在,生物有效性较低,而Zn和Cd主要以酸溶态和可还原态存在,生物有效性较高;堆肥过程显著降低了Cu、Zn、Ni和Pb的生物有效性,并改变了Cu、Zn、Ni、Pb、Cr和Cd的形态分布,使污泥中的Cu、Zn、Ni、Pb和Cd向着更稳定的可氧化态或残渣态转变;污泥经过堆肥处理后,Cu、Zn和Ni 3种重金属生物有效性关系为:ABCD,与其他处理相比,处理A残渣态的Pb和Cr增加比例较多,综合来看,处理A对重金属生物有效性的降低最为明显,重金属钝化效果最佳。  相似文献   
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