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通过动力学和热力学吸附实验,研究了汽油在西北地区黄土上的吸附行为,同时研究了提取的天然腐植酸对汽油在黄土上吸附行为的影响.结果表明,汽油在黄土上的吸附在6h内达到平衡.无论是否加入腐植酸,汽油在黄土上的吸附动力学过程均符合Elovich方程,其热力学吸附符合Freundlich方程.腐植酸的存在使汽油在黄土上的吸附能力减小.反应温度从25℃升高到45 C,汽油在土壤上的饱和吸附量从6.300mg·g-1减小到1.365 mg·g-1,表明汽油在黄土上的吸附属于放热反应.溶液pH和土壤粒径的增大,均不利于汽油在黄土上的吸附,溶液pH和土壤粒径越大,其在黄土上的吸附量越小.另外,在室温下对吸附了汽油的土壤样品和纯汽油挥发行为的研究表明,吸附了汽油的土壤样品的汽油挥发比纯汽油慢,其挥发率与时间成对数关系.  相似文献   
在一台整车试验满足国III排放法规要求的多点电喷汽油机上,采用甲醇掺入汽油的混合燃料(甲醇的体积分数分别为0%、15%和50%)进行台架试验,使用傅里叶变换红外光谱分析仪(FTIR)在线检测了常规车用三效催化转化器前后的常规和非常规排放.研究结果表明:怠速工况下,掺醇燃料对NOx排放基本没有影响,但CO和HC随掺醇比增加而普遍降低,非常规排放中乙醛排放有所降低,甲醇和甲醛则随掺醇比的增加有较大幅度升高,热怠速时经催化后掺醇燃料对各种排放均无影响,可被控制在极低的水平;其它工况下,随掺醇比增加,CO和HC减少,NOx在高掺醇比下低速低负荷和高速高负荷时有较为明显的改善,非常规排放甲醛和甲醇排放随掺醇比增大而急剧增加,乙醛排放则随之减少.经三效催化转化器作用,无论常规排放NOx、CO和HC,还是非常规排放甲醛、甲醇和乙醛基本上能够实现零排放.  相似文献   
为满足高原地区低压低氧环境对火灾防治的特殊需求,在拉萨进行模拟试验,研究由溴氟丙烯和13X沸石所组成的气-固复合粉体灭火剂对汽油火的灭火性能,并与平原地区的合肥的灭火效果进行对比。试验结果表明,在拉萨低压低氧的环境下,复合粉体灭火剂对汽油火具有很好的灭火性能。在同样的试验条件下,其灭火时间和灭火剂用量比合肥减少20%以上,说明该复合粉体灭火剂在高原地区有很好的适用性。  相似文献   
生产低硫汽油的新技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了我国及欧美等国家车用汽油标准中对硫含量的规定,以及降低催化汽油硫含量的几种工艺方法,特别是新发展起来的FCC脱硫助剂、FCC脱硫催化剂和膜分离等技术。采用新的脱硫技术可以在不同程度上降低催化汽油的硫含量。适应不同的脱硫要求,为炼油厂生产低硫汽油提供了更多的技术选择。  相似文献   
基于7辆国6轻型车的WLTC循环测试,计算了汽油?E10和MTBE10(汽油中添加10%体积的甲基叔丁基醚)排放的温室气体的致暖效应(GWP)、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和非甲烷有机气体(NMOG)排放.结果表明,车队平均N2O和CH4排放的GWP分别为0.6和0.07g CO2e/km.E10和MTBE10的非CO2温室...  相似文献   
在一台满足国Ⅴ排放标准的双喷射(气口喷射+缸内直喷)汽油机上开展了燃用E10乙醇汽油(乙醇体积比为10%)对发动机非常规排放特性影响的试验研究.使用傅里叶变换红外分析仪(FTIR)测量了饱和烃、不饱和烃、芳香烃及醇、醛等非常规污染物排放量,对比分析了双喷射模式时各工况下E0和E10两种燃料的非常规排放水平.结果表明,双喷射模式下,加入乙醇有效降低了乙烯、1,3-丁二烯、苯和甲苯的排放量,但会导致乙醛排放升高.双喷射模式下,随着负荷增加,两种燃料下的1,3-丁二烯和甲苯排放呈现先升高后降低的趋势,乙烯、甲醛和苯排放则先降低后升高.乙醇能抑制1,3-丁二烯、乙烯生成,抑制效果为PFI模式优于双喷射模式,GDI模式抑制量最低.PFI和GDI模式下E10的甲醛排放均显著升高,但双喷射模式有效抑制了甲醛排放的增加.  相似文献   
采用CFD商用软件STAR-CD对汽油机冷启动过程中燃油蒸发进行三维数值模拟,研究了油滴初直径、油滴初速度、进气温度、燃油温度、喷射定时和转速对燃油蒸发率的影响规律.计算结果表明,进气温度、燃油温度和转速对燃油蒸发有重要影响.进气门开时,在进气温度为-7℃和90℃时,蒸发率分别为5.7%和25.0%;相应地,在燃油温度为0℃和60℃时,燃油蒸发率分别为5.7%和22.0%.油滴初直径和喷射定时对燃油蒸发率有一定影响,油滴初速度对燃油蒸发率影响很小.  相似文献   
Increasing global interest in methanoi fuel has led us to investigate the exhaust emissionsof its engine. Analysis of its inorganic and organic emissions. such as CO. NOx and hydrocarbons(total HC) have been widely reported. This paper presents an analysis of more than 20 kinds ofhydrocarbons in the emissions obtained from a spark-ignition Shanghai car running 85# gasoline anda comparison with emission from a Santana test car running M-100 methanol fuel. A set ofenrichment method has also been described. Test results show that at the current stage of methanolengine development the concentration of individual hydrocarbon including some poisonous substancesis lower than those of normal gasoline engine.  相似文献   
