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废干电池中锌和汞的分布及其处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于民众缺乏环境意识和国家没有相应法规 ,大多数废干电池都随手丢弃 ,回收的废电池处于不同程度的腐蚀状态。介绍了锌、汞在废干电池中的分布状态以及腐蚀对其分布的影响 ,并根据它们的分布特点提出用真空法回收废干电池中的锌、汞。  相似文献   
暴雨后水库中铁、锰超标成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以福建省某水库为例,对南方地区暴雨后水库中铁锰超标现象从外污染源、地下水、土壤、底质多方面进行了分析,找出了该类型水库中铁、锰超标的原因,并提出建议。  相似文献   
聚环氧琥珀酸萃取锰泥残渣中铬的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚环氧琥珀酸(PESA)是一种具有无磷及非氮结构、环境友好型水溶性聚合物,且具有螯合多价金属阳离子的性能和可生物降解性的特征,选取其作为锰泥残渣中铬的螯合萃取剂,研究了不同pH、螯合萃取剂剂量、搅拌时间下PESA对铬的萃取率。结果表明:(1)最佳萃取条件为pH=4、PESA剂量30mg/g、搅拌时间60min;在最佳萃取条件下,铬的萃取率可达95%。(2)从结构上看,PESA是由醚基和羧基基团组成的高分子聚合物,羧基基团是与金属离子作用的主要官能团,它对Ca2+、Mg2+、Zn2+、Cr(Ⅲ)、Cr(Ⅵ)和Pb2+等有较强的螯合能力;从溶液的配位角度看,PESA与金属有较强的结合能力。因此,PESA对锰泥残渣中的铬有萃取作用。  相似文献   

Land disposal of olive oil wastewater using it as a soil amendment requires a knowledge of the effects that its application may produce on the status of the mineral nutrients in the plant‐soil system. A pot experiment using calcareous soil was performed in a growth chamber to examine the effects of olive oil wastewater on the availability and postharvest soil extractability of K, Mg and Mn. The experiment included 6 treatments: two rates of olive oil wastewater, two mineral fertilizer treatments containing K (which supplied K in amounts equivalent to the K supplied by the olive oil wastewater treatments), a K‐free mineral fertilizer treatment, and a control. The pots were sown with ryegrass as the test plant, harvesting 3 times at intervals of one month. Olive oil wastewater has demonstrated a considerable capacity for supplying K that can be assimilated by the plant, tending in fact to surpass the mineral potassium fertilizer tested. The application of olive oil wastewater tends to reduce the concentration of Mg in the plant, similarly to the effect of adding mineral potassium fertilizer. An enhancement of Mn availability takes place in the soil amended with olive oil wastewater, which on occasion has produced Mn concentrations in plant that could be considered phytotoxic or at least excessive. After harvesting, we observed an increase in the amount of exchangeable K in soil with added industrial wastewater. However, these increases are lower than those in soil treated with mineral potassium fertilizer. The levels of exchangeable, carbonate‐bound, organic‐bound and residual Mg in soil were higher in treatments incorporating olive oil wastewater than in those with added mineral K, with the opposite tendency occurring in the amount of Fe‐Mn oxides‐bound Mg in soil. Treatments based on olive oil wastewater, especially in high doses, increased the amount of exchangeable and carbonate‐bound Mn in soil, in comparison with treatments adding mineral fertilizers with or without K. In contrast, the addition of industrial wastewater caused a drop in the amount of Fe‐Mn oxides‐bound and organic‐bound Mn in soil.  相似文献   
以电解锰阳极泥与电解锌生产中产生的含SO_2尾气为原料,经过反应、浸出、浸出液两次净化和浓缩结晶制备硫酸锰,考察了反应时间、含SO_2尾气的流量及反应温度对Mn~(4+)转化率的影响.实验结果表明:在反应时间45 min、反应温度20~30 ℃、含SO_2尾气流量16 L/min的条件下,Mn~(4+)转化率达90%以上;尾气中SO_2利用率随尾气流量增加而降低;所得MnSO_4·H_2O产品质量达到GB1622-86<工业级硫酸锰标准>.  相似文献   
