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Peroxyacetyl nitrate observed in Beijing in August from 2005 to 2009   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate(PAN) were made at a Beijing urban site each August from2005 to 2009. Over this 5-year period, the average PAN concentration for August in each year increased from 3(2005) to 11.7 μg/m3(2007); however, it decreased rapidly in 2008(4.1 μg/m3).Generally, the variation over the 5 years showed a rise in the first part of the study period,followed by a decline. We considered two categories of local and regional air masses in this study, which revealed that the PAN concentration in Beijing was affected mainly by southeastern air masses. The August PAN variation was influenced predominantly by local air masses in 2005,but by 2009 regional air masses had become more important. This study showed the level and variation of PAN in the month of August in 5 consecutive years for the first time, and proved that control measures are useful in decreasing photochemical pollution; hence, these measures are probably feasible for other megacities too. Furthermore, this method of analyzing regional and local impacts might be useful for other studies as well.  相似文献   
<正>重隔13年回到中国的APEC,这次着实为帝都的人们带来了福利。随着会议的日益临近,APEC福利已让我们初尝甜头。看看最近的流行语便知一二,"有一种蓝叫APEC蓝,有一种空气叫APEC空气,有一种交通管制,叫APEC限行,有一种心情叫APEC爽"……APEC似乎从一个高大上的专有名词,瞬间变身为象征着人间一切美好事物的形容词。初尝APEC蓝的甜头,有种不踏实的  相似文献   
<正>瓦莱塔是南欧岛国马耳他的首都,座落在马耳他岛东北部,是全国政治、文化和商业的中心,也是欧、亚、非海运交通的枢纽,战略地位十分重要,更是闻名世界的旅游城市,素有"地中海的心脏"、"海上花园"之称。瓦莱塔依山傍水,环境优雅,气候宜人,加上得天独厚的地理位置,这里安静恬适,听不到大城市的喧嚣,也没有大工业的烟尘,污染程度低,交通便利,市场繁荣,社会秩序良好,人与自然和谐相处。这里春天来得特别早,当欧洲还处在千里冰封的严冬季节时,瓦莱塔就已春暖  相似文献   
<正>沈阳环境科学研究院成立于1963年,隶属于国家环境保护部和沈阳市人民政府双重领导。在50余年的科研历史进程中,坚持不断创新,与时俱进,形成了完善的组织机构、管理体系和科研体系,成为集环境科学  相似文献   
Previous measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate(PAN) in Asian megacities were scarce and mainly conducted for relative short periods in summer. Here, we present and analyze the measurements of PAN, O3, NOx, etc., made at an urban site(CMA) in Beijing from 25 January to 22 March 2010. The hourly concentration of PAN averaged 0.70 × 10 9mol/mol(0.23 × 10 9–3.51 × 10 9mol/mol) and was well correlated with that of NO2but not O3, indicating that the variations of the winter concentrations of PAN and O3in urban Beijing are decoupled with each other. Wind conditions and transport of air masses exert very significant impacts on O3, PAN, and other species. Air masses arriving at the site originated either from the boundary layer over the highly polluted N-S-W sector or from the free troposphere over the W-N sector. The descending free-tropospheric air was rich in O3, with an average PAN/O3ratio smaller than 0.031, while the boundary layer air over the polluted sector contained higher levels of PAN and primary pollutants, with an average PAN/O3ratio of 0.11. These facts related with transport conditions can well explain the observed PAN-O3decoupling. Photochemical production is important to PAN in the winter over Beijing. The concentration of the peroxyacetyl(PA) radical was estimated to be in the range of 0.0014 × 10 12–0.0042 × 10 12 mol/mol. The contributions of the formation reaction and thermal decomposition to PAN's variation were calculated and found to be significant even in the colder period in air over Beijing, with the production exceeding the decomposition.  相似文献   
为了遏制我市非煤矿山事故多发势头确保不突破自治区下达的控制考核指标,近日市安监局紧急部署今年后几个月全市非煤矿山安全监管工作重点。  相似文献   
黄叶飘飞之时,吃了一顿柔柔滑滑的野生菌子汤,落叶时节又逢“菌”。 这里谈谈“菌子”之中的高雅者——松茸与松露。 《舌尖上的中国》第一集为《自然的馈赠》,一开始,纪录片就把镜头对准了云南香格里拉原始森林,人们在雨季采集一种精灵般的食物——松茸——野生菌中的贵族,菌中之王。在大城市的餐厅里,一份碳烤松茸价格高达1600元。松茸的香气浓烈袭人,稍经炙烤,就会被热力逼出一种矿物质的酽香。  相似文献   
9月3日,江苏省张家港市安监局组织全市近年来发生事故单位的主要负责人进行安全生产知识集中培训。  相似文献   
眼前的朱锦华1米7多的个子,给人以稳重踏实的感觉。说起朱锦华,周围同事都称他为人豪爽,做风严谨,敢作敢为,不怕得罪人。俗话说,万事开头难。2002年朱锦华刚担任建瓯市安监局局长,面临人手少、工作条件差的局面,他脚踏实地,迎难而上,烧起了“三把火”.而且一烧就是8年……  相似文献   
圣路易迪玛市(Santa Luisa del Mar)市应急预案阐述了该市应急策划组织机构,响应政策和程序。该预案还讨论了必要时与政府其他预案的协调与整台。  相似文献   
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