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流动注射-氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定土壤中铅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用流动注射-氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定土壤中的铅,工作曲线线性关系良好,检出限为0.25 mg/kg,相对标准偏差<3.5%,加标回收率为93.0%~105%.该方法简便快速,测定结果准确可靠.  相似文献   
A portion of Arizona’s San Pedro River is managed as a National Riparian Conservation Area but is potentially affected by ground-water withdrawals beyond the conservation area borders. We applied an assessment model to the Conservation Area as a basis for monitoring long-term changes in riparian ecosystem condition resulting from changes in river water availability, and collected multi-year data on a subset of the most sensitive bioindicators. The assessment model is based on nine vegetation bioindicators that are sensitive to changes in surface water or ground water. Site index scores allow for placement into one of three condition classes, each reflecting particular ranges for site hydrology and vegetation structure. We collected the bioindicator data at 26 sites distributed among 14 reaches that had similar stream flow hydrology (spatial flow intermittency) and geomorphology (channel sinuosity, flood-plain width). Overall, 39% of the riparian corridor fell within condition class 3 (the wettest condition), 55% in condition class 2, and 6% in the driest condition class. Condition class 3 reaches have high cover of herbaceous wetland plants (e.g., Juncus and Schoenoplectus spp.) along the perennial stream channel and dense, multi-aged Populus-Salix woodlands in the flood plain, sustained by shallow ground water in the stream alluvium. In condition class 2, intermittent stream flows result in low cover of streamside wetland herbs, but Populus-Salix remain abundant in the flood plain. Perennial wetland plants are absent from condition class 1, reflecting highly intermittent stream flows; the flood plain is vegetated by Tamarixa small tree that tolerates the deep and fluctuating ground water levels that typify this reach type. Abundance of herbaceous wetland plants and growth rate of Salix gooddingii varied between years with different stream flow rates, indicating utility of these measures for tracking short-term responses to hydrologic change. Repeat measurement of all bioindicators will indicate long-term trends in hydro-vegetational condition.  相似文献   
建立了罐采样-气相色谱法测定环境空气中非甲烷总烃的分析方法。用罐采集环境空气样品至微负压状态,经除烃空气加压后,用气相色谱仪进行分析。并对氮气空白、除烃空气、样品保存期限、不同压力进样、不同正压压力进样、不同湿度、不同种类物质对总烃的贡献等进行了研究,在最佳实验条件下,非甲烷总烃的方法检出限为0.04μmol/mol,标准曲线相关系数均大于0.999 5,低、中、高浓度水平测定结果相对标准偏差均小于2.0%,低、中、高浓度的质控样品相对误差均小于2.0%。利用该方法对环境空气样品进行了检测分析,该法完全满足国家标准质控的要求,适用于环境空气和污染源无组织废气中非甲烷总烃的准确测定。  相似文献   
针对环境监测领域,研制了一种基于顺序注射分析技术的总氮在线分析仪。该分析仪以注射泵为分析过程的液体驱动定量单元,以多通道选向阀为流路切换单元,以发光二极管和硅光电管为检测单元。在该分析平台上,含氮化合物在高温高压条件下经过硫酸钾氧化成硝酸根,硝酸根被还原为亚硝酸根后与N-(1-萘基)乙二胺盐酸盐生成偶氮染料,再由光电检测单元测定吸光度值,经计算得到总氮含量。与现有的总氮在线分析技术相比,该分析仪具有检测单元简单、生产成本低、测量精度高、试剂消耗和废液产生量少等优点,适合于环境监测等领域的长时间在线分析。  相似文献   
流动注射法测定水中高锰酸盐指数的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了用流动注射分析技术测定水体中高锰酸盐指数。使用新发明的耐腐蚀恒流泵、低记忆高效混合器、不存留气泡流通池等部件,通过高温高压,缩短消解时间,从而建立了一种可用于无人值守的自动在线快速监测水体中高锰酸盐指数的分析方法。通过实验研究了流动注射法测定水中高锰酸盐指数的优越性。对方法的检出限、精密度和准确度进行了测定,并与GB/T11892—89《水质高锰酸盐指数的测定》进行了比对,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   
在脉冲喷吹的基础上,向滤筒除尘系统中导入声波,以改善清灰效果,并通过实验得出两者的最佳组合方式。调节声波相关参数,得出声波的频率和声压对清灰效果的影响关系,并找到最佳频率。  相似文献   
河流水污染定量研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水质模型可定量地反映出水质状况与污染物排放之间的关系,从而为进行水质评价与预测、选择污染控制方案以及制定水质标准和排放污染规定提供可靠的依据.文章从建立模型所采用的数学方法角度出发,较为详细的概述了近年来水质模拟的研究进展,并对确定性模型所存在的问题和河流水质模型的发展趋势做出评价.  相似文献   
研究了用流动注射分析技术测定水体中高锰酸盐指数。使用新发明的耐腐蚀恒流泵、低记忆高效混合器、不存留气泡流通池等部件,通过高温高压,缩短消解时间,从而建立了一种可用于无人值守的自动在线快速监测水体中高锰酸盐指数的分析方法。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Buried glacial stream channels contain large and easily accessible groundwater resources. Gravity surveys have been frequently applied for their location. A gravity survey in the geohydrologically explored Wood River Valley Area of southern Rhode Island shows extreme lows of -2 mgals over channel depths of maximal 300 feet. Three gravity profiles were observed in east-west direction across a north-south striking stream channel. The bedrock depth increases rapidly towards the south from 130 to 300 feet. The gravity lows observed across each profile are not related to the bedrock depth but rather to the saturated thickness of the main quifer and its hydraulic transmissivity. Well logs indicate that the large change of bedrock depth is solely due to an increase of till of low permeability. The volume of the glacial outwash, which is the major groundwater resource, changes little underneath the three profiles. The gravity lows apear to be directly related to the density contrast between glacial outwash and till. The response to the hydraulically more pertinent units renews the interest in the gravity method as it may have a potential to estimate yields of hydrologically complex aquifers  相似文献   
磷在农田溪流中的动态变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
磷是水体富营养化的限制因子,河流系统是农业非点源污染物的主要运移通道,污染物在河流中的持留控制着污染物向受纳水体的输出.本次研究对象是巢湖流域一个长约1.8 km的农田源头溪流六岔河,河流由4个渠道型、1个水塘型和3个河口型断面构成,长度分别为1.3 km、0.15 km和0.36 km.在河流上设置9个监测点研究总磷、磷酸盐和悬浮物在六岔河中的持留空间特征,评价人为严重干扰下的农田溪流在农业非点源污染物运移中的生态功能.结果表明:总磷、磷酸盐、悬浮物在溪流中的持留和释放受溪流的渠道型、水塘型和河口型断面控制,水塘型和河口型断面是污染物持留的主要区域,总磷、磷酸盐和悬浮物在水塘型、河口型断面内的持留量分别占溪流持留量的58%、77%和58%;污染物在降雨-径流过程中的持留是溪流持留的主要部分,总磷、磷酸盐和悬浮物的持留分别占溪流持留量的96%、98%和93%;渠道型断面是溪流最主要的内在污染源,总磷、磷酸盐和悬浮物的释放分别占溪流释放量的93%、99%和94%;养分和悬浮物在渠道型断面中具有不同的持留特性,而位于水塘前的渠道型断面在基流和降雨-径流过程中均能有效地持留污染物.  相似文献   
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