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本文研究了湖南省中亚热带次生林的种群动态,建立了静态生命表、存活曲线、结构模型以及材积或生物量动态模型,提出了中亚热带次生林的演替基本模式。 相似文献
本文对近年来有关灭多威的环境毒理研究进行了综述。内容包括,在土壤和水中的归趋;在作物上的残留;在高等动物体内的代谢;对土壤生物群落的影响;对水生生物、天敌和有益节肢动物、高等动物和人以及植物的毒性。 相似文献
John K Stamer Robert B. Swanson Paul R. Jordan 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1994,30(5):823-831
ABSTRACT: A synoptic sampling of five surface-water sites in central Nebraska was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey as part of its National Water-Quality Assessment Program during storm runoff in May 1992 to relate transport, yields, and concentrations of atrazine to environmental setting. Atrazine was the most extensively applied pesticide in the study unit. Atrazine transport was related to the size of contributing drainage area, quantity of atrazine applied, amount of precipitation, and volume of stream-flow. Estimated yields and mean concentrations of atrazine were related to the percentage of cropland in a drainage area. The largest estimated yields and mean concentrations of atrazine in surface water were associated from drainage areas with the highest percentage of cropland, and the smallest was associated with the smallest amount of cropland. Atrazine concentrations increased as streamflow increased but decreased at or near the time of peak streamflows, perhaps due to dilution. Atrazine concentrations then increased and remained elevated far into the stream recession. Atrazine is a regulated contaminant in finished public-water supplies. Large concentrations of atrazine could affect the management of public-water supplies because atrazine remains in solution in contrast to many other pesticides that are more easily removed. 相似文献
重庆缙云山常绿阔叶林群落物种多样性与土壤因子的关系 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
探讨了缙云山常绿阔叶林物种多样性的变化特征,并运用去势典范对应分析(DCCA)方法,分析了不同样方中土壤因子与群落多样性指数之间的关系.结果表明:(1)17个样方中物种丰富度指数是草本层最高,均匀度指数是乔木层最高.(2)土壤含水量和水解氮与乔木层物种丰富度和均匀度相关性明显,有效磷和乔木层均匀度有明显相关;全氮含量和有机质含量与草本层物种的均匀度有明显相关.(3)多酚氧化酶活性和乔木层物种的均匀度有明显相关,转化酶活性与乔木层物种丰富度和均匀度均有一定相关,多酚氧化酶活性和酸性磷酸酶活性与草本层的物种均匀度和丰富度有明显相关.图2表3参20 相似文献
John Cairns 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1970,6(6):868-878
Discharge of heated waste water may affect the entire aquatic ecosystem–the interrelated biological, chemical, physical system–and, if the temperature change is large, may destroy the capacity of the ecosystem to serve a variety of beneficial purposes. However, it is possible to discharge heated waste water in carefully controlled amounts without seriously degrading the aquatic ecosystem. There are four basic alternatives which are open to us with regard to the heated waste water problem which we may choose singly or in various combinations: (1) Placing all heated, waste water in streams, lakes, and oceans without regard to the effects. Thus considering the environmental damage as a necessary consequence of our increased power demand. (2) Using, but not abusing, existing ecosystems. This means regulating the heated waste water discharge to fit the receiving capacity of the ecosystem. (3) Finding alternative ways to dissipate or beneficially use waste heat. (4) Modifying ecosystems to fit the new temperature conditions. We are all dependent upon a life-support system which is partly industrial and partly ecological. Unfortunately, we have reached a stage of development where the non-expandable, ecological portion of our life-support system is endangered by the expanding industrial portion. Optimal function and full beneficial use of both portions of our life-support system will only be possible if a variety of disciplines and diverse points of view can cooperate and work together effectively. Since wastes in amounts that are acceptable taken one at a time may be lethal collectively, environmental management should be on a regional basis. 相似文献
在通过可达性方法确定长江中游城市群县域范围的基础上,运用熵值法从人口、经济及社会3个子系统对长江中游城市群县域2001、2006及2011年3个时期城镇化发展水平进行综合测度,运用空间自相关对综合城镇化水平的空间演变进行分析并分类,利用回归分析对各类型县域进行驱动因子分析。结果表明:(1)长江中游城市群县域综合城镇化水平持续提升,但各地区间的发展速度差异明显;在子系统演化过程中,以经济城镇化的快速演进为主要特征,其次为社会城镇化,最后为人口城镇化过程。(2)综合城镇化水平及其变化率与城市等级规模、交通及产业结构转型密切相关;各子系统在空间格局演变进程中有着不同的特点,但子系统变化率间具有明显的正相关性。(3)长江中游城市群县域城镇化依据关联性可以划分为"耦合聚集"型、"中心洼地"型、"拮抗聚集"型及"核心边缘"型,各类型县域空间格局演变明显。(4)內源力在"耦合聚集"型县域及"拮抗聚集"县域城镇化进程中具有促进作用,投资力对"中心洼地"型县域影响作用明显,而"核心边缘"型县域主要驱动因子为行政力和內源力;根据各类型县域主要驱动因子提出促进城镇化发展的相应措施,以做到因地制宜地指导各地区城镇化健康发展。 相似文献
微生物絮凝剂的研究与应用进展 总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50
微生物絮凝剂是具有广阔应用前景的一种天然高分子絮凝剂,因而引起科学界的高度重视.自70年代以来,美国和日本等十多个国家已对其进行了详细的研究.本文综述了微生物絮凝剂的研究与应用进展,包括合成絮凝剂的微生物种类、微生物絮凝剂的化学本质、遗传基础和微观结构、微生物絮凝剂的絮凝机理和絮凝能力及其影响因素,微生物絮凝剂的合成条件和提取方法等方面.文中还给出了微生物絮凝剂在污染治理等领域实际应用的若干事例. 相似文献
江汉平原湖区农田防护林的小气候效应研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
在区域开发中,平原湖区的林业发展潜力很大,同时,湖区农田防护林的建设,也是促进生态平衡的一项重要措施,防护林能进一步改善湖区小气候环境,尤其对保障农业生产有着相当重要的意义。通过对江汉平原湖区的农田防护林网内的小气候效应温度,湿度,风速等要素的观测数据进行研究,我们得出的结果表明:江汉平原湖区农田林网的建设,除提供工农业生产所需的林木外,随着林木的增多,林网的完善,还可调节气候,保持水土,防风固沙 相似文献
气浮+生物接触氧化工艺处理食品加工废水 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过气浮 生物接触氧化工艺处理速冻食品加工废水的实验、设计和工程运行,结果表明:废水COD去除率能达到97%以上,使得最终出水的COD<100mg/l.该工艺对冲击负荷有较强的适应性. 相似文献
Microflora of Soils Polluted with Petroleum Products 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1