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厌氧流化床反应器处理含硫废水毒性的实验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
采用多孔聚合物载体固定化微生物在厌氧流化床(AFB)反应器中处理含硫废水,研究反应器抗硫化物(S2-)毒性抑制和抗硫酸盐毒性抑制的能力;探索解除 S2-毒性的方法.研究表明,当进料基质 COD浓度为 5000mg/L,HRT为5.2-5.4h,S2-<200mg/L时,反应器去除 COD效果不受影响,S2-350mg/L时,厌氧消化受到明显抑制,反应器可容忍530mg/L S2-浓度而未造成消化系统的破坏;SO42-浓度高达3521mg/L,COD去除率仍可达77%-80%,但SO42-去除率明显下降;当COD/SO42-的比值大于1.45时,硫酸盐还原菌和产甲烷菌的生长未受到明显抑制,此时容积负荷为22-24kgCOD/(m3>·d),COD去除率为80%,SO42-去除率为58.8%;向反应器投加适量FeCl2可很好地解除S2-的抑制.  相似文献   
秸秆还田后作物残体的分解是农田生态系统碳循环及养分周转平衡的一个至关重要环节.为了探索秸秆化学性质和土壤质地对黑土区土壤CO2排放和微生物量的影响,本文通过室内恒温培养实验研究了添加不同植株部位玉米秸秆(根、茎下部、茎顶部、叶)进入黑土区两种质地土壤(砂壤土和黏壤土)后的CO2排放、微生物量,并分析了它们与秸秆C/N、木质素含量的关系.结果表明,添加不同部位秸秆一致增加土壤CO2排放量,激发效应值介于216.53~335.17μmol·g-1,黏壤土大于砂壤土.激发效应值与木质素/N之间的线性回归关系明显好于激发效应与木质素含量、C/N、含氮量之间的线性关系.添加秸秆增加MBC和MBN含量,降低MBC/MBN,微生物群落氮固持的速率高于碳固持.添加秸秆后,砂壤土微生物量增加的幅度大于黏壤土,总溶解性氮含量小于黏壤土.结果说明,秸秆的木质素和氮含量均会对它的分解和CO2排放产生影响,木质素/N比木质素含量、C/N等更好地说明秸秆分解和CO2排放的差异;与黏壤土相比,在砂壤土中实施秸秆还田可以取得更好的土壤碳固存、微生物量和氮素保持效果.  相似文献   
活性炭纤维电极电还原产H2O2的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用活性炭纤维作为阴极,比较了活性炭纤维电极和石墨板电极产H2O2的浓度,并对影响活性炭纤维电极产H2O2的因素(pH、电流密度和电解质浓度)进行了研究.研究发现,活性炭纤维电极电还原产生H2O2的浓度远大于石墨板电极.当实验在pH=3.00、电流密度8.89 mA/cm2和电解质(Na2SO4)浓度0.05 moL/...  相似文献   
闽江河口潮汐沼泽湿地CO_2排放通量特征   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
以闽江河口区面积最大的鳝鱼滩湿地分布的3种植物沼泽湿地:土著种咸草(Cyperus malaccensis Lam.var.brevifolius Bocklr.)沼泽湿地、芦苇(Phragmites australis)沼泽湿地及外来入侵种互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel.)沼泽湿地...  相似文献   
江苏句容水库农业流域水塘和河流N_2O排放速率的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在句容水库农业流域的水塘和河流中,用密闭箱法于2007年8、11月和2008年2、5月采集水体表面排放的N2O气样,研究水塘和河流N2O排放速率的季节变化及其影响因素.结果显示,水塘N2O的排放速率范围在-0.42~16.76μg.m-.2h-1之间,河流N2O排放速率在0.29~8.41μg.m-.2h-1之间.由于...  相似文献   
采用盐析分相微萃取—高效液相色谱法同时测定水中3种含氯除草剂,建立并优化了反相离子对液相色谱条件,考察了萃取剂种类、盐析剂的种类和加入量及试样pH对萃取效果的影响。对氯苯氧乙酸、2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸和2,4-滴丁酯的质量浓度在0.1~100.0mg/L内与色谱峰面积呈良好的线性关系,相关系数不低于0.9992。平均回收率分别为96.29%、79.16%和70.21%,相对标准偏差小于5.3%。该方法操作简便、绿色环保,适合于水中含氯除草剂的测定。  相似文献   
根据佛山市高明区2007—2012年环境空气监测数据资料,分析该区近6年来空气污染物的变化趋势和影响因素。结果表明,2007—2012年该区空气污染呈现由单一型污染向复合型污染转变,综合污染指数总体上升,污染物以SO2、PM10为主。SO2、NO2浓度呈逐年增长,PM10则呈平稳状态。三者污染浓度最高值均在每年第4季度出现。该区的SO2浓度主要受工业污染源影响;NO2也受工业影响显著,与机动车数量呈正相关;PM10与烟粉尘排放量呈正相关,与降水量呈负相关。因此,改善该区环境空气应着重从控制工业污染源、扬尘污染、机动车排气污染3大方面开展工作。  相似文献   
The characteristics of Pb2+ adsorption on the surface of birnessites with different average oxidation states (AOS) of Mn, synthesized under acidic and alkali conditions, were investigated. The results indicated that the amount of adsorbed Pb2+ increased with the increase of Mn AOS in birnessites. The amount of Pb2+ adsorbed positively correlated with the amount of released Mn2+, H+, and K+ (r = 0.9962 > 0.6614, n = 14, α = 0.01). The released Mn2+, H+, and K+ were derived mostly from the corresponding catio...  相似文献   
