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Models are needed that predict both spatial and temporal improvements to ecosystems following reductions of acidifying emissions that produce `acid rain'. Logistic regression models were developed for the occurrence of fish and two fish-eatingbirds, common loons (Gavia immer) and common mergansers(Mergus merganser), using monitoring data collected onlakes across Ontario. These models were applied in the Algomaregion, including the Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW). Using theWaterfowl Acidification Response Modeling System (WARMS), severalSO2 emission reduction scenarios were simulated, i.e. thosecontributing to measured 1982–1986 sulphate deposition levels, 1994levels (corresponding to full implementation of Canadian SO2emission reductions as stipulated in the 1991 Canada/U.S. AirQuality Agreement), 2010 levels (1994 plus full U.S. reductions),and both a 50% and a 75% further reduction beyond 2010 levels. Some habitat improvements in Algoma were predicted under the 2010scenario for all biota, but substantial increases in habitatquality, especially for mergansers, would occur only under further reductions. The TLW showed little change in chemistry orbiota, while lakes near the Montreal River were predicted toimprove substantially.  相似文献   
The livers and kidneys of freshwater fish species, Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias lazera, collected from sewage polluted sites (Ismailia and El-Bahr El-Azam) and industrial polluted sites (Shubra and El-Tebin) of Nile River were analyzed for different antioxidant defense enzymes. The liver and kidney glutathione transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) were higher in O. niloticus captured from all the polluted areas compared to the control. Low GST activities were found in 33.3%, 60% and 53% in the livers and 100%, 80% and 53% in the kidneys of C. lazera captured from El-Bahr El-Azam, Shubra and El-Tebin. GR and GPx activities increased in livers and kidneys of C. lazera collected from all areas except for Shubra, in which, GPx of livers and kidneys were low in 100% of C. lazera. Metals Ni, Co, Cr, Se, Cd and Pb resulting from industrial wastes and metal mining wastes were enhanced at the polluted sites. SDS-PAGE of liver and kidney of O. niloticus and C. lazera indicated the increase in bands number and intensity of protein bands with subunit molecular weights between 30–20 KDa in polluted areas. Several enzymes from glutathione system (activity and protein) constitute a sensitive biochemical indicator of chemical pollution. Relative changes of glutathione-dependent enzymes in both fish species suggest a different susceptibility to toxins.  相似文献   
The US Army Corps of Engineers, the US Bureau of Reclamation, and the Bonneville Power Administration initiated the Columbia River System Operation Review (SOR) in 1990. The SOR will assist agencies in comparing the benefits and risks to Columbia River uses and natural resources from alternative strategies for using Columbia River water. Focusing on 14 federal dams within the basin, the agencies are attempting to improve on the efficient and coordinated use of the Columbia River system. An initial screening of all potential strategies of reservoir operation was necessary to reduce the number of possibilities to a limited set for detailed analysis. To that end, the Resident Fish Work Group of the SOR developed spreadsheet models capable of assessing the impacts of different management strategies on resident fish at six storage reservoirs. The models include biological, physical, and hydrological relationships important to resident fish specific to each reservoir. Alternatives that kept the reservoirs near full pool and held stable during the growing season resulted in positive benefits to resident fish at all locations modeled. Conversely, alternatives designed to improve anadromous fish survival with increased instream flow generally had a negative impact on the resident fish in the reservoirs modeled. The models developed for resident fish in the screening analysis phase of the SOR were useful in assessing the relative impact to resident fish from a large number of alternatives. The screening analysis demonstrated that future analytical efforts must consider trade-offs among river uses/resource groups, among reservoirs throughout the basin, and among resident fish species within a reservoir.Pacific Northwest Laboratory is operated by Battelle Memorial Institute for the US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The 48 h survival of emigrating juvenile blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) was estimated at 96 ± 6.7 percent in passage through a Kaplan-type turbine and at 88.3 ± 10.7 percent (90 percent confidence interval) over a spillway (3.7 m high and spillage of 1.2 m3/s) of a low-head hydro darn (8.3 m). These results suggest that diversion of juvenile alosids over spillways may not be assumed to be a totally benign strategy without obtaining site-specific data. A remarkable similarity in survival rates of fish observed through turbine routes in this study and others suggests that these trends may be common. However, due to a lack of sufficient data, such a conclusion cannot be made for survival over spillways.