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祁连山区亚高山灌丛土壤含水量的空间分布与月份变化规律 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了探究祁连山区不同灌丛类型的土壤水分时空变异规律,论文以祁连山排露沟小流域的箭叶锦鸡儿(Caragana jubata)、吉拉柳(Salix gilashanica)、金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa)、鲜黄小檗(Berberis diaphana)、甘青锦鸡儿(Caragana tangutica)5种灌丛为对象,建立固定样地,进行了一个生长季的分层(0~10、10~20、20~30、30~40、40~60 cm)土壤含水量监测。结果表明:1)在各灌丛类型样地之间,土壤含水量差异很大,由大到小依次为:箭叶锦鸡儿>吉拉柳>金露梅>鲜黄小檗>甘青锦鸡儿。2)在小流域内空间尺度上,地形(海拔、坡向)、气象(降水、温度)、植被、土壤等作为主要因素共同影响着土壤含水量的差异,导致土壤含水量的空间分布具有随海拔(降水)升高而增大、随地形遮荫作用增强而增大(阴坡高于阳坡)的变化规律。3)不同灌丛类型样地土壤含水量在生长季内各月的变异程度均为弱变异或中等变异,相同土层含水量变异系数大小顺序基本为:鲜黄小檗>箭叶锦鸡儿>吉拉柳>金露梅>甘青锦鸡儿。 相似文献
GPM卫星降水数据在天山山区的适用性分析 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
卫星降水产品在山区的适用性具有较高的不确定性。论文基于天山山区2014-2015年167个气象站点数据,应用较为广泛的两套卫星降水产品--TRMM与CMORPH,选用均方根误差(RMSE)、相关系数(R)、相对误差(PB),以及分类统计分析指标(错报率FAR、探测率POD、公正先兆评分ETS、频率偏差BIAS)等,评估了新一代卫星降水产品--Global Precipitation Measurement(GPM)在天山山区的适用性。结果表明:相对于以上两种产品,GPM在山区的精度最高。具体表现在:1)3套产品在降水较多的夏秋季均表现较好,相对于TRMM与CMORPH,GPM与观测数据的相关系数最高(R≥0.6),相对误差最小(PB≈10%);2)在整个天山山区,GPM相对于其他两套产品表现出较低的误差范围(-55%~55%);3)GPM在不同的高程带内,均表现出同观测站点较低的误差与较高的相关系数;4)3套降水产品均表现出对探测弱降水事件较高的准确性(POD≈0.58)和较低的错误率(FAR≈0.63),但综合分析4种指数,GPM表现最佳,能够以较准确的精度和较低的误差估测降水系统。 相似文献
基于TRMM订正数据的横断山区降水时空分布特征 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
鉴于高时空变异地区降水观测的需求,论文提出了基于ISODATA动态聚类法和最大似然法分区逐月回归的TRMM数据订正方法,并以横断山区为例,利用地基台站降水数据对1998-2012 年的TRMM 3B43 V7 数据进行了实验研究,并探讨了过去15 a 横断山区的降水时空分布特征及变化趋势。结果表明,TRMM 3B43 V7 数据在横断山区的总体精度较高,单站精度较低。订正后的TRMM 3B43 数据,与实测值偏差大为减少,降水相对偏差大于10%的站点由原始数据的16 个(42.1%)减少为7 个(18.4%),有81.6%的站点年降水量相对偏差小于10%,且相对偏差大于等于20%的站点仅3 个,能够基本满足横断山区降水时空分布特征研究的精度需要,有效地弥补了有限站点观测的不足。研究区内年降水量从东南向西北递减,与东亚季风在该区域的走向一致;1998-2012 年横断山区的降水量主要呈减少趋势,减少地区主要分布在南部以及中西部地区。夏季降水减少趋势最为突出,秋季次之,冬春变化趋势不明显。横断山区大部分区域的降水量与东亚夏季风指数正相关,与东亚冬季风指数负相关;最近15 a,研究区东亚季风指数持续变小,恰好与研究结果中的降水减少趋势一致。 相似文献
山水林田湖草生命共同体是对人与自然和谐统一关系的新认知,是生态文明理论的重要组成部分。以建立一个山水林田湖草生命共同体的研究范式为目的,系统剖析了山水林田湖草生命共同体理论与应用在基础探索、快速发展和多元繁荣三个阶段的研究重点与特征;再次审视了山水林田湖草生命共同体的内涵、阐明了概念新认知、基本特征、人与生命共同体关系;最后提出面向山水林田湖草生命共同体的“问题—目标—时空策略—目的”的实施路径,及构建以自然资源监测监管体系、自然资源资产产权体系、国土空间规划体系、国土空间用途管制体系、国土空间生态修复体系、法律法规体系等为主的制度体系,进而提升其科学性和实用性,为构建国土空间治理体系及治理能力现代化提供决策支撑。 相似文献
热带增宽及其对中国东部亚热带森林植被的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
全球气候变暖已是不争的事实,现今气候变暖的趋势已由每百年(1901--2000)增加0.6℃的记录升高为0.74℃(1906—2005)。其中高纬度地区增温特别显著,成为世界关注的热点。与之对比,热带地区的气候变化以及热带森林对它的反应报道甚少。事实上,自1970s中期以来,热带温度是每lO年升高0.26oC;同时气候模型预测到本世纪末热带地区温度将上升2.1-4.5℃。这些预测是有根据的,但究竟不是直接的证据。因此,本文综合了许多专家对热带地球物理学和大气层特性的多年观测、分析和研究的成果,其结论认为:至少自1979年以来许多热带大气层固有的特征发生变化并向地球极地推进和位移,这些根据是:(1)热带高空的哈德利环流增强并向极地扩展;(21位于热带边缘的亚热带射流向极地移动;(3)热带亚热带对流层顶高度和位置的变化;(4)热带高空平流层臭氧柱总量浓度的变化。据上述特征的变化证明数十年来热带向极地增宽纬度2°~5°(~8°),一般确认为2.5°。由于热带增宽的驱动,广东50年的气温记录表明气候持续变暖,按增暖趋势推算,预估到2020年,现在的雷州半岛南部可能变成中热带;广东东南沿海将由目前的南亚热带变为北热带(占全省面积约1/3);其余大部分地区为南亚热带;中亚热带基本上将退出广东(仅剩下东北角一偶)。此预测意味着南岭地区将成为南亚热带的边缘地。 相似文献
