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中国可持续发展与国家安全文化战略的新对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“可持续发展”战略的实质是社会、经济发展与资源、环境相协调的一种发展模式。值得注意,这一人类社会发展模式中跨世纪重大转变的策略,尚未引起安全与减灾科技界的普遍关注,不仅在安全减灾战略研究中很少涉及,严重的是它阻碍了安全减灾诸领域跨世纪及决策课题研究的深度,造成与国际接轨进程缓慢。为此,立足可持续发展思路,并以全新视角、系统地讨论适宜安全减灾文化战略的总体对策,可望能为中国二十一世纪安全保障及科技发展提供科学指南  相似文献   
职业健康安全管理体系常见理解误区及应对方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于受传统安全管理思想的影响,许多企业在理解和运用职业健康安全管理方法时,常常存在着一些理解误区,影响体系运行的绩效。本文在分析、总结这些误区的基础上,提出了理解职业安全健康管理体系的正确思路和方法,以使职业安全健康管理体系能更好地为企业的安全生产服务。  相似文献   
This paper provides the background to this special issue, outlining the extent to which the global atmospheric nitrogen cycle has been modified by human activity and outlining the range of effects. The global total emissions of reduced and oxidized nitrogen, amount to 124 Tg N, and exceed those from natural sources (34 Tg N) by almost a factor of four showing the extent to which anthropogenic activity has taken over the global N cycle. Of the 124 Tg N, 70 Tg N is emitted in the oxidized form, largely as NO and 70% of which results directly from anthropogenic activity. The remaining 54 Tg N is emitted as NH3, (66% anthropogenic). The enhanced nitrogen emissions are associated with a range of local, regional and global issues including, acidification, eutrophication, climate change, human health and tropospheric O3. The paper also places the Global Nitrogen Enrichment (GaNE) research programme in the UK in a wider perspective.  相似文献   
Forest resources play a key role and provide many basic needs to communities in developing economies. To assess the patterns of vegetation cover change, as a corollary of resource utilization, satellite imagery, ground truth data, and image processing techniques can be useful. This article is concerned with identifying change in major vegetation types in East Timor between 1989 and 1999, using Landsat Thematic Mapper data. The results highlight a significant level of deforestation and decline in foliage cover. All major vegetation cover types declined from 1989 to 1999, and there was a sizeable increase in degraded woodlands. This decline has had considerable impact on the livelihoods of rural and urban communities. Causes for these changes include: economic exploitation of abundant resources; and implications of transmigration policies implemented during Indonesian rule, resulting in increased competition for land and woodland resources. As the new nation of Timor‐Leste establishes itself, it must consider its current stock and distribution of natural capital to ensure that development efforts are geared towards sustainable outcomes. Without the knowledge of historical patterns of resource consumption, development efforts may, unwittingly, lead to continuing decline in forest resources.  相似文献   
结合对“社会弱势群体”含义、产生原因的分析以及对我国社会弱势群职业卫生与安全法律保护现状的总结,本文指出了法律对社会弱势群体职业卫生与安全给予倾斜性保护的重要意义,并进一步提出了加强对社会弱势群体职业卫生与安全法律保护具体措施的设想。  相似文献   
