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液化石油气瓶站气体泄漏爆炸危险性研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
针对某个城市居民区的液化气瓶站,采用数值模拟方法计算在液化气钢瓶发生泄漏后,液化石油气发生爆炸对瓶站和周围建筑的冲击波和温度的影响;分析冲击波对建筑可能造成的损坏情况;根据模拟分析结果,提出了改进液化气瓶站安全性的技术措施。笔者计算和分析的结果及提出的安全技术措施,为保障周围建筑和人员安全提供了技术依据。  相似文献   
This paper presents a study that aims at evaluating the leaching characteristics of petroleum contaminated soils as well as their application in hot mix asphalt concrete. Soil samples are environmentally characterized in terms of their total heavy metals and hydrocarbon compounds and leachability. The total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) present in the PCS before and after treatment was determined to be 6.8% and 5.3% by dry weight, indicating a reduction of 1% in the TPH of PCS due to the current treatment employed. Results of the total heavy metal analysis on soils indicate that the concentrations of heavy metals are lower when extraction of the soil samples is carried out using hexane in comparison to TCE. The results show that the clean soils present in the vicinity of contaminated sites contain heavy metals in the following decreasing order: nickel (Ni), followed by chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and vanadium (V). The current treatment practice employed for remediation of the contaminated soil reduces the concentrations of nickel and chromium, but increases the concentrations of all remaining heavy metals.  相似文献   
Net environmental benefits are gains in value of environmental services or other ecological properties attained by remediation or ecological restoration minus the value of adverse environmental effects caused by those actions. Net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA) is a methodology for comparing and ranking net environmental benefits associated with multiple management alternatives. A NEBA for chemically contaminated sites typically involves comparison of several management alternatives: (1) leaving contamination in place; (2) physically, chemically, or biologically remediating the site through traditional means; (3) improving ecological value through onsite and offsite restoration alternatives that do not directly focus on removal of chemical contamination; or (4) a combination of those alternatives. NEBA involves activities that are common to remedial alternatives analysis for state regulations and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, post-closure and corrective action permits under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, evaluation of generic types of response actions pertinent to the Oil Pollution Act, and land management actions that are negotiated with regulatory agencies in flexible regulatory environments (i.e., valuing environmental services or other ecological properties, assessing adverse impacts, and evaluating remediation or restoration options). This article presents a high-level framework for NEBA at contaminated sites with subframeworks for natural attenuation (the contaminated reference state), remediation, and ecological restoration alternatives. Primary information gaps related to NEBA include nonmonetary valuation methods, exposure–response models for all stressors, the temporal dynamics of ecological recovery, and optimal strategies for ecological restoration.Published online  相似文献   
概述了地震分析预报网络信息管理与服务系统 (APNET)的系统构成、系统设置及其功能特点。该网络最大的特点是大量的工作都在后台自动运行完成 ,并具有完善的信息认证系统 ,实现了数据的自动备份和允许特定用户群通过WWW访问和浏览等。  相似文献   
选取万元GDP能耗作为参考序列,将工业发展过程中的5种主要污染物作为比较序列,运用灰色关联分析方法定量研究了河南省18个城市的环境管制和不同污染物之间的灰色关联程度,并提出了一些富有针对性的政策建议:加强监管,切实查找固体废弃物的产生来源,努力提高废弃物综合利用水平。  相似文献   
The levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons in two commonly consumed benthopelagic shellfishes, Macura reptantia and Procambarus clarkii, harvested from benthic sediment of Qua Iboe Estuary were determined using a gas chromatography with flame-ionization detector. Seventy-two (72) samples each of benthic sediment and the shellfishes were collected monthly between June 2003 and February 2004 covering the peak periods of the wet and dry seasons. Concentrations of hydrocarbons were highly variable and ranged between 5.00 and 232.00 μg/g dry weight of benthic sediment, 3.05 and 11.30 μg/g dry weight of M. reptantia, 1.62 and 9.00 μg/g dry weight of P. clarkii. Pearson’s correlation analysis of total hydrocarbon concentrations in subtidal sediments with levels in the fauna species yielded positive significant (P < 0.05) correlations in M. reptantia (r = 0.737) and P. clarkii (r = 0.924). This is indicative of a long term and chronic accumulation of hydrocarbons in the estuarine ecosystem, reflecting the potential for exposure of the resident biota and the risk to human health.  相似文献   
