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The suitability of metallothioneins (MT) in fish as biomarker of exposure to mercury has been questioned. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the relationship between external levels of exposure, mercury accumulation and MT content, assessing species and tissue specificities. Two ecologically different fish species - Dicentrarchus labrax and Liza aurata - were surveyed in an estuary historically affected by mercury discharges. Total mercury (T-Hg) and MT content were determined in gills, blood, liver, kidney, muscle and brain. All tissues reflected differences in T-Hg accumulation in both species, although D. labrax accumulated higher levels. Regarding MT, D. labrax revealed a depletion in brain MT content and an incapacity to induce MT synthesis in all the other tissues, whereas L. aurata showed the ability to increase MT in liver and muscle. Tissue-specificities were exhibited in the MT inducing potential and in the susceptibility to MT decrease. L. aurata results presented muscle as the most responsive tissue. None of the investigated tissues displayed significant correlations between T-Hg and MT levels. Overall, the applicability of MT content in fish tissues as biomarker of exposure to mercury was uncertain, reporting limitations in reflecting the metal exposure levels and the subsequent accumulation extent.  相似文献   
Muscle concentrations of organochlorinated compounds as well as biliary levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and alkylphenols (APEs) were determined in two different fish species, the four-spotted megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) and the pouting (Trisopterus luscus) collected along the Northern Iberian coast. Additionally, a set of biochemical markers namely, 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD), UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) and catalase (CAT) were measured in liver subcellular fractions. Chemical analysis indicated geographical differences in pollutant loads that were further reinforced by biomarker responses. Thus, EROD activity showed a good correlation with the amount of PCBs bioaccumulated in muscle tissue of both fish species. Elevated UGT activity was observed in those individuals highly exposed to APEs and 1-naphthol. The study reinforces the need to select representative sentinel species from different habitats for biomonitoring purposes and provides further support for the use of biomarkers in assessing the health of coastal areas.  相似文献   
Humic substances     
GOALS, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Changing environmental conditions and handling stress are well known to cause chronic or acute stress situations in fish with subsequent infections. These requires a therapy by means of antibiotics and chemicals. In contrast to the huge number of pathogens, only a few substances are permitted for application as therapeutics in German aquaculture. Hence, there emerges an urgent need for highly effective and residueless alternatives. MAIN FEATURES: The prophylactic stimulation and training of the defense system of fish by alternative approaches becomes increasingly necessary. One approach is the application of dissolved humic substances (HS) of natural or artificial origin. For example, there exist several reports on the positive effect of HS to fishes. These effects shall be considered in detail. Furthermore, the impact of HS on the constitution of parasites and pathogens will be displayed. The reports on this issue are diverse, if not inconsistent. We try to shed some light on these discrepancies. The last aspect covered by this review is the outdated paradigm that calcium ions act as antidotes. In the presence of HS, even the opposite effect may occur. APPROACH: To overcome old paradigms on HS and their potential interactions with fish and fish parasites, we reviewed recent international literature, as well as 'grey' literature. We also include results from own former and ongoing studies. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: HS are able to increase the physiological condition of the individuals and to reduce adverse physiological and histological consequences caused by stress; the mechanism behind remains obscure. HS detoxify heavy metals and organic pollutants. Damages caused by several fish pathogens, such as bacteria and parasites, can be repaired more quickly in the presence of HS. Some parasites--mainly fungi--appear to be directly affected by HS. Comparing the fungicidal effects of HS from various sources, evidence is increasing that the aliphatic moiety may be the effective structures. However, further research is necessary to relate more physiological and anti-pathogenic effects to the chemical characteristics of HS. CONCLUSIONS: HS are not real alternatives to strong traditional therapeutics. However, they show different advantages in repairing secondary, stress induced damages in fish. The ecophysiological relevance of HS in either aquatic systems or aquaculture is getting conspicuously. PERSPECTIVES: The lack of therapeutic and antiparasitic substances in aquaculture requires new strategies and ways of thinking. The search for alternatives to the 'traditional' chemical therapeutics calls for the intensive research. Inevitably, this search will lead to an intensive contemplation on HS as 'health promoting substances' and/or even therapeutics. Basic research is needed to detect the functional groups of the HS responsible for the effects observed. Health promoting effects of first investigations made in vitro to affect pathogens via application of HS and several field studies with HS raises hopes for a broader utilisation of HS to reduce stress consequences in fish and fish pathogens residuelessly.  相似文献   
Abstract: Stream and riparian managers must effectively allocate limited financial and personnel resources to monitor and manage riparian ecosystems. They need to use management strategies and monitoring methods that are compatible with their objectives and the response potential of each stream reach. Our objective is to help others set realistic management objectives by comparing results from different methods used to document riparian recovery across a diversity of stream types. The Bureau of Land Management Elko Field Office, Nevada, used stream survey, riparian proper functioning condition (PFC) assessment, repeat photographic analysis, and stream and ecological classification to study 10 streams within the Marys River watershed of northeast Nevada during all or parts of 20 years. Most riparian areas improved significantly from 1979 to 1992‐1993 and then additionally by 1997‐2000. Improvements were observed in riparian and habitat condition indices, bank cover, and stability, pool quality, bank angle, and depth of undercut bank. Interpretation of repeat photography generally confirmed results from stream survey and should be part of long‐term riparian monitoring. More attributes of Rosgen stream types C and E improved than of types B and F. A and Gc streams did not show significant improvement. Alluvial draws and alluvial valleys improved in more ways than V‐erosional canyons and especially V‐depositional canyons. Stream survey data could not be substituted for riparian PFC assessment. Riparian PFC assessments help interpret other data.  相似文献   
为了解三峡库区蓄水后小江流域鱼类群落现状及其历史变化,于2016年春季(5月)、秋季(9月)和冬季(12月)开展了小江鱼类调查。共调查到鱼类37种,隶属于6目11科;种类组成以鲤形目为主,占总数的64.86%,其中黑尾■Hemiculer tchangi和岩原鲤Procypris rabaudi为长江上游特有种类;草鱼Ctenopharyngodon idellus、赤眼鳟Squaliobarbus curriculus、■Elopichthys bambusa、鲫Carassius auratus、鲤Cyprinus carpio、鲢Hypophthalmichthys molitrix、鳙Aristichthys nobilis和黑尾■构成小江主要经济鱼类。对比历史资料分析显示:两次调查结果相似性指数为0.45(为中等不相似);特有种鱼类退化明显:主要经济鱼类组成发生了改变;土著鱼类物种多样性和资源量均呈明显下降趋势,而适应于静水或缓流水环境的鱼类呈上升趋势。推测水坝建设、过度捕捞及不合理的采砂活动等因素是导致变化的主要原因。结果建议,合理设置水坝(汉丰湖)调水机制,对于保护该水域土著鱼类资源具有重要意义。  相似文献   