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The fish communities in three sewage receiving Illinois streams were monitored by electrofishing as treatment changed from secondary with chlorination to secondary without chlorination to tertiary without chlorination over a 40-month period. Degradation of the fish communities was severe during the secondary treatment/chlorination period. When treatment was changed to secondary without chlorination, strong improvements occurred in the fish communities of all streams, and degradation could no longer be demonstrated on the basis of species number. The onset of tertiary treatment resulted in few additional changes in the fish communities, with the possible exception of increased abundance of several species of minnows. Tertiary treatment consisted of nitrification, sand filtration, and, in two streams, phosphorus removal.  相似文献   
A number of EU institutions and government committees across Europe have expressed interest in developing methods and decision-support tools to facilitate consideration of the ethical dimensions of biotechnology assessment. As part of the work conducted in the EC supported project on ethical tools (Ethical Bio-TA Tools), a number of ethical frameworks with the potential to support the work of public policy decision-makers has been characterized and evaluated. One of these potential tools is the Delphi method. The Delphi method was originally developed to assess variables that are intangible and/or shrouded in uncertainty by drawing on the knowledge and abilities of a diverse group of experts through a form of anonymous and iterative consultation. The method has hitherto been used by a diversity of practitioners to explore issues such as technology assessment, environmental planning, and public health measures. From the original (classical) Delphi, a family of Delphi-related processes has emerged. As a result of the evaluation of the various Delphi processes, it is proposed that the classical method can be further developed and applied as a form of ethical framework to assist policy-makers. Through a series of exercises and trials, an Ethical Delphi has been developed as a potential approach for characterizing ethical issues raised by the use of novel biotechnologies. Advantages and disadvantages of the method are discussed. Further work is needed to develop the procedural aspects of the Ethical Delphi method and to test its use in different cultural contexts. However, utilizing an ethical framework of this type combines the advantages of a methodical approach to capture ethical aspects with the democratic virtues of transparency and openness to criticism. Ethical frameworks such as the Ethical Delphi should contribute to better understanding of and decision-making on issues that involve decisive ethical dimensions.  相似文献   
在自行设计的稻田-鱼塘模拟生态系统中,以鲤鱼幼鱼和沼虾成虾为试验生物,对果尔在稻田使用的生态影响进行了模拟评价。结果表明,果尔在环境中消解很快,若按规定剂量在稻田使用,不会对邻近水域的鱼虾类生物产生危害,对稻田养鱼也是安全的。  相似文献   
The stability of animal societies depends on individuals decisions about whether to tolerate or evict others and about whether to stay or leave. These decisions, in turn, depend on individuals costs and benefits of living in the group. The clown anemonefish, Amphiprion percula, lives in groups composed of a breeding pair and zero to four non-breeders. To determine why breeders accept the presence of non-breeders in this species I investigated the effect of non-breeders on multiple components of the breeders fitness. Non-breeders did not assist breeders in any obvious way. Experimental removal of non-breeders had no significant effect on the survival, growth, or reproductive success of breeders. Experimental removal of one of the breeding pair showed that non-breeders had little effect on the time taken for a widowed breeder to recommence breeding. The results indicate that the presence of non-breeders neither enhances, nor reduces, the fitness of breeders in A. percula. I suggest that non-breeders might modulate their effect on the fitness of breeders, either by reducing the costs they inflict or by increasing the benefits they provide, such that it just pays breeders to tolerate, rather than to evict, them. This study illustrates that animal societies can be stable even when some individuals gain nothing from the association.Communicated by M. Abrahams  相似文献   
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