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为有效处理重金属污染的疏浚底泥并验证重金属稳定剂的稳定性,采用重金属稳定化的方法,以Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+单一和复合重金属污染的疏浚底泥为研究对象,以壳聚糖改性后的钠基膨润土为稳定剂,在不同稳定剂投加量、pH和液固比的条件下,对污染底泥进行稳定化处理,并采用毒性特征沥滤方法 (TCLP) 和BCR连续提取法对稳定化效果进行分析与评价。结果表明:经过壳聚糖改性后的钠基膨润土稳定重金属的能力显著提高,在投加量为5%时,对Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+单一重金属污染底泥便可达到较高的稳定化率;聚糖改性钠基膨润土稳定剂 (NaBent-CTS) 处理Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+单一重金属污染底泥的最佳投加量为5%~7%,pH为6~7,液固比为1.3:1~1.7:1;NaBent-CTS处理Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+复合重金属污染底泥的最佳投加量为5%、pH为7、液固比为1.5:1,稳定化率分别达到75.95%、73.71%和59.00%;NaBent-CTS处理复合重金属污染底泥时重金属存在竞争吸附,由强到弱排列顺序为Cu2+>Zn2+>Cd2+;经NaBent-CTS稳定化处理14 d后,可氧化态和残渣态占比显著提高,稳定性能佳。NaBent-CTS对Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+单一和复合重金属污染底泥具有较好的稳定效果。该研究结果可为重金属污染疏浚底泥的稳定化处理提供相关参考。  相似文献   
Monthly variability of Cd, Hg, Zn, Mn and Al concentrations in mussels (Mytilus californianus) soft tissue and brown seaweed (Macrocystis pyrifera) was studied at a pristine rocky shore off San Quintin Bay, Baja California, México. The results were related to climatic and hydrographic conditions and to the physiological state of the mussels (condition index) by correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). A "normalization" to account for the variability induced by the physiological state of the mussel was performed. The PCA was performed in two ways to relate the environmental variables and the condition index to: (1) the metal concentrations in mussels, and (2) the "normalized" mussel concentrations. The association of the variability of Cd with the upwelling season was revealed in both PCAs. The temporal variability of this metal in mussels was highly correlated to that in seaweed, suggesting that the dissolved phase determined the variability of Cd in mussels. However, for Hg, Zn, Mn and Al the results from both PCAs were different. The first PCA showed the relationship of these metals to pluvial precipitation and to the condition index. The PCA for the normalized mussel concentrations showed that, after eliminating the effect of the condition index, only Al was related to pluvial precipitation. Manganese, and to a less degree Zn, were related to these metals in seaweed. Because zinc is an essential element in mussels, some regulation of their internal concentrations is likely. Mercury was not detected in seaweed, but because of its reactive nature, it is not expected that the dissolved fraction could be a significant pathway; therefore, it can be concluded that its temporal variability was determined by the variability in the condition index only.  相似文献   
为增强污泥淋溶器固定污泥重金属的效果,降低其淋滤液中重金属含量从而更加安全地农业利用,在前期研究基础上对污泥淋溶器进行了改进,实验不同高度开孔和在污泥中间垂直放置黑网两个改进措施。研究表明,距淋溶器底部2 cm处开孔,污泥淋滤液的Cd和Cu总量显著低于底部开孔(原始污泥淋溶器)。淋溶器底部2 cm 形成厌(缺)氧层使得下层硫化物态Zn、Cd和Cu含量显著高于孔的上层,提高了污泥重金属的生物稳定性。添加中间黑网可显著降低污泥淋滤液Cu总量。上述污泥淋溶器的两个改进措施均可有效固定污泥中某些重金属,减小污泥淋滤液重金属累计总量,促进污泥淋滤液更安全农用。  相似文献   
首次系统地研究了硅藻土经热活化、锰氧化物、Mg(OH)2改性、聚丙烯酰胺、氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷、微乳液和Cu2等7种方法改性后,在不同pH下对Cd2+、pb2+、Cu2+的吸附效果及其主要机理.在实验条件下,重金属吸附效果最佳的是锰氧化物和Mg(OH)2改性硅藻土.对于pb2+、Cu2+和Cd2+的吸附,前者的最大吸附量分别为98、84和78 mg/g,后者是79、76和91 mg/g.SEM、BET、XRD、FTIR结果显示,这2种改性硅藻土的比表面积大大增加,且拥有更多能提高其吸附性能的Si-O-H基团.Mg(OH)2改性硅藻土对Cd2+吸附等温线研究表明,其符合Langmuir等温吸附模型.提供的改性方法和实验结果,为硅藻土处理水体重金属污染提供了新的技术手段和理论依据.  相似文献   
探讨了柠檬酸对污泥中重金属形态的影响,并以柠檬酸为络合剂、以杭州七格污水处理厂城市污泥为研究对象,在0.8 mA·cm-2恒定电流密度条件下运行120 h,在5组柠檬酸浓度分别为 0.00、0.05、0.10、0.20和0.30 mol·L-1的条件下,采用自行设计的双层双阳极反应器对污泥中重金属进行电动去除和回收实验。结果显示,柠檬酸能促使污泥中大量的Zn由可还原态转化为酸可提取态,但对Cu的形态影响不大。电动处理实验中,添加柠檬酸后Zn和Cu的去除率都有明显提高,当柠檬酸浓度为0.20 mol·L-1时,Zn的去除率最大达58.3%,Cu的去除率为42.4%;当柠檬酸浓度为0.10 mol·L-1时,Cu的去除率最大为51.7%,Zn的去除率为46.4%。柠檬酸的最佳添加浓度为0.10~0.20 mol·L-1,当柠檬酸添加量超过0.20 mol·L-1,Zn和Cu的去除率反而会因为络合物在阳极区的沉淀而降低。  相似文献   
