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剑尾鱼卵黄蛋白原的ELISA检测   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以卵黄脂磷蛋白(lipovitellin,Lv)抗血清为抗体,以纯化的卵黄蛋白原(vitellogenin,Vtg)为抗原,建立了间接酶联免疫吸附反应(ELISA)方法检测剑尾鱼(Xiphophorus helleri)雄鱼整体匀浆液中ρ(Vtg).结果表明,该方法的检测灵敏度为7.8 ng/mL,批内变异系数为5.094%,批间变异系数为5.540%,工作范围为32.5~2 000 ng/mL,在该范围内,标准曲线具有良好的线性和重复性.由于该方法可直接在1块或在不同的酶标板上准确地进行比较,因而可利用ELISA方法测定经诱导雄鱼整体匀浆液中ρ(Vtg)水平.结果显示,50 μg/L 17-β雌二醇(E2)诱导21 d的雄性剑尾鱼有明显的Vtg产生;10 μg/L E2诱导剑尾鱼亦有Vtg产生,但较50 μg/L E2诱导组低;1 μg/L E2诱导组及对照组剑尾鱼没有Vtg产生,检测孔OD450/对照OD450(P/N)值小于2.1.   相似文献   
水库网箱养鱼环境经济学分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以密云水库为研究对象,分析了水库网箱养鱼对水库局部水域水质和水库出水水质的影响程度,并从环境经济学角度对水库网箱养鱼进行了费用-效益分析,指出应禁止在密云水库进行网箱养鱼作业。  相似文献   
程柳  毛宇翔  麻冰涓  王梅 《环境科学》2015,36(1):121-129
为了解小浪底水库汞的赋存状况,采用冷原子荧光光谱法测定了小浪底水库水体、表层沉积物、沉积物间隙水以及鱼类肌肉样品中的总汞,采用乙基化衍生-气相色谱-原子荧光法测定了上述样品中的甲基汞,进而分析了小浪底水库鱼体中汞的富集状况.结果表明,小浪底水库水体中丰、枯水期总汞浓度分别为0.71~1.42 ng·L-1和0.90~2.49 ng·L-1,均符合国家地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838-2002)一类水汞浓度标准限值,水样中未检出甲基汞.丰、枯水期沉积物中总汞浓度分别为51.74~90.42 ng·g-1和95.66~172.52 ng·g-1,甲基汞浓度分别为0.09~0.26 ng·g-1和0.18~0.39 ng·g-1,甲基汞浓度较低,这可能与水体底层溶解氧浓度较高以及沉积物中有机碳浓度较低有关.丰、枯水期沉积物间隙水总汞浓度分别为4.27~9.49 ng·L-1和5.46~41.04 ng·L-1,甲基汞浓度分别为0.09~0.99 ng·L-1和0.07~1.01 ng·L-1,间隙水中总汞和甲基汞浓度明显高于上覆水体,与水体间存在汞浓度梯度,可能存在从沉积物间隙水向水体中的扩散.鱼体肌肉总汞浓度在43.47~304.98 ng·g-1之间,甲基汞浓度为10.77~265.23 ng·g-1,甲基汞低于食品安全国家标准规定的污染物限量(GB 2762-2012)(非肉食性鱼500 ng·g-1和肉食性鱼1 000 ng·g-1).水库鱼体总汞的生物富集系数分别为鳙鱼1.3×105,梭鱼9.3×104,鲫鱼4.7×104,白条5.0×104,黄颡鱼1.7×105,弓鱼3.9×104.  相似文献   
Fish migrate to spawn, feed, seek refuge from predators, and escape harmful environmental conditions. The success of upstream migration is limited by the presence of barriers that can impede the passage of fish. We used a spatially explicit modeling strategy to examine the effects of barriers on passage for 21 native and non-native migratory fish species and the amount of suitable habitat blocked for each species. Spatially derived physical parameter estimates and literature based fish capabilities and tolerances were used to predict fish passage success and habitat suitability. Both the fish passage and the habitat suitability models accurately predicted fish presence above barriers for most common, non-stocked species. The fish passage model predicted that barriers greater than or equal to 6 m block all migratory species. Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) was expected to be blocked the least. The habitat suitability model predicted that low gradient streams with intact habitat quality were likely to support the highest number of fish species. The fish passage and habitat suitability models were intended to be used by environmental managers as strategy development tools to prioritize candidate dams for field assessment and make decisions regarding the management of migratory fish populations.  相似文献   
States and tribes are encouraged to use multiple biological assemblages in assessment of water bodies. An assessment index for each assemblage provides information on aspects of the aquatic resource that may be unique in terms of stressor sensitivity, stressor type, or ecological scale. However, assessment results relative to impairment thresholds can disagree among indices for an individual water body, leading to uncertain overall water‐body assessments. We explored options for combining stream indices for macroinvertebrates, fish, and habitat in ways that would yield the most consistent and sensitive results relative to established disturbance categories. Methods varied in the scoring or rating scales used to standardize each index value, the thresholds used to define impairment of aquatic life uses, and the ways of synthesizing multiple indices. The index compositing method that scores each index on a continuous scale and averages the scores after standardizing had superior accuracy, sensitivity, and precision. In addition, using the 25th quantile of reference sites instead of the 10th quantile resulted in a more balanced error rate among reference and degraded site categories.  相似文献   