The influence of different driving cycles on their exhaust emissions and fuel consumption rate of gasoline passenger car was investigated in Bangkok based on the actual measurements obtained from a test vehicle driving on a standard chassis dynamometer. A newly established Bangkok driving cycle (BDC) and the European driving cycle (EDC) which is presently adopted as the legislative cycle for testing automobiles registered in Thailand were used. The newly developed BDC is constructed using the driving characteristic data obtained from the real on-road driving tests along selected traffic routes. A method for selecting appropriate road routes for real driving tests is also introduced. Variations of keyed driving parameters of BDC with different driving cycles were discussed. The results showed that the HC and CO emission factors of BDC are almost two and four times greater than those of EDC, respectively. Although the difference in the NOx emission factor is small, the value from BDC is still greater than that of EDC by 10%. Under BDC, the test vehicle consumes fuel about 25% more than it does under EDC. All these differences are mainly attributed to the greater proportion of idle periods and higher fluctuations of vehicle speed in the BDC cycle. This result indicated that the exhausted emissions and fuel consumption of vehicles obtained from tests under the legislative modal-type driving cycle (EDC) are significantly different from those actually produced under real traffic conditions especially during peak periods.  相似文献   
Effects of hydrocarbon compositions on raw exhaust emissions and combustion processes were studied on an engine test bench. Theoptimization of gasoline hydrocarbon composition was discussed. As olefins content increased from 10.0% to 25.0% in volume, thecombustion duration was shortened by about 2 degree crank angle ( CA), and the engine-out THC emission was reduced by about 15%.On the other hand, as aromatics content changed from 35.0% to 45.0%, the engine-out NOx emissions increased by 4%. An incrementin olefins content resulted in a slight increase in engine-out CO emission, while the aromatics content had little e ect on engine-out totalhydrocarbon (THC) and CO emissions. Over the new European driving cycle (NEDC), the THC, NOx and CO emissions of fuel with25.0% olefins and 35.0% aromatics were about 45%, 21% and 19% lower than those of fuel with 10.0% olefins and 40.0% aromatics,respectively. The optimized gasoline compositions for new engines and new vehicles have low aromatics and high olefins contents.  相似文献   
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