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根据《水质石油类的测定紫外分光光度法(试行)》(HJ 970—2018)的要求,以正己烷为溶剂,采用自行设计的搅拌式液液萃取器处理样品,萃取相经硅酸镁吸附脱除极性物质后,用紫外分光光度法测定常州市城市饮用水水源地的石油类指标。结果表明:方法检出限为0.01 mg/L,线性范围为0~16.0 mg/L,相关系数为0.9998,4种不同浓度配制样品测定的相对误差为-15.0%~4.0%,相对标准偏差为2.2%~8.8%。各项技术指标均满足《HJ 970—2018》相关质量控制要求,相比手动萃取-红外分光光度法,自动搅拌萃取-紫外分光光度法能有效提高分析效率和降低职业危害。  相似文献   
红外法测定土壤中石油烃的改进研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过气相色谱-质谱法定性解析红外法测定土壤中石油烃的各前处理阶段萃取物组分变化情况,探讨了用石油醚萃取土壤中石油烃空白高的原因,发现采用二氯甲烷为萃取剂,空白值低且精密度提高.  相似文献   
为探究苏皖鲁豫区域光化学污染特征,于2021年10月和2022年6月在淮北市开展光化学污染产物过氧乙酰硝酸酯(peroxyacetyl nitrate,PAN)的在线监测,分析了 PAN浓度特征、空间来源、产生速率和变化趋势.观测结果表明,观测处2021年10月PAN的浓度范围为(0.08-1.44)×10-9,2022年6月的浓度范围为(0.61-5.72)×10-9;PAN的峰值大部分出现在NO/NO2比值较低的时段.结合气团后向轨迹,2021年10月观测处PAN的潜在源贡献函数(PSCF)高值区范围出现在南部方向,可能是因为西南方向相近城市较高的前体物排放;2022年6月高值区主要出现在北部和东南部,显示山东省西南部是潜在源贡献地区,东南方向的气团在工业化程度较高的城市群之间存在长距离运输.  相似文献   
碳收支核算与碳失衡风险识别有助于深入揭示人类活动对区域碳收支的影响机制与影响程度,对于开展区域差别化的碳治理、推动区域协同减排具有重要意义.首先构建了基于碳收支的区域碳失衡风险评价研究框架.其次,以河南省为例对栅格和县域尺度的碳收支进行了核算并探讨了其时空分布格局.最后利用区域碳失衡风险指数揭示了河南省碳失衡风险的时空演变特征.结果表明:①2001~2020年河南省碳排放量由2.32亿t增长到5.86亿t,空间上呈现出由市区中心向外围逐步降低的分布格局;碳吸收量由2001年的1.17亿t增长至2020年的1.53亿t,在空间上表现出\"西高东低、南高北低\"的分布特征;②河南省碳源/汇值呈现先上升后下降的变化特征,并于2013年达到峰值5.14,经济发达地区的碳源/汇值明显高于经济欠发达地区;碳收支转换态势区域差异明显,整体呈现出\"失衡-中和-失衡\"的变化态势;③河南省碳失衡风险逐步趋于稳定,2016~2020年期间碳失衡风险指数高于0.6的区县个数共计107个(占比68.2%),高碳失衡风险区由郑州都市圈沿主要交通线向外围扩张;④未来应结合不同区域的碳失衡风险等级,建立碳失衡风险约束下的国土空间优化及差异化治理策略,完善基于碳失衡风险评估的县域空间横向碳补偿机制,缓解区域碳失衡风险,推动区域协同减排/增汇和碳中和目标的实现.  相似文献   
基于2019—2021年河南省城市大气降尘监测数据,分析了城市大气降尘污染变化,并利用趋势分析和相关系数法,识别了影响河南省城市大气降尘量的主要因素。结果表明,研究期间,全省年均城市大气降尘量的增幅为21%,78%的地市的大气降尘量呈上升态势。城市大气降尘量高值主要集中出现在多沙尘、少雨且多大风的3—6月,2021年还出现在了多强降水的7—9月。城市大气降尘量的增加受自然因素和人为因素共同作用:一方面,强降水的冲刷作用导致2021年7—9月城市大气降尘量高于历史同期;另一方面,河南省城市扬尘污染问题依旧突出,2021年城市大气PM10和PM2.5浓度比值比2019年增加了8%。因此,提升城市扬尘管理水平是减少城市大气降尘污染的重要途径之一。  相似文献   
开展山水林田湖草生态保护修复是优化生态格局和稳定生态系统的重要内容,是全方位推进生态文明建设的重要举措,是实现人与自然和谐共生的必然要求。基于山水林田湖草系统治理的理论,识别区域突出生态环境问题,制定了生态保护修复的目标,提出了具体的生态保护修复治理方案。以河南省黄河故道-豫北平原区域山水林田湖草生态保护修复为例,通过现状分析与现场勘查,挖掘出土地退化与土壤污染严重、流域水污染与生态环境恶化等突出环境问题,提出\"一线、一带、三区\"的总体修复思路,重点推进土地整治、矿山生态环境恢复、流域水环境恢复与治理、土壤污染退化和水土流失治理、生态系统与生物多样性保护等5大类494个建设项目,最终实现全方位、全流域山水林田湖草综合治理。通过该生态保护修复方案的实施,提升了目标区域生态系统的服务功能,助推黄河流域高质量发展,为河南省山水林田湖草生态保护修复的实践提供了参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
The Western Development Initiative (WDI), launched in 2000 by the Chinese Government, will greatly change the modes and improve the quality of life of the 355 million people living in the western region of China. This paper presents a panoramic picture of the mineral industries under the framework of the WDI. First, it gives an overview of the WDI, including a summary of the favorable and unfavorable conditions for the WDI, the objectives, priorities and key geographical areas for the WDI and the national policies and measures for implementing the WDI. Second, it describes the roles of the mineral industries in the WDI. Finally, it details the policies and actions of the Chinese Government on the exploration and development of mineral resources in the western region in support of the WDI.  相似文献   
