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Monitoring of dust pollution at the western shore of Tae-ahn Peninsula (TAP) and in the Chongju area of central Korea was carried out from January to May 2001. It was found that in Koreathere were 9 cases of sand and duststorms (DS) and 16 associatedsignificant dustfall (SD) days. Observed maximum concentrations of DS and SD coming from NW China and Mongolia were in the rangeof 300–920 for TSP, 200–690 for PM10 and 100–170 g m-3 for PM2.5.Satellite measurements clearly showed the formation and subsequent movement of DS to the Korean Peninsula and onward to the Korea East Sea, Japan and the Gulf of Alaska. According to satellite image analysis of dust clouds there were abundant coarse particles, measuring in size of 11.0 m. Medium-sizedparticles measuring in the range of 3.5–7.0 were also prevalent,while fine particles of less than 2.0 m were less distinctive in reflectivity. Measured values of PM2.5 were alsorelatively low with SD events.The measured average pH values of dusty precipitation associatedwith DS were 7.24. Alkaline precipitation can play a `temporary'role in the neutralization of acidified soil until the subsequentevent of acidic rain. The new selection criteria of SD days from PM2.5 at 85 g m-3, PM10 190 g m-3 and TSP 250 g m-3 are recommended on dust pollution occurring from the invasion of a DS elsewhere.  相似文献   
为遏制危险化学品重特大安全事故,解决传统安全监测手段的空间局限性问题,结合高分遥感与数值模拟技术,开展危险化学品重大危险源区域安全布局动态管控研究。利用数值模拟技术模拟并确定危险化学品重大危险源重点管控范围;基于高分遥感影像提出适用于危险化学品重大危险源安全布局动态管控的变化检测方法,动态监测安全防护范围内的建筑、道路等人工构筑物的变化情况,严控事故影响范围内的人工构筑物密度;以内江市隆桥化工为实例开展示范应用。结果表明:高分遥感技术能够高效监测危险化学品重大危险源安全防护范围内的工程建设情况,有助于危险化学品企业保持足够的外部安全防护距离,降低危险化学品重特大安全事故风险。  相似文献   
大气气溶胶性质及其卫星遥感反演   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
论述了大气气溶胶的物理性质(含微物理性质)、化学性质及光学性质,特别是黑碳气溶胶的物理、化学和光学性质及其对气候强迫作用和对人居环境的影响,同时对光化学形成的二次气溶胶进行了简要介绍.指出一般气溶胶具有负气候强迫效应,而黑碳气溶胶具有较强的正气候强迫效应.在分析影响气溶胶性质的各种因素时发现,气溶胶性质除受外在环境因素影响外,也受内在的自身因素的相互影响.对卫星遥感气溶胶的原理及其在卫星遥感反演中气溶胶多种性质间复杂的相互关系进行了论述,并针对未来气溶胶的研究提出建议.   相似文献   
基于卫星遥感的秸秆焚烧监测及对空气质量影响分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
每年6月是我国小麦收割的主要时节,也是秸秆焚烧发生的严重时期.利用卫星遥感技术监测2007年6月全国秸秆焚烧状况,并以某市为例,结合气象资料分析秸秆焚烧对环境空气质量的影响.研究结果表明,秸秆焚烧主要分布在冬小麦生产区,华北平原是秸秆焚烧集中区域,火点数占全国的86.9%;秸秆焚烧主要发生在6月上半月,火点数占全月的87.3%.相关分析表明,该市700、800 km范围缓冲区内火点数变化趋势与空气污染指数有较好一致性,相关系数均达0.54,当秸秆焚烧发生在不利于污染物扩散的气象条件下时,将导致空气质量明显下降.  相似文献   
符传博  丹利  佟金鹤  徐文帅 《环境科学》2023,44(9):4799-4808
基于环境空气质量数据、气象观测数据和卫星遥感资料,研究了2015~2020年海南岛臭氧(O3)污染的时空分布、变化趋势、O3生成敏感性及其与气象因子的关系.结果表明,海南岛O3-8h (日最大8 h滑动平均值)表现为西部和北部偏高,中部、东部和南部偏低的分布特征,2015年O3-8h浓度最高,2019年O3-8h浓度超标占比最大.O3-8h浓度与平均气温(P<0.1)、日照时数(P<0.01)、太阳总辐射(P<0.01)、大气压和平均风速呈正相关关系,与降雨量(P<0.05)和相对湿度呈负相关关系.卫星遥感数据显示,2015~2020年海南岛对流层NO2柱浓度(NO2-OMI)和HCHO柱浓度(HCHO-OMI)呈相反的变化趋势,2020年NO2-OMI较2015年上升了7.74%,HCHO-OMI下降了10.2%.海南岛属于NOx控制区,近6年FNR值(O3生成敏感性)呈波动式地下降趋势,其趋势系数和气候倾向率分别为-0.514和-0.123 a-1.气象因子与海南岛FNR值有较好的相关关系.  相似文献   
The protection and regeneration of wetlands has been of crucial importance as a goal in ecological research and in nature conservation for some time and is more important than ever now. Knowledge about the biophysical properties of wetlands' vegetation retrieved from satellite images enables us to improve the monitoring of these unique areas, which are otherwise very often impenetrable and therefore difficult to examine, analyze and assess by means of site visits. The Biebrza Wetlands are situated in the North-East part of Poland and are one of the largest areas made up of marshes and swamps in the entire EU. This is still one of the wildest areas and one of the least destroyed, damaged or changed by human impact. However, in the recent decades there have been attempts made to intensify and