河北省太行山区土地资源生态安全预警与调控研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用模糊优选模型和情景分析模型,选取河北省太行山区为研究区域,对其进行土地资源生态安全预警分析,并定量测度了各敏感因子对生态安全警情的影响程度。结果表明,研究区土地资源生态安全警情包括中警、轻警、预警3个等级,以轻警为主,所占面积比例达50%以上。从时间尺度上,整体生态安全警情呈缓慢好转态势。从空间尺度上,生态安全预警格局中段警情有所好转,南北两端警情趋于严重,尤其以南部最差。15°坡耕地面积、人口密度、污染负荷指数、人均草地面积、人均林地面积、化肥农药负荷、景观破碎化指数、Shannon多样性指数、人均GDP和三废综合处理率10个敏感因子(权重0.03)是影响研究区生态安全的重要因子,对总系统生态安全的综合贡献必须引起足够重视;各子系统对总系统生态安全的贡献率大小依次为状态子系统压力子系统响应子系统,因此需有针对性地对各个子系统及总系统进行调控。 相似文献
依据生活型(乔木、藤本、灌木、半灌木、多年生禾草、多年生杂类草和一二年生草本)和水分生态型(旱生、旱中生、中生和湿生)将祁连山北坡次生杨桦林28个调查样地中的81个物种划分为18种植物功能型(Plant functiontypes,PFTs),并通过典范对应分析(CCA)方法研究植物功能型与环境因子间的关系.结果表明:自然恢复杨桦林地植物功能型主要集中在中生多年生杂类草(PFTs16)、湿生多年生杂类草(PFTs23)、旱中生多年生杂类草(PFTs9)和中生灌木(PFTs18)4个植物功能型上;乔、灌、草三层冠层特征和中生植物的大量出现,反映了群落植物生活型趋于复杂化和结构化,生态型逐渐向中生化方向演替的特点;土壤容重、有机碳和全氮含量主要影响植物的生活型分异特征,土壤含水量和林冠郁闭度是植物的水分生态型分异的主要环境因子,而坡位、坡度控制着群落植物总体分布格局的形成.图1表3参31 相似文献
George P. Ingersoll M. Alisa Mast Donald H. Campbell David W. Clow Leora Nanus John T. Turk 《Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994)》2008,42(24):6098-6113
Seasonal snowpack chemistry data from the Rocky Mountain region of the US was examined to identify long-term trends in concentration and chemical deposition in snow and in snow-water equivalent. For the period 1993–2004, comparisons of trends were made between 54 Rocky Mountain Snowpack sites and 16 National Atmospheric Deposition Program wetfall sites located nearby in the region. The region was divided into three subregions: Northern, Central, and Southern. A non-parametric correlation method known as the Regional Kendall Test was used. This technique collectively computed the slope, direction, and probability of trend for several sites at once in each of the Northern, Central, and Southern Rockies subregions. Seasonal Kendall tests were used to evaluate trends at individual sites.Significant trends occurred during the period in wetfall and snowpack concentrations and deposition, and in precipitation. For the comparison, trends in concentrations of ammonium, nitrate, and sulfate for the two networks were in fair agreement. In several cases, increases in ammonium and nitrate concentrations, and decreases in sulfate concentrations for both wetfall and snowpack were consistent in the three subregions. However, deposition patterns between wetfall and snowpack more often were opposite, particularly for ammonium and nitrate. Decreases in ammonium and nitrate deposition in wetfall in the central and southern rockies subregions mostly were moderately significant (p<0.11) in constrast to highly significant increases in snowpack (p<0.02). These opposite trends likely are explained by different rates of declining precipitation during the recent drought (1999–2004) and increasing concentration. Furthermore, dry deposition was an important factor in total deposition of nitrogen in the region. Sulfate deposition decreased with moderate to high significance in all three subregions in both wetfall and snowpack. Precipitation trends consistently were downward and significant for wetfall, snowpack, and snow-telemetry data for the central and southern rockies subregions (p<0.03), while no trends were noted for the Northern Rockies subregion. 相似文献
