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Fault detection (FD) and diagnosis in industrial processes is essential to ensure process safety and maintain product quality. Partial least squares (PLS) has been used successfully in process monitoring because it can effectively deal with highly correlated process variables. However, the conventional PLS-based detection metrics, such as the Hotelling's T2 and the Q statistics are ill suited to detect small faults because they only use information from the most recent observations. Other univariate statistical monitoring methods, such as the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control scheme, has shown better abilities to detect small faults. However, EWMA can only be used to monitor single variables. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to combine the advantages of the univariate EWMA and PLS methods to enhance their performances and widen their applicability in practice. The performance of the proposed PLS-based EWMA FD method was compared with that of the conventional PLS FD method through two simulated examples, one using synthetic data and the other using simulated distillation column data. The simulation results clearly show the effectiveness of the proposed method over the conventional PLS, especially in the presence of faults with small magnitudes.  相似文献   
报道了利用N,N─二甲基苯胺为偶联试剂的Criess反应以示波极谱法测定NO_2~-的测试方法。在拟定的实验条件下,NO_2~-在4.0×10~-3~4.8×10~-1μg/ml范围内与极谱波波高呈良好的线性关系。环境水测定的相对标准偏差小于l%,回收率在97%~101%之间。  相似文献   
利用多年的环境监测数据,分析南昌市环境空气中主要污染物尘类、二氧化硫和氮氧化物产生的原因,并提出有效控制上述污染物的具体措施。  相似文献   
本文介绍了国外近二十年来专家系统在废水生物处理工艺控制领域的应用及开发的典型系统,分析了废水生物处理工艺难于控制的原因、各类系统的结构和特点及目前废水处理专家系统的不足,探讨了废水生物处理专家系统今后应深入研究的问题及方向  相似文献   
微生物量和微生物活性是饮用水生物处理工艺设计与运行的重要参数。总结论述了适用于表示饮用水生物处理过程生物膜中微生物数量和活性的几种主要指标的测定方法。  相似文献   
在微电解接触氧化系统中,研究了2-氯酚的降解特性和机理。在酸性溶液中,2-氯酚的降解效率比其在中性和碱性溶液的高。向其中加入活性炭,由于表面催化的作用使得2-氯酚更易降解。溶液中的溶解氧参与电极反应并促进2-氯酚的降解。降解产物有1,2-苯二酚、丙三醇、草酸和乙酸。通过对中间产物的分析,提出了2-氯酚可能的降解途径。  相似文献   
选取了沈阳市lO条主干道,通过实地调查监测与文献资料分析相结合的方法,分析了主干道交通噪声的影响因素,结果表明,车流量与车型是影响城市主干道交通噪声的重要因素,并提出控制城市主干道交通噪声的防治措施,改善声环境质量。  相似文献   
近20年来,我国在推进医疗废物无害化管理和处理处置方面开展了大量的工作,成绩举世瞩目。但处于新的历史时期,如何更好地基于可行技术,探索与其相匹配的管理模式,解决医疗废物处理处置短板已成为迫在眉睫的工作。我国目前存在针对医疗废物处理处置技术适用性考虑不足、农村及偏远地区医疗废物处置能力缺乏、医疗废物应急处置能力存在短板以及医疗废物领域科技创新能力有待提升等问题。因此,结合各种医疗处置技术特点及适用性,提出基于技术的适用性推进医疗废物处理处置技术布局优化、通过管理和技术进步解决农村和边远地区医疗废物处置难题、合理配置疫情期间应急处置能力以及推进科技创新等建议,为打造新时期医疗废物处理处置技术体系提供参考。  相似文献   
An activity analysis method was developed for studying the structure and dynamics of control room operators’ activity during normal operation based on directly observable elements of the operators’ behavior. The method assesses current activity along three dimensions in each 5-min period of the shift. Intensity characterizes arousal level, direction shows whether the activity is directed predominantly at the process control task, at something else, or miscellaneous. Motivation reflects if the activity is driven by intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. A case study is presented, in which 3 morning, 3 afternoon, and 3 night shifts of a Nuclear Power Plant operator crew are involved. The obtained results gave a deeper understanding of the operators’ activity and also revealed an “arousal compensation” tendency.  相似文献   
Aim. Firefighters must meet minimum physical demands. The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (NLIA) has approved a standardised treadmill walking test and 3 simple strength tests for smoke divers. The results of the Trondheim test were compared with those of the NLIA tests taking into account possible effects of age, experience level and gender. Methods. Four groups of participants took part in the tests: 19 young experienced firefighters, 24 senior male firefighters and inexperienced applicants, 12 male and 8 female. Results. Oxygen uptake (VO2) at exhaustion rose linearly by the duration of the treadmill test. Time spent on the Trondheim test was closely related to performance time and peak VO2 on the treadmill test. Senior experienced firefighters did not perform better than equally fit young applicants. However, female applicants performed poorer on the Trondheim test than on the treadmill test. Performance on the Trondheim test was not closely related to muscle strength beyond a minimum. Conclusion. Firefighters completing the Trondheim test in under 19 min fit the requirements of the NLIA treadmill test. The Trondheim test can be used as an alternative to the NLIA tests for testing aerobic fitness but not for muscular strength. Women’s result of the Trondheim test were poorer than the results of the NLIA treadmill test, probably because of their lower body mass.  相似文献   
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