Hot Spots of Perforated Forest in the Eastern United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
National assessments of forest fragmentation satisfy international biodiversity conventions, but they do not identify specific places where ecological impacts are likely. In this article, we identify geographic concentrations (hot spots) of forest located near holes in otherwise intact forest canopies (perforated forest) in the eastern United States, and we describe the proximate causes in terms of the nonforest land-cover types contained in those hot spots. Perforated forest, defined as a 0.09-ha unit of forest that is located at the center of a 7.29-ha neighborhood containing 60–99% forest with relatively low connectivity, was mapped over the eastern United States by using land-cover maps with roads superimposed. Statistically significant (P < 0.001) hot spots of high perforation rate (perforated area per unit area of forest) were then located by using a spatial scan statistic. Hot spots were widely distributed and covered 20.4% of the total area of the 10 ecological provinces examined, but 50.1% of the total hot-spot area was concentrated in only two provinces. In the central part of the study area, more than 90% of the forest edge in hot spots was attributed to anthropogenic land-cover types, whereas in the northern and southern parts it was more often associated with seminatural land cover such as herbaceous wetlands.  相似文献   
近年来,空气污染已成为长三角地区最关键的环境问题之一,气溶胶颗粒物(PM)是最主要的污染物之一.生物气溶胶作为颗粒物的重要组成部分,可能对空气质量和人体健康产生不利影响.利用高通量测序方法研究了江苏省泰州2019年11月至2020年1月期间发生沙尘和霾污染时生物气溶胶中细菌群落结构组成特征.结果表明:冬季沙尘天和霾天气...  相似文献   
目的 基于机器学习分类算法快速评估有机涂层的防腐性能。方法 通过实验室加速试验模拟涂层真实的退化过程,并根据测得的电化学数据,分析不同退化阶段的等效电路元件参数。随后,采用随机抽样方法获取大量数据,用于机器学习模型训练。通过对比支持向量机(SVM)、k最近邻(k-NN)和随机森林(RF)3种不同的机器学习算法,以及多种输入特征集训练的涂层性能分类器模型的准确率,分析最适合用于涂层性能快速评估的机器学习算法和电化学特征。结果 根据不同输入特征训练的k-NN和RF模型均表现出良好的预测效果,而SVM模型的预测效果相对较差。根据不同频率范围训练的分类器模型中,在低频区表现最佳,而在高频区表现较差。结论 基于阻抗虚部、虚部+实部和阻抗模值3种输入特征训练的RF分类器模型的预测效果最准确。不同频率区间内,低频区的阻抗特征更能准确表征涂层性能。  相似文献   
苯并(a)芘在四种食用淡水鱼中的含量和分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用GC-MS测定了购自北京市场的4种食用淡水鱼(鲫鱼、胖头鱼、鲤鱼、草鱼)的5种组织器官(脑、肝、泡、卵和肌肉)中BaP的含量,分析了BaP在4种食用淡水鱼中的分布特征及其对人体的健康风险.结果表明,鱼体BaP湿重含量范围为0~0.057ng·g-1,BaP脂标化含量范围为0.02~21·22 ng˙g-1·BaP在不同组织器官和不同鱼种中的湿重含量差别不显著;而不同鱼种和组织器官中BaP脂标化含量则有一定的差异性.4种鱼中,胖头鱼BaP脂标化含量水平最高,鲫鱼次之,草鱼和鲤鱼较低;各组织器官中,肝脏的BaP脂标化含量相对最高,肉、泡、籽次之,脑中BaP脂标化含量相对最低.鱼体中BaP湿重含量均低于USEPA规定的可食用生物组织器官中BaP含量的上限值(0.67 ng·g-1,wetweight),对人体的致癌风险远小于10-5.  相似文献   
三峡库区(重庆段)生态系统健康评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
生态系统的健康和相对稳定是人类赖以生存与发展的必要条件. 分析了三峡库区(重庆段)生态系统的健康状况,使用3S技术获取基础地理数据,构建基于压力-状态-响应模式的三级指标体系模型,并以AHP法结合专家咨询法选取人口密度、地质灾害易发度等10项指标,进行综合得分计算并分级. 结果表明:①在生态环境调查的基础上,应用GIS空间分析方法进行生态系统健康评价具有可操作性和结果的可靠性;②三峡库区(重庆段)生态系统健康质量表现出2~4级生态系统占主体(82.6%)的特点,生态质量一般,人类社会经济活动对生态系统的健康状况造成较大影响;③生态系统健康质量水平分布表现出明显的区域差异,从行政范围来看,彭水县、巫山县较好,巫溪县、武隆县等次之,云阳市、万州区等则较差. 结合系统聚类分析方法分析三峡库区(重庆段)生态系统健康状况空间分异的成因;并从宏观尺度上提出了对该地区人为活动的不良生态后果予以积极预防和有效调控的综合对策.   相似文献   
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