低成本含磷材料修复环境重金属污染的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低成本含磷材料包括磷灰石、骨粉、无机磷肥及无机磷酸盐,其对环境重金属污染的修复值得引起生态学、环境学更广泛的重视.详细介绍了:(1)各类低成本含磷材料结构性质;(2)含磷材料在修复土壤、沉积物、水体重金属污染方面的应用;(3)含磷材料修复环境重金属污染的机理及影响因素;(4)含磷材料修复环境重金属污染的效果评价等方面的研究进展及发展前景.  相似文献   
土壤重金属污染的植物修复研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
详细阐述了植物修复的生理学、分子生物学机制,包括超积累植物对根际土壤中重金属的活化,超量积累植物对土壤重金属吸收及其解毒机理,并就该领域今后的研究方向和存在的问题作了探讨。  相似文献   
低成本含磷材料修复环境重金属污染的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
低成本含磷材料包括磷灰石、骨粉、无机磷肥及无机磷酸盐,其对环境重金属污染的修复值得引起生态学、环境学更广泛的重视。详细介绍了:(1)各类低成本含磷材料结构性质;(2)含磷材料在修复土壤、沉积物、水体重金属污染方面的应用;(3)含磷材料修复环境重金属污染的机理及影响因素;(4)含磷材料修复环境重金属污染的效果评价等方面的研究进展及发展前景。  相似文献   
Kannan K  Agusa T  Perrotta E  Thomas NJ  Tanabe S 《Chemosphere》2006,65(11):2160-2167
Infectious diseases have been implicated as a cause of high rates of adult mortality in southern sea otters. Exposure to environmental contaminants can compromise the immuno-competence of animals, predisposing them to infectious diseases. In addition to organic pollutants, certain trace elements can modulate the immune system in marine mammals. Nevertheless, reports of occurrence of trace elements, including toxic heavy metals, in sea otters are not available. In this study, concentrations of 20 trace elements (V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hg, Tl, Pb, and Bi) were measured in livers of southern sea otters found dead along the central California coast (n = 80) from 1992 to 2002. Hepatic concentrations of trace elements were compared among sea otters that died from infectious diseases (n = 27), those that died from non-infectious causes (n = 26), and otters that died in emaciated condition with no evidence of another cause of death (n = 27). Concentrations of essential elements in sea otters varied within an order of magnitude, whereas concentrations of non-essential elements varied by two to five orders of magnitude. Hepatic concentrations of Cu and Cd were 10- to 100-fold higher in the sea otters in this study than concentrations reported for any other marine mammal species. Concentrations of Mn, Co, Zn, and Cd were elevated in the diseased and emaciated sea otters relative to the non-diseased sea otters. Elevated concentrations of essential elements such as Mn, Zn, and Co in the diseased/emaciated sea otters suggest that induction of synthesis of metallothionein and superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme is occurring in these animals, as a means of protecting the cells from oxidative stress-related injuries. Trace element profiles in diseased and emaciated sea otters suggest that oxidative stress mediates the perturbation of essential-element concentrations. Elevated concentrations of toxic metals such as Cd, in addition to several other organic pollutants, may contribute to oxidative stress-meditated effects in sea otters.  相似文献   
铜、镉对水螅的急性和联合毒性作用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
试验研究重金属铜(Cu2 )、镉(Cd2 )对水螅的急性毒性和联合毒性作用,探索水螅(Hydra sp.)对Cu2 、Cd2 以及两者混合的毒性效应,为水产动物病害的防治中合理使用消毒、杀虫剂以及水体污染评价提供一些参考信息.结果表明,Cu2 对水螅的24 h半致死浓度(LC50)、48 hLC50、72 hLC50、96 hLC50分别为0.072、0.054、0.042、0.037 mg/L;Cd2 对水螅的24 hLC50、48hLC50、72 hLC50、96 hLC50分别为0.001 70、0.000 63、0.000 36、0.000 36 mg/L;Cu2 、Cd2 对水螅的安全浓度分别为3.7×10-4、3.6×10-6mg/L.水螅对两种重金属的毒性反应既快速又敏感,其中Cu2 对水螅的毒性较Cd2 快,但Cd2 的毒性比Cu2 的强.等毒性配比的两种重金属混合液对水螅的毒性大于单一毒性,为协同作用.两种重金属对水螅的LC50随试验时间的延长而减小,它们对水螅的安全浓度远低于渔业水质标准.  相似文献   
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