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The fractional dispersion model for natural rivers, extended by including a first order reaction term, contains four parameters. In order to estimate these parameters a fractional Laplace transform-based method is developed in this paper. Based on 76 dye test data measured in natural streams, the new parameter estimation method shows that the fractional dispersion operator parameter F is the controlling parameter causing the non-Fickian dispersion and F does not take on an integer constant of 2 but instead varies in the range of 1.4–2.0. The adequacy of the fractional Laplace transform-based parameter estimation method is determined by computing dispersion characteristics of the extended fractional dispersion model and these characteristics are compared with those observed from 12 dye tests conducted on the US rivers, including Mississippi, Red, and Monocacy. The agreement between computed and observed dispersion characteristics is found to be good. When combined with the fractional Laplace transform-based parameter estimation method, the extended fractional dispersion model is capable of accurately simulating the non-Fickian dispersion process in natural streams.  相似文献   
Streamflow monitoring in the Colorado River Basin (CRB) is essential to ensure diverse needs are met, especially during periods of drought or low flow. Existing stream gage networks, however, provide a limited record of past and current streamflow. Modeled streamflow products with more complete spatial and temporal coverage (including the National Water Model [NWM]), have primarily focused on flooding, rather than sustained drought or low flow conditions. Objectives of this study are to (1) evaluate historical performance of the NWM streamflow estimates (particularly with respect to droughts and seasonal low flows) and (2) identify characteristics relevant to model inputs and suitability for future applications. Comparisons of retrospective flows from the NWM to observed flows from the United States Geological Survey stream gage network over 22 years in the CRB reveal a tendency for underestimating low flow frequency, locations with low flows, and the number of years with low flows. We found model performance to be more accurate for the Upper CRB and at sites with higher precipitation, snow percent, baseflow index, and elevations. Underestimation of low flows and variable model performance has important implications for future applications: inaccurate evaluations of historical low flows and droughts, and less reliable performance outside of specific watershed/stream conditions. This highlights characteristics on which to focus future model development efforts.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A method to partition the variation in concentrations of water chemistry parameters in a river is described. The approach consists of fitting a family of curves for each chemical parameter. Each curve indicates the response of the parameter to river flow for a particular time period or location. An analysis of covariance is then used to identify statistically significant differences between curves. Such differences result largely from two factors: (1) the discharge of effluents and (2) river flow-concentration relationships. The deviations from the fitted curves indicate month-to-month variations unrelated to river flow that are controlled by factors such as temperature-related seasonal patterns. Underlying statistical assumptions are discussed with respect to water chemistry data. The technique is applied to a data set consisting of monthly samples of 22 water chemistry parameters from the Sulphur River of Texas and Arkansas. Several patterns of response to river flow and to two effluent discharges were revealed.  相似文献   
对2007—2015年长江流域四川段主要12条江河水体放射性核素活度浓度的监测结果进行了分析。结果表明,四川段主要江河放射性核素水平远低于我国规定的露天水源的限制浓度。与1995年中国环境天然放射性(四川省部分)、1988年长江水系天然放射性活度浓度参考范围相比,U、Th、226Ra、40K、137Cs均有上升趋势,其他核素活度浓度涨落不明显均在本底范围内。总 α、总 β放射性活度浓度测值均符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)的限值要求。  相似文献   
在夏季对上海郊区一典型的中、小河流河网水质进行监测 ,结果表明 :(1)河流水体普遍有很高的氮磷和有机负荷 ,其CODcr、总磷、总氮等指标均数倍于《地面水环境质量标准》中规定的V类水最大允许值 ,水体正处于严重的富营养化状态。位于集镇居民区和养殖场附近河流的污染更为严重。 (2 )受富营养化和河流底泥污染物释放的影响 ,河流水质还存在分层现象 ,尤其是水流滞缓、水深不足两米的小河流更为明显。主要表现为 :底层水氨氮 ,TRP(总反应态磷 )和SRP(溶解反应态磷 )的含量明显高于表层水 ;而表层水的 pH和DO高于底层水 ;同时 ,由于底层水处于厌氧的环境下 ,NO- 3-N、NO- 2 -N含量低于表层水。 (3)由于长期受纳污水、污物 ,中、小河流底泥有很高的氮磷累积 ,凯氏氮平均达 3.5 2 6 (N ,mg) / g ;总磷平均达 2 0 5 2 .2 5 0 (P ,mg) /kg。集镇居民区河流底泥总磷含量高达 5 813.838(P ,mg) /kg ;养殖场附近河流底泥凯氏氮高达 5 .96 4 (N ,mg) / g。底泥孔隙水中的NO- 3-N、NO- 2 -N含量很低 ;NH+4的含量是河流底层水的 3~ 2 4倍 ;SRP的含量约是河流底层水的 2~ 16倍。由于底泥有机污染重 ,耗氧量大 ,处于厌氧的环境 ,其交换态Fe2 +的含量很高  相似文献   
阿尔泰山两河源区生态环境问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于人类对自然资源的不合理开发利用,以及自然环境的演变,阿尔泰山两河源区的生态环境出现了比较严重的退化。两河源区的生态环境不仅直接关系到阿勒泰地区人民的生活及经济的发展,而且还关系到相关地区的可持续发展问题。针对阿尔泰山两河源区的生态环境问题笔者提出了相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   
太湖主要入湖河流排污控制量研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用2006—2008年的监测数据对太湖主要入湖河流的水环境状况进行了分析,通过对研究区工业污染源、农业污染源和城镇生活污水排污的分布以及入河情况的调查,对各种污染源的入河量进行了计算,根据确定的水质目标,分别计算出主要入湖河流以及区域水系的水环境容量和排污控制量。结果表明:15条主要入湖河流超标现象显著,近3a来污染程度有所波动,N、P污染最为严重。研究区内污染物入河量较大,未接管的生活源污染物入河量所占比重最大,各类污染物均在50%~60%之间;张家港市的污染物入河量最大,各类污染物所占比重达总入河量的18%~20%。研究区内河网密布,水环境容量分布不均匀,望虞河、直湖港、武进港等7条河流水环境容量较大,张家港市区域水环境容量较大。为保证水质达标,研究区内近期共须削减CODCr66554.38t/a、NH4-N8105.71t/a、TP1324.42t/a;远期共须削减CODCr96719.08t/a、NH4-N11541.45t/a、TP1788.71t/a。  相似文献   
河道沿岸用地状况对水环境质量和水生态系统健康产生重要影响,水体光衰减特征对沉水植物定居生长具有重要意义.通过以建设闲置区、居住商业区、非居住商业区等不同沿岸用地状况中小河道为研究对象,分析了上海市130个中小河道调查区段的水环境和水下光环境指标.结果表明,上海市中小河道调查区段水体光衰减系数(Kd(PAR))的分布范围为1.243~7.592 m-1,河道沿岸不同用地状况对Kd(PAR)具有较大影响,建设闲置区显著大于非居住商业区和居住商业区.总固体悬浮物是导致上海市中小河道水体光衰减的主要因素,但不同沿岸用地状况之间引起水体光衰减的主导因子存在差异:因处在建设开发阶段或表土裸露状态,建设闲置区的水体光衰减主导因子为总固体悬浮物,而非居住商业区、居住商业区的水体Kd(PAR)则受到总固体悬浮物、有机污染和营养盐等共同影响.总体上,总磷和叶绿素a随总固体悬浮物浓度增加表现为先增加后降低趋势.沉水植物定居光环境的最大水深Zmacrophytes分布范围为0.462~2.821 m,结合中小河道水深判定水下光照强度不足严重制约沉水植物恢复,并且浊度与Kd(PAR)的相关性显著.建设闲置区、居住商业区、非居住商业区等沿岸用地状况水体浊度与Kd(PAR)的相关系数分别为0.785、0.738、0.646,可作为判定沉水植物定植光照强度及适宜生长区的易操作定量指标.  相似文献   
农村河流环境污染的经济本质是由于环境“公共物品”属性导致其使用的外部环境不经济,本文把环境问题与经济研究接轨,设计了四种市场化利用模式,把河流厦相关公共物品“特定产权”明晰化,环保责任由政府承包转移到企业或个人,使责任明确化,从而有效对农村河流环境进行长效管理。最后以扬州市汉留镇河道清淤、保洁的市场化做实证分析。  相似文献   
鉴于跨国界河流的极端敏感性和新形势下日益突出的水环境风险问题,为确保跨国界河流的水环境安全,全力维护我国与邻国边境地区稳定,开展跨国界河流水环境风险防控及环境应急能力建设迫在眉睫。目前,跨国界河流流域水环境存在的主要问题和短板包括水环境风险底数不清、风险防控与应急体系尚未建立、监控预警及应急监测能力薄弱及应急物资保障体系薄弱等。针对上述问题,建议全面开展跨国界河流突发性环境风险评估,建立“一河一策一图”水环境风险防控工程体系,提升跨国界河流水环境风险防控与环境应急能力,并建立跨国界河流水环境应急物资储备管理体系。  相似文献   
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