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长三角一体化高质量发展对于中国经济行稳致远有着不言而喻的重要意义。为了科学全面认识新时代长三角一体化高质量发展中存在的问题,厘清未来的发展出路,邀请来自不同领域的相关专家就长三角一体化高质量发展中的区域协调、产业协同、交通组织、城镇体系演变、跨区合作、要素配置、流域统筹、一体化路径、绿色低碳发展等研究前沿进行访谈。访谈结果表明:长三角作为我国经济发展最活跃、开放程度最高、创新能力最强的区域,其发展中仍然存在内部发展不平衡、区间交通割裂、行政壁垒尚存、流域生态协作不健全、产业协同发展不足、绿色经济体系较弱等突出问题。长三角在中国乃至世界发展格局中的战略地位,需要综合各学科各专业的理论知识,从不同视角持续关注长三角一体化高质量发展的重大科学命题。紧扣“一体化”和“高质量”,长三角一体化首先要创新机制缩小区域内部发展差异,强化综合交通一体化的基础支撑,更要突破行政边界的制约;其次要创新机制体制来保障生产要素的有效流动与配置,通过价值链、产业链、创新链的融合发展来夯实一体化;再次要促进土地要素向长三角集中使用,提高长三角地区土地承载能力,为长三角区域一体化高质量发展提供充足的土地要素保证;然后要优化人口就业空间结构,加强城际间环境污染联防联治,强化大江大河等重大流域的省际统筹与合作,共同提升长三角的生态系统服务功能,推动绿色一体化发展;最后更要贯彻五大新发展理念,通过科研突破与市场机制来实现低碳发展,在创新驱动引领下打造流空间世界级枢纽,以实现长三角区域一体化高质量发展的新局面。以上观点为长三角区域一体化高质量发展提供科学可行的理论和决策支持。 相似文献
国土空间规划传导应是覆盖规划编制、实施管理、监督反馈各个环节的全过程传导。基于国土空间治理体系和治理能力现代化的三个“需求面”,剖析传统空间规划传导的“不适应性”,并从全尺度、全过程、多向度的全链条治理逻辑出发,构建与新时期国土空间治理需求与规划体系相匹配的“三链协同”传导体系及“空间链”“时间链”“反馈链”传导路径。即覆盖“编制—实施—监督”多环节、全过程的国土空间治理闭环体系;纵向到底、事权清晰的全尺度空间传导链条,横向到边、面向实施的全过程时间传导链条以及多元共治、动态维护的多向度反馈传导链条;以期为国土空间规划传导实施提供理论与实践借鉴。 相似文献
对空置住房进行精准感知在国土空间规划中具有重要意义。基于华北X县2019年全县居民用电大数据构建了一种精准的空置识别和空置率计算模型。结果显示:该县出现过空置的住房占比高达33.81%,年空置率为21.64%;月空置率在一年中随月份小幅规律波动,波谷出现在2月和8月,波峰出现在5月和11月;村空置率具有空间自相关属性,县城为空置率高值集聚区;全年性空置为1931种空置节律模式中最主要的一种。将空置成因归纳为举家迁移和入城团聚等新流动模式促使全年空置和春节空置增多;扩展家庭内部住房过滤引发老旧住房空置;县城住房城镇化导致中心城区出现空置。应重视空置识别在国土空间规划中的基础作用,客观看待乡村住房空置现象,高度警惕县城的高空置率问题。 相似文献
随着中国城镇化步入中后期发展阶段,以及空间规划改革与高质量发展的时代背景下,城市更新是存量时代城市空间可持续发展的关键议题。但目前还存在着城市更新在国土空间规划体系中定位不清晰等问题,如何更好地推动新时代国土空间规划衔接和融入城市更新,作为解决城市病、进行城市空间治理的有效手段亟待探索。简要梳理城市更新研究进展,以英国伦敦的大型城市更新规划—机遇区规划作为典型案例,分析机遇区规划的概念内涵、演变过程及不同类型,重点解析以金融和创新产业为重点的商业发展型、以维护和延续历史风貌为重点的文化旅游型、以棕地修复和发展绿色产业为重点的工业发展型等三种具有代表性典型机遇区规划项目。在此基础上,提出英国伦敦机遇区更新规划对中国国土空间规划的启示:在五级三类国土空间规划体系中明确城市更新的定位及编制要求与标准;以城市更新为抓手,促进城市存量空间人居环境质量与社会公平和谐;对不同类型城市以及城市不同类型地块,均需因地制宜地构建差异化的城市更新策略;借鉴基于自然的解决方案,尊重城市区域的自然资源本底和地理属性特征;延续城市历史文脉,挖掘打造地方性、有特色的城市精神。 相似文献
核心指标纵向层级传导作为市级国土空间规划的关键内容,对市域国土空间格局优化及规划统筹具有重要意义。针对当前指标传导研究不充分、不精细等问题,遵循“核心传导指标选择→指标传导技术逻辑构建→情景模拟预测”的研究思路,以常德市为例研究其2035年国土空间规划“市→县(区)”的核心指标传导。结果表明:(1)基于“指标全域总量预测—指标空间布局模拟—指标分区分类传导”的传导技术逻辑,通过SD与GeoSOS-FLUS模型的耦合集成利用,可有效实现市级国土空间规划核心指标“自上而下”与“自下而上”相结合的科学传导。(2)构建“人—地—业”协调的常德市国土空间利用SD模型,预测获得2035年市域核心指标总量,相应国土利用综合效益达12994.25亿元,相比2018年提升207.75%。(3)从指标传导结果来看,2035年常德市各县(市、区)社会经济类指标除常住人口规模指标外均保持增长趋势,边界类指标实现“只增不减”,用地类指标变化各异,但总体契合常德市主体功能区建设方向,核心指标传导结果符合实际。 相似文献
为解决国土空间面临的城市蔓延、乡村空心化、环境退化等系统性问题,国土空间规划需要整合出于各部门利益最大化制定的、时常是相互冲突的规划方案,实现“多规合一”。基于安全格局理论提出协调规划冲突的途径,包括:(1)在认识层面,将国土空间规划视为理性过程,利用最小—最大约束途径制定可辩护的规划方案,通过空间博弈协调对有限土地的竞争、寻求各方均可接受的结果;(2)在操作层面,首先识别作为保障自身目标、协调各方利益依据的安全格局,然后据此对空间用途进行谈判。实践中需要建立协调规划冲突的制度机制,并在多方博弈中优先考虑处于劣势的生态和自然资产,通过建立生态安全格局和生态基础设施提供综合生态系统服务,再造秀美河山。 相似文献
