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聚硅酸锌铝的制备及其性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以硅酸钠、硫酸锌、硫酸铝为原料,通过共聚法制备了无机高分子絮凝剂聚硅酸锌铝(PSZAS),研究了Na2SiO3的摩尔浓度、活化时间、Al/Si、Zn/Si 配比及絮凝剂的投加量对絮凝效果的影响,用X-射线衍射(XRD)和电子扫描电镜(SEM)对该絮凝剂的结构及形貌进行了表征。结果表明:当硅酸钠的浓度为0.4 mol/L,硅酸活化时间为2 h,Si∶Al∶Zn=1∶1∶1.5,絮凝剂投加量为20 mL/L废水时,絮凝剂的电中和能力和吸附架桥能力最强,絮凝剂对含H-酸染料模拟废水的絮凝效果最好。  相似文献   
针对高碱度水库水源的某水厂残留铝超标问题,选取碱化度(B)与Alb含量不同的3种铝盐絮凝剂,研究不同投量与pH值下混凝效果与残留铝浓度水平。结果表明,碱化度和Alb含量显著影响混凝效果。DOC和浊度的去除率随着3种絮凝剂AlCl3(B=0)、PACl-1(B=1.2)、PACl-2(B=2.2)投量增大而升高。3种絮凝剂投量在1.5~2.0 mg/L(以铝计)范围内,总铝和溶解铝含量最低。对于该水厂自制的絮凝剂PACl-2,可通过降低絮凝剂碱化度,或将水的pH值降低至7~7.5之间,以此可以提高PACl-2混凝效果,而且可以降低出厂水残留铝浓度。考虑工程应用可行性,可优先考虑调整絮凝剂生产工艺。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A study was conducted to elucidate some of the chemical factors affecting the rate and pathways of N transformations in lake sediments. The main emphasis was placed on modifying a noncalcareous sediment with CaCO3 to approximate the composition of a calcareous sediment. Additionally, the effects of Ca2+, CO32-, Mg2+ and OH- were evaluated by using appropriate chemicals. Further, the effect of aluminum sulfate was evaluated with both sediment types. Sediment pH at 7 days was not affected by CaCO3, but was decreased by aluminum sulfate. The CaCO3 treatment increased the rate of ammonification, nitrification, reduction of acetylene to ethylene and methane formation, while with few exceptions the other treatments decreased the rate of the transformations studied. Aluminum sulfate, which has been proposed as a lake restoration treatment, increased ammonification but decreased most of the other transformations.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Nutrient diversion does not always bring about prompt and sufficient reduction in lake phosphorus concentration due to recycling from nutrient rich sediments. Certain lakes and reservoirs may continue to experience nuisance algal blooms and require additional restorative steps. The phosphorus precipitation/inactivation technique is a procedure to remove phosphorus from the water column and to control its release from sediments in order to achieve P-limiting conditions to algal growth. Aluminum salts have been used in advanced waste water treatment to remove phosphorus and this technology was extended to lake rehabilitation. Guidelines for dose calculation and application are generally lacking, and are provided in this report. The dose determination suggested here allows maximum application of aluminum to bottom sediments and thus emphasizes long term control of phosphorus recycling. Dose can be calculated directly from the alkalinity of the water to be treated. Titration of lake water samples of Varying alkalinity allows the establishment of the relationship between residual dissolved aluminum, alkalinity, and dose which can then be employed for lake scale applications of alum to lakes and reservoirs. Application equipment and procedures are described. These depend on site characteristics and treatment objectives and include lakeside stores, a distribution pipe, and an application barge and manifold. Alum may also be used to meet other restoration objectives including the treatment of problem flows and the reduction of particulate concentrations.  相似文献   
