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With the aim of determining the main drivers of changes in nitrophytic and oligotrophic macro-lichen communities in an industrial region with a Mediterranean climate, we considered both land-cover types and atmospheric pollutants. We determined the relation between the abundance of nitrophytic and oligotrophic species with environmental factors considering the distance of influence of land-cover types. The results showed that oligotrophic species decreased in the proximity of artificial areas, barren land and agricultural areas, associated with higher concentrations of NO2 and Zn, and Ti, probably dust of industrial and agricultural origin. Nitrophytic species were positively related to all the mentioned land-cover types, and with higher concentrations of Fe and N. Magnesium, probably from ocean aerosols, was negatively related to oligotrophic species and positively to nitrophytic.  相似文献   
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) uses two tobacco use surveillance questionnaires. One is administered during an at-home interview (HI) and the other, during an examination session at a mobile examination center (MEC). NHANES data for the years 1999–2012 were used to evaluate the consistency of responses to tobacco surveillance questions in HI and MEC interview. In addition, accuracy of self-reported smoking status was evaluated. Of those who reported to be daily cigarette smokers during HI, 18.7% reported to be either some-day smokers or nonsmokers during MEC interview. Of those who reported to be some-day cigarette smokers during HI, 22.1% reported to be daily smokers and 17.5% reported to be nonsmokers. Also, 4.1% of those who reported to be nonsmokers during HI reported to be either daily or some-day smokers during MEC interview. Using serum cotinine measurements taken during MEC interview, 27.1% were found to be smokers and 72.9% were found to be nonsmokers. In general, a moderate to high agreement, as measured by the κ statistic, was found between the self-reported responses to tobacco use questions during the home and MEC interviews as well as between smoking statuses based on self-reported and serum cotinine measurements.  相似文献   
A newly developed agent-based framework for modeling, simulation, and evaluation of resource management in self-sustainable human settlements is presented, along with the ability of the framework to prolong the self-sustainability of the observed human settlement system in the simulation environment. In this study the focus is on the analysis of a conducted water management simulation based on observations of an existing eco-village in Croatia, in the context of producing, storing, and consuming water as a resource. The conducted research shows that the developed framework was able to prolong the self-sustainability of localized water production, storage, and consumption dynamics when managing the water allocation with the use of self-sustainability mechanisms, in comparison to water management without using such mechanisms, under the same initial conditions. The work is placed within the context of sustainable development, Internet of Things, as well as Environmental Internet of Things areas of research, analyzing the ambiguous relationship between the terms ‘sustainable development’ and ‘self-sustainability’.  相似文献   
As bioenergy production expands and new bioenergy-based technologies emerge, there is a growing concern regarding the sustainability of their ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Comprehensive sustainability assessments are needed to address this concern and to assure that the development of the bioenergy industry meets sustainability goals. Most sustainability assessments for bioenergy are expert-driven, broad, and largely motivated by an interest in optimizing international trade in bioenergy. As a result, social and cultural sustainability targets are vague or underdeveloped. In this study, we developed a sustainability assessment for a regional bioenergy production industry in Upper Michigan, using stakeholder participation. Semi-structured interviews and focus group meetings were used to elicit participants’ concerns and opinion. These concerns were translated into sustainability Criteria and Indicators (C&Is), many of which could be supported with available science. Some of the C&Is identified by participants were unique to the region. Sustainability C&Is were broadly categorized into economic (C = 5; I = 22), environmental (C = 6; I = 12), social (C = 3; I = 9), policy and regulations (C = 3; I = 13), and institutional capacity (C = 4; I = 13). While participants could identify indicators for most of the criteria (many of which are also supported by existing literature), further research and validation will be necessary to identify measurable, practical, and bias-free indicators for all criteria.  相似文献   
建立了顶空-气相色谱法测定固定污染源废气中三甲胺的分析方法。弱酸性吸收液采集固定污染源废气中的三甲胺,碱液中和后顶空进样气相色谱仪氮磷检测器分析。并对平衡温度、平衡时间、盐析效应、氨水和氢氧化钠条件实验进行优化,在最佳实验条件下,三甲胺的方法检出限为0. 46μg/m~3(以采集20 L空气样品计),加标回收率为97%~107%,相对标准偏差在9. 26%以下。利用该方法对垃圾焚烧发电厂厂界空气及鱼粉厂有组织废气中三甲胺进行检测分析,该方法能够满足国家标准及上海地方标准中三甲胺排放限值的要求。  相似文献   
基于2008—2012年污染源环境统计数据,采用Spearman秩相关系数法等分析南水北调中线陕西水源区污废水及污染物年排放总量变化趋势,借助ArcGIS空间分析功能表征水源区污染源排放的空间分布特征。结果表明:2008—2012年水源区污废水和NH_3-N年排放总量呈显著上升趋势,COD、As、Pb、Cd、Cr和Hg年排放总量呈抛物线型变化,总体上COD、Pb、Cd年排放总量增加,As、Cr和Hg年排放总量降低。水源区污废水及污染物排放量空间差异明显,污废水、COD和NH_3-N排放涉及流域所有区县,其排放量从干流到流域边缘呈现较明显的梯度变化,即位于流域中心或地级市行政中心的区县排放量明显高于位于流域边缘的区县;As、Pb、Cd、Cr和Hg排放量呈现明显的区域分布,主要分布在勉县等8个区县。  相似文献   
沙尘现象与不发育荒漠化生态损失的关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦富  常青 《内蒙古环境科学》1999,11(4):25-28,17
本文从生态破坏因子沙尘暴,扬沙等负蚀现象入手,根据自然尘的地域来源分布及地理条件,论证了沙尘现象与不发育的荒漠化生态损失的关系,进而对内蒙古中西部生态环境的脆弱性和发展趋势进行分析。  相似文献   
生物滴滤池法处理废气动力学模式研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于物料平衡和微生物降解废水中污染物的动力学模式,以丙酮、甲苯为处理对象提出了生物滴滤池处理废气的模式。当入口浓度C_(in)较低,小于临界浓度C_(crit),时,C=C_(in)EXP((-B/V_g)·H);当人口浓度C_(in)较高,大于临界浓度C_(crit)时,C=C_(in)-(K_0X/V_g)·H。研究表明,实验结果与模式计算结果吻合较好。  相似文献   
杞麓湖主要污染物的动态变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1997年杞麓湖水质监测结果为基础,运用相关分析,双因子方差分析等方法,对杞麓湖主要污染物动态变化特征的研究结果表明,杞麓湖主要污染物的空间分布较为均匀;BOD5和TN都有较为明显的季节变化。  相似文献   
国内机动车尾气污染及其防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了汽车尾气的成分及各成份对人体健康的毒害和影响,并在说明国内机动车尾气污染现状及发展趋势的基础上,分析了机动车尾气污染的原因和造成大气污染的几大因素,提出了防治对策。  相似文献   
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