overexploit the natural resources of the region and implement new agriculture practices in the area. In this period, drainage canals have been built, and a good deal of the area has been drained. The area of this precious ecosystem covers 25 494 ha. This valuable area of peat with unique vegetation species and with very special birds is one of the most valuable areas in Europe and in 1995 was added to the list of Ramsar sites. The investigation of wetlands in the Biebrza River Valley has been carried out at ground level by taking measurements of soil moisture, evapotranspiration, Leaf Area Index, wet and dry biomass and the levels of ground water and meteorological parameters. Also examined were radiative temperature, detailed vegetation mapping, and APAR. For some years the deterioration of peat lands has been noticed due to the drying out of the area and the frequent outbreak of fires. The consequence is the succession of new vegetation and the appearance of new ecosystems. The Remote Sensing Centre in the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography has undertaken the investigation by applying ERS-2.SAR and ENVISAT ASAR of IS2 and IS4 and VV, HH, HV polarization for the purpose of modeling soil moisture and humidity changes of the area under investigation. The investigation also aimed at finding the best biophysical properties of wetlands' vegetation to characterize marshland habitats and its changes. At the same time as registering the microwave data, the optical data from Landsat ETM+, SPOT VEGETATION, ERS-2.ATSR, ENVISAT MERIS, and NOAA/AVHRR have been registered and information about the biomass and heat fluxes as sensible and latent heat has also been calculated. The vegetation indices are calculated from EO satellite data taking into account jointly the features of vegetation responsible for reflection in various bands and combining this information from several spectral bands. Also, the changes in the humidity of the area have been examined by extracting the backscattering coefficients from two SAR images that were taken at a similar period of the year but with a gap of 5 years. The information about soil moisture as retention, soil moisture changes, heat fluxes and evapotranspiration are all very important for estimates of CO(2) sequestration. The ENVISAT images have been obtained for the ESA AO-ID122 project. Also the SMOS and ALOS data will be applied for the Biebrza Wetlands in the future.  相似文献   
对在太平洋上北上转向登陆日本的台风的生成和移动,利用卫星云图分析和云顶黑体温度计算作了研究。得出结论认为如果有一条或几条长达500~1000km以上的长云带卷入,且云顶黑体温度降低到-70℃以下,而-60℃的范围扩大到3×4个纬距以上,则热带低压很可能在24h以内发展成为热带风暴-台风。本文还确认,海表面温度Tss≥29℃是台风生成最重要的环境条件。通过对北上台风移动的卫星云图特征的研究,指出台风外围卷入的长云带走向往往预示着台风的未来移向。尤其是台风南部来自SW-S-SE方向的季风汇合带云带,不仅意味着台风强度的加强和维持,更预示着台风将往北移动。  相似文献   
将高、低分辨率卫星遥感数据相结合,使用成都市2001和2006年的同期卫星遥感数据,通过CBERS/CCD(中巴地球资源卫星/CCD相机)的多光谱信息获取植被指数图,并结合三波段数据合成彩色图像以及全色图,采用人机交互式方式提取城市建成区信息;对NOAA/AVHRR(美国国家海洋大气局/改进的甚高分辨率扫描辐射计)的热...  相似文献   
泥石流预报中的多层降水预报/监测系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用数值天气预报、静止气象卫星云图、天气雷达回波和遥测雨量等4种方法,进行了大气降水的预报与监测,构建了不同时间尺度满足不同精度的降水预报和监测体系,通过与下垫面中地形和地质等条件的耦合,为不同时间尺度的泥石流预报系统提供了相应的降水预报支持,以满足不同层次的泥石流减灾要求.  相似文献   
汤宇磊  杨复沫  詹宇 《中国环境科学》2019,39(12):4950-4958
为深入了解四川盆地PM2.5与PM10污染情况,通过机器学习的方法,基于卫星遥感气溶胶产品(MAIAC)与国家环境空气质量监测网数据以及气象、地理、社会经济变量等,构建2个随机森林机器学习模型(R2均为0.86),反演四川盆地2013~2017年间1km网格逐日PM2.5与PM10浓度时空分布,并分析两者的时空关联性.结果表明:2013~2017年四川盆地地面PM2.5与PM10平均浓度分别为47.8,75.2μg/m3.PM2.5与PM10浓度空间上均整体呈现"倒月牙"状分布,西部与南部区域浓度值较高.5a间,区域颗粒物浓度逐年递减,总降幅均达到27%,季节上则均具有"冬高夏低"的特点;PM2.5与PM10浓度空间相关性显著(相关系数0.96),呈现"内强外弱"的格局,春夏季相关系数(0.91、0.90)低于秋冬季(0.96、0.96).盆地西南部PM2.5与PM10比值较高,比值高低的季节性排序为冬季 > 秋季 > 夏季 > 春季.  相似文献   
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