The use of petroleum coke as fuel in a 10 kWth chemical-looping combustor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tests were made in a 10 kWth chemical-looping combustor with a petroleum coke as the solid fuel and the oxygen carrier ilmenite, an iron titanium oxide. The fuel reactor is fluidized by steam and the oxygen carrier reacts with the volatiles released as well as the gasification intermediates CO and H2. A constant fuel flow corresponding to a thermal power of 5.8 kW was introduced into the fuel reactor and a total of 11 h of operation was reached. The effects of particle circulation and carbon stripper operation on solid fuel conversion, conversion of gas from the fuel reactor and CO2 capture were investigated. The actual CO2 capture ranged between 60% and 75% while the solid fuel conversion was in the range of 66–78%. The low values of solid fuel conversion reflect loss of char due to low efficiency of the fuel reactor cyclone. The incomplete conversion of the gas from the fuel reactor is expressed as oxygen demand. The oxygen demand corresponds to the fraction of oxygen lacking to achieve full gas conversion and was typically 25%, due to presence of CH4, CO and H2 from the fuel reactor. Typical ratios of CH4, CO and H2 over the total gaseous carbon from the fuel reactor are respectively 5, 10 and 25%. Low loss of non-combustible fines from the system indicates very low attrition of the oxygen carrier.  相似文献   
In this paper, we used the food-correlated search behavior observed in foraging ants returning to a previously rewarding site to study information transfer during recruitment in the ant Lasius niger. We hypothesized that, if information about the characteristics of the food is conveyed during recruitment, food-correlated search tactics should also be observed in recruited workers. Our results show that the characteristics of the trajectories of recruited workers are comparable to those of scout ants returning to a site or prior food find and depend more on the type (prey/sugar) than on the quality (sugar concentration) of the food discovered by the scouts. Independent of sugar concentration, workers recruited to a source of sugar search with a greater sinuosity than workers recruited to a prey. Experimental manipulation of the recruitment signals (chemical trail and contact between ants) shows that the trail pheromone laid down by recruiting ants does not play a role in the modification of trajectory sinuosity. This change appears to be most likely triggered by a direct perception of the residue of sugar smeared on the body of the recruiting workers coming back to the nest.Communicated by J. Heinze  相似文献   
The modern world depends greatly on hydrocarbons, which are ubiquitous, indispensable fuels used in nearly every existing industry. Although important, their use may trigger dangerous incidents, whether in their production, handling, storage, or transporting phase, especially when aerosolized. In light of proposing a standard procedure to assess the flammability and explosivity of fuel mists, a new test method was established based on the EN 14034 standards series. For the previous purposes, a gravity-fed mist generation system was designed and employed in a modified 20 L explosion vessel. This test method allowed the determination of the ignition sensitivity of several fuels. In addition, their explosion severity was represented by the explosion overpressure Pex, and the rate of pressure rise dP/dtex, two thermo-kinetic parameters determined with a specifically developed control system and custom software. Nonetheless, a noticeable difference in the ignition sensitivity and the explosion severity was perceived when changing suppliers or petroleum cuts of some fuels. Moreover, sensitivity studies showed that both the droplet size distribution and the temperature of the droplets play a significant role in fuel mist explosion. These parameters can be directly related to the vapor fraction surrounding a droplet during its ignition. Consequently, this study focuses on the influence of varying the composition of three well-known and abundantly used fuels. Different petroleum cuts were introduced in different fractions into isooctane, Jet A1 aviation fuel, and diesel fuel mixtures, which were then aerosolized into a uniformly distributed turbulent mist cloud and ignited using spark ignitors of 100 J. Subsequently, complementary tests were executed in a vertical flame propagation tube coupled with a high-speed video camera allowing the visualization of the flame and the determination of the spatial flame velocity, and a tentative estimation of the laminar burning velocity. The latter was also estimated from the pressure-time evolution in the 20 L sphere using existing correlations. Indeed, the determination of the laminar burning velocity can be useful in modeling such accidents. Finally, highlighting the essential role of the mist and vapor fraction during their ignition has led to a better understanding of their explosion mechanisms.  相似文献   
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