国土空间规划是现代国家实施国土空间治理的重要手段,是为实现特定战略意图而进行的理性设计,规划的编制实施理念会随时代的发展而变化。为了解生态文明时代国土空间规划理论与技术方法创新,特邀请本领域的五位知名专家就国土空间规划和治理的价值导向、目标追求、重点任务、实施路径和主要领域等开展访谈。专家认为:(1)国土空间规划需要用更高的整体利益原则去处理个体利益之间的失衡,在整体利益的指引下提升特定利益的最大化和保证其他利益的最起码满足。(2)国土空间规划和治理的目标不是单纯追求“地理的普遍繁荣”,而是需要重视追求“人民的普遍幸福”,营造宜居宜业的高品质国土空间。(3)国土空间规划需要统筹安全与发展,合理适度开发利用自然资源,推动实现人与自然和谐共生。(4)需要以核心都市圈为支点,主要城市群为平台,打造宜居城市、韧性城市、智慧城市,建立高质量的城市生态系统和安全系统,重塑中国经济地理格局。(5)城市,特别是大城市是国土空间规划和治理的重点地区,需要通过拓展对城市多元属性的认知、系统研判大城市空间治理的问题与成因,完善大城市治理的逻辑。通过专家访谈,可以看出国土空间规划本质上是对空间关系的重建与重构,需要协调人地关系,推动实现人与自然和谐共生;需要处理好多元主体的利益关系,实现社会和谐;还需要尊重山水林田湖草沙生命共同体、城市有机体等不同层级国土空间单元的运行规律,维护和修复各要素之间的联系和作用机制。 相似文献
Isabel M. Rojas Megan K. Jennings Erin Conlisk Alexandra D. Syphard Jack Mikesell Alicia M. Kinoshita Krista West Doug Stow Emanuel Storey Mark E. De Guzman Diane Foote Alexandria Warneke Amber Pairis Sherry Ryan Lorraine E. Flint Alan L. Flint Rebecca L. Lewison 《Conservation biology》2022,36(1):e13834
From a conservation perspective, quantifying potential refugial capacity has been predominantly focused on climate refugia, which is critical for maintaining the persistence of species and ecosystems. However, protection from other stressors, such as human-induced changes in fire and hydrology, that cause habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation is also necessary to ensure that conservation efforts focused on climate are not undermined by other threats. Thus, conceptual and methodological advances for quantifying potential refugia from multiple anthropogenic stressors are important to support conservation efforts. We devised a new conceptual approach, the domains of refugia, for assessing refugial capacity that identifies areas where exposure to multiple stressors is low. In our framework, patterns of environmental variability (e.g., increased frequency of warm summers), thresholds of resilience, and extent and intensity of stressors are used to identify areas of potential refugia from a suite of ongoing anthropogenic stressors (e.g., changes in fire regime). To demonstrate its utility, we applied the framework to a Southern California landscape. Sites with high refugial capacity (super-refugia sites) had on average 30% fewer extremely warm summers, 20% fewer fire events, 10% less exposure to altered river channels and riparian areas, and 50% fewer recreational trails than the surrounding landscape. Our results suggest that super-refugia sites (∼8200 km2) for some natural communities are underrepresented in the existing protected area network, a finding that can inform efforts to expand protected areas. Our case study highlights how considering exposure to multiple stressors can inform planning and practice to conserve biodiversity in a changing world. 相似文献
Oliver Manlik Robert C. Lacy William B. Sherwin Hugh Finn Neil R. Loneragan Simon J. Allen 《Conservation biology》2022,36(4):e13897
