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Reservoirs are regarded as hotspots of nitrogen transformation and potential sources of nitrous oxide(N2O). However, it remains unclear how the hydrological conditions due to dam construction control the processes of nitrogen transformation in reservoir waters. To address this issue, we examined the spatial-temporal characteristics of nitrate concentrations, δ15N-NO3-, δ18O-NO3-, δ18O-H2O, relative...  相似文献   
It is widely believed that there is strong experimental evidence to support the idea that exogenously imposed regulations crowd out the intrinsic motivations of common pool resource (CPR) users to refrain from over-harvesting. We introduce a novel experimental design that attempts to disentangle potential confounds in previous experiments. A key feature of our experimental design is to have the exact same regulations chosen endogenously as those that are imposed exogenously. When we compare the same regulations chosen endogenously to those externally imposed, we observe no differences in extraction levels among CPR users in a laboratory experiment. We also observe no differences between weak external regulations and no regulations, after controlling for a potential confound. However, when we add communication to our endogenous treatment, we observe significant behavioral differences between endogenous regulations with communication and exogenous regulations without communication. Our results suggest that externally imposed regulations do not crowd out intrinsic motivations in the lab and they confirm that communication facilitates cooperation to reduce extraction.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to monitor for the first time the oligosaccharide pattern in the northwestern Adriatic Sea. Oligosaccharides are components of the low-molecular-weight fraction of dissolved organic matter (DOM). They perform an important ecological function in the microbial loop prompting substrates for bacterial degradation. In particular, our investigation focused on maltooligosaccharides (glucose α 1–4 linked). The analyses were carried out using a dialysis-charcoal column sorption pre-concentration method, followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analyses with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer operating in multiple reaction monitoring mode. During the study period, the concentration of maltooligosaccharides with a low degree of polymerisation (ranging from maltose to maltotetraose) was higher than other maltooligosaccharides (maltopentaose and maltoeptaose) and all together they reached their highest concentration in June. This concentration was temporally shifted from a long period of diatom bloom (from January to April). Furthermore, the annual maltooligosaccharide trend was monitored together with several chemical, physical and biological parameters to investigate their potential role on the maltooligosaccharide accumulation. Our results suggested that the maltooligosaccharide accumulation could be related to the water column stratification.  相似文献   
In this paper we examine the optimal management of a renewable resource that is at risk from alien species invasion. The objective of this paper is to derive implications for optimal management of a resource when options exist for both preventing the arrival of an invasive species and mitigating the impact of that arrival. Uncertainty about the timing and nature of an invasion can have important implications for the choice of management strategy, and a key feature of this analysis is an explicit treatment of that uncertainty.  相似文献   
