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如何处理区域内多灾种之间的相互作用关系是当前多灾种综合风险评估研究的热点和难点之一。在梳理沿海城市多灾种之间相互作用关系的基础上,提出一种基于触发关系的多灾种耦合危险性评估方法。首先选取多指标建立单灾种分级方案,计算单灾种初始危险性指数;然后构建基于触发关系的多灾种耦合规则,结合GIS技术进行空间耦合,计算耦合后的危险性指数;最后对耦合后的多灾种危险性的综合进行了探讨。以福建省泉州市为例进行了案例研究,结果表明:该方法在多灾种耦合危险性评估中具有可行性,为后续多脆弱性和多灾种综合风险的研究提供支持,为决策者进行科学风险管理提供依据。  相似文献   
基于聚类分析法利用数据之间距离系数进行分类的原理,建立空气监测点位聚类分析优化模型,结合阜新市地形、气象及历史监测数据,进行阜新市空气监测点位布设优化应用,优化结果表明:距离相似水平取d=0.3时,环保局(B点)与人民公园(C点)监测点空气污染物浓度分布相似性最高,合并为1点,增设气象台监测点位作为清洁背景点,4个点位构成阜新市空气监测新网络;利用CALPUFF模型模拟对优化后监测点位进行相关性检验。检验结果表明:监测点位优化后SO2浓度与实测值相关系数为0.984,PM10相关系数为0.968,NO2相关系数为0.973。CALPUFF模型模拟值与实际监测值之间相关系数均大于0.75,表明优化后的阜新市空气监测点位具有客观环境代表性;监测点位优化与检验方法具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   
贵阳市土壤地球化学背景与生态环境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过1∶250 000多目标区域地球化学调查,获得了贵阳市及邻区表、深层土壤中54项化学指标的地球化学背景值、基准值等参数。研究区总体土壤环境呈中偏酸性,对生态环境影响较大。土壤化学物质组成丰富,地球化学背景分布不均匀。除活动性强的化学组分对成土母质有分异外,多数化学组分对成土母质继承性显著。表层土壤有机碳、全碳、硫、氮、硒、氟和汞、镉、砷等的地球化学背景值显著高于深层土壤和我国其它城市地球化学基准值。前者适宜发展生态富硒特色农业,后者表明土壤环境安全形势严峻。土壤地球化学背景为生态环境评价和其它相关学科研究提供了科学基础,由此提出生态环境保护和利用建议。  相似文献   
利用耦合度模型,建立城市化综合水平与水资源保护综合水平指标评价体系,对南京市2005年-2014年城市化与水资源保护耦合关系度量化分析.结果表明:南京城市化与水资源保护耦合度总体波动式增长,其中2005年-2012年处于中度耦合时期,2013年-2014年处于高度协调时期;南京城市化综合水平与水资源保护综合水平呈现稳量增长趋势,但后者滞后于前者.为促进南京城市化与水资源保护关系向高度耦合状态发展,应尽快优化产业层级,促进第三产业链的延伸;同时尽快建立水资源保护政府、企业和居民三方参与的协同保护机制.  相似文献   
文章运用相关性分析法、主成分分析法探究国庆假日济南城区大气环境质量特征及其影响因素.结果表明:PM2.5、PM10、CO 是国庆期间的主要污染物,小时浓度的峰值出现在9 时和23 时,谷值出现在14 时;PM2.5、PM10是首要污染物,日均浓度(除去10月6日)均超过国家二级标准,10月1日PM2.5浓度上升33.6%,PM10上升34%,10月2日和4日出现浓度"双峰",3日和6日出现浓度"双谷",6日浓度值降至国庆最低,10月7日颗粒物浓度迅速回升;节假日期间,合理安排旅游行程,有利于缓解城市环境压力,促进城市可持续发展.  相似文献   
The Environmental Management System (EMS) is commonly implemented in private firms. However, on the basis of a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis, our work analyzes the consequences of implementing an EMS within the context of local public administrations, particularly regarding the City Council of Ohanes in Almería (Spain). This is the first European corporation to implement an EMS according to the ISO 14001 Standard, certified by the Spanish Association of Normalization and Certification. Its analysis would be equivalent to the Shumpeterian "market innovator study", so that public administration "followers" can take advantage of the derived benefits and of minimizing the negative effects of such an experience. On the other hand, we show that the economic and environmental advantages derived from the EMS go beyond the activities that the City Council is in charge of. They have spillover effects that extend them to all economic activities in the municipality and these effects are expected to be increased in the medium and long-term perspective. In this paper, we compare the costs and benefits that the municipality obtains in two cases: the City Council implements the EMS or it does not implement it. The main objective of this article is to show the economic and environmental advantages obtained by a municipality when it is only the City Council who is implementing an EMS. It is logical to suppose that this case study can stimulate other municipalities to use this instrument, even if the economic and environmental characteristics of the municipality are different.  相似文献   
