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This paper addresses increasing concern about the pollution threat of used oil being illegally dumped and the impact of oil on air pollution and freshwater ecosystems in Asian countries. Used oil is a very serious waste management problem. These results call for management action such as maximising the collection and recovery of used oil. The Thai government recognizes the need to recycle used oil and has been active in encouraging programs to accomplish this goal. Thus unless new approaches and incentives are developed, used oil generation may become an increasing serious problem to our environment. The purpose of this study is to examine the technical and economic feasibility, of recycling used oils. In addition, this paper briefly discusses the problems to be overcome and outlines potential mechanisms for providing the necessary disposal controls in order to maximize the protection to public health and environmental quality from potential hazards posed by used lube oil disposal.  相似文献   
进入21世纪后,损失最为惨重的海啸是2004年末的印度洋大海啸。12月26日早晨,人们还沉浸在圣诞节的欢乐气氛中,印度洋发生了近40年来最强烈的地震。刹那间,里氏8.9级的大地震引发的大海啸朝印度洋沿岸数国迅猛扑来。10米高的巨浪先后涌向印度尼西亚、泰国、斯里兰卡、  相似文献   
江荔 《防灾博览》2006,(1):34-35
这是一片古老而神奇的土地,早在 5000年前,人类就在这里繁衍生息。如今,绝妙的胜景、古代的遗迹、丰富的人文景观和独特的民俗风情,使它赢得了“东南亚翡翠”“黄袍佛国”“礼仪之邦”的美称。这个梦幻般迷人的国度, 就是古代的暹罗,今日之泰国泰国的版图酷似一朵盛开的兰花镶嵌在亚洲大陆的中南半岛,与缅甸、老挝、柬埔寨、马来西亚毗邻。境内地势  相似文献   
8月18日至22日.应中国人民对外友好协会邀请,中国劳动学会华福周会长一行九人.随同以中国东盟协会会长顾秀莲为团长的中国代表团赴泰国.出席第六届中国东盟民间友好组织大会,并作为本届大会第二次“中国-东盟人力资源与就业论坛”的承办方主办了论坛.取得积极成效。  相似文献   
最近,偶读一则故事,使我对习惯成自然这句俗语有了更深的理解。在印度和泰国随处可见被一根小小的柱子,一截细细的链子拴住的千斤大象,纵有千斤之力,挣脱不了一根细链,都是习惯使然。在大象很小的时候,就用一条粗铁链将它绑在牢固  相似文献   
五种鲨鱼贸易必须得到批准近日在泰国曼谷闭幕的濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)第十六届缔约方大会,决定将长鳍真鲨、路氏双髻鲨、无沟双髻鲨、锤头双髻鲨和鼠鲨5种鲨鱼列入CITES附录Ⅱ。按照公约规定,对这5种鲨鱼进行贸易,必须事先向CITES提供其资源利用的可持续性,以及合法捕获的证明,并得到CITES的批准。  相似文献   
As a developing country, Thailand has a significant issue with di use pollution of the soil ecosystem due to an indiscriminate use of agrichemicals and poorly regulated disposal of a wide variety of hazardous wastes. Practical risk assessment tools based on locallyoccurring species are needed to assess the e ects of di use pollutants on the soil ecosystem in Thailand because reliance on soil criteria developed for overseas conditions may provide inadequate protection. Native soil organisms in Thailand may be more or less sensitive to contaminants compared to overseas test species. This article described a biological indicator approach for ecological risk assessment of di use pollution in the soil ecosystem of Thailand from pesticide application with the aim of developing standardized protocols using native species and locally generated data to better evaluate the ecological risks of non-point source soil pollution. It was found that ecotoxicological assessment provided a better understanding of the ecological impacts that di use pollution induced on Thai environmental conditions. Thai soil biota species were more sensitive to soil contaminants than similar species overseas. Soil series also had an influence on the ecotoxicology of contaminants to soil biota. Collembolan, Cyphoderus sp., was demonstrated as a useful alternative test species to Folsomia candida (international test species) for terrestrial ecotoxicological testing of Thai soils. In addition, the soil biota activities such as soil respiration and earthworm avoidance including soil biodiversity and the litter bag decomposition technique are also good tools to assess the e ects of di use pollution by pesticides on the soil ecosystem of Thailand.  相似文献   
A widespread use of acrylamide,probably a neurotoxicant and carcinogen,in various industrial processes has led to environmental contamination.Fortunately,some microorganisms are able to derive energy from acrylamide.In the present work,we reported the isolation and characterization of a novel acrylamide-degrading bacterium from domestic wastewater in Chonburi,Thailand.The strain grew well in the presence of acrylamide as 0.5% (W/V),at pH 6.0 to 9.0 and 25°C.Identification based on biochemical characteristic...  相似文献   
蒋馨 《中国安防》2012,(10):100-103
在当前的世界经济格局中,亚洲已被世人公认为当今世界最大的新兴市场,特别是东南亚和大湄公河地区日益显现出巨大的商业潜力。位于亚洲腹地的泰国,作为东盟成员国之间经济合作的中心,在这一日益壮大的市场中占据了不可替代的战略地位。  相似文献   
萨里 《防灾博览》2004,(1):43-43
凡到过泰国的人,必去北榄鳄鱼湖,因为它是世界上最大的鳄鱼驯养基地,1500亩的湖区被绿树环绕,3万多条淡水鳄、咸水鳄、尖嘴鳄、扁嘴鳄、黑种鳄……在这里繁衍生息,被称为鳄鱼的天堂。  相似文献   
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