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● The main direct seal up carbon options and challenges are reviewed. ● Ocean-based CO2 replacement for CH4/oil exploitation is presented. ● Scale-advantage of offshore CCS hub is discussed. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is an imperative, strategic, and constitutive method to considerably reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions and alleviate climate change issues. The ocean is the largest active carbon bank and an essential energy source on the Earth’s surface. Compared to oceanic nature-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR), carbon capture from point sources with ocean storage is more appropriate for solving short-term climate change problems. This review focuses on the recent state-of-the-art developments in offshore carbon storage. It first discusses the current status and development prospects of CCS, associated with the challenges and uncertainties of oceanic nature-based CDR. The second section outlines the mechanisms, sites, advantages, and ecologic hazards of direct offshore CO2 injection. The third section emphasizes the mechanisms, schemes, influencing factors, and recovery efficiency of ocean-based CO2-CH4 replacement and CO2-enhanced oil recovery are reviewed. In addition, this review discusses the economic aspects of offshore CCS and the preponderance of offshore CCS hubs. Finally, the upsides, limitations, and prospects for further investigation of offshore CO2 storage are presented.  相似文献   
为研究外加水分条件下受载含瓦斯煤体的渗吸特性,利用自主设计的含瓦斯煤体等压渗吸实验装置对煤体中水分及瓦斯的运移进行连续监测,并在瓦斯压力恒定不变的条件下研究覆压及外加水分对煤体渗吸距离、渗吸速度以及瓦斯置换量的影响。结果表明:水分在煤体中的渗吸距离随时间增长先是快速增加,而后缓慢增大。在相同外加水分条件下,相同时刻水分的渗吸速度随覆压增大而增大;在相同覆压条件下的煤体,相同时刻水分的渗吸速度随外加水分的增大而增大;渗吸过程中水分置换出来的瓦斯量随时间变化分为3个阶段,在第1个阶段覆压和外加水分的变化对瓦斯置换量影响不大,之后的2个阶段瓦斯置换量随着外加水分和覆压的增大而增大,并逐渐达到1个极限值。  相似文献   
煤层注CO2促排瓦斯主要包含气体置换和流动驱替两种作用机理,但在注气过程中哪种机理占主导地位,能否将这两种机理剥离开还需要进一步研究。为了研究注CO2促排煤中甲烷的机理及其主导地位,进行了低应力载荷条件下分层预压成型煤样注CO2置换/驱替煤层甲烷的实验。实验结果表明:在置换和驱替最初246 min内,出气口没有检测到CO2气体,注入的CO2气体全部驻留在煤体中,没有随气流排出,宏观表现为仅有置换作用而没有驱替作用。在之后的1 180 min内,注入的CO2气体一部分继续驻留在煤体中,另一部分随气体流出,宏观表现为既有置换作用又有驱替作用,置换作用减弱,驱替作用增加的过程。在注气实验后期,随着注气时间的增加,煤体中CO2逐渐吸附平衡,驱替作用开始逐渐占据主导地位。截止到实验结束时,整个阶段过程中,置换作用累计贡献率为53.32%,驱替作用累计贡献率为46.68%,置换作用累计贡献率大于驱替作用累计贡献率,随着注气不断进行驱替作用累计贡献率会逐渐上升,会出现超过置换作用累计贡献率的现象。  相似文献   
机动车代用燃料性能比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于机动车对大气环境污染的贡献率越来越大,以及石油等能源面临枯竭,代用燃料逐渐进人人们的生活,如天然气、甲醇、乙醇、氢燃料和液化石油气等等。这些燃料因其物理、化学性质不同,所表现出来的动力性能、排放性能、经济性能和其他方面(如存储、运输、原料等)也有很大区别。通过比较得出,代用燃料比传统燃料更为清洁,但在其他方面还有待进一步改善。  相似文献   
分析了某化工厂一起反应釜爆炸事故的可能原因,认为事故发生的原因主要是氮气置换失效及提前对反应釜进行加热,提出了预防措施.  相似文献   
工程实践证明强夯置换法对于软弱地基的处理具有较好的加固效果,但目前尚无成熟的设计施工方法。本文以四川九寨黄龙机场高填方地基处理工程为背景,介绍了强夯置换法加固软弱土层的现场试验,对实测夯沉量、地表隆起量等试验结果进行了分析。同时,运用动力触探测试及室内土工试验等手段对夯后地基的加固效果进行了检测分析。综合试验及检测结果表明,应用此法处理机场工程软弱地基达到了预期的加固效果,原地面以下6m范围内动探击数均大于5击,物理力学指标也均有相当改善。目前,该试验成果已用于指导机场地基处理与高填方填筑体施工,对于其它类似工程亦有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
增施氮肥对黄顶菊与高丹草苗期竞争的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤氮素增加常有利于外来植物入侵。采用高丹草(Sorghum bicolor×Sorghum sudanense)替代竞争和增施氮肥的方法在田间条件下研究了对外来植物黄顶菊(Flaveriabidentis(L.)Kuntze)的影响。试验在2009年夏进行,共划分2m×1m小区36个。试验设3个氮肥处理(不施肥对照、施肥1次和2次,每次施肥为每小区15g尿素),随机区组试验设计,4次重复。在相同氮肥水平下,黄顶菊单种时除株高和根冠比外其余指标均显著大于混种;而相同条件下,高丹草在混种时在多数生长指标上与单种无差异,说明混种对高丹草竞争生长影响不大;这一点也在相对竞争强度指标上得到证实,在混种条件下,无论施肥水平如何,高丹草以单株根质量、单株地上质量和总质量计算的相对竞争强度(RCI)均为负值。表明通过混种高丹草能够实现对黄顶菊的竞争性抑制。但是,除了根质量指标外,黄顶菊其余6个指标的表型可塑性指数均大于高丹草,黄顶菊对氮肥的响应高于高丹草,可能是因为其对氮肥的利用效率较高的原因。基于本文研究结果,氮肥的过量施用增加了农田系统的脆弱性,使其易于被黄顶菊入侵。对于此外来入侵种的管理要因其特性采取有区分性控制策略,包括在减量施肥的同时结合选择适宜物种进行替代控制。  相似文献   
