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细菌降解非离子表面活性剂的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从石油污染的土壤中分离到2株能利用非离子表面活性剂AEO-9和SA-20作为唯一碳源生长的细菌。这2株菌被定名为假单胞杆菌52(Pseudomonos52)和Weeksella6.最适于这2株菌利用非离子表活剂AEO-9的培养条件是乙酸胺作为氮源,pH7.30℃添加少量葡萄糖促进表活性的降解,降解速率的研究表明,当AEO-9的初始浓度为5000mg/L时,52号菌和6号菌能在2周内将其去除85%,  相似文献   
Dissipation kinetics of mesotrione, a new triketone herbicide, sprayed on soil from Limagne (Puy-de-Dôme, France) showed that the soil microflora were able to biotransform it.Bacteria from this soil were cultured in mineral salt solution supplemented with mesotrione as sole source of carbon for the isolation of mesotrione-degrading bacteria. The bacterial community structure of the enrichment cultures was analyzed by temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE). The TTGE fingerprints revealed that mesotrione had an impact on bacterial community structure only at its highest concentrations and showed mesotrione-sensitive and mesotrione-adapted strains. Two adapted strains, identified as Bacillus sp. and Arthrobacter sp., were isolated by colony hybridization methods.Biodegradation assays showed that only the Bacillus sp. strain was able to completely and rapidly biotransform mesotrione. Among several metabolites formed, 2-amino-4-methylsulfonylbenzoic acid (AMBA) accumulated in the medium. Although sulcotrione has a chemical structure closely resembling that of mesotrione, the isolates were unable to degrade it.  相似文献   
通过设置8/16、12/12、16/8不同光暗比,分析了附生细菌存在下不同光照时间对铜绿微囊藻(M icrocystis aeruginosa)生长及其与附生假单胞菌(Pseudom onassp.)磷代谢之间关系的影响。结果表明:光照时间越长,铜绿微囊藻生长越快,16 h光照下的比增长速率为8 h光照下的1.6倍。铜绿微囊藻的快速生长促进了附生细菌中磷的释放;藻细胞增殖越快,附生细菌释放的磷越多。铜绿微囊藻对数生长期末,8、12、16 h光照下附生细菌磷含量分别降至对数生长初期的87.8%、78.6%和64.9%。铜绿微囊藻对附生细菌磷释放的促进作用是由藻细胞生长对磷的消耗再吸收导致的。  相似文献   
采用循环伏安法探明了"Achromobacter sp.CH-1-Cr(Ⅵ)-水"体系的电化学行为.结果表明:循环伏安曲线上-0.62V(相对于SCE)的电流峰对应的反应为Cr(Ⅵ)还原成Cr(Ⅲ)的反应,在电势为-0.82V时Cr(Ⅲ)开始还原为零价铬.体系中的电极反应为不可逆过程,阳极扫描时Cr(Ⅲ)不会被重新氧化为Cr(Ⅵ).细菌的存在使Cr(Ⅵ)的还原更容易进行,其还原峰电势正移约0.2 V,细菌对体系中的电化学反应起了催化作用.随细菌量的增加,氢气的析出、六价铬还原为三价铬及三价铬进一步还原为零价铬的电势均发生了正移,过高的细菌量主要影响三价铬还原沉积为金属铬的过程.铬浓度对细菌还原Cr(Ⅵ)溶液的循环伏安曲线的影响不大.初始pH值为10是细菌还原Cr(Ⅵ)的最佳pH值.  相似文献   
从浙江温州分离筛选到1株甲基橙高效脱色菌株CV-v,经16S rRNA基因序列分析表明,该菌株属于Enterobacter sp.属.单因素实验结果表明:当pH值在5.0~9.0之间时,培养48h以后,该菌株对甲基橙的脱色率均在80%以上;脱色的最适温度范围为30~40℃之间;所测碳源中的葡萄糖和麦芽糖、氮源中的牛肉膏和酵母粉对脱色的促进效果最为显著,且Ca2+和Mg2+也对脱色有显著的促进效应;此外,当接种量达到7%(V:V)以后,48h的脱色率即可达近100%.响应面设计实验结果显示,该菌株对甲基橙脱色的最优操作条件为:pH 8.0,葡萄糖1.7g/L,酵母粉3.0g/L,氯化镁3.0mmol/L及培养温度35.9℃.验证实验结果表明在最优条件下,该菌株在10h内对甲基橙的脱色率可达88.0%.总体而言,该菌株在偶氮染料脱色中的应用潜能较大.  相似文献   
为促进自养高产油微藻的工业化应用,从青海多种生境中分离到34株产油微藻,以筛选获得产油脂最高的青3-2-2株为出发株,18S rRNA分析表明其与栅列藻属(Scenedesmus sp.)同源性达到99%以上,确定该株属于栅列藻属.研究氮源、培养时间、培养温度、初始pH值等培养条件对微藻生物量及油脂含量的影响,优化培养条件为:硝酸钠为氮源,以10%(V/V)接种量接种于普通SE培养基,培养温度为25℃,初始pH 7.0,培养周期为20 d,可以获得较高的油脂产率,比优化前的产率增加了近70%.  相似文献   
