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论地膜污染与防治对策   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
随着地膜覆盖栽培年限的延长,由于残膜回收率低,土壤中残膜量逐步增加,造成地膜污染。通过分析地膜污染对环境和农作物产生的危害,对回收残膜存在的问题,总结出了防治地膜污染的对策与措施。  相似文献   
我国部分油田原油生产出砂严重,经常造成集输处理系统的严重磨损和堵塞,储油罐严重积砂,不能实现密闭。储油罐清砂完全靠人工完成,劳动强度大,而且造成环境污染。在海上平台,若采出砂含油量不达标排入海洋,则会给海洋带来严重的污染,因此,采出砂处理是急待解决的问题。文章根据国内外采出砂处理技术调研,介绍了水力旋流器除砂技术原理及工艺和在国外应用实例以及该技术在我国油田的开发应用情况。  相似文献   
In a climate of limited resources, it is often necessary to prioritize restoration efforts geographically. The synoptic approach is an ecologically based tool for geographic prioritization of wetland protection and restoration efforts. The approach was specifically designed to incorporate best professional judgment in cases where information and resources are otherwise limited. Synoptic assessments calculate indices for functional criteria in subunits (watersheds, counties, etc.) of a region and then rank the subunits. Ranks can be visualized in region-scale maps which enable managers to identify areas where efforts optimize functional performance on a regional scale. In this paper, we develop a conceptual model for prioritizing watersheds whose wetlands can be restored to reduce total sediment yield at the watershed outlet. The conceptual model is designed to rank watersheds but not individual wetlands within a watershed. The synoptic approach is valid for applying the sediment yield reduction model because there is high demand for prioritizing disturbed wetlands for restoration, but there is limited, quantitative, accurate information available with which to make decisions. Furthermore, the cost of creating a comprehensive database is prohibitively high. Finally, because the model will be used for planning purposes, and, specifically, for prioritizing based on multiple decisions rather than optimizing a single decision, the consequence of prioritization errors is low. Model results cannot be treated as scientific findings. The conclusions of an assessment are based on judgement, but this judgement is guided by scientific principles and a general understanding of relevant ecological processes. The conceptual model was developed as the first step towards prioritizing of wetland restoration for sediment yield reduction in US EPA Region 4.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The use of reservoirs and land treatments to manage streamflow for the maintenance or enhancement of instream flow values is a valid concept. Historically, large reservoirs have been used for flood control and water-supply regulation. Smaller structures have enjoyed widespread use for soil and water conservation in headwater areas. Where reservoir releases can be controlled, it is technically feasible to regulate flows for the enhancement of instream values. However, institutional and political obstacles may preclude the operation of some reservoirs for this purpose. Retention and detention structures and land treatments, implemented for soil and water conservation purposes, have often had favorable effects on the streamflow hydrograph. Decreases in peak flows and increases in low flows have been documented. Design concepts for runoff-control structures are discussed in relation to instream flow management objectives. Hydro-logic simulation is offered as a potential tool for project design and feasibility analysis.  相似文献   