Katherine B. Beem Florian M. Schwandner Taehyoung Lee Christian M. Carrico Derek Day Jenny Hand Bret Schichtel Jeffrey L. Collett Jr. 《Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)》2010,158(3):862-872
Increases in reactive nitrogen deposition are a growing concern in the U.S. Rocky Mountain west. The Rocky Mountain Airborne Nitrogen and Sulfur (RoMANS) study was designed to improve understanding of the species and pathways that contribute to nitrogen deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). During two 5-week field campaigns in spring and summer of 2006, the largest contributor to reactive nitrogen deposition in RMNP was found to be wet deposition of ammonium (34% spring and summer), followed by wet deposition of nitrate (24% spring, 28% summer). The third and fourth most important reactive nitrogen deposition pathways were found to be wet deposition of organic nitrogen (17%, 12%) and dry deposition of ammonia (14%, 16%), neither of which is routinely measured by air quality/deposition networks operating in the region. Total reactive nitrogen deposition during the spring campaign was determined to be 0.45 kg ha−1 and more than doubled to 0.95 kg ha−1 during the summer campaign. 相似文献
Gary M. Bucciarelli Daniel Suh Avery Davis Lamb Dave Roberts Debra Sharpton H. Bradley Shaffer Robert N. Fisher Lee B. Kats 《Conservation biology》2019,33(1):122-131
Introductions of non-native predators often reduce biodiversity and affect natural predator–prey relationships and may increase the abundance of potential disease vectors (e.g., mosquitoes) indirectly through competition or predation cascades. The Santa Monica Mountains (California, U.S.A.), situated in a global biodiversity hotspot, is an area of conservation concern due to climate change, urbanization, and the introduction of non-native species. We examined the effect of non-native crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) on an existing native predator, dragonfly nymphs (Aeshna sp.), and their mosquito larvae (Anopheles sp.) prey. We used laboratory experiments to compare the predation efficiency of both predators, separately and together, and field data on counts of dragonfly nymphs and mosquito larvae sampled from 13 local streams. We predicted a lower predation efficiency of crayfish compared with native dragonfly nymphs and a reduced predation efficiency of dragonfly nymphs in the presence of crayfish. Dragonfly nymphs were an order of magnitude more efficient predators than crayfish, and dragonfly nymph predation efficiency was reduced in the presence of crayfish. Field count data showed that populations of dragonfly nymphs and mosquito larvae were strongly correlated with crayfish presence in streams, such that sites with crayfish tended to have fewer dragonfly nymphs and more mosquito larvae. Under natural conditions, it is likely that crayfish reduce the abundance of dragonfly nymphs and their predation efficiency and thereby, directly and indirectly, lead to higher mosquito populations and a loss of ecosystem services related to disease vector control. 相似文献