对驯化筛选的多环芳烃(PAHs)高效降解菌CN4与CN2进行了深入研究,澄清了金属离子对其降解多环芳烃的作用,得出结论:对于CN2、CN4降解菌,Mn2+与常量Ca2+、Mg2+同时存在于降解体系中时,对蒽和菲降解起到明显促进作用。Cu2+和常量元素Ca2+、Mg2+混合对菲降解也起到促进作用,但没有Mn2+的促进作用明显。不加任何常量和微量金属元素离子的体系对蒽、菲、芘的降解作用仅次于含Mn2+的降解体系,加入Cu2+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Fe3+、Zn2+对CN2降解蒽、芘产生抑制作用,加入Ca2+、Mg2+、Fe2+、Zn2+对CN2降解菲产生促进作用。Mn2+主要是在降解过程中发挥作用的,外加不同浓度的Mn2+制备的菌悬液,对芘的降解作用基本没有差别。在制备菌悬液时加入Mn2+,菌体对Mn2+有富集作用,但Mn2+的存在与否并不影响菌体的生长繁殖状况。降解体系中加入Mn2+能够有效促进降解过程的进行,加入0.5 mmol/L的Mn2+对CN4菌株降解芘的促进作用最大,而在降解体系中一次性加入5.0 mmol/L的Mn2+则会对降解产生抑制作用。  相似文献   
A new phenol-degrading bacterium with high biodegradation activity and high tolerance of phenol, strain PD 12, was isolated from the activated sludge of Tianjin Jizhuangzi Wastewater Treatment Facility in China. This strain was capable of removing 500 mg phenol/L in liquid minimal medium by 99.6% within 9 h and metabolizing phenol at concentrations up to 1100 mg/L. DNA sequencing and homologous analysis of 16S rRNA gene identified PD12 to be an Acinetobacter sp. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was used as a gel matrix to immobilize Acinetobacter sp. strain PDI2 by repeated freezing and thawing. The factors affecting phenol degradation of immobilized cells were investigated, and the results showed that the immobilized cells could tolerate a high phenol level and protected the bacteria against changes in temperature and pH. Storage stability and reusability tests revealed that the phenol degradation functions of immobilized cells were stable after reuse for 50 times or storing at 4℃ for 50 d. These results indicate that immobilized Acinetobacter sp. strain PD 12 possesses a good application potential in the treatment of phenol-containing wastewater.  相似文献   
从生产甲基对硫磷的山东华阳农药厂污水曝气池中,分离到一株能以甲基对硫磷及其降解中间产物对硝基苯酚为唯一碳源生长的细菌L4菌株.经16S rRNA基因序列分析,该菌株被鉴定为节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp.).用气相色谱法和分光光度法分析L4菌株的降解性能,结果表明,L4在5h内对50mg·L-1的甲基对硫磷和对硝基苯酚的降解率分别为85%和98%,对其它有机磷农药也有良好的降解效果.L4的最适培养条件为pH值7、30℃、接种量30%.  相似文献   
The effect of Ca^2 on the removal of Alexandrium sp. LC3 under HDTMAB stress was investigated. The results showed that thetoxic effect of HDTMAB on Alexandrium sp. LC3 was significantly reduced in the presence of Ca^2 , especially under 4 mmol/L of Ca^2 .To understand the underlying mechanism, the SH group and MDA content of the cell membrane and membrane permeability weremeasured. It was found that the SH content of cell member increased, the MDA content and membrane permeability decreased whenAlexandrium sp. was treated with Ca^2 and HDTMAB complex, compared with using HDTMAB only. The data suggested that Ca^2 mightpromote HDTMAB stress resistance of Alexandrium sp. LC3 by reducing the permeability and increasing the stability of cell membrane.  相似文献   
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