分析了商业建筑室内挥发性有机化合物 (VOCs)的来源 ,阐明了防治VOCs的方法并提出了控制VOCs对策。  相似文献   
根据多年的水质监测资料、设计水文条件及水质目标等参数,在划分容量分配控制单元的基础上,运用浅水湖泊污染物水环境容量计算方法计算了CODCr和NH3-N的环境容量,并给出了体现社会性、经济性的水环境容量分配方案,采用基尼系数法对分配方案进行公平性评估。结果表明,白洋淀南刘庄、烧车淀、采蒲台各区域的CODCr容量分别为2 526.8,328.5和1 430.8 t/a;NH3-N容量为155.0,73.0和255.5 t/a。白洋淀上游各控制单元指标的基尼系数值均小于0.4,分配结果较为合理。  相似文献   
本文分析了我国当前水污染区域治理的难度,沿海地区水污染的主要问题,探讨了污染区域治理的基本原则,提出了水污染治理的重点区域和水污染区域治理的主要途径,并以浑河流域沈阳地区2000年水污染物总量控制为例,概述总量控制方法和目标  相似文献   
再论灾害研究的理论与实践   总被引:163,自引:50,他引:163  
本文在作者1991年发表的“研究的现状与实践”一文基础上,全面分析了当前国外灾害理论研究的进展,对灾害理论研究中的2灾因子论,孕灾环境论,承灾体论进行了评述,并系统地阐述了区域灾害系统论的主要内容,即在综合分析组成区域灾害系统的致灾因子,孕灾环境,承灾体的基础上,通过对致灾因子的风险性评估,孕灾环境稳定性的分析,承灾体易损性的评价,揭示区域致灾与成灾过程中灾 情纬傻亩ρЩ?  相似文献   
新疆绿洲的沙漠化灾害及减灾措施   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
风沙灾害频发的季节是每年3~6月份。流动沙漠与绿洲直接毗邻的格局增加了下风方向绿洲风沙危害的态势。风沙灾害严重区有莫索湾绿洲,精河,艾比湖地区绿洲,喀什地区绿洲,和田地区绿洲,塔里木河下游绿洲。 新疆绿洲风沙灾害的发展趋势:绿洲外围及河流下游沙漠化土地在继续发展,风沙、尘埃天气显著增加;灌溉绿洲腹地特别是连片的大型绿洲风沙灾害显著减轻,6级以下起沙风基本上不造成风沙灾害;对于突发性,风速达8~9级以上的黑风尘暴,灾害仍不可避免。 采取的减灾措施:针对新疆许多河流下游断流,荒漠生态环境严重退化,沙漠化土地日益扩展蔓延的严峻局面,新疆已经着手进行主要河流的流域规划。塔里木河应急输水工程业已进入实施阶段;减轻对荒漠植被的压力,达到保护绿洲外荒漠植被的目的;加强大型防护林和农田防护林的建设;建立绿洲防止土地沙漠化、减轻风沙灾害的示范区和样板。新疆绿洲风沙灾害的根治仍然是任重道远。  相似文献   
• Gas diffusion electrode (GDE) is a suitable setup for practical water treatment. • Electrochemical H2O2 production is an economically competitive technology. • High current efficiency of H2O2 production was obtained with GDE at 5–400 mA/cm2. • GDE maintained high stability for H2O2 production for ~1000 h. • Electro-generation of H2O2 enhances ibuprofen removal in an E-peroxone process. This study evaluated the feasibility of electrochemical hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production with gas diffusion electrode (GDE) for decentralized water treatment. Carbon black-polytetrafluoroethylene GDEs were prepared and tested in a continuous flow electrochemical cell for H2O2 production from oxygen reduction. Results showed that because of the effective oxygen transfer in GDEs, the electrode maintained high apparent current efficiencies (ACEs,>80%) for H2O2 production over a wide current density range of 5–400 mA/cm2, and H2O2 production rates as high as ~202 mg/h/cm2 could be obtained. Long-term stability test showed that the GDE maintained high ACEs (>85%) and low energy consumption (<10 kWh/kg H2O2) for H2O2 production for 42 d (~1000 h). However, the ACEs then decreased to ~70% in the following 4 days because water flooding of GDE pores considerably impeded oxygen transport at the late stage of the trial. Based on an electrode lifetime of 46 days, the overall cost for H2O2 production was estimated to be ~0.88 $/kg H2O2, including an electricity cost of 0.61 $/kg and an electrode capital cost of 0.27 $/kg. With a 9 cm2 GDE and 40 mA/cm2 current density, ~2–4 mg/L of H2O2 could be produced on site for the electro-peroxone treatment of a 1.2 m3/d groundwater flow, which considerably enhanced ibuprofen abatement compared with ozonation alone (~43%–59% vs. 7%). These findings suggest that electrochemical H2O2 production with GDEs holds great promise for the development of compact treatment technologies for decentralized water treatment at a household and community level.  相似文献   
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