Recycling irrigation reservoirs (RIRs) are an emerging aquatic ecosystem and water resource of global significance. This study investigated the vertical distribution of water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH in eight RIRs at two nurseries each in Virginia and Maryland from 2011 to 2014. Monomictic thermal stratification was observed from April to October in all RIRs, despite their shallow depths (0.75‐3.89 m). The strongest stratification had a top‐bottom temperature difference of 21.53°C. The top‐bottom temperature difference was positively correlated with water column depth, air temperature, and daily light integral (< 0.05). Wind speed did not impact the thermal stratification, likely due to their relatively small surface areas. Thermal stratification affected the vertical distribution of DO and pH. The top‐bottom differences in DO and pH were greater during stratification periods than nonstratification periods. Water pH in all RIRs was higher at the top than at the bottom with the greatest difference of 4.16 units. Discovery and characterization of thermal stratification in RIRs helps understand water quality dynamics in this novel ecosystem and promote safe and productive water reuse for irrigation. Specifically, water withdrawal depths should be adjusted according to variations in temperature, DO, and pH during the stratification and nonstratification periods to mitigate pathogen risk and improve water treatment efficacy and crop production.  相似文献   
利用CFD数值模拟方法研究了气温层结与地面加热作用对街谷环流和污染物扩散的影响.针对高宽比为0.5和1.0的两种街谷,总共进行了18组敏感性数值试验,结果表明相对于气温层结,地表加热是决定街谷附近污染物扩散能力的更为重要的因素,地表加热作用可显著提高街谷的扩散能力.在地表存在加热的情况下,流场结构、空气交换系数、湍流强度总体上均朝着有利于清除街谷内污染物的方向发展,即使是在稳定层结下,地表加热作用所产生的热力环流也会使得污染物能够被有效地输送和扩散到街谷之外,从而使得近地面的污染物浓度下降.  相似文献   
We study theoretically and numerically the effects of an environmental tax reform using endogenous growth theory. In the theoretical segment, mobile labor between manufacturing and R&D activities, and elasticity of substitution between labor and energy in manufacturing lower than unity allow for a growth dividend, even if we consider preexisting tax distortions. The scope for innovation is reduced when we consider direct financial investment in the lab, or elastic labor supply. We then apply the core theoretical model to a real growing economy and find that a boost in long-run economic growth following such a carbon policy is a possible outcome. Redistribution of additional carbon tax revenue by lowering capital taxation performs best in terms of effciency measured by aggregate welfare. In terms of equity among social segments the progressive character of lump-sum redistribution fails when we consider very high emissions reduction targets.  相似文献   
通过分析贵州红枫湖不同水文期水体理化特征与碳氮硅含量的时空分布,以期揭示西南山区深水性湖库水环境质量的周期性变化规律。结果表明,在平水期和枯水期,红枫湖水温、pH值、溶解氧、叶绿素a含量等水体上下层变幅较小,丰水期水深6 m左右有明显的分层现象,以溶解氧最为典型,分层期底层水中溶解氧降至1.0 mg/L以下。受外源有机物大量输入和湖内藻类生长的双重影响,丰水期湖泊中DOC含量较平水期和枯水期高。NO_3~--N和DON分别占TDN的23.3%~89.4%、7.4%~26.7%。夏季湖水底层滞水带缺氧条件有利于NH_4~+-N和NO_2~--N的生成,并导致溶解态硅的含量增高。相关性分析表明,贵州高原深水性湖库的季节性水质恶化事件与夏秋季节水体分层结构失稳密切相关。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖水体垂向分层状况调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊水体混合或分层对环境和生态具有显著指示意义,能够提高对未来湖泊水环境状况的评价与管理。针对洪泛鄱阳湖水位季节性变化显著等特点,基于剖面温度和稳定氢氧同位素的调查分析来探明多因素影响下鄱阳湖水体垂向分层或混合状况。结果发现:鄱阳湖枯水期和洪水期水体垂向温差大多处于0~1.0℃,大部分水域温差小于0.5℃,但偶见洪水期部分水域会达到1.5℃的较大温差。总体表明,在季节变化尺度上,鄱阳湖具有较为稳定的等温层,没有明显温度分层特征。同位素分析结果得出,枯水期和洪水期的氢氧稳定同位素值在深度剖面上呈均一分布,表明鄱阳湖水体混合状况较好或完全混合。虽然湖区气象条件和水文条件均是影响鄱阳湖水体分层或混合的重要因素,但鄱阳湖入流和出流等水文条件是影响鄱阳湖水体垂向混合的主要因素。鄱阳湖水体混合同时对湖泊水环境因子的垂向分布特征可能产生重要的影响或控制作用。首次基于大量野外监测有针对性地开展鄱阳湖水体分层研究,结果有助于对湖泊水流结构的深入认识,可为湖区水体污染物的输移模拟与作用机制阐释等方面提供科学参考。  相似文献   
将莆田市东圳水库垂向划分为表层、中层、和深层,研究其藻类群落的分布特征及其受环境因子影响的演变规律,进而明晰“水华”爆发机制。结果表明,水库中共检出浮游藻类7门39属,群落结构主要以蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻和隐藻为主,在不同季节沿水库垂向分布呈现显著差异性。表层和中层水体中优势藻类为绿藻门和蓝藻门,受水温、光照、DO和TN影响;深层水体优势藻类为硅藻和隐藻,主要受水温和TN影响。对水库中营养盐分析结果表明,东圳水库N/P平均值达到32.4,呈典型磷限制性特征,水库氮污染主要来自农业面源输入和内源释放。底泥中氮类物质易于在夏季分层期发生释放,并与DO结合发生形态转化后输入至上层水体,由此导致“水华”现象的发生。针对东圳水库水华防范与治理,需严格防控点源和农业面源污染,并建设水力扰动设施以及增设原位修复装置等措施,全方位防控水华现象的发生。本研究通过分析东圳水库藻类功能组时空演替,有助于确定东圳水库藻类爆发机制,可为水库藻类治理、水环境生态保护提供参考。  相似文献   
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