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The outcome of recent international climate negotiations suggests we are headed toward a more fragmented carbon market, with multiple emission trading and offset programs operating in parallel. To effectively harmonize and link across programs, it will be important to ensure that across offset programs and protocols that a “ton is a ton”. In this article, we consider how sample offsets projects in the U.S. carbon market are treated across protocols from five programs: the Clean Development Mechanism, Climate Action Reserve, Chicago Climate Exchange, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and the U.S. EPA's former program, Climate Leaders. We find that differences among protocols for landfill methane, manure management, and afforestation/reforestation project types in accounting boundary definitions, baseline setting methods, measurement rules, emission factors, and discounts lead to differences in offsets credited that are often significant (e.g. greater than 50%). We suggest opportunities for modification and harmonization of protocols that can improve offset quality and credibility and enhance prospects for future linking of trading units and systems.  相似文献   
Exchanges of carbon and nitrogen between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems involve a complex set of interactions affected by both natural and management processes. Understanding these processes is important for managing ecosystem productivity and sustainability. Management processes also affect the net outcome of exchanges of greenhouse gases between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. In developing a national carbon accounting system (NCAS) for Australia to account for emissions and removal of greenhouse gases to and from the atmosphere, a carbon:nitrogen mass balance ecosystem model (FullCAM) was developed. The FullCAM model is a hybrid of empirical and process modelling. The approach enables application to a wide range of natural resource management issues, because it is at land-management-relevant spatial and temporal resolution and captures the main process and management drivers. The scenario-prediction capability can be used to determine the emissions consequences of different management activities. Because, in Australia, emissions of greenhouse gases are closely related to the retention of dead organic matter and the availability of nitrogen for plant growth, the carbon and nitrogen cycling as modelled are good indicators of ecosystem productivity and condition. The NCAS also emphasizes the advantages of a comprehensive and integrated approach to developing a continental scale ecosystem-modelling system that has relevance both to estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable management of natural resources.  相似文献   
Monitoring, understanding and modelling carbon emission and fixation fluxes are key actions to guide climate change stakeholders in the application of mitigation strategies. In this study, we use the remote sensing model C-Fix at the local stand scale to improve the integration of algorithms for water and temperature limitation. These new algorithms are applied to estimate net ecosystem productivity in a fully water limited mode.  相似文献   
The quantity and biochemical composition of organic matter (OM) in the sediments underlying and below oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the Arabian Sea were studied to provide information on the diagenetic processes of organic carbon under different environmental conditions. Concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total hydrolysable amino acids (THAA) were significantly higher in sediments within rather than below OMZ, while those of total carbohydrates (TCHO) were slightly lower in the latter, suggesting the presence of a larger supply of labile compounds into the sea bottom at the shallower site (i.e. within OMZ). Hydrolysable amino acid and carbohydrate contribution to TOC were even lower (about 10% in surficial sediments) than the values obtained from the abyssal oligotrophic North Pacific, suggesting that OM food availability in the Oman Margin sediments within OMZ was lower than that observed at abyssal depths. The presence of the highest THAA and TCHO concentrations in the top 40 mm of the sediment core at both sites reflected the presence of bioturbation processes. In contrast with the general view of the deep sea as a stable and constant system, below OMZ in the Arabian Sea sediments, some differences were observed in the two investigated cores indicating the presence of a certain spatial variability in OM content and diagenesis.  相似文献   
包埋活性炭聚氨酯软泡去除废水中苯酚的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对Pu-Ac吸附剂进行吸附苯酚实验,Pu-Ac吸附剂吸附25mg/L苯酚溶液时确定平衡吸附时间为12h;当pH值在6~7范围内,溶液呈弱酸性时对苯酚的去除率达到最大值;Pu-Ac吸附剂对腐殖酸的吸附去除率低于粉末活性炭;水体中含有的细颗粒泥沙含沙量在0.1~10kg/m3范围内对苯酚的吸附效果基本没有影响;Pu-Ac吸附剂经NaOH强碱溶液再生后,对苯酚的去除率保持在70%左右,可以循环利用。  相似文献   
Kirschbaum (Mitig Adapt Strat Glob Change 11:1151–1164, 2006) explores the climatic impact over time of temporarily sequestering carbon from the atmosphere. He concludes that temporary storage of carbon in the terrestrial biosphere “achieves effectively no climate-change mitigation”. His strongly worded statement begs for a response. This paper argues that Kirschbaum’s conclusion is an artifact of the specific perspective of his analysis and his choice of a definition for climate-change impact. Even temporary sinks put us on a lower path for climate change, a path that will not otherwise be accessible. For carbon sinks in the terrestrial biosphere, we argue that sooner is better and longer is better, but even known temporary sinks have value.