Metal oxides( Fe, Mn oxides) in natural surface coatings(biofilms and associated minerals) are believed to play a significant role n the fate and transport of trace metal in aquatic environments. Seasonal variation of Fe, Mn oxides and organic materials in surface oatings, which were developed periodically on glass slides in Nanhu Lake, Jilin Province, China over the time frame of three seasons,was investigated in order to understand the influence of metal oxides on Pb and Cd adsorption to heterogeneous surface coating materials(biofilm). Pb and Cd adsorption was measured under controlled laboratory conditions( mineral salts solution with defined speciation, ionic trength 0.05 mol/L, 25~C and pH 6.0). The classical Langmuir adsorption isotherm was applied to estimate equilibrium coefficients of Pb nd Cd adsorption to the surface coatings. In general, components in the surface coatings varied greatly with seasons altering and btained higher concentrations in summer while the content of iron oxides always exceeded that of manganese oxides. Correlation nalyses between the maximum adsorption of Pb and Cd and components in the surface coatings developed periodically indicated that Pb hase association with Mn oxides and Cd phase association with Fe oxides as well as Mn oxides were statistically significant. Effect of Mn xides on Cd adsorption was confirmed in view of its higher content in the surface coatings. The importance of ferromanganese oxides for b and Cd adsorption to the natural surface coatings developed in different seasons was evidenced.  相似文献   
烟气脱硫过程锰催化氧化亚硫酸钙的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用直径280 mm、高320 mm的间歇式搅拌槽,在MnSO4加入浓度为0~0.05 mol/L的情况下,对亚硫酸钙悬浮液进行了催化氧化实验研究.实验结果表明,锰离子的加入会改变亚硫酸钙的氧化机理及氧化过程,表现为终点氧化率和氧化速率的变化.当Mn2 浓度为0.05 mol/L时,亚硫酸钙的终点氧化率比未加入Mn2 时高30%;此外,与非催化反应过程相比,Mn2 的加入能使亚硫酸钙在一个更宽的浓度范围内(0.02~0.073 mol/L)和一个更宽的时间范围内(20~100 min)均保持较高的氧化速率水平.  相似文献   
硫酸锰废渣浸出液对斑马鱼的毒性及抗氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
已有研究表明,堆积在湘西花垣河河岸的硫酸锰废渣含有多种重金属,可能是导致花垣河河水和沉积物重金属污染的主要原因.为了评价硫酸锰废渣的潜在生态风险和对水生动物的毒性,本研究分析了硫酸锰废渣浸出液中的主要重金属成分,用漫出液对斑马鱼进行了急性毒性实验,观察在急性胁迫下斑马鱼的体征变化,测定了斑马鱼在亚致死浓度下的生化指标的...  相似文献   
滤池被广泛运用于饮用水厂中,前期研究发现某水厂生物滤池处理含砷地下水时,一方面三价砷可被生物氧化锰氧化为五价砷,另一方面滤池系统中存在的微生物砷还原酶可促使五价砷还原为三价砷,而滤池表面存在的这种微生物竞争关系会影响滤池的稳定性及处理效率.为探讨其内在机制,本研究选取1株锰氧化模式菌(Pseudomonas sp.QJX-1)和1株砷还原模式菌(Brevibacterium sp.LSJ-9),考察在Mn2+、As(As3+、As5+)共存时,两菌株对空间、营养物质以及对砷氧化/还原的竞争关系.结果表明,不同的反应时间,Mn、As质量浓度/价态不同,三价及五价砷体系中,Pseudomonas sp.QJX-1生成的锰氧化物在砷的氧化还原反应中占主导地位,即能迅速氧化本身存在的As3+(三价砷体系)和砷还原菌产生的As3+(五价砷体系),最终两体系中砷都主要以As5+的形式存在.PCR及RT-PCR结果表明,反应过程中锰氧化菌功能基因(cum A)抑制了砷还原酶(ars C)的表达,锰氧化菌16S rRNA表达量始终比砷还原菌高两个数量级,即锰氧化菌在生长竞争过程中占优势.实验结果表明滤池的水力停留时间是决定出水中砷价态的一个重要因素.  相似文献   
利用从土壤铁锰结核及其附近土壤中分离筛选得到的4株锰氧化菌,研究了不同pH、Mn(Ⅱ)初始浓度下菌株的锰氧化效率及生长情况,并用SEM-EDS及TEM对菌株WHS26、GY16形成的生物氧化锰及水羟锰矿进行了表征.结果表明,pH及Mn(Ⅱ)初始浓度对菌株的锰氧化效率均有影响,4株菌在pH 7~8、Mn(Ⅱ)初始浓度为10~20 mmol·L-1时,锰氧化效率最高;GY16、WHS26形成的生物氧化锰的形貌与化学合成的水羟锰矿存在明显差异,前者呈胶膜状附着在菌株表面,后者呈结晶态.该结果可为生物氧化锰应用于重金属污染修复提供技术支撑.  相似文献   
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