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目的 研究过电位抛光对不锈钢异形截面微流道内壁成形性及双极板性能的影响。方法 采用电化学实验、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、粗糙度测试分别对激光粉末床熔融技术成形异形截面微流道进行测试分析,研究抛光时间对微流道内壁表面形貌、典型缺陷、表面粗糙度及双极板耐腐蚀性的影响。结果 在抛光前10 min,微流道内壁的质量得到有效提升,随着抛光时间的延长,其表面粗糙度达到稳定值,同时典型缺陷也由黏粉、半熔金属颗粒等局部缺陷逐渐变化到球化、挂渣、阶梯效应等大范围缺陷,直至出现点蚀现象。抛光时间在5~15 min内,LPBF成形316L不锈钢表面质量提升,随着抛光时间的增加,其耐腐蚀性下降。结论 采用过电位抛光工艺并选择适当的过电位抛光时间,能有效提升微流道内壁成形质量及双极板耐腐蚀性能。  相似文献   
目的 研究湍流模型和旋转域划分对土工离心机数值计算的影响,以建立适用于土工离心机计算的数值模型。方法 针对一款有实测风阻功率的土工离心机模型,分别采用SRF和MRF方法进行建模,选用标准k-ε、RNG k-ε和SST k-Omega湍流模型,对不同转速下土工离心机室内流场进行数值模拟,对比计算所得风阻功率、流场及温度场分布。结果 标准k-ε模型和SST k-Omega模型对湍流黏度的过度预测会导致计算所得土工离心机风阻功率偏大。中低转速下,旋转域的划分对计算结果的影响较小,但采用SRF方法计算所得的风阻功率与实验值更接近。结论 通过对比实验结果,为土工离心机计算建立了较为可靠的数值模型,并通过对比流场分布分析了因湍流模型选择引起计算误差的原因,为土工离心机数值模拟提供了思路。  相似文献   
目的计算大功率大吨位级重型柴油车的污染物排放量。方法根据《公路隧道通风设计细则》和世界道路协会(PIARC)2012年技术报告,分别计算32 t重型柴油车的污染物排放量和稀释污染物所需的通风量,对比分析两种计算方法的差异。结果对《公路隧道通风设计细则》中柴油车的车型系数和海拔高度系数提出建议。根据世界道路协会(PIARC)2012年技术报告,在0~2000 m低海拔地区,国产32 t柴油车的CO、NO_(x)和烟尘排放量分别为88.6、166.0 m^(3)/(h·veh)和84.2 m^(2)/(h·veh),如果考虑NO_(x)的空气污染,稀释单辆国产32 t柴油车排放污染物所需空气量约为33000 m^(3)/h;如果不考虑NOx的空气污染,所需空气量约为28000 m^(3)/h。结论结合工程实际,建议大功率大吨位级重型柴油车的污染物排放量根据世界道路协会(PIARC)2012年技术报告进行计算。  相似文献   
电网发展、清洁电源接入与地区能源效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于我国已经建成全球规模最大的超高压和特高压电网,彻底弥补了电力跨区配置的电网基础设施短板,并且为清洁电源并入电网和跨区消纳提供了完善的基础设施,不仅克服我国电力负荷中心和能源基地的区域布局不协调,而且有益于缓解日益严峻的能源利用率低下和环境污染问题。本文利用1991—2012年全国29个省市面板数据实证研究了清洁电源并网对地区全要素能源效率的影响。为保证实证结果稳健性分别在线性和非线性实证框架下采用系统广义矩估计(SYS-GMM)和面板平滑转换模型(PSTR)两种方法估计了清洁电源接入高压、超高压和特高压电网的地区全要素能源效率异质性效应。实证结果显示:(1)我国电网基础设施对地区全要素能源效率具有明显的增进效应,特别是超高压电网在促进全要素能源效率提升上表现的最为突出,在特高压骨干网架尚未形成的情况下起到了支柱性作用。(2)高压、超高压、特高压与清洁电源交互项的估计系数始终位于负数区间,反映清洁电源并网的能源效率绩效并不明显,受限于并网规模和机制缺陷,还没有发挥出全要素能源效率提升作用。(3)随着人均GDP的不断提高,各等级电网对地区能源效率的益处越来越明显,并且存在着门槛效应。(4)特高压电网对地区能源效率的积极作用主要表现在东部沿海高收入省份,这些省份作为电力消费负荷中心,大规模接入清洁电源对能源效率改善裨益明显。接下来,需要根据地区的能源禀赋结构选择清洁电源的并网模式,完善的电网基础设施、合理的电源结构还需要配置以高效的清洁电源并网机制才能不断增进地区全要素能源效率。  相似文献   
Since the first product became commercially available in 1995, biotechnology has become the fastest growing crop technology, dominating large shares of the global agricultural market. The development of biotechnology, however, has given rise to questions regarding human and ecological safety, culminating in local and global political battles. While researchers interested in biotech politics have focused on areas such as media framing, social movements, and campaign work, less attention has been paid to how the industry has historically promoted and legitimized this swift proliferation. In this study, we conduct a discourse analysis of documents available on live and archived websites to discern the legitimation strategies employed by one important corporate actor, Monsanto. Findings show that for nearly two decades, Monsanto consistently employed discursive resources that concealed details about actors and action, reflected trends among experts in global sustainability discourse, and reshaped narratives to promote itself, products, and biotechnology in general.  相似文献   
换流变压器是高压直流换流站中主要的噪声源,对换流变压器噪声的预测精度直接影响到后期整个换流站噪声预测模型的准确性,因此,准确获得换流变压器的声功率至关重要。根据《声学 户外声传播衰减 第2部分:一般计算方法》(ISO 9613-2:1996)中的户外声传播声功率计算方法,构建了声源声功率反推数学模型。利用某变压器周围大量测点现场实测数据,结合可靠度理论,识别并剔除了实测点中受相干声场影响较大的点,实现了换流变压器声功率反演计算,并对测点个数的选取进行了初步研究及优化。与其他声功率测量方法相比,该方法操作简单,对仪器设备要求较低,适用于复杂的声学环境,具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   
