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生态修复是对区域受损害自然生态系统过程和功能的重建,往往偏重于技术的研究和应用示范。但随着传统生态修复在区域实践过程中产生的经济瓶颈,尤其是面临区域产业转型问题的突显,生态修复的产业化及其运行模式已成为国内外学者关注的重点。本文以北京门头沟国家生态修复示范基地为例,从产业复合生态系统角度,突破传统产业限制,建立了自然生态修复示范产业、人文生态修复主导产业和经济生态修复引导产业三位一体的产业网络模式,并针对示范基地内的各种具体生态修复领域进行了产业生态链(网)的设计。最后对建立这种新型生态修复产业模式的意义和所面临的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
旅游对张家界国家森林公园土壤酶及微生物作用强度的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
为了探明旅游对张家界国家森林公园土壤生物性状的影响,为保护土壤生态平衡,合理开发生态旅游提供理论依据,进行了旅游人为踩踏对土壤酶及微生物作用强度的影响研究。结果表明:背景区土壤的酶活性>缓冲区土壤的酶活性>活动区土壤的酶活性。背景区土壤的氨化作用强度与微生物活度>缓冲区土壤的氨化作用强度与微生物活度>活动区土壤的氨化作用强度与微生物活度,而硝化作用强度的变化则正相反。旅游显著影响了0~5cm土壤的酶活性及微生物作用强度;在5~15cm土壤和15~25cm土壤层中,背景区和缓冲区的酶活性和微生物作用强度差异不显著,而与活动区的差异显著。有机质分解相关的微生物氨化作用强度、纤维素酶活性、木聚糖酶活性、蛋白酶活性的影响主要是由于土壤有机质的投入减少而造成,而硝化作用强度则主要与踩踏引起的土壤板结造成亚硝酸盐的积累有关,踩踏严重,硝化作用强度大。不同土壤层的微生物作用强度及酶活性强弱是:0~5cm土壤>5~15cm土壤>15~25cm土壤。张家界国家森林公园土壤微生物作用强度及酶活性受到了人为踩踏的破坏,生态系统抵御外界干扰的能力也受到了旅游活动的破坏。  相似文献   
利用ISSR分子标记技术对湖北省大贵寺国家森林公园野生青檀(Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim.)居群进行遗传多样性分析。用11条ISSR引物对6个青檀居群64个样品进行扩增,扩增片段长度在200bp至3000bp之间,检测到179个位点,其中多态位点165个,多态位点百分率(P)为92.14%。青檀在物种水平上的Nei基因多样性指数(胁)和Shannon信息指数∽分别为0.273和0.423,在居群水平上分别为0.225和0.343,显示出青檀有着较高的遗传多样性。居群间的遗传分化系数(Gsr)为0.192,表明青檀居群间存在着较大的遗传分化;UPGMA聚类分析表明遗传距离与海拔差距有一定的相关性,相邻海拔的青檀居群间遗传距离较近。不同海拔导致的异质生境可能是影响青檀居群遗传分化的主要原因。  相似文献   
南水北调中线水源地丹江口水库水化学特征研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
李思悦  程晓莉  顾胜  李佳  张全发 《环境科学》2008,29(8):2111-2116
丹江口水库是南水北凋中线工程的水源地,对水库中的5个点位进行了3 a的动态监测.对水化学类型和水化学特征进行了系统分析,运用相关分析及方差分析,对水化学时间、空间分布特征进行了研究.结果表明,TDS介于149.9-291.2mg·L-1,属于弱矿化度水.总硬度(以Ca2 、Mg2 浓度和计)介于40~50 mg·L-1之间,属于极软水.HCO3-及Ca2 分别介于122.5-170.0 mg·L-1、37.1-43.2 mg·L-1,分别占主要阴、阳离子组成的77.54%~77.87%和70.66%-77.93%.按照O.A.阿列金分类法,丹江口库区水质为HCO3--Ca型水.主要离子呈现一致的空间变化,在丹江库区沿水流方向逐渐降低,至汉江库区达到最小值.水化学特征的季节及时间变化表明,主要离子的浓度在枯季比在雨季大.丹江口水库水化学特征主要由岩石风化决定,高浓度的HCO3-及Ca2 主要来源于方解石和白云岩,但是上游及库区周边人为活动对NO3-产生了一定的影响.最后,提出了流域水资源保护的建议和措施.  相似文献   
The snowmobile controversy in Yellowstone National Park not only pits snowmobilers against environmentalists, but it also pits the Bush Administration against the Clinton Administration. Caught in the middle are the National Park Service, scores of natural and social scientists, and Yellowstones permanent residents—the flora and fauna. The controversys political aspects are the focus of this paper; specifically, the tenuous relationship among research scientists, whose job it is to inform management and policy decisions; politicians, whose job it is to formulate those same decisions in the public arena; and public land management agencies, whose job it is to implement the decisions. The crux of the paper concerns the politicization of natural resource policy and ways in which research scientists tend to get caught up in it. Lessons learned from this Yellowstone episode regarding the role of science in policy-making processes are also considered. Two recent federal court rulings shed additional light on the politics surrounding Yellowstones snowmobile controversy, as does the importance of governmental checks and balances in resolving natural resource management disputes.  相似文献   
Protected Turkish areas in the Mediterranean region are compared with those of other Mediterranean countries. Policies followed in Turkey for conservation protection of the natural and cultural environment and the use of coastal resources for tourism are discussed. The purpose and application of Turkish law is examined with respect to the interaction between the protection of coastal areas and tourism. Modifications on the administrative and management regulations in Turkey enabling a better use of coastal areas is suggested by combining coastal tourism and protection. The necessity and importance of estabilishing and managing Marine Parks in short-and long-term plans are acknowledged.  相似文献   
自然灾害发生时间序列的分形特征及R/S分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
统计了公元960年到1979年我国地震、洪涝和台风风暴潮灾害发生的时间及死亡人数,以分形几何中的Cantor集合为模型,发现我国自然灾害发生时间序列的分布呈现出明显的分形特征,并采用Smalley方法分别计算了不同灾害发生时间序列分布的分维值,它们均在0.5左右,同严格意义上的数学分形Cantor集合相比分维较小,说明我国地震等自然灾害发生发展的自组织程度还有进一步发展的趋势,其危害程度将可能进一步提高;在自然灾害发生时间序列的分形特征的基础上,通过R/S分析,得出3种自然灾害发生时间序列的H指数均在0.28左右,同日斑指数、树木年轮、湖泊水位变化等自然现象相比较小,说明自然灾害的发生具有短程相关性,其发生规律没有日斑指数等自然现象明显.该研究对于进一步认识和研究我国地震等自然灾害的发生规律和发展趋势等具有一定意义.  相似文献   
国家可持续发展实验区是我国实施可持续发展战略的重要实验示范基地。多年来,秉承科技支撑发展的原则,实验区开展了一系列科技创新及实验示范。在对现有实验区开展实地调研和问卷调查的基础上,从计划类别、经费来源、参与形式、应用领域等方面,分析了"十一五"以来实验区承担的各类科技计划项目实施现状,并对项目实施成效进行了总结分析。分析发现,实验区承担的各类科技计划项目,通过破解区域发展制约因素,取得显著社会效益;突出科技示范与引领,科技支撑能力不断提升;创新了管理机制与模式,积累了丰富的项目管理经验;通过部门联动,科技惠民计划成效凸显。文章通过探寻科技在实验区建设中的引领和带动作用,发现实验区项目对接的特点与规律,查找实验区科技创新存在的问题与不足,提出了科技支撑实验区发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   
