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Contamination of oxygen-consuming organics (OCOs) was one of the most serious problems in the Yellow River of China. This study was conducted to analyze monitoring of the data on OCOs contamination for the river in 1980 and during 1992–1999 as well as examining the effect of suspended solids (SS) on chemical oxygen demand (CODMn) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of river water. Several significant results have arisen from the study. First, CODMn and BOD5 of the river water showed an increasing trend from the upper to the lower reaches of the mainstream. BOD5 values of river water in 1992 were significantly higher than those in 1980 and showed an increasing trend during 1992–1999. Second, OCOs in river water of the mainstream was attributed mainly to point sources; the ratio of point to non-point sources of BOD5 was about 2.81. The load from point sources showed an increasing trend during 1992–1998. In contrast, the load from non-point sources manifested a decreasing trend during this period; this was caused by the decreasing trend of SS content in river water. The total load of BOD5 from point and non-point sources displayed an increasing trend during 1992–1998. Third, as the humic substances in SS can hardly be biologically oxidized in natural conditions but can be oxidized by chemical oxidants such as potassium permanganate, CODMn was not suitable for being regarded as a parameter reflecting the pollution degree of OCOs in river water with a high SS content.  相似文献   
The Chillán River in Central Chile plays a fundamental role in local society, as a source of irrigation and drinking water, and as a sink for urban wastewater. In order to characterize the spatial and temporal variability of surface water quality in the watershed, a Water Quality Index (WQI) was calculated from nine physicochemical parameters, periodically measured at 18 sampling sites (January–November 2000). The results indicated a good water quality in the upper and middle parts of the watershed. Downstream of the City of Chillán, water quality conditions were critical during the dry season, mainly due to the effects of the urban wastewater discharge. On the basis of the results from a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), modifications were introduced into the original WQI to reduce the costs associated with its implementation. WQIDIR2 and WQIDIR, which are both based on a laboratory analysis (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and three (pH, temperature and conductivity), respectively, four field measurements (pH, temperature, conductivity and Dissolved Oxygen), adequately reproduce the most important spatial and temporal variations observed with the original index. They are proposed as useful tools for monitoring global water quality trends in this and other, similar agricultural watersheds in the Chilean Central Valley. Possibilities and limitations for the application of the used methodology to watersheds in other parts of the world are discussed.  相似文献   
烟台四十里湾赤潮发生与生态环境污染研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
烟台四十里湾海域为赤潮频发区,就赤潮发生的区域分布与其生态环境污染进行探讨研究,以引起社会有关方面正确认识和评价水产养殖业对海洋环境的影响。结果显示: (1)1998~2008年间排入四十里湾的各类污染物总量以贝类养殖排泄物居首,赤潮发生的几率及范围与贝类养殖面积、N、P和C排泄物年际变化有直接必然关系; (2)湾内初级生产力较高,由贝类养殖排泄转化的无机碳占湾内基础物质总量的65%~90%; (3)湾内赤潮生物16种,优势种有红色裸甲藻、中肋骨条藻、海链藻,红色裸甲藻是该湾引起赤潮最常见的赤潮生物种; (4)四十里湾最大流发生在养马岛以外的东北水域,流速值在17~20cm/s 左右,养马岛西南端流速最低,仅为4~5cm/s左右,受水建工程和筏式养殖的干扰,养殖区内流速有所减缓,不利于污染物扩散。研究表明,特定的地理环境及物质条件十分适合藻类的生长繁殖,一旦遇到适宜的水文气象条件,赤潮藻即有骤然快速增殖而形成赤潮。  相似文献   