Human-caused mortality of wildlife is a pervasive threat to biodiversity. Assessing the population-level impact of fisheries bycatch and other human-caused mortality of wildlife has typically relied upon deterministic methods. However, population declines are often accelerated by stochastic factors that are not accounted for in such conventional methods. Building on the widely applied potential biological removal (PBR) equation, we devised a new population modeling approach for estimating sustainable limits to human-caused mortality and applied it in a case study of bottlenose dolphins affected by capture in an Australian demersal otter trawl fishery. Our approach, termed sustainable anthropogenic mortality in stochastic environments (SAMSE), incorporates environmental and demographic stochasticity, including the dependency of offspring on their mothers. The SAMSE limit is the maximum number of individuals that can be removed without causing negative stochastic population growth. We calculated a PBR of 16.2 dolphins per year based on the best abundance estimate available. In contrast, the SAMSE model indicated that only 2.3–8.0 dolphins could be removed annually without causing a population decline in a stochastic environment. These results suggest that reported bycatch rates are unsustainable in the long term, unless reproductive rates are consistently higher than average. The difference between the deterministic PBR calculation and the SAMSE limits showed that deterministic approaches may underestimate the true impact of human-caused mortality of wildlife. This highlights the importance of integrating stochasticity when evaluating the impact of bycatch or other human-caused mortality on wildlife, such as hunting, lethal control measures, and wind turbine collisions. Although population viability analysis (PVA) has been used to evaluate the impact of human-caused mortality, SAMSE represents a novel PVA framework that incorporates stochasticity for estimating acceptable levels of human-caused mortality. It offers a broadly applicable, stochastic addition to the demographic toolbox to evaluate the impact of human-caused mortality on wildlife. 相似文献
Two kinds of regional disparities can be distinguished in Belgium. First there is the internationally well‐known dispute between Flanders and Wallonia. Secondly, there are large disparities within the regions. Three policy levels deal with these disparities: the (Flemish) regional level, the national government level and the EEC level. The purpose of this paper is to sketch the regional problems in Belgium, to analyse the policies that deal with them, to consider the co‐ordination problems between them and to shed some light on the public choice aspects of government interventions. It is concluded that regional policy in Belgium is a highly politicised affair. Furthermore public attention paid to regional policies has outgrown the importance of our regional disparities. Even other forms of micro‐economic policy are jeopardised by regional disparities and the resulting pressure. 相似文献