Two industrial sites were investigated based on years of available hydrogeologic information and monitoring data for soil and groundwater. Collected data were forensically evaluated using age-dating and fingerprinting methods. The previous business uses of the project sites were as a gas station, laundry/dry-cleaning service, and car wash with petroleum underground storage tanks (USTs). As a result, these sites were exposed to a number of toxic contaminants at relatively high concentrations. Source control was necessary for successful remediation and the ultimate removal of the remaining compounds from these industrial sites. Although contaminated soil around the source was excavated during the remedial action and the high concentrations of contaminants were reduced, typical groundwater contaminants such as petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX), and oxygenates including methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), diisopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME), and tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) were persistently found at the studied sites around the source points. The plume and concentration of contaminants had changed their shapes and strength for all monitoring periods. Thus, additional source control seems to be a requirement for the complete removal of source contamination, which must be ascertained with groundwater and soil monitoring on a regular time base. For the study sites, monitored natural attenuation was relatively feasible for the long-term plan; however, it did not offer a perfect remediation solution for an ultimate goal because of residual toxic compounds that might have affected the surrounding residential areas at higher concentrations than their health limits. Therefore, as a remediation strategy, the combination of clean-up technology and natural attenuation with monitoring activities are more highly recommended than either clean-up or natural attenuation used separately.  相似文献   
以93#国Ⅲ乙醇汽油(E10)、93#国Ⅲ普通汽油和93#国Ⅳ普通汽油为实验对象,对GB18352.3-2005中要求限定的CO、HC和NOx,以及颗粒物(PM)和CO2等主要污染物的排放进行了测量和对比研究,并对CO、HC、PM、NOx、CO2和苯系物等污染物的形成原因和减排机理进行了分析。和93#国Ⅲ普通汽油相比,93#国Ⅲ乙醇汽油(E10)排放的尾气中:CO降低了19.7%,HC降低了16.4%;和93#国Ⅳ普通汽油相比,93#国Ⅲ乙醇汽油(E10)排放的尾气中:CO降低了1.8%,HC降低了12.9%, CO2降低了2.4%。研究表明,乙醇汽油在减少CO、HC、NOx、颗粒物和苯系物等有毒物质排放方面具有显著功效,使用乙醇汽油可以减少环境污染物的排放,显著改善空气质量。  相似文献   
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