A diesel fuel contaminated aquifer in Menziken, Switzerland was treated for 4.5 years by injecting aerated groundwater, supplemented with KNO3 and NH4H2PO4 to stimulate indigenous populations of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) degrading microorganisms. After dissolved PHC concentrations had stabilized at a low level, engineered in situ bioremediation was terminated. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of intrinsic in situ bioremediation as a follow-up measure to remove PHC remaining in the aquifer after terminating engineered in situ bioremediation. In the first 7 months of intrinsic in situ bioremediation, redox conditions in the source area became more reducing as indicated by lower concentrations of SO4(2-) and higher concentrations of Fe(II) and CH4. In the core of the source area, strongly reducing conditions prevailed during the remaining study period (3 years) and dissolved PHC concentrations were higher than during engineered in situ bioremediation. This suggests that biodegradation in the core zone was limited by the availability of oxidants. In lateral zones of the source area, however, gradually more oxidized conditions were reestablished again, suggesting that PHC availability increasingly limited biodegradation. The total DIC production rate in the aquifer decreased within 2 years to about 25% of that during engineered in situ bioremediation and remained at that level. Stable carbon isotope analysis confirmed that the produced DIC mainly originated from PHC mineralization. The total rate of DIC and CH4 production in the source area was more than 300 times larger than the rate of PHC elution. This indicates that biodegradation coupled to consumption of naturally occurring oxidants was an important process for removal of PHC which remained in the aquifer after terminating engineered measures.  相似文献   
河南省区域性中心城市技术创新水平评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建立河南省区域中心城市技术创新测度指标体系的基础上,运用因子分析法,以河南省18个省辖(管)市为对象,对区域中心城市技术创新水平进行了测度,并将其划分为3种梯度类型。同时,分析了区域中心城市技术创新水平的地域差异,提出了河南省区域中心城市技术创新的基本构想。  相似文献   
Leakage and spill of petroleum hydrocarbons from underground storage tanks and pipelines have posed significant threats to groundwater resources across many petroleum-contaminated sites. Remediation of these sites is essential for protecting the soil and groundwater resources and reducing risks to local communities. Although many efforts have been made, effective design and management of various remediation systems are still challenging to practitioners. In recent years, the subsurface simulation model has been combined with techniques of optimization to address important problems of contaminated site management. The combined simulation-optimization system accounts for the complex behavior of the subsurface system and identifies the best management strategy under consideration of the management objectives and constraints. During the past decades, a large number of studies were conducted to simulate contaminant flow and transport in the subsurface and seek cost-effective remediation designs. This paper gives a comprehensive review on recent developments, advancements, challenges, and barriers associated with simulation and optimization techniques in supporting process control of petroleum waste management and site remediation. A number of related methodologies and applications were examined. Perspectives of effective site management were investigated, demonstrating many demanding areas for enhanced research efforts, which include issues of data availability and reliability, concerns in uncertainty, necessity of post-modeling analysis, and usefulness of development of process control techniques.  相似文献   
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