为了解鄂西北地区的鱼类多样性和鱼类群落结构,于2007~2012年先后对鄂西的八卦山自然保护区、堵河源自然保护区、五道峡自然保护区、南河自然保护区、野人谷自然保护区及漳河源自然保护区的鱼类资源进行调查。结果显示,6个自然保护区共有鱼类79种,隶属4目15科51属。鲤形目鱼类为6个自然保护区的主要类群,共56种,占总数的70.89%。6个自然保护区的鱼类食性和生态类群相似,鱼类食性均以肉食性和杂食性为主,草食性鱼类较少;定居性鱼类占主体,河湖洄游性和喜流水性鱼类较少。渔获物分析表明,堵河源自然保护区鱼类丰富度指数(D)最大,为2.60,八卦山自然保护区鱼类丰富度指数最小,为0.91。多样性分析表明,同一水系的保护区之间的β_c值和β_R值均比处于不同水系的保护区之间的β_c值和β_R值小;处于同一水系的保护区相似性系数(C_j)较高,处于不同水系的保护区之间的相似性系数较低(C_j),这很好的诠释了处于同一水系的自然保护区在地理环境上的连续性,而处于不同水系的自然保护区之间出现了地理环境的分化隔离。目前水电开发和过度捕捞是该地区鱼类最大的威胁因子,建议强化渔政管理,并建立鱼类人工繁育基地,以减缓水电工程带来的不利影响,恢复天然渔业资源。  相似文献   
水生生物毒性测试广泛应用于评估化学品的水生态环境安全,而鱼类生态毒性数据为水生生态风险评估与风险管理提供基础。本文总结了现有的鱼类水生毒性测试标准及常用的物种。阐述了常用水生鱼类模式生物,如斑马鱼Danio rerio、青鳉鱼Oryzias latipes、黑头软口鲦Pimephales promelas等作为模式鱼类的特征及在生态毒性测试中的应用。环保部7号令推荐稀有鮈鲫Gobiocypris rarus作为中国本土生物在水生毒性测试中使用。目前公开发表的利用稀有鮈鲫的水生毒性研究多集中在急性毒性方面,对其他类型的研究如法规毒理相关的长期慢性毒性有待开展。  相似文献   
鱼粉废液中富含蛋白、多肽等多种成分,豆粕是一种优质的植物蛋白源。为了实现蛋白资源的回收和高效利用,对鱼粉废液和豆粕混合物进行微生物固态发酵的工艺研究。实验以可溶性多肽和胰蛋白酶抑制因子(TI)含量作为检测指标,确定了最优发酵条件,即纳豆芽孢杆菌和植物乳酸杆菌复合配比2∶1,接种量6%,豆粕与鱼粉废液浓缩液比(w/v)1∶0.8,起始温度35℃,发酵时间48 h。该条件下发酵产物中的可溶性多肽含量增至22.64%,TI降至1.38 mg/g,益生菌数量达11.6×109CFU/g。通过对比发酵原料和终产物,表明鱼粉废液和豆粕经微生物复合发酵后,品质得到明显改善。  相似文献   
结合抚仙湖浮游植物、水生植物等样品,对野生植食性草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)31个组织和野生肉食性鱇浪白鱼(Anabarilius grahami)17个组织样品碳、氮元素含量和稳定同位素比值(δ13C、δ15N)进行了对比分析.结果显示,鱼类不同组织的碳稳定同位素分馏效应显著,草鱼不同组织...  相似文献   
Objective assessment of habitat compensation is a central yet challenging issue for restoration ecologists. In 1997, a 3.4-km stream channel, designed to divert water around an open pit diamond mine, was excavated in the Barrenlands region of the Canadian Arctic to create productive stream habitat. We evaluated the initial success of this compensation program by comparing multiple biological attributes of the constructed stream during its first three years to those of natural reference streams in the area. The riparian zone of the constructed stream was largely devoid of vegetation throughout the period, in contrast to the densely vegetated zones of reference streams. The constructed stream also contained lower amounts of woody debris, coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM), and epilithon; had lower coverage by macrophytes and bryophytes; and processed leaf litter at a lower rate than reference streams. Species richness and densities of macroinvertebrates were consistently lower in the constructed stream compared to natural streams. This contributed to differences in macroinvertebrate assemblage structure throughout the period, although assemblages showed some convergence by year 3. The effectiveness of the constructed stream to emulate natural streams varied somewhat depending on the biological attribute being evaluated. Assessments based on individual attributes showed that minimal to moderate levels of similarity between the constructed stream and natural streams were achieved. A collective assessment of all biological and ecosystem attributes suggested that the constructed stream was not a good surrogate for natural streams during these first years. Additional time would be required before many characteristics of the constructed stream would resemble those of reference streams. Because initial efforts to improve fish habitat in the constructed stream focused on physical structures (e.g., weirs, vanes, rock, groins), ecological factors limiting fish growth were not considered and likely constrained success. We suggest that a greater focus on organic characteristics and vegetation within the stream and its riparian zone could have accelerated compensation. The addition of woody debris and CPOM, combined with planting of shrubs and herbs along the stream, should provide a source of allochthonous matter for the biotic community while large cobble and boulders should improve the physical stability of stream system, protecting its organic components.  相似文献   
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