Conventional methods for management of data‐rich fisheries maintain sustainable populations by assuring that lifetime reproduction is adequate for individuals to replace themselves and accounting for density‐dependent recruitment. Fishing is not allowed to reduce relative lifetime reproduction, the fraction of current egg production relative to unfished egg production (FLEP), below a sustainable level. Because most shark fisheries are data poor, other representations of persistence status have been used, including linear demographic models, which incorporate life‐history characteristics in age‐structured models with no density dependence. We tested how well measures of sustainability from 3 linear demographic methods (rebound potential, stochastic growth rate, and potential population increase) reflect actual population persistence by comparing values of these measures with FLEP for 26 shark species. We also calculated the value of fishing mortality (F) that would allow all 26 species to maintain an accepted precautionary threshold for sharks of FLEP = 60%, expressing F as a fraction of natural mortality (M). Values of stochastic growth rate and potential population growth did not covary in rank order with FLEP (p = 0.057 and p = 0.077, respectively) and neither was significantly correlated with FLEP. Ordinal ranking of rebound potential positively covaried with FLEP (p = 0.00013), but the relative rankings of some species were substantially out of order. Adopting a sustainable limit of F = 0.16M would maintain all 26 species above the precautionary minimum value of FLEP (60%). We concluded that shark‐fishery and conservation policies should rely on calculation of replacement (i.e., FLEP), and that sharks should be fished at a precautionary level that would protect all stocks (i.e., F< 0.16M). Comparación entre Modelos Demográficos Lineales y la Fracción de Producción de Huevos a lo Largo de la Vida para Estudiar la Sustentabilidad en Tiburones Resumen  相似文献   
Gas purging processes in pipeline safety maintenance were studied using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods. A new model (model 1) closer to actual working conditions and another two-side injection model were investigated. The simulation results showed that the relative purging efficiency of model 1 decreases compared to the ideal model (model 0), and two-sided injection model increases the efficiency relative to the single sided purging model. In addition, the models with different intake methods, outlet positions, outlet sizes and outlet pressures were simulated. If the outlet is opened after delaying some time, purging efficiency is improved. Furthermore if “relay purging” method is adopted, the efficiency is increased by 18% with two gas inlets and by 11% with a single inlet. The outlet position affects the average velocity in the last purging time. If the outlet diameter is equal or larger than that of the inlet, the purging efficiency is much higher.  相似文献   
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