Gregg Marland (Corresponding author)Email:
A full account for carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas balance is presented for the Dutch forest and nature areas for 1990–2002 at a Tier 2.5 level. The paper outlines how complex guidelines can be turned into a practical system, appropriate for a small country, making use of the best knowledge and data available. The net total sink of all processes of the forest and other nature terrains balance is very stable through time around an average of 1.74 million tonnes of CO2 per year. The sink is to a large extent determined by the growth of forest remaining forest, and the harvest taking place in there. Newly added processes in this new National System are significant as well, but they compensate each other. The sources from deforestation and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions (around 900 ktonne CO2) are for two thirds compensated by the sinks from afforestation, dead wood, soil C changes due to land use changes, and trees outside the forest. The land use changes between 1990 and 2000 showed that The Netherlands has an annual deforestation of 2504 ha (0.7% of the forest area) and an afforestation of 3124 ha. Deforestation led in total over the 13 years of 1990–2002 to an emission of 11.2 million tonne CO2 compensated by only 1.9 million tonne CO2 due to afforestation.
G. J. NabuursEmail:
Natural chemical weathering of silicate rocks is a significant sink for soil and atmospheric CO2. Previous work suggested that natural chemical weathering may be stimulated by applying finely ground silicate rocks to agricultural areas or forests [stimulated weathering (SW)]. However, it remained unknown if this technique is practical to sequester globally significant amounts of CO2 under realistic conditions. Applying first estimates of “normal treatment” amounts from a literature review, we report here a theoretical global maximum potential of 65 106 t sequestered C a−1 if SW would be applied homogenously on all agricultural and forested areas of the world. This is equivalent to 0.9% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions (reference period 2000–2005). First, however, the assumed application of SW on most of the considered areas is not economically feasible because of logistic issues, and second the net-CO2 sequestration is expected to amount to only a fraction of consumed CO2 due to the energy demand of the application itself (currently ~11%). Unless progress in application procedures is provided, the recent realistic maximum net-CO2-consumption potential is expected to be much smaller than 0.1% of anthropogenic emissions, and the SW would thus not be one of the key techniques to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentration. However, literature suggests that for some agricultural areas (croplands) and specifically for rice production areas in humid climates, this SW may be a feasible tool to support international efforts to sequester CO2. SW may be cost effective for those areas if linked to the CO2-emission certificate trade in the future, and increases in crop production are taken into account.  相似文献   
温室效应和全球变暖已经引起了世界各国的普遍关注,减少二氧化碳等温室气体的排放已成为大势所趋。开发和利用煤层气不仅可避免资源的浪费,还可减少温室气体排放、改善大气环境。本文结合重庆市松藻矿区蝶层气开发利用情况,分析评价了松藻矿区煤层气利用对温室气体减排的贡献。结果表明,煤层气利用具有显著的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   
Setting a baseline for carbon stock changes in forest and land use sector mitigation projects is an essential step for assessing additionality of the project. There are two approaches for setting baselines namely, project-specific and regional baseline. This paper presents the methodology adopted for estimating the land available for mitigation, for developing a regional baseline, transaction cost involved and a comparison of project-specific and regional baseline. The study showed that it is possible to estimate the potential land and its suitability for afforestation and reforestation mitigation projects, using existing maps and data, in the dry zone of Karnataka, southern India. The study adopted a three-step approach for developing a regional baseline, namely: (i) identification of likely baseline options for land use, (ii) estimation of baseline rates of land-use change, and (iii) quantification of baseline carbon profile over time. The analysis showed that carbon stock estimates made for wastelands and fallow lands for project-specific as well as the regional baseline are comparable. The ratio of wasteland Carbon stocks of a project to regional baseline is 1.02, and that of fallow lands in the project to regional baseline is 0.97. The cost of conducting field studies for determination of regional baseline is about a quarter of the cost of developing a project-specific baseline on a per hectare basis. The study has shown the reliability, feasibility and cost-effectiveness of adopting regional baseline for forestry sector mitigation projects.
N. H. RavindranathEmail:
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