Our research focuses on the linkage between land use planning policy and the spatial pattern of exposure to air toxics emissions. Our objective is to develop a modeling framework for assessment of the community health risk implications of land use policy. The modeling framework is not intended to be a regulatory tool for small-scale land use decisions, but a long-range planning tool to assess the community health risk implications of alternative land use scenarios at a regional or subregional scale. This paper describes the development and application of an air toxic source model for generating aggregate emission factors for industrial and commercial zoning districts as a function of permitted uses. To address the uncertainty of estimating air toxics emission rates for planned general land use or zoning districts, the source model uses an emissions probability mass function that weights each incremental permitted land use activity by the likelihood of occurrence. We thus reduce the uncertainty involved in planning for development with no prior knowledge of the specific industries that may locate within the land use district. These air toxics emission factors can then be used to estimate pollutant atmospheric mass flux from land use zoning districts, which can then be input to air dispersion and human health risk assessment models to simulate the spatial pattern of air toxics exposure risk. The model database was constructed using the California Air Toxics Inventory, 1997 US Economic Census, and land assessment records from several California counties. The database contains information on more than 200 air toxics at the 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) level. We present a case study to illustrate application of the model. LUAIRTOX, the interactive spreadsheet model that applies our methodology to the California data, is available at http://www2.bren.ucsb.edu/~mwillis/LUAIRTOX.htm.  相似文献   
选择河北省邢台市作为研究对象,将2020疫情作为一个极限管控措施下的极限减排实验情景,把2021疫情作为未来常态化疫情防控实验分析情景.与疫情前期对比,两次疫情期间臭氧浓度均有提升且2021疫情时期颗粒物浓度同样有提高,2020疫情时期其他污染物浓度均有不同程度的改善,而与2019历史同期相比,两次疫情期间臭氧浓度同样有升高现象,除此以外,2021疫情时期污染物改善较好.利用长短期记忆网络(LSTM)算法和空气质量预报模式系统(WRF-CMAQ)量化了两次疫情时期气象因素对于污染物浓度变化的影响,根据空气质量模拟法反推了不同污染物受人为影响的浓度变化.实验结果表明,LSTM算法在两次疫情期间的模拟均显示人为影响对污染物产生了负影响(降低了污染物浓度)且在总变化影响中占比较高,而CMAQ模式模拟结果中的气象因素影响占比远高于LSTM算法.CMAQ模式在两次疫情模拟中表现出了不同的结果,在2020疫情中人为影响占据了主导,而在2021疫情中,相比较2020疫情时期,除NO2外,人类活动对其他污染物的影响均为正值(促进了污染物浓度升高).  相似文献   
城市生活垃圾这个与城市“相伴生”的长期污染源,必须得到及时、科学、妥善的处理。福州市目前对城市生活垃圾的治理存在“重末端处理、轻源头控制”,在垃圾末端无害化上陷于被动,却缺少“清洁生产”的理念,“减量化、资源化”未得到应有的重视。本文针对福州市垃圾管理体制与政策上的弊端,强调垃圾的产生、收集、运输、处理等全过程实现全面的、综合的、封闭式管理,探讨法律、经济、管理三位一体的城市生活垃圾管理政策,保障城市可持续发展。  相似文献   
秦皇岛作为著名的沿海旅游城市,外语语言环境作为旅游软环境的一个重要因素直接影响着整个旅游产业的综合竞争力。鉴于此,对秦皇岛市外语语言软环境进行调查摸底。调查结果表明,旅游景区标示语及城市公示语的翻译存在不同程度的问题,旅游从业人员总体素质不高,市民的外语能力普遍偏低。以调查结果为依托,从政府导向、行业把关、全民参与三方面提出了优化秦皇岛市旅游业外语语言软环境的建议。  相似文献   
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