The activity levels of lactate dehydrogenase andlactic acid were assessed in various tissues of the fishduring exposure to lethal concentration of group-IIPyrethroids (deltamethrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate andfluvalinate) for a period of 72 hours. The results showedsteady increased levels in all the tissues (blood,muscle, brain and liver) with response patterncharacteristic of their own. The increased LDH activityand lactic acid levels indicate the shifting of aerobicglycolysis to anaerobiosis and its further utilizationfor energy production during adaptation to toxic stress.  相似文献   
Biological damage to sensitive aquatic ecosystems is among the most recognisable, deleterious effects of acidic deposition. We compiled a large spatial database of over 2000 waterbodies across southeastern Canada from various federal, provincial and academic sources. Data for zooplankton, fish, macroinvertebrate (benthos) and loon species richness and occurrence were used to construct statistical models for lakes with varying pH, dissolved organic carbon content and lake size. pH changes, as described and predicted using the Integrated Assessment Model (Lam et al., 1998; Jeffries et al., 2000), were based on the range of emission reductions set forth in the Canada/US Air Quality Agreement (AQA). The scenarios tested include 1983, 1990, 1994 and 2010 sulphate deposition levels. Biotic models were developed for five regions in southeastern Canada (Algoma, Muskoka, and Sudbury, Ontario, southcentral Québec, and Kejimkujik, Nova Scotia) using regression tree, multiple linear regression and logistic regression analyses to make predictions about recovery after emission reductions. The analyses produced different indicator species in different regions, although some species showed consistent trends across regions. Generally, the greatest predicted recovery occurred during the final phase of emission reductions between 1994 and 2010 across all taxonomic groups and regions. The Ontario regions, on average, were predicted to recover to a greater extent than either southcentral Québec or the Kejimkujik area of Nova Scotia. Our results reconfirm that pH 5.5–6.0 is an important threshold below which damage to aquatic biota will remain a major local and regional environmental problem. This damage to biodiversity across trophic levels will persist well into the future if no further reductions in sulphate deposition are implemented.  相似文献   
Lake water and fish livers and gills of sahar (Tor putitora), spiny eel (Mastacembelus armatus), African magur (Clarias gariepinus), and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from Lake Phewa, Nepal, were assessed for the concentrations of trace metals/elements and persistent organic pollutants. The lake water was neutral with low ionic and metallic concentrations as compared to high-altitude lakes of Nepal. The four elements Cu, Zn, Se, and Cd had highest concentrations in livers, indicating uptake from diet, whereas four other metallic elements Cr, Mn, Ni, and Pb had highest concentrations in gills, indicating uptake from lake water. O. niloticus tended to have most of trace metals in the liver at higher concentrations than the other species but significant differences among the different species were found only for Mn, Ni, and Zn in the gills. A pilot study on the concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in muscle revealed that dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and related compounds were the dominant organochlorine pesticides, having highest concentrations in C. gariepinus and lowest in O. niloticus.  相似文献   
长春南湖富营养化进程中鱼类群落的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长春南湖原有鱼类20种。随着富营养化程度的加重,鱼类种类数减少,一些种类绝迹。1992年实施生态工程治理后,鱼类组成以人工放养种类为主。鱼产量波动幅度较大,自20世纪60年代以来呈下降趋势,80年代末达到最低点,90年代有所回升。目前以养殖鱼类为主体,产量较为稳定。鱼类以II龄和III龄个体所占比例最大,I龄和高龄个体较少。  相似文献   
我国矿山透水事故致因分析及安全管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为找出影响矿山透水事故的主要因素,提出有针对性的管理对策.首先利用统计分析方法对80起透水事故案例原因进行统计分析,结果显示导致矿山透水事故的直接原因主要有违章、非法开采、越界开采、防水设施不符合规范要求、水文地质资料不清、破坏防水设施;间接原因主要有思想麻痹、安全监督检查不到位、违反探放水原则、法律意识淡薄、安全教育培训不到位.其次,结合透水事故的发生机理,利用鱼刺图法从人、物、环境和管理等方面进行系统分析.综合统计分析和系统分析,确定影响矿山透水事故的主要因素为管理因素.在此基础上,提出了相应的安全管理对策.  相似文献   
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