利用玉米浸泡液产电的微生物燃料电池研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
以玉米淀粉生产过程中的浸泡液(玉米浸泡液)作为接种液和基质,利用“三合一”膜电极的单室空气阴极微生物燃料电池进行试验,采用在线监测电压和废水分析方法对产电功率和化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮进行测定,探讨高COD、高氨氮有机废水产电及废水处理的可行性.结果表明,经过94 d(1个周期)的连续运行(固定外电阻为1 000 Ω),17 d时输出电压达到最大(525.0 mV),稳定期最大输出功率可达169.6 mW/m2,此时电池相应的电流密度为440.2 mA/m2,内阻约为350 Ω,开路电压619.5 mV;但燃料电池电子利用效率较低(库仑效率为1.6%);1个周期结束时浸泡液的COD去除率达到51.6%,氨氮去除率25.8%.本试验利用玉米浸泡液成功获得电能,同时对浸泡液有效地进行了处理,为其资源化利用提供新途径.  相似文献   
To find if ornamental plants are applicable to the remediation of metal-polluted areas, the tolerance of chrysanthemum plants (Chysanthemum maximum) var. Shasta to different metals under hydroponic conditions was studied. Their responses as influenced by the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerdemann & Trappe BEG25 on substrates containing mine residues were also investigated. Our results showed that chrysanthemum is a metal-tolerant plant under hydroponic conditions, plants behaving as Pb-excluders, whereas Cd, Cu and Ni were accumulated in roots. Low accumulation in flowers was observed for Cd and Cu but it was concentration-dependent. Ni and Pb were not translocated to flowers. Shoot biomass was not significantly affected by the different rates of mine residue addition for both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants. Mycorrhizal plants accumulated less Pb and Cu in both shoots and roots than non-mycorrhizal plants. Chysanthemum could be a prospective plant for revegetation of tailings and the use of inoculation may decrease plant metal accumulation in polluted soils.  相似文献   
Piriformospora indica, a root-colonizing endophytic fungus of Sebacinales, promotes plant growth and confers resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses. In order to confirm the influence of P. indica on growth, proline, malondialdehyde (MDA), chlorophyll, and cadmium (Cd) amounts in Nicotiana tabacum under Cd stress, hydroponics, pot and field trials were conducted. The results showed that P. indica can store Cd in plant roots and reduce leaf Cd content, reduce the concentration of MDA, and increase the proline and chlorophyll content and the activities of catalase, peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase under hydroponic Cd stress. RT-PCR analysis showed that the relative expression level of genes Gsh2, TaPCS1, oas1, GPX, and Hsp70 in colonized plants was 4.3, 1.4, 2.9, 1.7, and 6.9 fold higher than in un-colonized plants respectively. Cd exposure significantly reduced un-colonized plants'' agronomic traits compared to P. indica-colonized ones. Our results suggested that P. indica can sequester Cd in roots, so that much less cadmium was transported to leaves, and the increased concentrations of antioxidant enzymes, pigments and proline contents, as well as the higher expression of stress-related phytochelatin biosynthesis genes in P. indica-inoculated plants, may also serve to protect N. tabacum plants against oxidative damage, enhancing Cd tolerance.  相似文献   
火力发电行业主要气态污染物排放量计算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前我国火力发电行业气态污染物排放量计算方法使用混乱的情况,根据欧盟《空气污染物排放清单指南》和美国《空气污染物排放因子汇编》,介绍了火电行业主要气态污染物排放量的实际测量及理论计算方法。提出我国火电行业应根据实际情况,选择实际测量、排放因子或经验公式等方法计算污染物排放量;使用排放因子方法计算SO2排放量时,应开展S元素转化率的研究;火电厂应增加燃料中N元素的分析,以利于NOx排放量的准确估算。  相似文献   
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