China's EIA Law does not require transboundary proposals to be assessed, despite recognition of this globally, for example in the Espoo Convention and Kiev Protocol, and in the European EIA and SEA Directives. In a transboundary context assessment within a state is unusual, as regulating these effects is primarily about the relationship between states. However where a state has more than one legal system such as in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region of southern China, transboundary effects should also be addressed. Yet despite the geographical connections between Guangdong Province in mainland China (where the EIA Law applies) and the Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions (which have their own provisions, neither of which requires transboundary assessments), EIA and SEA are carried out separately. Coordinated or joint approaches to transboundary assessment are generally absent, with the legal autonomy of Hong Kong and Macau a major constraint. As a result institutional responses at the policy level have developed. The article considers global experiences with regulating transboundary EIA and SEA, and analyses potential application to land use, transport and air and water planning in the PRD Region. If applied, benefits may include prevention or mitigation of cumulative effects, broader public participation, and improvements to environmental governance. The PRD Region experience may encourage China to conduct and coordinate EIA and SEA processes with neighbouring states, which has been non-existent or extremely limited to date.  相似文献   
黄河中上游能源化工区大气污染跨界环境影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黄河中上游能源化工区近地面和边界层顶气象流场及该区域大气污染长距离输送产生的跨界环境影响趋势特征进行了分析。结果表明,该区域近地面和边界层顶的流场总体上为西北向东南流动,大气污染物长距离输送可能影响的区域主要为华中地区;区域冷空气的活动对其大气污染物的清除起重要作用;通过CALPUFF模型的模拟结果表明,该区域SO2的影响程度和范围明显大于NO2,在区域内部存在污染物浓度较高的区域,但未对区外造成显著跨界环境影响。  相似文献   
坡面泥石流是山地分布最广,出现频率最高的灾害现象。基于野外现场调查及室内实验分析,阐述了老里沟坡面型泥石流的基本特征及形成机制,并结合泥石流动力特征参数进行了危险度评价。研究结果表明:滑坡体上坡面侵蚀沟道发育,为坡面型泥石流的形成提供了强有力的条件;降雨是诱发老里沟坡面流的主要因素;老里沟泥石流类型为高中频、小规模、粘性、暴雨型泥石流,属于中度危险泥石流沟。  相似文献   
松花江底泥沉积物中重金属释放影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以松花江哈尔滨段底泥沉积物为实验对象,研究松花江底泥沉积物中重金属的释放规律,使用循环槽(circulating flume)模拟松花江水力学条件,考察了重金属在上覆水和底泥中的沉积和释放。结果表明:松花江哈尔滨段底泥沉积物中重金属只有镉(Cd)超标,其它检测出重金属没有超标;随着温度升高,沉积物重金属溶出释放量也随之增加;重金属在酸性条件下的释放量明显高于碱性条件下的释放量;水体盐度升高,沉积物重金属的溶出释放也随之升高;水体扰动达到160 r/min时,重金属的释放达到最高值。  相似文献   
湖南省湘江流域环境污染的安全性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章从水质、底泥、两岸土壤和植物以及两岸人群患病率分析了湖南省湘江流域的环境污染情况,结果表明湖南省湘江流域的污染较为严重。分析认为历史污染物排放,地质原因,矿山开采,植被变迁以及蚋污能力变小是导致湘江污染的主要原因。最后提出了污染治理的相关措施。  相似文献   
WASP水质模型在辽河干流污染减排模拟中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用WASP模型对辽河流域实施水质改善方案后水质的变化进行模拟,以辽河干流铁岭段水质指标COD为例,结合流域污染削减目标寻求合理的减排任务分配方案。结果袁明:根据不同季节灵活地分配减排任务,辽河干漉铁岭段年削减COD1.74—2.49万吨可使其水质状况得到明显改善,迭到减排耳标。  相似文献   
河南省黄河湿地生态旅游资源的开发与保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南黄河湿地旅游资源丰富,有各具特色的湿地景观、复杂多样的生物景观、丰富的地文景观、悠久的历史人文景观和工程园林景观等多种景观类型;但目前存在着开发利用程度较低,市场营销不够、景点开发质量不高,旅游设备简陋、基础设施落后,景点少、点热面冷,人才缺乏、经营管理水平低等众多问题;最后从旅游功能分区、旅游开发、旅游管理、旅游线路设计、旅游环境监测、区域旅游联合、加大宣传力度等方面提出了河南黄河湿地生态旅游资源开发的对策.  相似文献   
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