低pH值及铝对深鳅吸收45Ca的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了探讨低pH和铝对水生生物的毒性或联合毒性效应,进一步研究钙缓解作用机理,用放射性核素^45Ca作为示踪剂,研究在低pH值及加铝条件下,泥鳅(Misgumusanguillicaudatus)对钙离子的吸收分布情况,结果表明,生长在pH在7.10时,^45Ca在泥鳅体内各器官的96h放射性比度为,皮肤39532cpm/g,骨骼38116cpm/g,鳃25495cpm/g,肌肉1651cpm/g低  相似文献   
Many substances react with water in such a way that flammable gases are formed. For transport issues this reaction may possess a considerable hazard especially if the cargo is wetted by rain or by water from other sources. In the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods these kinds of problems are addressed. The UN test N.5 “Test method for substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases” corresponds to this hazard. Classification according to the test method is done by measurement of the gas evolution rate of the flammable gas by any suitable procedure. At BAM a gravimetric approach is used to measure the gas evolution rate. In this paper we present the evaluation of the apparatus by means of an absolute calibration routine utilizing a reaction where a known amount of gas is produced as well as the evaluation of important parameters influencing the gas evolution rate using different substances. It can be shown that the apparatus is capable of measuring absolute gas volumes as low as 6 mL with an acceptable error of about 17% as determined from the reaction of Mg with demineralized water.  相似文献   
砖红壤中Al和Pb的竞争吸附   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
从pH值和离子加入量两个角度研究了砖红壤中Al和Pb的竞争吸附 .结果表明 ,当低数量的Al和Pb共存时 ,离子的吸附量与其单独存在下的情形相比都有所下降 ,该现象在低pH值的条件下较为明显 ,而随着pH值升高则逐渐减弱 ;若Al和Pb共存时的初始浓度均为 1 0mmol·l- 1 ,两者之间的竞争吸附在pH 3 5至 5 5范围内都较为显著 ;此外 ,当0 1mmol·l- 1 的Pb与 1 0mmol·l- 1 的Al共存时 ,Al的吸附没有受到Pb的影响 ,此时尽管Al和Pb的浓度比为 1 0∶1 ,但土壤对Pb的吸附并没有被Al完全抑制 ,反映出土壤表面某些吸附位对Pb具有高度的选择性  相似文献   
PASS42在微污染饮用水原水处理中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
:用所研制的混凝剂聚硅硫酸铝对珠江中下游河段原水进行处理 ,改变混凝水力条件 ,对其混凝过程进行了研究并作了经济分析  相似文献   
铝氧化物-水界面化学及其在水处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天然水体中,铝氧化物矿物表面上的吸附等各种反应在很大程度上影响着金属阳离子、无机阴离子和一些天然有机物的迁移转化和归趋.在水处理等工业领域中,铝氧化物由于其水合表面的吸附能力而被用做离子交换剂和催化剂载体.因此,对铝氧化物表面化学过程的研究具有重要意义.铝氧化物-水界面上的反应十分复杂,对各种无机、有机污染物的吸附结合能力取决于氧化物固相表面性质、溶液条件和吸附质的性质.从对铝氧化物表面荷电特性和吸附活性的认识出发,就各种铝氧化物的结构特征和表面反应活性及其在水处理技术中的应用进行了简要综述.  相似文献   
对比研究了AlC13和3种不同碱化度的聚合氯化铝(PACl)在不同pH与投量下除氟效果,并对不同形态铝盐除氟机理进行了初步探讨.结果表明,pH对絮凝剂水解后铝形态分布及其除氟效果有重要影响.pH 5 ~6时,Al3+和Al2、Al3等低聚态铝为AlCl3主要形态,且AlCl3更易水解生成可将溶解态氟转化为颗粒态氟的Al(OH)3,从而较PACl具有更佳除氟效果.pH >7时,PACl较AlCl3具有更佳除氟效果,且增大PACl碱化度可促进氟的去除,这主要是由于具有较高Al13含量的PACl更容易与电负性F-结合所致;且絮凝剂混凝除氟絮体ζ电位越高,越利于F-在絮体表面吸附.  相似文献   
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