Abstract:  Informal institutions governing the use of wild species are present in many societies. A system of prohibitions known as fady is central to Malagasy culture. We examined whether fady that relate to the use of natural resources in the eastern rainforests of Madagascar play an important conservation role. Prohibitions ranged from strict taboos in which a species or area was forbidden by the ancestors to social norms that concerned acceptable behavior when harvesting wild species. Strict taboos offered real protection to threatened species, such as the lemur Propithecus edwardsi and the carnivore Cryptoprocta ferox . Taboos also reduced pressure on some economically important endemic species by preventing their sale or limiting the harvest season. Despite their value for conservation, the taboos did not appear to originate from attempts to sustainably manage resources. Nevertheless, social norms, in which the sanction was social disapproval rather than supernatural retribution, encouraged sustainable harvesting practices for tenrecs ( Tenrec ecudatus ) and pandans ( Pandanus spp.). Unfortunately, the social norms concerning methods of harvesting pandans appeared to be breaking down in villages surrounding Ranomafana National Park, and we suggest that the imposition of external conservation rules is weakening traditional management. Informal institutions are important to conservation because they suggest ways of improving cultural understanding and conservation communication. Food taboos influence societal preferences, which affect the wider demand for a species. Most important, where capacity to enforce external conservation rules is limited, informal institutions may provide the only effective regulations. Informal institutions should receive greater attention from conservation biologists so that local people's conservation roles can be acknowledged fairly and so that potential synergies with conservation objectives can be realized.  相似文献   
Wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVCs) pose a significant safety and conservation concern in areas where high-traffic roads are situated adjacent to wildlife habitat. Improving transportation safety, accurately planning highway mitigation, and identifying key habitat linkage areas may all depend on the quality of WVC data collection. Two common approaches to describe the location of WVCs are spatially accurate data derived from global positioning systems (GPS) or vehicle odometer measurements and less accurate road-marker data derived from reference points (e.g., mile-markers or landmarks) along the roadside. In addition, there are two common variable types used to predict WVC locations: (1) field-derived, site-specific measurements and (2) geographic information system (GIS)-derived information. It is unclear whether these different approaches produce similar results when attempting to identify and explain the location of WVCs. Our first objective was to determine and compare the spatial error found in road-marker data (in our case the closest mile-marker) and landmark-referenced data. Our second objective was to evaluate the performance of models explaining high- and low-probability WVC locations, using congruent, spatially accurate (<3-m) and road-marker (<800-m) response variables in combination with field- and GIS-derived explanatory variables. Our WVC data sets were comprised of ungulate collisions and were located along five major roads in the central Canadian Rocky Mountains. We found that spatial error (mean ± SD) was higher for WVC data referenced to nearby landmarks (516 ± 808 m) than for data referenced to the closest mile-marker data (401 ± 219 m). The top-performing model using the spatially accurate WVC locations contained all explanatory variable types, whereas GIS-derived variables were only influential in the best road-marker model and the spatially accurate reduced model. Our study showed that spatial error and sample size, using road-marker data for ungulate species, are important to consider for model output interpretation, which will impact the appropriate scale on which to apply modeling results. Using road-marker references <1.6 km or GPS-derived data locations may represent an optimal compromise between data acquisition costs and analytical performance. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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